Medical Sovereign

Chapter 51 Shootout

The skinny monkey was named Hou Xiaochun and nicknamed Monkey. He also rented an apartment in this community, and was an old acquaintance of Ding Ning.

However, the relationship between them was not harmonious. Monkey was a habitual thief who had stolen Ding Ning’s purse several times but ended up with being caught by Ling Yun and forced to return the purse.

At first, Monkey was recalcitrant, and stole from Ding Ning several times for revenge. After being beaten a few times, he finally stopped doing that.

He had to stop doing that, because Ling Yun was brutal. As long as Ding Ning lost something, she just charged it to his account and beat him no matter whether there was evidence or not.

Over time, he was scared of Ling Yun. Every time he saw Ling Yun, he flattered her by calling her Uncle Yun with a greasy face. Since then, he and Ding Ning had never interfered with each other.

Ding Ning actually admired him. This guy could be considered professional in stealing things. Even if he was on careful alert, this guy could still take away his things without making any sound.

"Ah, brother Ning, how do I dare to steal your things? I’m really in a hurry and accidentally ran into you. Sorry, I’ll apologize to you some day. I’m still in a hurry, and have to leave now!"

The skinny monkey smiled cautiously in panic, and kept apologizing unctuously. After Ding Ning confirmed that he had not lost anything and relaxed his grip, he turned around and ran away hastily.

Ding Ning watched his back in puzzlement. When this guy met him in normal times, although this guy was not so arrogant, he would give him a cold shoulder.

After all, Ding Ning hid his strength well. Every time it was Ling Yun who beat him. In the eyes of Monkey, Ding Ning was just a toyboy relying on Ling Yun. He didn’t provoke Ding Ning, just because he couldn’t afford to offend Ling Yun. He wasn’t scared of Ding Ning at all. It was abnormal for him to apologize to Ding Ning humbly.

This guy was in disguise. Could it be that he had been noticed due to his failure in stealing things? Ding Ning shook his head in puzzlement, but continued walking out without taking it serious.

As Ding Ning just walked out of the community gate, he reached into his pocket and his face immediately darkened. Fuck, he did not know when the car key was stolen by the skinny monkey. He had just checked his wallet, but ignored the car key.

It was weird. Why did the skinny monkey steal the car key? Ding Ning was wondering, but found several policemen standing next to the Toyota Prado parked at the entrance of the community.

Zhao Gang, the captain of the district criminal police team, was also there, talking about something with a fashionable young woman.

Ding Ning was stunned. The woman looked arrogant, but talked so loudly that he could hear her clearly.

"Captain Zhao, I’ve just come back from abroad, and found the car of my family has been stolen. Have you found out who stole it?"

"Miss Li, calm down. You just reported the case, and we’ve found the stolen car? We need time to handle the case."

Zhao Gang seemed to be impatient due to being badgered by her, so his tone was a bit stiff.

Unexpectedly the woman got emotional and shouted, "You said you need time. Is the domestic police so useless? The fact is very clear. From the monitor, we can see that the car thief is a man and a woman and both of them were in a white coat. Ding Ning left the hospital without going through the discharge formalities, and the car happens to be parked at the entrance of the community where he lives. He must have stolen my father’s car in order to take revenge on my father. You should issue a wanted circular to arrest him immediately."

As Zhao Gang’s face darkened, he said with displeasure, "We can’t see the specific appearance of the car thief on the monitor. Miss Li, you had better not make irresponsible remarks with no evidence. Otherwise, you’ll be accused of frame-up. You don’t need to teach us how to handle the case. Please step aside, don’t hinder us from handling the case. We will carry out an investigation and give you an explanation."

"Are domestic policemen so abominable? No wonder the public security is so terrible, and the crime rate is so high. You are just incompetent trash. Obviously the car thief is Ding Ning, why don’t you arrest him?"

The woman shouted hysterically, which attracted the attention of people around her. They looked scornful, making comments about her. Someone crazy about foreign things like her didn’t leave a good impression on them.

"Please step aside. You don’t need to tell us how to handle the case. If you keep hindering us from handling the case, don’t blame us for arresting you and accusing you of hindering us from enforcing the law."

Several police officers had long been mad at her. On hearing the captain’s relentless shout, they pushed her aside by force and left her alone shouting that she would call her lawyer and ask her lawyer to sue them.

Ding Ning got a big headache, and secretly cursed Ling Yun who had a crow mouth. Good things didn’t happen, while bad things did. Li Qiuhai’s daughter really came back, and the most terrible thing was that she had found the car was lost. They were in a big trouble.

Ding Ning immediately turned around and walked in the other direction. He stopped a taxi to rush to the Half Bay Villa, while thinking about how to solve this problem with his brain spinning rapidly.

He didn’t know that as he left, the skinny monkey ran out stealthily. He came over to Zhao Gang and said, Comrade police, the car was stolen by me, and I am here to turn myself in."

Zhao Gang looked at him in astonishment, but noticed that the skinny monkey looked flustered and kept looking around. He said in a deep voice, "This is not a joke, are you sure that you stole the car?"

"It’s me, it’s me. See, the car key is still in my hand. Comrade police, please arrest me."

The skinny monkey reached out to pull out the key of Toyota Prado and unlocked the electronic lock.

"It’s impossible. The guy who stole the car is Ding Ning, not you. Tell me, how much did Ding Ning pay you for taking the blame? I will give you more!"

Li Wenwen rushed forward, ferociously grabbed the collar of the skinny monkey to shake him, and fixedly glared at him.

"Go to hell, the car is stolen by me. Get out!"

The skinny monkey saw that the policeman did not arrest him even when he turned himself in. He suddenly became anxious and looked fierce. He gave Li Wenwen a slap in the face, which made her dumbfound while covering her face.

