Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Chapter 23: Word Of Heroes And Villains: Part Finale

Chapter 23: Word Of Heroes And Villains: Part Finale

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"No one knows what the future holds, that's why it's potential is infinite."

- Okabe Rintarou, Steins: Gate


A.N.: This chapter is fucking HUUUUGE.

"I'm pleased to report that the villain... Dis. Has finally been defeated." Endeavor speaks in front of the press conference.

He is together with several heroes. And while he announces the defeat of the villain Dis and the end of his reign of terror, if anyone is careful. They would notice that he seems very uncomfortable doing this.

And many heroes beside him have strange expressions. As if trying to hold back their laughter, while others have solemn expressions.

But at the moment nobody cares.

Because Dis was finally defeated.


Some days before. On Hector's last day in the world of BNHA

Third person P.O.V.

At different locations across Japan, certain individuals began to emit a black liquid from their mouth. Many were surprised, but all of them are extraordinary individuals, so they don't panic. When they noticed that their surroundings had changed after being covered in black, they entered in high alert.


"Where are we?"

"All might?!"


"What is happening?!"

Dozens of people showed up in the lab where Hector was, and when they spot him, with a woman and a child. Everyone gets into battle stance. Even those without quirk.

Hector don't have his mask right now. His face exposed to the heroes for the first time. And he evens take off the changes in his appearence.

"Dis!!!" Midoriya screams in surprise.

"Pfffft HAHAHAA, is still funny" Hector says while covering his mouth to try to contain his laughter. "Sorry, the fifth grade is still very alive in me. My name real name is Hector by the way."

Hector says as he looks at Star and Stripe cautiously to see if she wants to attack. But even if she did attack, the various powers he has would alert him long before she makes a move.

Endeavor and Star begin to flex their muscles on guard...

"Calm calm. I don't want to fight. In fact, after today you will never have to worry about me again. Never!" Hector says raising his hands to placate them.

"Who would believe a word you say!?" Endeavor speaks.

"Give me back my quirk, your fucker?" Bakugou screams

"Calm down, Endeavor" Nighteye says adjusting his glasses and getting between the two groups. "Let's hear what he has to say."



All might and Mirio speak respectively. Everyone seems confused by the fact that Sir Nighteye is defending Hector. No wonder, after all these people have a bad experience with Hector.

All Might, Endeavor, Gran Torino, Principal Nezu, Eraserhead, all the teachers at UA, Midoriya, Bakugou, Starand Stripe, Mirko, Hawks, the remains of the heroes who had their quirks stolen, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, The big three, the teachers at AU and others. All of them are present ...

"Okay, okay Hear me out please. I've already made my promise that I won't do anything. But if you want a more realistic argument... Not even all of you together can do anything against me" Hector says suddenly turning serious.

The other group tenses up, but doesn't have the intention of attack anymore.

"He is right. Let's listen carefully." Nighteye give his support again.

"Thank you, Nighteye. To begin with, I would like to say that in a few hours I will disappear from your life. And I'll return all the stolen quirks and a few other things, so you can relax..."


"After all you've done? Do you expect us to believe that you will simply return the quirks?" Endeavor exclaims.

"Haah... That's why I'm saying listen to me in silence and until the end." Hector speaks tiredly. "I will return all the quirks from the heroic side of society. Except for one... [One for All]" He says raising his index finger.

This speech brings up another set of arguments. Midoriya and All Might seem heartbroken. Another group says the quirk is too powerful to be left in the hands of a villain. Endeavor being the most vocal in just starting another fight.

Hector lets them rant for a while until he reaches the limit. After all, his time is limited.

"Can you guys just shut up?" Hector says apparently calm but while release a intense pressure. Haoshoku no Haki, Bloodlust, the Force. Hector is almost a anime cahracter to this point.

The whole place shakes, and the group of newcomers trembles under the pressure Hector is putting on.

*HAH* *HAH* The more inexperienced ones are almost passing out.


Everyone is silent.

"Hector..." Lady nagant speaks from the back of the hall.

Hector's eyes widen when he hears her voice and disappears from where he is. In the next moment he is already hugging Eri kneeling and comforting her.

"Oh, Eri... I'm sorry... Really, really sorry... I lost my cool. I did wrong. Don't take it to heart, see? I messed up. Sorry for scaring you..."

This sight continues for a few minutes, shocking everyone. The difference in attitude is simply too much for the group that was teleported. They're used to a cocky villain, only to find a calm and gentle young man, and then the wrath of a monster, and now an older brother comforting his little sister... They can't wrap their head around this crazy situation.

After a while Hector turns to face the other group and speaks.

"Sorry for losing my cool. But I don't have the intention to receive any of you verbal thrashing... Remember this. You don't like me, and I don't like you. Okay. Don't think I'm going to follow your orders just because I'm acting nice right now..."

Hector gets up carrying Eri on his lap, while running a hand through her hair gently.

"Moving on I'ts not like I'm not returning [One For All] because I'm an asshole, there's a reason. Honestly, [One For All] is dangerous for the user and not needed anymore since I dealt with All For One." Hector starts walking.

"Do you know about the side effects of [One For All], All Might?" Hector asks.

"Side effects?" All might makes a confused expression.

"Well, [One For All] evolves to be much more than a quirk. It is a power that guards and takes the will of all holders. Getting stronger with each generation and eventually it will be too much for anyone to handle. And it will destroy the user's body." Hector says ominously as he stops in front of Midoriya. Making the boy gulp loudly.

"Alsosomeone who carries [One For All] will have their lifespan reduced. The user who lived the longest was the fourth, Shinomori Hikage who lived to be 40 years old and died of old age."

"What.. Impossible, All Might is still doing great.." Present Mic exclaims what everyone else thought.

"It's because All Might coincidentally has the requirement to not suffer this shortened lifespan side effect. And coincidentally, Midoriya Izuku has it too..." Hector says mysteriously as he starts walking towards Lady Nagant and delivers Eri into her arms.

"Requirement? I never knew about any requirement..." All Might says.

"It's because Shimura Nana and everyone else didn't know either..." Hector says shocking All Might and Gran Torino.

"How do you know my master's name?!?" All Might looks agitated.

"All in their due time" Hector say calmly " All other users with the exception of Shinomori Hikage didn't die naturally, they were killed by All for One. So no one knew about this requirement to use [One For All] without shortening its lifespan..."

"And the requirement would be... the user be quikless, right?" Principal Nezu intervenes.

Everyone's eyes widen at once.

"Bingo. As expected of the Principal. To explain this I would have to give a detailed explanation of how the body adapts to one quirk and can hardly sustain another. But the simple explanation is... A quirkless person is like a shapeless container that can mold itself to the shape of the quirk it receives, adapting to it, for now..."

"In the future [One For All] will become so strong that it will instantly kill the new user the moment it is passed. IF you still don't believe me, you can ask these guys..." Hector says pointing a thumb over his shoulder, and then seven figures begin to appear behind him.

"Shi-Shishou?! What kind of trick is this? How dare you use her image to-" All Might begins.

"Toshinori, calm down. It's me. Do you remember the day you told me about your ambition to become a symbol that people can depend on? It was a snowy day, we were on the side of a river... And Sorahiko, the day I said goodbye to Kotaro, I cried on her shoulder for a long time.." Shimura Nana speaks rapidly to confirm that it is herself and not a trick. She don't want anymore misunderstandings.

"Shishou? How...?"


Hector steps forward to explain.

"Quirks carry more than the power itself. They can carry traces of the person's personality and consciousness. [One For All] is an even more special case. Part of all users live in it... I can see them. You don't. I'm using other quirks like [Hologram] and [Glamour] to 'materialize' the users for all of you." Hector speaks.

"[One For All] is an extreme example, but all your quirks carry a little bit of you in them, your personalities can also be influenced by your quirks. Like a fiery or explosive temper." Hector says pointing to Bakugou and Endeavor.

"So since I've already made copies of your quirks, I can return them. In fact, they will likely come back even better. Maybe in strength, maybe with new qualities... Here, a example Bakugou." Hector then lifts his leg and...


