Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 19: Hint

Chapter 19: Hint

After the woman answered Gu Xizhous question, she left them in the room, where everyone looked at each other.

Seeing the woman leave calmly, Lei Ge was obviously relieved. He looked at Gu Xizhou and couldnt help but ask, How did you survive the previous mission world?

Actually, he didnt say a line in front you can raise death flags like this.

Gu Xizhou touched his chin and hummed for a moment, before saying very seriously: I think its because I look too handsome.

Lei Ge: No, I think you want to completely destroy the broken jar!

Shameless, Dong Chao snorted and said.

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Fortunately, Lei Ge acted as a mediator and said, Okay, we just went out

Lei Ge told the seven people who didnt leave the house what had happened in the morning, then looked at Gu Xizhou and his group. There was a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and he clearly thought that they were going to die soon. In his knowledge, even if someone was going to die, it would clearly be them who died first.

And Gu Ran, who could provoke the demon, would definitely be the first to die.

After speaking, Lei Ges gaze fell on Gu Xizhous body. With quite a bit of sympathy, he patted Gu Xizhous shoulder, and everything was said silently.

Gu Xizhou:

At this moment, only they were in the living room, and there was no movement from the upper floor for a long time. Gu Xizhou ignored Lei Ges sympathetic gaze and told the rest his inferences: When Lin Meng was painting us at the reservoir, we speculated that there must be three people in each room, in order to hear the sound of the upper floor at night.

There was no need to hide information like this. In the end, they still had to collect information together.

At the same time, the hosts prepared four rooms for us, and every room has three beds. We have exactly twelve people. We suspect that only when there are three people in the room, then can we hear the movement of the rooms upstairs. It cannot be one more or one less.

Heh, who knows if this is real or fake. Who knows if having three people in a room would trigger a death condition?

Yeah, who can say this clearly? How do we tell if what youre saying is the truth?

The girl who lightly said this was Xiao Yu who wanted to hug Fang Zhis thighs only a day ago. After she said this, the men and women who originally were undecided suddenly became suspicious, and their expressions werent good.

Everyone in the room was silent, and no one was sure of what to do. Lei Ge helplessly looked at two of the other men and said: Then I will stay in your room for one night. What do you think?

The two men who slept in the same room last night shook their heads together and quickly refused: No, no, no, shes right, this can be one of the death conditions. You also said that the woman invited them to draw the portrait of the three of them. In my opinion, its best not for three people to sleep in a room!

The other room was two girls. Lei Ge naturally wouldnt open his mouth to ask to sleep in the same room as the two girls. He acted helpless, but the relief in his eyes did not escape the gaze of the two policemen. Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi shared a look.

Seeing these people trembling with fear, Si Yu opened his mouth in the end: Its up to you. Since youre not willing to collect the information, then for three nights, we will choose to keep the content of the dialogue we hear. In the end, I dont care, as long I live until the last day and leave here.

Oh, and by the way, Ive always been lucky, and the one to survive until the end will definitely be me.

The handsome man said this softly, and his lips were slightly curved. When he smiled, he looked a bit evil.

Who are you trying to scare? We dont want to take risks! A man in the house snorted coldly. Gu Xizhou looked back, and it turned out to be one of the three men travelling with Lei Ge. The difficulty of this world is so low, as long as we dont do unnecessary things, we can go out alive.

Lei Ge appeared to agree with the mans words, and didnt continue to ask to stay as three in a room.

All of you think so? Si Yu turned to look at the others. All of them dodged his gaze, clearly unwilling to stay three in a room.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

What does that mean? A girl asked worriedly.

Si Yu faintly said: The words are literal.

After listening to his words, several new players immediately turned to ask Lei Ge and the rest of the people who had previously experienced mission worlds what Si Yu meant. Lei Ges face was also blank, he wasnt very clear on this. Although there were such useless and uninterested people in previous mission worlds, he was never close to them, and he didnt know if they lived or died once they had left the mission world.

Fang Zhi, who was just as lost about the situation as everyone else, looked at Si Yu in confusion.

Si Yu lightly explained, The countdown to the life for new players is only one second. If they do nothing here, there will be no reward, and they will die if they go out.

As soon as his words fell, the new players that had just calmed themselves burst out into worried tears. Impossible, how is that possible? Didnt you say that just leaving alive was enough?