The skinny monkey turned around and complacently stretched out his hands, "Comrade police, I surrendered myself. I not only stole a car but also hit her. Arrest me."

Zhao Gang couldn’t help but laughed. He waved his hand and said, "Cuff him and take him away!"

"You dare to beat me, you dare to hit me? I’ll kill you!"

Li Wenwen was obviously a spoiled child. Li Qiuhai had never beaten her since her childhood. At this moment, she was greatly irritated by the slap of the skinny monkey. With her eyes turning red, she came up to scratch the face of the skinny monkey.

The skinny monkey who was not tall quickly stepped back and hid himself behind Zhao Gang, while shouting, "Comrade police, she intends to hit me."

"Flop". With a light sound, there was a burst of blood in Li Wenwen’s chest, and she fell to the ground after a screech.

"There are snipers. Be careful, and quickly spread out!"

Zhao Gang’s face changed dramatically. He roared and picked up Li Wenwen and hid behind a car.

Other policemen looked for shelters and searched the location of the sniper, while calling the headquarters to seek support.

"Help, comrade police, protect me!"

Monkey crawled to Zhao Gang and hid behind him, while holding his legs and shivering with dreary cries and screams.

"Stay calm, stop screaming."

With his forehead covered with cold sweat, Zhao Gang cautiously popped out his head and looked out. The surrounding people had been scared and fled, and the entire Fuxing Road was in a mess.

"Whiz". A bullet flew across Zhao Gang’s scalp and hit the stone wall behind him, creating a crater on the wall with bouncing gravel.

Zhao Gang was so scared that he retracted his head. His heart beat sped, his mouth was dry, his legs went weak, and his body was soaked with sweat.

China was the country with the strictest gun banning in the world. As the captain of the criminal police team, he had experienced the criminal suspects resisted with guns, but most of them were modified rural guns barely capable of aiming. He hadn’t met gangsters with sniper rifles.

If he hadn’t really experienced the threat of the sniper rifle, he would never understand the horrifying pressure of facing death.

He turned on the walkie-talkie to call the headquarters, "Call headquarters, call headquarters, it’s Zhao Gang, captain of the criminal police team of Jingpu District Sub-bureau. When we were investigating a car theft in Fuxing Road, we were attacked by snipers. The reporter was shot and badly in need of rescue. Request support, request support!"

Monkey was still shivering and howling as if his father had died, "Save me, save me, they are going to kill me. I am willing to cooperate with the police."

Zhao Gang was stunned, and then realized the oddity of Monkey turning himself in. It seemed that this guy was being hunted down, so he sought protection by asking the police to arrest him.

It made Zhao Gang exasperated. He kicked Monkey in the belly and cursed, "You get us into a big trouble."

"Zhao Captain, Captain Zhao, the special police have already set out to support you and they are estimated to arrive in ten minutes. Please wait for support in place. Please wait for support in place!"

The intermittent sounds of the main station came from the walkie-talkie, making Zhao Gang feel relieved, "Received, received. We will hold on, but here is a wounded person in great danger and in badly need of rescue!"

"Received. We will report it to the superior, and request instruction about how to deal with it!"

After learning about the situation on the spot, the main station immediately reported it to Director Qi. Director Qi immediately reported it to the government leaders and requested instruction about how to deal with it.

At the same time, Sharp Sword special forces and national security bureau also received the order of Shen Moru and began to assemble quickly. They were going to block the street where the crime scene was located, disperse the crowd and avoid the injury of innocent people.

Zhao Gang got the order immediately. First, he should ensure the safety of Monkey. Second, the superior had sent a helicopter here to take Li Wenwen to the nearest hospital for rescue.

At this moment, several criminal police officers who were on the scene had launched a fierce gun battle with the snipers. However, the sniper kept moving and occupied the commanding height with sniper rifles whose range was beyond the range of the police guns.

It meant that the police couldn’t pose any threat to the snipers. Instead, they were exposed to the snipers’ guns. In just five minutes, three police officers were injured.

Fortunately, they were injured on arms or legs, not on vital parts, so they would not be in danger temporarily. However, the wounds torn by the bullets of sniper rifle bled a lot. If they could not stop bleeding in time, they might eventually die because of excessive blood loss.

As time passed by, the snipers apparently began to be impatient. They constantly shot at the Toyota Prado behind which Zhao Gang was hiding, which made Zhao Gang increasingly stressed.

Monkey was shivering with fear, scared out of his pants. He buried his head in his hands, lay prone on the ground and kept screaming, seemingly on the verge of collapse.

Li Wenwen looked pale and sounded breathless in a coma. Her blouse had been dyed red by her blood. She would die at any time.

Zhao Gang’s heart was torn with anxiety. It had just been five minutes, and he should protect a dying wounded person and Monkey that was almost scared out of his wits. What could he do?

The snipers had an obvious intention to kill Monkey by shooting through the fuel tank and causing the explosion of the car. He and Li Wenwen were just innocent people involved in the trouble.

It was already very unsafe here. The Prado had been heavily damaged by the bullets and could explode at any time. He must take them away.

Zhao Gang clenched his teeth, reached out to take out a pair of handcuffs. He handcuffed one of them on Monkey’s wrist and the other on his wrist. He picked up Li Wenwen and shouted, "If you want to stay alive, rush with me."

"No, I don’t want to die. Help, I don’t want to die."

Monkey made a hysterical scream, and stayed on the ground without moving like a dead dog.

"Sober up. The car is about to explode, and we must leave immediately. Stand up and follow me."

Zhao Gangyu ruthlessly kicked Monkey in the face, which made his face full of blood and him stop screaming.


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