A small explosion erupts from the sole of his foot. Shocking Bakugou.

"You'll probably be able to do that in the future, You're welcome." Hector says dismissively.

"Well giving back your quirks isn't the most important thing. What I'm going to leave for you all is much bigger. Follow me..." After saying that he starts walking towards a hallway.

"Toshinori, Sorahikodon't worry. You can trust him. Hector is a good person." Shimura Nana talks to All Might and Gran Torino.

"No, I'm not." Hector says turning abruptly, "Don't be confused, I came here with the full intention of stealing all of your powers. I'm only returning them because of the fortuitous situation where I can replicate and copy them, if not for that I'd have your quirks permanently... My other gifts and help are just for my own conscience too..."

After that, he keeps walking, not waiting for others to follow him. Shimura nana turns back to the others and repeats.

"He is a good person. Trust him." She repeats smiling, completely ignoring what Hector had just said "Let's go. There's a lot for you to see."

"By the way... I might as well do that now" Hector says turning around again and heading towards All Might with his hand outstretched.

Everyone tenses at his action, but Shimura Nana just smiles and nods at All might and he relaxes. Letting Hector do what he wants.

"Look, Eri. I'll give you a first hand example of using your quirk on humans. The key is to use it in a specific area... It will conserve your energy and won't affect what you don't need to rewind"

While explaining this a horn appears on Hector's forehead and begins to glow with a golden light together with his right hand that comes in contact with the left side of All Might's torso.

After a few seconds, changes begin to appear in All Might's body, he appears to be much healthier. He actually regains its bulky form.

*Puff* "I... I... I AM BACK!!" All Might exclaims doing on pose. And Flexing his recovered muscles.

"You need to be aware that I didn't just use your quirk, Eri. I used [Cell accelerion] too. That's why All Might is muscular now. Using [Rewind] I reversed the states of the organs that were destroyed and damaged, and with [Cell acceleration] I accelerated their recovery process by months. Now he's bulky because it's his body's natural state. You don't have [One For All] though, All Might.,, So no changing the weather with a punch. Be happy in be capable of breath normally."

When Hector says this he walks away and turns to Nighteye "Do you want to do the ultimate test?"

Sir Nighteye, cautiously approaches All Might.

"All might...can I?" he says extending his hand and signaling that he wants to use his quirk on him.

Sir Nighteye had promised himself that he would never again see someone's future too far, afraid to see that person's death. That promise began when he predicted All Might's brutal death at the hands of a villain.

The fact that he's willing to break that promise, and on All Might itself, shows the level of faith he has in Hector, and in the ability that Hector has to change the future.

For him, Hector is the person who appeared suddenly in the world, and therefore he is the only one who can change the destiny already written with his actions.

All Might seeing Sir Nighteye's determination just nods his head.

With trembling hands Sir Nighteye touches All Might and uses [Foresight]... After a few seconds he draws his hand back and brings it to his eyes.

"You... you will live till old age, All might." He says in a voice that everyone could tell he is holding back tears.

"Wha-Whattafck is happening here now???" Bakugou asks abruptly, many appear confused as well.

"This is something that only a select group of individuals are aware of." Principal Nezu starts. "Actually, after All Might's first fight with All For One, Sir Nighteye here, at the time All Might's sidekick, used his quirk that can predict the future on All Might to know what would happen to him in the distant future. .."

Midoriya, Endeavor, Bakugou and many others who don't know about this are paying close attention.

"What he discovered was disturbing He predicted that All might would die a brutal death at the hands of a villain within seven or eight years after that fight. Meaning All Might would die this year or the next."

" " " " ! " " " " "

"A-ah A-All Might, is that true?" Midoriya asks stuttering and wide-eyed.

"*Sigh* Yes, Midoriya-shounen. It's true." All Might responds with a forlorn expression..

"W-you weren't going to tell me?"

"You had a lot to worry about, my boy. I didn't want to add that weight to your shoulders. After all, there would be nothing you could do."

Midoriya just looks down shaking and clenching his fists.

"We have no reason to be depressed about something from the past, which has apparently been overcome, right Nighteye?" Principal Nezu intervenes before the weather gets heavier.

"Yes. As I suspect. In all my life, my quirk has never failed. But Hector is different, he's not of this world. Then his actions and interference would change what I saw in the past, from the moment of his arrival." Sir Nighteye responds with a small smile on his face.

"Is that why you were so cooperative with him, Sir?" Mirio asks.

"Yes. The death of All might was just one of many things I predicted would be changed for the better with Hector's methods."

"WHAT?! Sir Nighteye, did you cooperate with enemy behind our backs??!" Endeavor exclaims incensed and approaching the hero who can see the future.

"Yes." He responds without hesitation as he adjusts his glasses, "I know my cooperation with him could be considered treason, but for the chance to save All Might I would take any risk. I will accept any punishment and have no regrets." He speaks without blinking looking at the current number 1 hero.



"Calm calm." Hector interrupts " First of all, this 'cooperation' consisted only of him passing his and Mirio's quirks to me. Quirks that I refused to use against the heroes, precisely so as not to give the two any trouble" he exclaims

And everyone looks at him in surprise. Using the quirk that can see the future could give him an incredible advantage. Many were actually already thinking that the main reason Hector always seemed one step ahead of the heroes is because of the Nighteye quirk.

And now Hector says he didn't just use it to rid Nighteye of his guilt. It's hard for these people who've spent the last month vilifying Hector to process this situation.

"I said he's a nice guy. He is a tsundere." Shimura Nana 'whispers' mischievously loud enough for everyone to hear and receives a hard glare from Hector in return.

"He's telling the truth" Detective Tsukauchi says "Since we got here he hasn't tell a single lie. I can vouch on this."

"Thank you, Hector-shounen. I still greatly disapprove of your actions, but I thank you for saving me." All Might says seriously.

"Oh~ Did I receive the 'shounen' honorific? Nice. And whatever. Follow me, we don't have much time." He turns around again to finally go to another room.

All [One For All] users return to Hector's mind, with the exception of Shimura Nana, who stands very close to All Might and Gran Torino, talking about various things.


Principal Nezu P.O.V.

Nudging Aizawa to walk a little faster until he's side by side with Hector, I who am sitting on the professor's shoulders can get a good look at the man who turned japan into chaos.

He's actually quite young, at the age of being a student at my school.

"So... Hector-kun?" I begin. "I noticed you mentioned that you can copy quirksI wonder why you took the quirks from most, but left some, like myself and Star." I ask. He gives me a sideglance before answering...

"Like I said, at first I didn't know I could copy till I steal [All for One]... But there are some reasons behind my actions. First, removing the quirks would permanently lower your party's power without me having to do irreversible damage. Second, I didn't want to give out information that I could just copy a quirk so soon..." he says still looking straight ahead and walking away.

"I didn't remove Star and yours quirks, as well as many others I've copy sneakily, like Tsukauchi [Lie Detector] as example, it's because I didn't know if removing your quirk would make you go back to being just another animal irrational, and if when I gave it back you could become a different person.. As if would reset your consciousness, you know?" he goes on, and it makes sense, it scares me to think that I might lose my sense of self.

"And Star... I was afraid she'd use the qurik's power on the quirk itself... Making her destroy the user or something, before I steal. That's why I found it safer to just copy. And have my own version..." he says shrugging, but making the Star and Stripe heroine's eyes widen.

"You really know a lot about [New Order], huh? You've been prepared against me since day 1" Star and Stripe speaks bitterly.

"You are the strongest woman in the world, with the most broken power in the world. Obviously I have to watch out for you" Hector answers nonchalantly. "We arrived," he continues as we reach the end of the hall.

Leaving the corridor, we come across a large hall with the most diverse technological devices. It has giant but empty tubes, on one wall there are rows and rows of capsules with names written on it, another wall is full of monitors showing the lab situation, News and running simulations and in the center there are three items.

