Mei Gongqing

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: 200

When Xie heting said that, he turned back and said, "go, call the original immortal . "

This original immortal is a famous doctor of our Dynasty . He is also called immortal because of his devotion to the cultivation of Taoism .

A servant of Xie’s was in a hurry . He jumped into the carriage and rushed out .

And Xie heting has stopped to hold Chen Rong and walked towards Wang Hong’s courtyard . His legs are long and he moves like flying . He rushes into the door in a blink of an eye .

This man acted decisively and cleanly . Until he walked out with Chen Rong in his arms, the two guards were in a hurry to catch up .

Xie heting put Chen Rong on the bed and ordered, "are there centenarians?"

One of the servants quickly replied, "yes, yes . " "Here . "

"Yes . "

In a flash, an old ginseng in a jade box was sent to Xie heting . He glanced at it and ordered, "half of it is sliced with a bamboo knife, and the other half is boiled quickly . "

"Yes, yes . "

After a while, a stack of ginseng pieces was placed beside Xie heting . He reached for one piece and put it into Chen Rong’s mouth . See her lips close tightly, Xie heting don’t want to, put her cherry lips, then stuffed a piece of ginseng into it . Seeing Chen Rong holding the ginseng, Xie heting stood up . He gave Chen Rong a deep look, turned around and left .

Seeing that he was about to leave, the servants could not help panicking . A servant called out uneasily, "thank you, Mr . Lang, are you going to leave?"

Xie heting glanced at him and said coldly, "I have tried my best . "

He stepped out . As soon as he got to the steps, a carriage rushed to him in a hurry . The driver saw him and cried out loudly: "please, Mr . Lang, it’s an emergency . My subordinates happened to meet Dr . Wu, so they invited him here . I have asked the junior to go to another place . "

Xie heting nodded . He stopped and watched the old man with white beard walk out of the carriage and walk into the room .

Staring at the quiet room for a long time, Xie heting’s cold voice came out, "Doctor Wu, how is the injury?"

After a while, Dr . Wu sighed, "it’s not right . "

Hearing the words, Xie heting frowned deeply . He looked at the door shaking in the wind, lowered his head and murmured, "what a pity . "

He turned his head slowly and strode away .

When Xie heting walked out of the gate of the Royal Palace, he saw a group of royal guards coming .

Looking at them, he stopped .

What is Xie heting’s identity? When all the royal guards saw that it was him, they hurriedly turned to salute .

Xie heting did not move . He stared at them coldly . He said slowly, "Dr . Guanglu is seriously injured . I’m afraid something will happen . "

After saying this, he raised his head and coldly dropped a sentence, "although she killed the nine princesses, she herself was not guaranteed . . . . . . Besides, it was the nine princesses who assassinated her . You guys, when Wang Qi knew about this, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to do good . You’d better go back . "

Leaving this sentence behind, he didn’t say any more, turned around and strode away .

Looking at his figure, the guards looked at each other . One of them said in a low voice, "thank you for your words . Let’s not mix them up . " Another person also said: "it’s just that Mr . Xie’s family always interceded for Dr . Guanglu . We can’t afford to mix them . "

After a moment of silence, the leader at the front bit his teeth and said, "let’s go back . " He raised his head and said in a low voice, "leave Jiankang and wait . " He knew that if he returned to the palace empty handed, he would either be severely punished or sent back again . Only to walk away from here, there may be a trace of life .

These guards were all intelligent people . They looked at each other and moved on towards Wang Hong’s mansion . As soon as he entered the palace, among the servants of the king’s family, a man opened his mouth and asked, "where is the side door?"

A servant pointed to the East foolishly, "there it is . "

The guards nodded and strode towards the side door . In a twinkling of an eye, their figures disappeared in front of the servants .

At this time, in that lane, it was already noisy and shocking . Several guards raised the body of nine princess with pale faces and shivering, and put it on the carriage .

Then they went to the palace with a carriage .

After the carriage, with a long line of people, no matter the common people or the nobles who came to the carriage after hearing the wind, they all looked at the carriage and talked about it all the time, "it was killed by doctor Guanglu . " "Dr . Guanglu said that it was Princess nine who stabbed her with a knife . Look at the short knife that was inserted in her chest . It’s the sharp weapon that Princess nine used to kill people . "

"These nine princesses are used to arrogance and adore Wang Qi since childhood . Most of them are jealous of killing people . "

"It’s more than anything . "

"What about doctor Guanglu? What’s the situation? "

"I’m afraid it’s hard to get well after I’ve suffered a lot of injuries . "

A lot of voices, very light, came quietly, but haunted . They kept raising the body of the nine princesses and went to the palace until the carriage carrying the body entered the palace gate and drove directly to the palace of your Majesty’s director .

The carriage left and the crowd did not disperse . The crowd was still standing there in groups, talking in a low voice . It’s a thrilling day to say . First, Wang Xie and her husband, who were married together, had an affair . Now, nine princesses were killed on the spot . The doctor Guanglu, whom Wang Hong admired, didn’t know whether he was alive or dead .

As soon as nine princess’s body entered Yuqian palace, a sound of running mixed with howling and crying was heard . But a middle-aged woman rushed over like a madman .