Gu Xizhou looked at those people coldly. Fang Zhi, on the other hand, was a little pale, but his situation was still quite good. Gu Xizhou couldnt help but ask: Xiao Fang, do you regret it? If you hadnt gone to investigate, you wouldnt be here right now.

If it werent for Fang Zhi insisting on investigating the marriage between Yang Zhi and Yan Li, then it wouldnt have the later circumstance, and the crazy woman wouldnt have driven the car into him.

Fang Zhi froze for a moment, then immediately understood Gu Xizhous meaning. The boy smiled brightly and said: No! Gu Ge, what about you?

Gu Xizhou glanced at him but didnt reply. He wasnt aware if the original owner regretted it or not. After all, it was the original owner who died, but the one who was revived in his stead was the demonic cultivator Gu Xizhou. When he got back, he should find the chance to ask.

After discussion, the final allocation of the rooms became 4/2/3/3. The five newcomers took turns sleeping three in a room, while Fang Zhi continued to live with the two of them.

Before dinner, Gu Xizhou found a chance and stopped the pretty boy Si Yu: What you said today, about not doing anything, and then going out to die, is it true?

The man who just came out of the bathroom slowly wiped the water off his hands. It must be fake. I dont know if the people who didnt do anything lived or died, so I just lied. Else, if we have to rely on ourselves to search for information, it would be too time-consuming.

Gu Xizhou:

Seeing Gu Xizhous speechless expression, Si Yu continued: However, I did encounter such a low difficulty world before. Because other people didnt actively look for clues, and I was limited as a single individual, I didnt find a way out on the last day. In the end, some sort of massacre happened, and I was the only survivor.

Gu Xizhou: Then youre really great.

After dinner, everyone went to sleep in their rooms. The room directly above Gu Xizhous room was the master and mistress room. There were some sounds of walking upstairs at first, but afterwards the voices gradually stopped, as if the people upstairs had fallen asleep.

In the middle of the night, Gu Xizhou blearily heard a strange noise. After getting up from the bed and rubbing his eyes, he found that Fang Zhi was awake, and only Si Yu was still lying on the bed.

Fang Zhi was hiding in the bed, and when he saw Gu Xizhou wake up, he pointed outside.



Fang Zhi heard this voice in the middle of the night, felt both horrified and strange, and almost stopped breathing altogether.

Gu Xizhou wrinkled his brow and directly got up, opening the door to try and find out what was happening.

Gu Fang Zhis words were interrupted by Gu Xizhou. He only saw Gu Xizhou making a silent gesture to him before he walked out.

In the darkness of the night, the hohoho sound continued.

In the kitchen, Lin Mengs lips were red and bloody. She was sharpening a kitchen knife. She was holding a knife in her hand, and two kitchen knives were placed beside her. She closed her eyes and laughed while grinding the knife against the corner of her mouth. She carefully sharpened the three knives in her hands, as if looking at their lover after a long while, as if very gently, and the entire picture was very strange.


At night, such strange noises made everyone in the other rooms feel their backs grow cold, but no one dared to open the door.

Lei Ge squeezed his palms and finally decided to go out and take a look. Accompanied by Dong Chao, he walked to the side of the corridor, and tentatively raised his head. Looking ahead, a mans back blocked his vision.

Are you sick? Getting up to grind a kitchen knife in the middle of the night?

The owner of the voice was obviously a little angry, and Lei Ge quickly heard the owner of the voice continue, Can you go to your room to grind? Youre interfering with my sleep!

Lei Ge: Just listening to the voice and I know its that guy named Gu!

He wanted to leave first, and maybe tomorrow he would still be able to visit Gu Rans body, but right as he turned back, he saw a shocked expression on Dong Chaos face. Lei Ge froze, and a figure floated past him.

When seeing the back of the leaving woman, Lei Ge subconsciously swallowed.

Fang Zhi, who had watched the entire process with Gu Xizhou, finally moved, but he also didnt know what to say. He dryly asked: Gu Ge, you, are you okay?

Gu Xizhou: Its okay, shes actually quite reasonable.

Lei Ge:

Fang Zhi:

Dong Chao:

The next morning, before everyone had gathered together, Gu Xizhou heard a few new players quietly discussing something.

Did you hear that strange noise yesterday?

Yes do you think someone died?

Lei Ge and his group came over. The whole group had black expressions on their faces, and there wasnt a single person in their room who had a good mood, but their emotions were still somewhat stable. Once they came, they confirmed the number of people. Twelve people, not one less.