Two of them appear to be tightly closed high-tec coffins. One of them is bigger than the other, One for an adult and one for a child, I conclude.

And right in the center of the laboratory there is a large pillarthat reachs the ceiling, with several drawers and compartments. I believe young Hector will explain the items to us.

When everyone enters the great hall he turns to us and starts talking.

"We are below Jakku General Hospital. And This lab was owned by Dr. Kyudai garaki, an avid follower of All For One. Here he did various inhuman experiments and where he made copies of quirks and created the nomus. Publicly he was known as Dr. Shiga Maruta, the quirkless goodhearted doctor who created orphanages and clinics, and did philantropic work. Everything is a facade..."

Well, it's not that a surprise? Dr. Shiga Maruta died a month ago when a villain fell on him, but it appears the villain was "thrown" at him..

"Kyudai Garaki had a quirk [Longevity] that he gave to All For One, allowing the two to live for over a hundred years" he continues looking at Tsucauchi and All Might.

The two appear distressed. It is to be expected... such villainous acts being done right under our noses, and all of us ignorant of it.

"Yes, yes... This society is flawed. It's good that many things are coming to light lately, right?" Hector speaks. "Moving forward, I already take care of the Doctor and took over the Laboratory. Now let's get to what you care about most at the moment..." he starts moving the wall with rows and rows of capsules the size of a grown man's middle finger.

Taking two he shows us. It has two names: [Rabbit] and [Fierce Wings]. It can't be.. can it?

"Those are your quirks." He speaks confirming my hypothesis. "I don't have time to give back all of your quirks one by one. Each capsule has the name of the quirk and the original user. You just need to inject in the person." He says throwing the two capsules towards Hawks and Mirko. The two taking their respective capsules.

"The capsules can only be safe to be injected into the original user, because rejection will happen... But following that theory that a quirkless person can adapt to any quirk... maybe you can give it to someone without a quirk. Who knows I haven't tested it." he says nonchalantly.

"Your quirk should manifest in a few minutes, at most half an hour. These capsules were made following the research of Dr. Garaki and the quirk-erasing bullets made by Shie Hassaikai. " He says surprising everyone.

The quirk-erasing bullet problem was resolved abruptly, the underworld purveyor mysteriously disappearing. Now we know what happened... One more things that he did in the shadows. How many problems that we couldn't see in the light and were taken care of by this young man?

"I will explain later about Shie Hassaikai." He said looking quickly in the direction of the woman I recognized as Lady Nagant and the little girl named Eri.

"Today's main focus is this." He speaks pointing to the pillar right in the center of the room. "Are you aware of the Quirk Singularity theory?" he asks. And and the gears in my mind start to turn... can it be?

"Quirk singularity?" Todoroki-kun asks, but I see he's not the only one confused. I resolve to explain like the good educator I am.

"The Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory" I say bringing everyone's attention to me. "This theory believes that quirks will evolve and become more complex much faster than humans, much faster than humans can withstand, causing humanity to self-destruct. It was created, but not taken very seriously by the scientific community, 70 years ago by Dr... Kyudai Garaki. !!"


"Exactly... The very sidekick of All For One who came up with this theory. The same genius capable of replicating quirks and creating nomus. This theory is also believed by the recently extinct group Humarise and others... As you may have guessed... this theory is true. We already have an example nowadays of people with quirks too strong for their own body... They are more common cases when quirks are 'anomalies', that is, very different from the type that would come from their parents... Some examples would be this little girl Eri and Shigaraki Tomura, or Shimura Tenko as his birth name..."

Many turn their eyes to the little girl, but after the revelation that Shigaraki is a relative of the master of All might, everyone attention turns to her, who only expresses a sad expression on her face.

"By my calculations, and from the study of Doctor Kyudai Garaki's research, I can predict that people will start to be born with quirks that will destroy them at the moment of awakening in...70 or 80 years." Hector continues. "Many of you must already feel your bodies suffering when you use your quirks in excess, right? Endeavor, Bakugou, Aizawa... I researched and saw that your quirk is also an 'anomaly' right Aizawa? Your parents don't have a quirk like [Erasure], and your body suffers from dry eye because of it."

"And where are you going with all this, Hector-kun?" I ask already guessing the answer, looking at the big pillar behind him.

"It's because it's related to my main gift of course the Cure. A second chance for the whole world." He says looking to the pillar with a light smile in his face.


Hector P.O.V.

Looking at everyone's shocked faces I decide to explain.

"This month I worked in parallel on how to overcome the Quirk Singularity problem. It would take too long for me to start from scratch, so I took ownership of Kyudai Garaki's laboratory and research. It's not perfect and idealbut it's a start. " After that I turn around and press a button causing the pillar to open.

At the base of the pillar there is a cocoon-like place to someone to lay. And in the various compartments there are tubes the size of a the arm of an adult man.

"The cure is not as simple as I would like. The method is adapted from the Doctor. He and All For One had a plan to give [All For One] to Tomura Shigaraki, but for that they would need to improve his body. Shigaraki would go through a painful four-month metamorphosis process." I say

"In which his body would be improved and adapted to contain any quirk. Basically a new step for humanity. By the way, I think All For On wanted to use the fact that quirks carry a person's consciousness, to steal Shigaraki Tomura's body and gain a new life."


"Wha-. This is not possible." All Might says.

"I don't know if it's possible. But All For One is special, he lived for a long time, big Ego, genius intellect, strong power... Who knows. Even if he fails, he'll probably be happy to have a successor to fight the successor of [One For All]." I say looking at Midoriya, who looks nervous.

The gravity of the situation fall on everyone present. They were very close to being fucked up hugely by All For One, and they didn't even know it.

"Hector ended up getting in the way of their plans." Shimura-san says.

I sigh. I know what she's trying to do, she wants me to be acceptedrecognized. She doesn't want my legacy to be that of a villain, at least for this select group of you.

I appreciate the feeling, but it's not necessary anymore.

"Anyway, about the cure... I relied on that Doctor research." I say attracting everyone's attention. "This chamber will allow the person that use it to have their body leveled up to be able to adapt and resist their own quirk. Using This!" I say taking a tube.

"In this tube is a serum of my creation. This serum main component is... my blood." I say to everyone. "My power allows me to adapt and resist my abilities. So I created a serum to give this perk to everyone."

I isolated my secondary mutation. The one that helps me adapt and resist, to create this low-level version of my power. It will make the body grow strong, as strong as the quirk. And lessen collateral effects of their own power.

Stain and Kaina have already been injected and received the benefits. Eri's dose is saved for when she grows more... By the time she's 15, it should be enough.

Although I have confidence in my intellect, you always need to test before using something. And I haven't tested it on children.

It's impossible for me to be cloned by this serum by the way. I isolated only my mutation.

I will use this serum in the world of Marvel in the future as well. Many mutants suffer because of their powers. Rogue being the most famous example.

With this i can level the play field. Mutants will have a better control and resistance to their own power, making them functioning members of society.

I will give the ones who have to hide because of their bodies, They own place under the sun too.

I also have the theory that acquiring a stronger body by other means will help too... I'll see if I can combine it with the super soldier serum. It will be interesting to give this serum to my subordinates in the future. Everyone in my organization, even the minions beings a peak baseline human with high adaptability. Will be nice.

"The person that take this procedure will have to spend a maximum period of 15 days in the chamber, depending of they quirk strength, after being injected with the serum. At the end of the process the person will come out better and stronger and without any side effects from their quirk. It will even help the person to have a better control over the quirk itself, like that invisible girl from class 1-A. Maybe even allowing for an awakening" I say to everyone's wide eyes.

"As I said before the process is not perfect. I have 616 samples of the serum in this pillar. The goal is for my cure to be studied and improved. To be accessible and distributed to everyone. Ah.. There is a great chance of the serum being transferred to future generations naturally too." I keep

"All Might, Nezu... It would be nice to communicate David Shield and people you trust to work on this project. Your deadline is 70 years." I say looking at the two.

"This... this..." All Might tries to speak.

