Merged Soul: Reincarnated in a Dark World

Chapter 5: Hes not human

Chapter 5: He's not human

The scene slowly played in 2 eyes as she watched the bullet move towards Derek with insane speed, she concluded that Derek was dead, but her eyes widened when she saw him twist his body and the bullet swooshed past him, though it still wounded him before 2 could react.

Derek had appeared before 4 with his knees colliding with 4 helmet, 4 flew in the air for a few meters before smashing into the ground, his consciousness blurred but the aI in his suit acted fast as a green serum came out and injected into his body, this all happened inside his suit and within few seconds.

2 was shocked to see a normal man hit 4 who was clad in a heavy Exo suit to such a state. She grabbed a small, round object and threw it at Derek. BOOM!!, it exploded and white smoke covered the place; the gas made Derek slow down. 2 did not miss this opportunity and retreated.

4 got up and followed her. He raised his gun and shot at Derek's position. Derek ran and hid behind a half-destroyed wall.

"What the hell just happened", 4 screamed, even though he had seen many things he had not seen a man who could almost kill him with one hit and that's with the protection of his exo suit, he was sure that without his suit his head would have been crushed.

"I don't know, but we should get to the convoy and fast! We don't know what exactly....", 2 couldn't finish her words as they heard a huge noise, and they both fired at the spot the noise came from.

"Code red, code red!! We've met a survivor, but he's abnormal. We need immediate assistance, ", 4 hollered, his voice was transmitted to the others, even the people at the convoy heard him.

"Retreat, I need you back here ASAP!". Both 2 and 4 heard the captain's orders and increased their pace, while retreating 4 asked a question that had been confusing him "Are you sure it's a human we saw there, not even a teleporter can cause such damage with his body".

"He is a human. I don't think a new species of nightmare can appear, but if it is, then we're doomed," 2 said with slight panic.

The two species of nightmares were winning the war. Another addition will devastate humans.

Two exo soldiers were about to go back to the convoy, but they saw a light ahead of them. One of them walked towards the source, and when he approached, he saw two long daggers on the ground glowing with bright silver light.

Before he could say anything, both daggers disappeared. He frowned and said to his partner, "We need to go, now!!". The other soldier was still confused, but he nodded and followed his partner without a question.

They both ran towards the convoy. When they got close, the sounds of intense gunfire quaked their eardrums. They gripped their guns tightly and their index fingers were closely pressing to their triggers.

The captain frowned when he heard the loud sound of the T2-powered guns. He knew it was from either 2 or 4. but didn't understand what they saw, but code red meant danger and he had to be ready.

"To your positions!" He yelled. The five soldiers nodded and moved to different positions. Two of them ran into tall buildings, mounted their sophisticated guns on the ground, close to the windows, and softly said "Ready!!". Their rifles indicated their identities; snipers.

Machine guns came out from two vehicles. The drivers who were also soldiers went to the top of the vehicles and manned the machine guns, and within a few minutes, they were prepared and sixteen Exo soldiers had returned.

The captain looked around and asked, "Where are 7 and 20?". He squinted his eyes and entered his vehicle, pressing a device. He opened his mouth. "Where the hell are you two!!", His voice boomed.

"We saw something, sir, it's very unusual" he heard 7 voice, the captain's brows raised, and he said solemnly, "What did you see?!!".

"It was two long spatial daggers with a bright silver light and they were identical". He heard 20 voice.

He frowned and muttered, "A dagger that glows". He couldn't believe it, but his men wouldn't joke.

"Where's the dagger?", He asked.

"We don't know sir, it disappeared right after we heard the code". He heard 7 voice.

His eyes widened, and he switched the COM to 2 and 4 "Stop shooting and return to the convoy fast!!!", the alarm laced in his tone woke the two soldiers from their shooting frenzy.

"Understood!!", They both replied and retreated quickly.

Soon they all gathered and aimed their weapons in the direction 2 and 4 came from, but the duo was being questioned by the captain, "What happened, are you sure it's a human", he asked in doubt, an unevolved human could never cause any of his men to panic like this.

"He is a human, but an abnormal one, I think he has awakened and he heard 4 stupid grumblings and now he wants to probably kill us all… or maybe only him" she added sarcastically "he must have gone to the blue district and found out they were left behind", 2 said while shaking her head.

"He is not a human and should be eliminated, ", 4 said firmly. 2 stared at him angrily, but as she wore a helmet, no one knew that she was angry.