Lei Ge looked at Gu Xizhou, and couldnt find any words. How should he describe this?

Last night they heard from their room the sound of a kitchen knife being sharpened for the whole night!!!

He couldnt understand. Lin Meng actually listened to Gu Xizhou and returned to her room to sharpen the knives. Their room, however, was directly below Lin Mengs room, so they could clearly hear the sounds of a knife being sharpened for the whole night.

It was really so fucked up, if he No, wuwuwu, he was too terrified, he didnt dare to go up to tell the woman to go somewhere else to sharpen her knife. Who knew if this woman would suddenly choose to hack him in two.

Lei Ge and his whole room knew that it was Gu Xizhou who told the woman to go back to her room, and they were a bit aggrieved, but as they looked at Gu Xizhou, none of them knew how to open their mouths to speak. They just felt that this person was a bit abnormal.

The people who got up last night briefly explained what they had seen last night. Afterwards, Gu Xizhou noticed that many peoples gazes had landed on him.

Gu Xizhou: What are you looking at me for?

Everyone: you should know why!

I think you are mistaken. It doesnt matter how many people are in the room to hear the voice upstairs

The new players that had spent the night with three people in a room said that they didnt hear anything last night, and suspected that their judgment was wrong. A few other people expressed their suspicion, and then

Maybe Im mistaken. Si Yu said indifferently, a face full of unconcern.

After breakfast, Lin Meng came down again, and as usual asked: Does anyone want to accompany me to sketch today?

Gu Xizhou and his group, along with Lei Ge, and a man and a woman went with them to accompany the woman to the reservoir. After the woman drew the same sketch as yesterday, she made the same request as yesterday as well. I want to draw three people in my painting. Does anyone want to be inside?

Just when Gu Xizhou, Fang Zhi and Si Yu thought it would be the three of them again, the girl suddenly raised her hand. Draw me!

Okay, there are still two people. Lin Meng said happily.

Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi re-entered the painting. Like yesterday, it took quite a while for the painting to be completed. The three people in the painting today were quite different from the painting yesterday. Compared with yesterdays painting, Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi looked like they had simply been reprinted on the canvas by a printer, but the girls skin was a deep color, and the expression on her face wasnt anger, but it looked emotionally broken, as if she had seen something terrifying.

Seeing a few people look at it seriously, Lin Meng suddenly asked, Do you see the difference between this painting and yesterdays one?

No, can you help me draw a painting with the three of us? Si Yu replied.

Gu Xizhou looked at Si Yus shining aura, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The pretty boy was coaxing people again.

Lin Meng was very happy to hear such an invitation and immediately said: Okay!

Gu Xizhou quietly asked: What exactly are you doing?

Confirming something. Saying this, Si Yu pulled up Lei Ge and the other man to stand together, uncaring of their wishes

Gu Xizhou, even from a far distance away, knew that Lei Ge was forcing the smile on his face. At this moment, who knew if Lei Ge had actually greeted Si Yus ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart.

After about an hour, the painting was done. Si Yu and Lei Ge were full of anger, while the other man in the picture had tears and snot on their face, and their skin was dull.

Si Yu carefully looked at the paintings, and complimented Lin Meng with a few sentences. It was obvious that Lin Meng was very pleased to hear his praise, and even allowed him to take pictures with his mobile phone in the end.

On the way back, Si Yu called over Lei Ge. The four of them simultaneously slowed down and walked more than ten meters behind the other three.

Lei Ge stared at Si Yu and let out a frosty gaze. In his heart, he was screaming, I didnt go and find you, but you still insisted on finding me?!

I was killed by you this time! How could you let her paint us? If you want to die, dont pull me in! Fuck, the two of you are seriously sick!

Si Yu glanced at him and said lightly: Shut up. If Im not mistaken, Lin Mengs painting isnt a death condition, but is a hint.

Gu Xizhou paused: A hint?

Si Yu nodded, and took out the mobile phone that he had used to take the pictures earlier, and pointed at the girl in the picture: Its not that these two days passed without anyone dying. Instead, the dead people are still mixed with the living people.

soya: ill be taking a break for a while because my exams are coming up ;;;; Gu Ge, Si Yu and Fang Zhi will be back soon QAQ

soya 2.0: omg i uploaded the wrong one heres the correct chapter 19!!!


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