"Hector-kun. I don't know if I can trust you and everything you say now. I'll do tests first. But I feel that you are sincere. For your efforts, I promise that I will dedicate all my resources to making your plan possible. Make your efforts reach all the people of the world." Principal Nezu says seriously.

"Huhu. That's all I ask. That's why I prepared 616 samples. You can run the tests. But be careful. There won't be more after I go." I say putting the tube in my hands in its respective place. Now I just need to do one last villainous act.

"Computer. Upload 'Truth'. And remove identification by fingerprints, retinas and DNA. And change all passwords to: 1-2-3-4-5." I say. "Now you'll have access to the lab. It's yours to do whatever you want." I say turning to Nexu

"Thank you. But if I can ask, What is 'Truth'?" Nezu speaks.

I look at him. "It's just my last act as a villain. I've released all the shady works of the Hero Public Safety Commission on the internet. 'Truth' is a program that uploads documents and evidence over and over again. And then over and over again. And it keeps multiplying. Like mitosis . It's impossible to get off the internet completely."


"What types of shady deals?!"

I look to they schocked and confused faces and sigh.

"You guys don't know that to keep this society running as it was, a lot of blood was spilled under the covers. For example, Lady Nagant here... When she was a hero, she did assassination missions against many corrupt heroes and villains. All Might in the light and many other things in the dark. All to not tarnish the image of the heroes for the population." I say signaling to Kaina.


Many are downrigth incredulous. Seems like few really know that, huh? "Have you ever done something similar, Hawks?" I say turning to the winged hero. He doesn't have his usual carefree expression.

His crunched eyebrows gives the answer everyone seeks.

"How? What is he talking about?" All Might asks.

" really don't know, All Might? Poor you." I say "All Might, you are a good person, the best of the heroes. Alone, you ended an age of chaos and darkness. And you became a symbol of peace and prosperity. But you became too disconnected from the political aspects of society. You were so worried about being a 'natural Born Hero' that you let other people build society on top of the peace you created. It's these people who came to not care about people who don't fit in. Rejecting and discarding them... quirkless and with villainous powers... only to maintain the status quo" I say looking at Midoriya.

"I'm not saying you did anything bad, All Might. You were amazing... you also inspired a lot of people to be heroes too." I say gesturing to Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki. "But on the other hand also created villains in response to all the ostracism. The League of Villains is the best example of this...Just punching bad guys isn't good enough." I say sighing. I learn so much here. I have a direction to follow when I go back, I can't only be a caped crusader, a simbol of hope or something like that...

Beyond my hero persona, I will make "Hector" or other identity that I will create have tons of influence. Lex Luthor level of influence...

"What is Hector trying to say, Toshinori." Shimura-san starts. "It's just that people used the peace you created to try to re-establish the egalitarian society from before the emergence of the quirks. But that's impossible. Everyone is different... ever more now. So a template was created. And those who didn't fit that template were rejected, forgotten... maybe even villainized." Shimura-san continues. "It's not your fault, you already had too much on your hands."

"You were the most powerful man in the world, you were probably afraid to make political decisions alone." I interrupt "Afraid of becoming a dictator... Then your left the job of restructuring society to other people. It worked. But it's flawed... You alone holding the whole world on your back, people always counting on you to be a Deus Ex Machina. It's rare for people to go out of their way to surpass you. You've made the profession of hero easy..." I continue with another problem of this hero society.

"There wasn't a big danger. 'Because All Might is Here'. We see the consequences now, right? A society supersaturate with heroes. And the majority have already left the profession because things got a little more difficult, or because they are not celebrities anymore, in which people worship the ground they step on... The profession focus more in appearence and power than nature. As long as you have a good quirk you can be a hero, right Bakugou?" I say looking straight at the blondie.

Not giving the explosive bastard another look, I continue to speak. I know he can have his redemption, but it's not my problem...

"Well... This problem is not mine to solve. I exposed all the problems of today's society, now it's up to you guys to solve it little by little. I even became the villain so you guys have someone convenient to blame when I'm gone.. ." I say nonchalantly to the group, who seem lost in thought. Good. Reflect... finally!

"Well... Now that you've all started to think, I'm going to present some living examples of this society flaws. I'll start with you Endeavor." he looks surprised when I talk directly to him.

"Do your worst, villain." He says. Is this guy waiting for a fight till now?

"Hehe... I'm not the one who did his "worst". Computer, show cell 02." I say "You are the one that already did his worst" I say when the image of the numerous monitors change to show a individual.


Unlike usual his hair now shows its original white appearance, because I removed the dye using a water hose, very "gently".

Looking at endeavor, I see his eyes and mouth slowly widening. The flames that constantly adorn his body slowly diminish, until they become tiny sparks.

"C-can' Im-impossib-ble..." He starts mumbling like a broken record.

Glancing back, I notice everyone has confused expressions, with the exception of Principal Nezu, I think he's already connected the dots. Or not... He's a mouse, it's hard to read him.

"Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately... You are not mistaken, Endeavor." I start and Endeavor turns his head towards me robotically. Eyes pleading with me to say otherwise. That his assumption is wrong... I shatter this little hope without mercy.

"Dabi is your son, Todoroki Toya."


"Dabi can tell the story better, but it's something like... Endeavor here on his unstoppable quest to overcome All Might decides to win in another way: Producing an heir... Hey. All For One and now you. Is this a new trend? Or All For One copied you Endeavor? Damn. Even the greatest villain of all time wanted to learn from you in this regard..." I say putting salt in the wound. He deserves...

"Moving on... Endeavor wanted his descendant to surpass All Might. So he married his wife, obviously. He had 4 kids. He thought he got lucky with the first one. But although little Toya's flames and general quirk were really stronger than his dear father's, he had a problem: 'Little Toya's flames and general quirk were really stronger than his dear father's'" I say repeating myself.

"Toya had strong flames, but he inherited his mother's constitution. The constitution of being resistant to cold, not heat. See... Quirk Singularity makes its appearance again..." I say, gesturing to the pillar with the Cure. "Knowing that if Toya kept using the flames, he would only earn an early death, let alone a place in the heroic world. Endeavor gave up on Toya and shifted his focus to Shoto. The perfect son, with the two quirks, with fire and ice. But what about Toya?" I say exaggeratedly, and I see that I've caught everyone's attention with my speech.

"Toya can be a normal person, right? It's okay that he's not a hero, right? It's okay, right?"..." Wrong"

"All his life he listened to his father talking to him he would be a great hero. Who would surpass All Might. All his friends wanted to be heroes. He only knew this, and this was his world... And now everything has been destroyed. .. See the problem again, All Might?" I turn my face to the Bulky Hero, who has a complicated expression on his face. "The pressure and expectation that crushes little kids' shoulders... of being normal, and the normal being a hero."

"Toya didn't know another life... And he never stopped training... Even secretly. So he had an accident and was presumed dead. About the situation at Todoroki Household, you can ask him in the future." I say ending, I'm not going to get into these guys' personal problems. I don't know if Dabi can change. And if he can, I'm not the one who's going to make him change. This is something they must strive for on their own... I've already interfered with too much with Tomura.

"It-it is a-all my fault... How could I let this happe- I'm a failure." Endeavor starts saying while kneeling on the floor. The guy has a dead expression as he just stares into space.

He is broken inside.

Haah... This can't do.

Moving towards him, I slap the bastard.


Everyone is shocked and some even start to move to hold me.

"What do you think you're doing bitching right now? You don't have time for this, You don't have the luxury for this... Him!" I say pointing to the monitor "It's the result of your actions and you're going to confront your past. You're the number one hero now. And society sucks. No one would want to be in your position... But you're going to face it. Even if you fail, even after you fail. You'll keep holding on." And I crouch to keep eye level.

"You're not All Might, Shoto's not you. You've had a totally wrong focus until now. And from today onwards you will strive to fix everything... That's your hero name right? Endeavor... You don't choose anything like 'Fire lord' or anything related to how your powers work. You choose 'Endeavor'. Now you're going toput effort in this..."