The maidservants of all the palaces followed in a hurry, shouting: "empress dowager, empress dowager, please be patient . "

Just as the two palace maids approached, the Empress Dowager swung heavily, causing one of them to fall backward, almost bumping into the empress .

When the Empress Dowager rushed to the carriage and servant wailed on the body of nine princess, the queen also arrived . She wiped her tears with a handkerchief, whimpered while supporting the Empress Dowager and comforted her gently . "Empress dowager, please hold the mourning . Sobbing . . . "

When the two girls cried like this, the maids of the palace also cried like rain . At this time, the carriage rolling sound, footsteps are still coming .

In an instant, some young and elegant men stepped out of the carriage and surrounded them . They are red eyes, a sad face advised the Empress Dowager and queen .

In this kind of war, another sound of footsteps came .

As soon as the sound of the footsteps came, the people in the sobs were a meal . They turned around, stepped back and bowed to the visitors .

The man walked behind the empress dowager, and he called out in a low voice, "mother, don’t be sad . "

These words just spit out, the Empress Dowager who is crying is choking . She raised her head and snapped at the guards who were driving: "who, who killed my son? Ah? Who killed my son? "

The Empress Dowager’s voice is hoarse and shrill, just like the cry of the night . . . . . . There are so many princesses in the dynasty, only two or three princesses are favored . The reason why nine princesses are favored is that she is the daughter of the Empress Dowager!

The Empress Dowager in the hissing didn’t pay attention to the emperor or even look at him directly .

In the Empress Dowager’s cry, the guards were pale and trembling . They fell to their knees with a plop .

The guards nodded on their foreheads . In the Queen’s shrill cry, one of the guards took a step on his knees and said in a trembling voice, "yes, it’s Dr . Guanglu . "

"Doctor Guanglu? Which doctor Guanglu? "

The guard couldn’t stand on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "yes, the Taoist named hongyunzi, whose name is Chen Rong . "

"A woman?" With a sharp smile, the Empress Dowager said grimly, "I don’t care who is behind her . Go and fetch her . I’ll cut her to pieces to bury my son . "

When the Empress Dowager said this, she saw that the guards still couldn’t get up and shrieked, "what’s the matter? Do you not listen to the words of the mourners? "

At this time, the emperor stepped forward and said in a low voice, "mother, the child has sent someone to catch him . "

The Empress Dowager still didn’t pay attention to him, but her voice was no longer so sharp and angry, "why hasn’t she brought it? Ah? "

Just then, a sound of running came .

After a while, a eunuch ran up to the crowd . He saluted and said in a shrill voice, "Your Majesty, go to arrest the guards of Dr . Guanglu and run away . "


The whole audience was shocked at the words .

The Empress Dowager took a breath . She said with a sharp smile, "OK, it’s very good . Even the guards have run away . . . . . . What a face, doctor Guanglu

The emperor frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "how can you run?"

The eunuch was too frightened to speak by the furious queen mother . When he saw the emperor’s words, he trembled for a while, and then he said with a sigh of relief, "I heard that they met with the Xiejia Langjun crane Pavilion, and ran after hearing a few words from him . "

"What’s the point?"

"I don’t know . "

The emperor’s brow furrowed deeper, and then another eunuch came running . He said loudly, "Your Majesty, there is a letter from Wang Hong’s house that doctor Guanglu was stabbed by nine princesses . He bled so much that he didn’t know whether he was alive or dead . "

After a pause, the eunuch added: "the doctor also said that the poison on the nine princess’s knife is called" endless " . After seeing the blood, the poison has no remedy, and it will be painful for a month before it dies . Doctor Guanglu will not die today, and he will not live this month . "

As soon as the eunuch’s voice fell to the ground, the Empress Dowager’s shrill laughter came . She said with a sharp smile, "OK, OK, my son is doing well, doing well . "

She clenched her teeth and snapped, "let that woman die in pain for a month? Good, good medicine . But when she died, she couldn’t cheapen her family . When she came, she found out her family members and killed them all! "

The emperor, who has been frowning for a long time, has come back to God this time . He went behind the Empress Dowager and said, "mother, this is not right . "

"What’s wrong?" The Empress Dowager finally turned around . She stared at the emperor gloomily and shrieked, "is that * * you sealed up? You’d be reluctant if you slept?"

The voice was very rude and vulgar .

The emperor’s eyebrow was beating . He stared at the Empress Dowager and said slowly, "Dr . Guanglu is the king’s sweetheart . " Seeing the Queen Mother screamed again, he continued: "it’s the Langjun crane Pavilion of the Xie family, which also maintains her . . . . . . Mother, nine younger sisters assassinated others, and they fought back when they were dying . It’s not a big mistake . The crime should not involve the family . "Speaking of this, the Emperor didn’t wait for the Empress Dowager to open his mouth, then he turned back and ordered: "well, under the hot sun, don’t let nine younger sister’s soul be quiet . Go, take nine younger sisters back to the Lingtai, and ask all the real people to bless her . "

At the command, all the people answered in unison, "yes . "

continue peak power rationing, tears . This is a little bit of the word, is out of the storage code in the notebook . Finally, haha, I see that there are many pink tickets for Mei . Please ask again by the way . (to be continued, please log in www . qidian . com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! )


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