"How thick is his murderous intent?" The commander asked. 2 lowered her head and 4 said solemnly, "Red level".

The commander's brows knitted, and he turned to 2. She nodded as if 4 wasn't lying, Derek's murderous intent was indeed overwhelming.

The commander exhaled loudly," We have no choice, there was no survivor in stronghold eleven". They knew Derek's fate had been decided, elimination.

They nodded and went to their positions. The commander opened his com and ordered, "Shoot on sight!".

A few minutes later no one came out, but they were still waiting. Soon their radar gave a signal, someone had entered their range.

A tall man with black mist surrounding him walked out slowly, his eyes were like torches as they burned with bright silver light.

He gripped two long curved daggers which also glowed with silver light and his aura was different from that of a human, the overwhelming bloodlust radiating from him made the soldiers feel their body reactions slow down and the commander's eyes contracted till it was barely seen, and his booming voice echoed, "fire!!!!".

flames spilled from their muzzles and the air-piercing sounds of bullets raining toward Derek rang in the vicinity. When they stopped, the body they were expecting to see was not there.

Suddenly they heard a loud noise as one of the snipers jumped from the tall building, a dagger swooshed past him, that was the best decision he made in his life and it saved his life, he was wearing an exo suit so the height wasn't a problem for him, BOOM; he landed and rushed towards the convoy. Suddenly, Derek appeared at his side and punched his helmet.

The soldier couldn't react before he blacked out. The other soldiers watched his body fly with such great speed and smashed into another building, his life and death unknown. They began to shoot, but Derek vanished once again.

The other sniper knew Derek was coming for him so he jumped from the building he was stationed, the others were ready to shoot Derek if he appeared near the second sniper but to their shock and horror, Derek appeared for a split second and punched the sniper, disappearing before they could pull the trigger.

The sniper's fate was the same as the first one, life and death unknown as he smashed into a hover bus, crushing it. Pu pu pu pu pu Pu, the two machine guns fired till everything in their sight was devastated, Even the asphalt road had holes in it, 4 felt guilty, he disobeyed his captain's orders and walked ahead while shouting, "I'm the one you're looking for, take me. They had nothing to do with it!".

The captain frowned and shouted, "Get back to your position 4, this is an order...". While the captain was talking, Derek appeared and rushed towards 4, a machine Gunner who had been waiting for this opportunity, he fired at Derek, Derek threw his dagger and vanished, the bullets just hit the ground before the Gunner could react Derek appeared again.

This time Derek used his daggers, he flung them towards the machine Gunner, alarm bells rang loudly in the Gunner's head and he entered the vehicle through the hole where the seat was located, the soldiers heard a loud sound and turned back, inside his helmet 4 eyes widened in horror,' his not human!!', he screamed in his mind.

The metal seat the machine gunner had sat on was sliced off, had the man been there, then, his end was vivid.

The captain's brows tingled, and he defended with his arms crossed as Derek appeared before him and slashed his dagger horizontally. A huge cut appeared on the captain's suit and the force threw him to the ground.

Derek disappeared and appeared close to 4, he raised his dagger, and the other soldiers were in a dilemma because their bullet might hit 4 if they shot, 2 was sure that Derek would kill 4, and 4 was her childhood friend although he was annoying he was still like a family.

"Nooo!" she shouted and removed her helmet. The face of a beauty with long white hair appeared. "Take me!" She said while dropping her gun and raising her hands in the air. 1 frowned but he saw an advantage. Derek had slowed down, and he shot WHOOSH!!.

Derek disappeared and when they looked around, they noticed 2 had also disappeared. "Nooo!!" Both 4 and 1 screamed, and some of them sat on the ground powerlessly. The pressure Derek gave them was like facing multiple nightmares.

"He was only after 4 or else he would have killed most of us by now....cough..cough..", the captain said while coughing. Their medics rushed out of the 3rd armored vehicle and checked the captain. They were relieved when they saw that the blade did not touch the captain, only his exo-suit was damaged and the damages were serious.

One medic, who wore glasses, faced the commander and said, "I'm sorry sir, but this suit is now useless".

The captain didn't even register what he said as his mind was on 2, she was the daughter of his best friend who was way higher than him in ranks but his team was special so they were respected but how was he going to explain to his best friend that his only daughter was taken by a strange super teleporter and would be probably violated before she was killed and that is after the teleporter gets tired of her body.


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