Rising, Endeavor's eyes and everyone else follows me.

"But your effort won't be for you. Him, him and them." I say pointing to Dabi, Shoto and the other heroics students. "You will strive for them. For the future. Not as a Symbol of Peace, but a Flame of Hope. That can guide these little chickens to grow and become the better version of themselves. Until they're all ready to actually make this world a better place."

I don't sugarcoat. Endeavor don't need this.

"No one will thank you... People will hate you and despise you. Maybe you'll never mend the relationship with your family. But you'll keep moving forward. Because that's your role. That's you, Endeavor. ..the fruits of your efforts will not be for you to take." I look around.

"Hard times make strong men" I look at All Might. "And these strong men make easy times."

"In easy times weak people are born..." I look at a monitor that shows the news, and there's a hero resigning. "And those weak people will create hard times." I open my arms, signaling everything around me.

"And this difficult time now... I believe it will create the strongest of you all." I say looking at the new generation. "This is your era, Endeavor. It's not like you imagined. But your era will precede the best era this world has ever seen. And that will only be possible if you become the man and hero you should always have been." I finish looking straight into his eyes.

I finally see the light going back to him. He is still sad, shocked and even a little depressed.

But he is determined. That's all I ask.

My charisma and leadership is really high these days. Many of my cards have an absurd amount of charism. Very nice.

"Well... This is something you all will have to work on in the future, and I won't be here. Let's focus on the now. I have two things to show you." I say signaling to the high-tech coffins.

Hmm.. With who to start? Looking at All Might and Aizawa I decided to give the "gift" first, before the "burden"...

"This biggest coffin has a nomu: Kurogiri." I say to everyone's amazement. "Ah yes... You only know nomus as mindless beasts full of quirks. Well the Doctor was working on making High-end nomus, various quirks and high intellect. But Kurogiri is special. He only has one quirk and high intellect. But this qurk was artificially made by merging several others." I say to my audience.

And this concept of merging powers was very interesting. Being able to create new powers, or even merge several powers of the same type and make something bigger and better. I lost count of how many powers that increase my physical power I have, if I merge them all it will not only create something better. I won't need to focus on using several at once. It will save effort not having to multitask...

"Kurogiri is a nomu. One of the first. I read his information in the database. He was created from the body of a braindead person. His body was still alive... So the Doctor and All For One worked to 'revive' him by implanting a new personality and new quirks that merged, creating 'Kurogiri'." I say looking at Aizawa and Presente Mic. They're both not liking the way I look at them.

"Fun Fact: The quirk fusion concept came about with [One For All], All Might." I say to the surprise of the former number 1 hero. "You know how [One For All] was born out of a 'passable quirk' and a 'power accumulating quirk'. And nowadays it even guards the quirks of previous users. Fusing quirks helps the body not be overloaded. " I explain "Todoroki-kun has this gift from Mother Nature" I say shifting my view to Shoto. "A double-quirk. Which could very well be two different quirks, adapted to form his only one quirk. Obviously it has a restriction: Cold from the right side, and heat from the left side. That's nature's way of adapting your body. Very nice..." I say to those interested.

I studied a lot about quirks and powers. After all, now that I'm a Mutant(meta-human) I know which side I'll be on in Marvel. And my main enemies, like Mr. Sinister, The Sentinel Program and others. That whole thing of "Knowing yourself", I can't slack off.

"I'm sidetracking, sorry... What I mean is that Kurogiri here is made of a person that some who are present know, so prepare your hearts. Evil know no bounds.." I say sadly. everyone's eyes widen, after all it means that Kurogiri may have been a hero from the past who had his body desecrated by the villains. Nezu seems to have already figured it out, he looks pretty solemn and got off Aizawa's shoulder.

"Long ago, during a fight with a giant villain. All For One recovered and changed the body of an UA student. According to the files, they were after [Erasure]" I look straight into Aizawa's eyes, as I listen gasps around me. "But they settled for the other option."

"What are you trying to say?" Aizawa talks to me and starts walking towards me. Wow. He is scary.

"..." Keeping eye contact "Hear me till the end." Present Mic puts a hand on Aizawa's shoulder, but he also looks tense. He's not smiling excitedly like he usually is.

"Kurogiri [Warp Gate] was made by merging several quirks. The main ones being [Warp], the quirk that creates a black liquid from the target's mouth to transport it and... [Cloud], Shirakumo Oboro quirk, former student of the Heroic Course of U.A." I drop the bomb.

They act as expected. They look at the larger coffin and look solemn. Those who knew Shirakumo had a more exaggerated reaction. Midnight takes her hands to her mouth and turns over to cry. Principal Nezu closes his eyes slowly and lets out a sigh. Present Mic comes towards me and grabs my shoulders.


Aizawa and Tsukauchi come to help me.

"Hizashi... calm down." Aizawa speaks, but he doesn't seem calm at all. He's squeezing Present Mic's shoulder really hard.

"Present Mic. Everything Hector has said so far has been true." the detective says solemnly.

"Calm down. There's hope" I say and everyone turns to me at the same time.

"Wouldn't you be storing Kurogiri in such a technological apparatus if you didn't have a plan right, Hector-kun?" Principa Nezu says. It's true I could have left Kurogiri in a cell.

I Nod.

"Yes. Like I said, they didn't take Shirakumo Oboro's corpse. But Shirakumo in a vegetative state. You could say that the transformation into Nomu saved his life. That is... if they weren't the ones who attacked him in the first place. ." I say, but seeing that Present Mic is going to start screaming again I quickly continue.

"I already got him back to normal" I say, and damn... I got scared that someone would die from whipslash. How quickly necks turned.



Many start talking at the same time.

Raising my hand to silence them I start to explain.

"To explain the process, I'll have to give you some information first." I approach Eri and use a weak quirk, [Silence Ball]. The concept is similar to Corazon's Devil fuit from One Piece. But it just makes Soccer Ball size space with no sounds. I take from a small thug from Shie Hassaikai, he puts in his foots, to move sneakily. I put the quirk in Eri Head, because she doesn't need to ear this.

"Eri's quirk, as you've already noticed from my conversation with her is [Rewind]. [Rewind] gives the user the ability to reverse a living being's body back to a previous state. The Quirk is the result of an extremely rare mutation, and bears no resemblance to any Quirk on either side of Eri's family's lineage, is what I call 'anomaly'. Her quirk is so strong that at the moment of awakening... She has rewound her father enough to the point where he doesn't exist anymore..." I say sadly. Eri isn't listening to me, but shows a confused expression... To fool her I start to show a more cheerful expression and pull her cheeks.



"Because of that, she is abandoned by her mother. Saying that she is cursed or something like that. Her grandfather goes to take care of her, till one of his subordinates... Kai Chisaki sees Eri's value in creating the Quirk-erasing bullets. Eri suffered from experiences for most of her childhood, until I rescued her at least a month ago."

"That's awfull..."



Many heroes are outraged by this fact.

"Eri is another example of rejection by this society. And how it turns a blind eye to those who don't fit in... Besides that her quirk helps prove the Quirk Singularity theory. Her quirk is an anomaly, and strong enough that from the beginning she has already been able to reverse more than 30 years of a person. A danger to the people around her in the case... Can you imagine if many quirks like these or Tomura's start to appear in the future? 4 years old kids with no control over their powers, simply going in rampant without being capable of stopping..." I let the thought sink in them..

Enjoying that everyone is lost in their thoughts. I make the bigger High-tec coffin monitor turn on and show the person inside.

Looking exactly like Shirakumo, only older. There's Kurogiri, a oxygen mask in his face and some devices reading his vitals.

Squinting I see Aizawa's eyes fill with tears for a moment before he wipes it away, but present Mic isn't that subtle.


"[Rewind] only affects the physical aspects of a person. So even using it, it wouldn't erase the memories of what the person has lived through. But I have much better control than Eri.. So I, little by little, rewind the chemicals of his brain too. To the state before his transformation in Kurogiri. I didn't use the quirk completely unrestrained. That's why he looks more grown-up, and must remember the time as Kurogiri. But his brainwave readings are totally different from Kurogiri's. . And he is already stable, he just needs to wake up..."

"And what are we waiting for??? Wake him up now." Present Mic speaks quickly.

"Calm down. In two days you can wake him up. He is still going through the Quirk Singularity Healing process. I went all out. He will wake up better than before, I was scared of the quirk [Warp Gate] which is different from [Cloud], influence his personality. Or even save some remnant of 'Kurogiri', causing future problems..." I explain.

"Damn... Your really thought in everything, right?" Captain Celebrity talks about his place.

"Very impressive, Hector-kun. I have no words to thank you for what you did." Principal Nezu speaks.

"Well... you'll thank me if you make all my plans keep working even after I leave, if I can ask for something..." I say, looking at Shimura-san.

I move to the lower high-tec coffn. I turn on the monitor and show the child inside.

"This is Shimura Tenko... Tomura Shiraki before the trauma. I would like you to take care of him." I speak to everyone, but mostly to All Might.

This is the "burden" I will leave. And it was the best way to deal with Tomura and I followthe wish of the holders of [One For All].


All Might P.O.V.

Today, since I set foot in this laboratory, my world has been turned upside down several times.

First the revelation that the villain is so young and not our enemy. That I had a certain hunch since my encounter with him on Kamino. I never felt even a bad intention from him. It confused me a lot at the time, enough that I started to think that maybe he saw everyone around him as insects, so he didn't show anything... He didn't see us as people.

This is the most dangerous type of villain. He has nothing holding back.

But now it has been revealed to me that it is very much the opposite. He cares about people, especially little Eri. In hindsight, makes sense... he never killed any heroes... His attitude towards criminals and others is in stark contrast.

Knowing that he will return the quirks was a relief, although his refusal to return [One For All] leaves me ready to protest. But listening to his motives and seeing my master again... Threw me out of loop.

Being healed then...

Then he talks about the Quirk Singularity Theory and the cure that he developed. Anyone can see that although he is not a hero, his intentions are good.

He was waht I envision one of the first vigilantes to emerge looking like. The pioneers who set out to save the world from chaos. They didn't have the time or inclination to smile or act like today's heroes. They just saved people and improved the world around them.

Hector-shounen has never been to a hero school, not that he needs to, so his methods are unconventional, to say the least. But he was guided by Shishou and the other holders of the [One For All] and also received their approval, I know he will walk a path of justice.

And apparently his time in this... world (?) is limited. I'm a little confused about this, but I won't interrupt.

I know he's a good guy, he went out of his way to save Aizawa's friend, even though he didn't owe anything. He might talk like he doesn't care, like he just does it on a whim, but he really is a good person, just like Shishou said. A little Tsundere though. HAHA HA

"What are you laughing at All Might?" I hear Hector-Shounen talking to get my attention.

He, the Principal and Tsukauchi were having a little conversation about the U.A. traitor. And about the fate of Shigaraki Tomura, my teacher's grandson. I wish to help with I can.

"Nothing really, Hector-shounen. But you're talking about Shigaraki..." I say bringing the conversation back to the topic that worries me.

"Yes... As I was saying. Initially I just wanted to kill Tomura Shigaraki and leave it at that. He is very unstable and stubborn. Wanting the end of societyand to destroy everything. And even if I just take his quirk, he would bring pain just by existing. " I flinch with his statement.

"But Shimura-san here convinced me to let him live, but at the same time I know he's a problem. and letting him live would just be favoritism because of his relationship with Shimura-san, for me he's no different from the other villains... So I thought of a middle ground." Hector-shounen explains "Before Shigaraki Tomura became what he is today, he wasn't much different from any other boy his age. His story is even a little similar to Eri's so I decided to give him a second chance."

"I will briefly tell his story. As a young boy, Shimura Tenko, the son of Shimura Kotaro, also admired heroes. But he had to suppress this admiration because of his father, who despised heroes." Hector-shounen gives a sideglance to Shishou. She is looking at the floor, depressed.

"To him heroes are: 'people who hurt their own families... only to help complete strangers.'" Myself and many flinch with that statement, I see Gran Torino approaches Shishou to comfort her. "One day, Little Tenko had a big fight with his father over this. I won't go into details about their family dynamics. But that was the tragic day he awakened his quirk... And you know what His quirk is, right? And you've seen the hands he uses over the body he calls 'family', right?" I can only stand still clenching my fists.

So many bad things happened and I couldn't do anything. I know I'm just one. I know I can't save everyone... But I could have tried harder... Investigated more...

"Don't torture yourself for the past, All Might." Hector-shounen's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. It's no use thinking too much about the past. The only direction that matters now is forward. That's why I'm giving you a chance to fix things, but I'll talk about the risks..." He approaches the small coffin presses some buttons. Showing some information from Tenko-shounen sleeping inside.

"As I said before, [Rewind] only works on the body, I can't rewind his memories or mind. And unlike Kurogiri, who was an experiment, Shimura Tenko became Shigaraki Tomura by himself. Obviously he was influenced by All For One... But it was a natural course for his situation. So All Might... Can you guarantee that he won't go back to becoming Shigaraki Tomura? That at some point maybe his memories will come back and it will all be for nothing? He is a ticking time bomb. I used the quirk to rewind him until before [Decay] awakening, but what happens in the event that he gains his quirk again?" Hector-shounen looks at me seriously. Even though I'm a foot taller than him, I still feel the pressure and seriousness of the situation.

But I don't hesitate.

"Leave it to me. I believe little Tenko has suffered too much and circumstances have made him become a villain. This time I will stand for him, and I will take full responsibility if things go wrong." I say seriously.

Hector-shounen seems to look at me for a minute, but he lets the corner of his mouth smile slightly and speaks.

"I see your determination All Might. Relax, I made your job easier. I altered his memories, actually erased as much as possible... What I did was no different from killing Shigaraki Tomura. And letting Shimura Tenko be reborn. And so was I want. And I changedhis quirk factor." Hector shrugs his shoulders.

"Did your cahnge his quirk factor?" Principal Nezu asks curiously.

"Yes, as I backtracked him to before awakening the quirk [Decay], which was an anomaly in his family. I modified and change it to a quirk more... tame. And compatible." Hector speaks as he closes the small coffin.

"What quirk?" I ask.

"[Float]" Hector responds and walking to the lab's central computer, not looking back.

Looking to the side I see my Shishou with her hand over her mouth as she tries to suppress her tears and Gran Torino just smirking muttering something like her still being a crybaby.

Looking at the retreating back of Hector-shounen, I think he really is a good person.

And as Shishou spoke... A tsundere.


Still All Might P.O.V.

After a minute, and Shishou calming down, Hector-shounen returns holding a syringe and device in his hands.

He approaches and hands the device to Principal Nezu. It must be some information or instructions for the future.

After that, he addresses Little Eri and Lady Nagant. It looks like he's leaving. Seeing the little girl hug him so tightly makes me feel sad for Hector-shounen's departure.

After a few minutes he turns around and abruptly removes his cloak. Showing the costume underneath. And he throws his cloak high in the air.

Without explaining anything he turns his arm into a rifle. Lady Nagant quirk... And shoots the cloak twice in the places that would be the head and the heart. Quickly retracting the rifle he makes flames appear out of his hand and shoot towards the cloak. Burning it a little... Don't tell me he...

When the cloak finally drops, he grabs it with one hand and heads for Endeavor.

"With that the villain Dis is dead. Use it wisely." He speaks handing over the damaged cloak into the hands of the current pillar of society.

"You all know that Lady Nagant here was a victim of the system. Help me make this a second chance for her." he says seriously.

"Hector-shounen... I will never be able to reward you enough. Don't worry... I will use my influence to clear Lady Nagant's name." I say seriously. I'm tired of being passive with these decisions, even if no one supports me I will fight so that Lady Nagant is not arrested.

"While she committed murder, I believe she has already paid enough. I will help so that she can no longer be arrested." Principal Nezu supports me.

We can both do a lot with our influence.

"That's all I ask. Kaina-san will take care of Eri. I don't want a runaway life for both of them... By the way, before I transported you here I went to restore Ingenium and Eri's biological grandfather in the hospital. Be quiet that it was me..." Hector-shounen speaks. As if it wasn't much.

"And one more thing. When your guys explain how your all beat me... Say it was self-destruction that helps... hehe"


"You know... like the common trope that the villain absorbs power and the hero is like 'Iaaargh, It's my power that you want?? So take everything! AAAh" Hector-shounen says while reenacting an imaginary fight.

"This will prevent people from chasing power recklessly in the future. It will be like a warning. I don't want anything speeding up Quirk Singualrity Doomsday. And it might also bring attention to the problem." Hector-shounen concludes more seriously.

"You really thought of everything, Hector-kun" Principal Nezu praises.

But Hector just shrugs.

"Wai-wait..." I hear a shy voice speak from the back of the group. "I know what you did was great. And nobody can argue with the results. But you couldn't have come clean to the heroes. We could have helped... you had cause a lot of suffering for your actions.." Yaoyorozu- shoujo speaks. Her thinking has a little bit of truth... If we'd worked together from the start we could have achieved many things... but... I think with a grimace of all the difficulties.

Hector-shounen approaches Yaoyorozu-shoujo slowly. She flinchs seeing him come closer. But when he's close enough, Hector-shounen just pats her head.

"Eh?!" It's not just her who's confused.

"So inocent..." Hector-shounen says as he grabs Yaoyorozu-shoujo's cheeks and starts molding it between his fingers.

"Staahp" she protests. But he's not hurting her, so no one intervenes.

"You're so innocent Yaoyorozu-chan. First... answer me All might. Would you trust someone who has [All For One]?" Hector-shounen says turning to me, but not learning to stretch the young heroine in training's in the cheeks.

"...I can't say I would." I truly answer.

"Exactly. And second.. I said my priority is my personal growth.I want to grow strong and i did some bad things during my quest to achieve my goal. It doesn't matter to me... But when I'm gone..." Hector-shounen explains.

"...the responsibility would fall on us who associate with you." Principal Nezu concludes.

"Bingo." He says finally removing his hands from the black-haired girl's face.

"Working together for a better future" Hector-shonen says almost mocking "It looks nice on paper but that's not how it would work. The truth is that bureaucracy and corrupt people in power would delay my work. My deadline was of a month. We could never trust each other 100%. And I had to expose society's problems, which is what Hero Commission doesn't want... And you guys work for the Hero Commission... So it's much better for me to play the villain, expose the problems, and then be defeated. To make room to a new system. You can blame it all on me. Except for things I've already exposed on the internet. Heroes will be seen as pawns that have been manipulated, not villains."

"You really thought of everything..." Aizawa says.

It's even scary how far he planned.

"I cheated." He says shrugging his shoulders. He is really humble.

After this conversation he turns to Midoriya-shounen.

"You seem to have been the only one in a bad situation today, Midoriya..."

"Ah-eh... Its' look like that. But I don't care... Thing will be better, so-so... everythins is good." Midoriya-shounen responds nervously.

"Um... But you still want to be a hero, don't you?"

Midoriya-shounen looks down, and clenches his fists...

"I-I want... but I don't know if... *Bonk*" Hector-shounen hits him on the head.

"Ouch. Why did you do that?!"

"Stop being a wimpy. The truth isI don't like you." Hector-shounen says seriously and Midoriya-Shounen Flinches. "You wanted to be a hero, but you never trained before you met All Might. I know people who face very dangerous guys with pistols or a bow and arrow. You have no excuse for acting that way."

Hector-shounen after saying that turns to Bakugou-shounen.

"But I can understand your lack of self-confidence... If you've heard all your life that you're a loser... it's hard to change, right? Without any support it's hard to take that first step. The step that defines those who succeed and those who don't. Those who try and those who give up..."

"Listen to me here, Midoriya... I'm not going to say any inspiring words to you now and give you approval. I don't know if you can be a hero, or even if you'll be a good one... So my approval means shit." Hector-shounen continues.

Despite him saying that, I feel he will help Midoriya-shounen.

"BUT DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING! ME, BAKUGOU AND EVEN ALL MIGHT... SEND WHOEVER TRY TO THROW YOU DOWN TO FUCKING THEMSELVES AND GO DO WHAT YOU WANT. I believe in second chances. .. Here's yours." Hector-shounen speaks as he extends his hand to show the syringe he was holding.

"On Kamino I collected your blood for research. And I can't and won't give you back [One For All], so I made you a quirk." As expected, Hector-shounen is a good person. "This quirk is based on one of my original powers. Enough to make your a top hero in the future." This gets everyone's attention.

"Spider physiology. With this quirk you will receive dozens of tons of physical strength, not on the same level as All Might, but it will be enough. The real prize is the other abilities..."

"Other skills?"

"Wall climbing, strength, reflexes, speed, invisibility, bioelectricity and a 'danger sense'. I converted this 'spider physiology' into a quirk. You as a quirkless person, and I take your DNA to make this serum compatible. With this you will have no problem continuing your heroic course." Hector-shounen says handing over the syringe. "You'll get the powers about 12 hours after injecting. Fun fact: these powers are similar to the previous users of [One For All], so it's an adequate compensation."

"Hector-shounen. Thank you." I say sincerely.

"Thank you so much, Hector-kun!" Midoriya says excitedly and with tears in his eyes.

"Ugh...stop that." He says turning around and going to talk to Shishou.

"Thank you for everything you've done, Hector" Shishou says smiling.

"Whatever... Shimura-san... It's time."

"Yes... Time for all of us to disappear."


"" I say

"It's okay Toshinori. It's only natural. We exist to fight All For One, we're just ghosts from the past..."

"You know Shimura-san... In your case, I can't do anything now. But I have your DNA, from one of Tomura's hands... And where I come from, it's not impossible to transfer the mind to a body. And in some years, when I get stronger you can be reborn." Hector-shounen says.



But shishou just give a slight smile.

"It's okay, you don't have to. I'm happy to exist now. I was able to see and speak again with Toshinori and Sorahiko. I met you, Hector. But I don't need to push more than that... I can rest in peace." She calmly responds.


"It's okay Toshinori. I want to say I'm very proud of you. You exceeded all my expectations. Good Job." She says smiling and giving me a thumbs-up.

"Shishou..." I can't hold back the tears.

"But before go. Hector, do that." she says abruptly, turning to Hector-shounen.

"No." Hector-shounen responds immediately.

"Come on, do it."

"I won't, I don't have to."

"You will feel better."

"I feel really good now."

"Don't be a Tsundere."

"Shut up, Gilf."



I don't know what's going on anymore. Hector seems to be denying something...

"OKAY, OKay. I do it." Hector-shounen finally accepts.

Shishou just smiles and give an encouragement. "Go on"

"Tch." Hector starts walking towards us, grimacing.

When he gets a good distance away... He sighs and...

He bows...

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused. I know the results are good, but it doesn't erase the bad deeds I've done. For this I apologize."

He is... He is... apologizing...

He straightens up and walks away without giving us a second glance. We are all shocked...

"Happy?" He says to Shishou.

"I'm proud of you, Hector. You've come far. Don't lose yourself. In the future, if you feel down and depressed... Remember your origins, your child-like admiration for heroes and your desire to do good." Shishou says smiling at him.

He just nods seriously.

"Now... do it" Shishou says and the other users appear again.

"Goodbye, everyone. I have a good time. I heard once in the past that people don't die when they get shot or exploded. People die when they're forgotten... I'll never forget you... I have a good memory. You guys will live with me anyway." Hector says.

And we all watched in silence as the users disappeared into tiny particles of light.

They disappear giving advice or wishing good luck to Hector-shounen.

"Haah. I think it's my time now." Hector-shounen speaks.

He turns to us and says.

"Eri... Kaina... You guys are strong. It's going to be okay." he says turning to duo.

"And you guys..." He looks at us intensely.

"Hector-kun. Don't worry. I won't waste your efforts." Principal Nezu speaks and everyone agrees "The world will not know about you, but we will never forget you."

Everyone agrees again. Many thank him like Aizawa and Present Mic. And even Endeavor. Present Mic is even crying and hugging him and calling him "pal".

"Before I go, I'd like to say something... 'Dis' is the temporary villain name I used. In the future I'll use another one for my 'super' activities, huhu. And I'd like to share it now. remember me by that name..."

"My codename will be... Eidolon. It stands for an idealized person or thing or; a specter or phantom. I believe it embodies my style... I will work hard to become the ideal version of myself and try to inspire others to do the same. But on the other hand, I will work in the shadows, as a ghost for the betterment of society. Besides that 'Eidolon' is a kind of bat... And I will be paying homage to a certain person. Who served as a foundation for who I am as a 'super'."

"Eidolon is a nice name. Approved." Midnight speaks giving a thumbs-up.

"Yes. It's very nice."

"huhu. Now, don't ever forget... I SOLO'ED ALL OF YOU SUCKERS. HAHAHAAHA"

With that, hector-shounen, Eidolon, disappears in a beam of light.

Everyone looks shocked. But one after the other, we started laughing.

I don't know to where he is going back, but I wish I could talk with him more. And I know that I'm not the only one.




Principal Nezu P.O.V.

I take a sip of my tea as I watch the newcomers in the meeting room.

A lot has happened since we announced the defeat of the villain "Dis".

Society is getting back to normal. Many heroes who tried to return to the profession received harsh criticism from the public, and eventually dropped out again.

Did you foresee even this, Hector-kun?

"How is your class, Aizawa-sensei?" I ask the sleep deprived hero.

"Better than I expect. Bakugou finally starts using his foots, after not being approved in the Provisional Hero License exam. And Midoriya, has already adapted very well to his new powers. He is already tied with Todoroki in performance." Aizawa responds.

Um.. Bakugou because of his pride, for a long time he refused to use the improvements Hector-kun made on his quirk. But it looks like he's finally over that.

"That's good. To achieve his goal, he has to give his all." I say calmly.

Turning to the new addition to the faculty I ask.

"And you Shirakumo? How are you? And Tenko?" I ask the recovered Shirakumo Oboro. He recently passed the hero exam and got his lynx. In addition to patrols with Eraserhead he is the substitute teacher at U.A.

The fact that his quirk is [Warp Gate] still proves invaluable to the heroes' side. He already works with many agencies. Hector is very considerate, he even made the fog coz light-blue like his hair, so they wouldn't associate him with Kurogiri.

"Haha. I'm great Principal. I've adapted. It was easy because Shota and Hizashi haven't changed a thing. Shota is stil grumpy as ever. ahaha" he says laughing and Present Mic joins in. It's nice to see the three friends together. "Eri and Tenko are currently being looked after by the Big Three. Mirio and Nejire are very good with them."

Shirakumo and Tenko have been undergoing psychological follow-up to see they are really okay. He does not care. He's also attached to Shimura Tenko-kun, maybe it's from his time as Kurogiri, or maybe it's just his personality, after all he was the kind of guy who couldn't leave a kitten in the rain alone.

"Eri is here too already? If she is..." I say.

Entering through the door the former Hero Lady Nagant enters. And currently the heroine Lady Eidolon.

She changed her name and went back to being a heroine. In the files that Hector uploaded on the internet, there was information about her suffering, and everyone thinks she infiltrated Dis's inner circle and helped to defeat him, she is already the Top 2 hero, behind only Hawks. Endeavor has dropped a lot in rank after he publicly confessed his past mistakes.

But he didn't stop being a hero and putting effort into improving his relationship with his family. Hector words really reach him.

Lady Eidolon is in black, and her hair is in a bun. She currently has to be the strongest hero in Japan. Hector wasn't stingy about giving her several support quirks, as she now can withstand it. Nothing too strong, only to help a little. As a quirk that helps control her hair (that's why her hair is already big), since her amnition is hair and a quirk to fly., and others.

Nobody knows how many more she has, she doesn't reveal.

"Lady Eidolon, glad you came, please have a seat." I say

"Principal..." she nods and sit. And she starts snacking on the table.

"How is Eri?" I ask.

"Very good, she's already made friends in her own age." Lady Eidolon speaks with a small smile on her face. Eri and Hector are the only things that can make her smile nowadays.

Eri... Before leaving, Hector left me a gift for Eri. Several syringes that will give quirks to Eri. In case she wants to pursue a career as a hero.

I was surprised that he would trust this to me and I even went to discuss it with Lady Eidolon, she just shrugged her shoulders and said she "Trust Hector's judgment if he trusts you"

Seeing the name I know there are several quirks to help little Eri. [Longevity], [Super Regeneration], [Tactile Telekinesys] of Captain Celebrity and many others. With this Eri can become the strongest in the World.

Speaking of the things Hector left behind, it wasn't all a gift.

"Now that everyone is here, we can talk about the 'Gifts of Eidolon'" I say and everyone gets serious.

Looking around I see the faces of the various people who were there that day. And many who were not, but are reliable.

"First... All Might. What did David Shield report?" I turn to former number one hero, who seems very healthy. In fact, Hector secretly left a quirk [Power] for All Might to use. He didn't say anything so All Might wouldn't have the pressure to go back to being a hero. He spoke of the importance of All Might's retirement being the end of an old era. Because of this All Might refrain to come back from his retirement. But he helps when can.

Thanks to Hector, All Might ended up as invincible. Only defeated by a villain's trick. He has the best record and will stay that way forever. And everyone knows about All Might's sacrifice now.

"David has nothing but praise for the E-serum. He said that is the work of a genius, and that he himself would need years to replicate something of that level. Thanks to all the research Eidolon left behind, he predicts he can have a more simplified formula for the public in 10 years." All might speaks to everyone's delight and surprise.

"And he did it in a month, really absurd..."

"Hector didn't start from scratch. Kyudai Garaki had been working on the metamorphosis to Tomura for decades, using his own blood Hector managed to 'cheat' a little... in his own words." Lady Eidolon talks while eating a snack. "But he said he could complete a perfect cure in three years." She concludes.

He he. She has to say that Hector is superior to David Shield, huh?

"Ahem. That's really good All Might. And how's the arrest going on all those people related to All For One?"

Tsukauchi responds.

"Investing one by one is complicated. Many have been threatened, so we're being careful not to apprehend anyone unfairly. But that brings up the Aoyama issue..." Tsukauchi knew looking at everyone.

Aoyama is a sore spot for U.A. faculty. The traitor. Hector left all the information about All for One dealings, and explained to us about Aoyama's situation.

Hector is a nice guy, he didn't speak publicly about Aoyama, letting us deal with the situation all we see fit.

"I believe circumstances forced Aoyama-shounen to do what he did. We need to help him in addition to scolding him a little." All Might speaks in defense of the young would-be hero.

The meeting continues, and we discuss various issues of how to best use the gifts left by Eidolon.

"I think with that we can finish for today. Thank you all for coming" I say concluding the meeting.

When everyone stands up, an unexpected person speaks.

Recovery girl goes to Lady Eidolon and asks.

"Dear... did your period is late?"


Well... Did Eidolon leave us one last and unexpected gift?


A.N.: End of this arc

Damn, it was a lot longer than expected.

Can you all believe I wanted it to last only 4 chapters?

Many people don't like the Bnha arc, but this arc is about the Mc growth.

The Mc grow in strength, acquire powers, learn about differents subjects, learning about heroing, about villainy, create bonds, create a little relationship, learn about his own morals, make mistakes.

This arc is all about the MC character development. Sincerely I don't understand the people that read the first chapter and drops.


I will make a note about the future of the history.

But I can give a little spoiler.

Before the next Gacha will have: High School, X-men, Avengers, Kingpin, Summons, and the start of MC organization.

Wait for it. Till next time.


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