Me! Zombie! Summoned to Another World!

Chapter 1: Me! Zombie! Summoned

Chapter 1: Me! Zombie! Summoned

My name is Rowan, and I am a zombie...

In 2030, a new virus had swept the world.

Its infection rate was rapid, its infectivity was strong, and its infection routes were numerous, which was unprecedented.

As someone whose physical fitness was the same as that of a weak chicken, I naturally didn't escape this disaster and had become a zombie.

And because of my physical fitness, after I had become a zombie...

I couldn't run faster than others, and my biting speed was slower than others.

Therefore, when I fought for food, I was always a beat slower than others. Or, when I arrived at a location, the food had already been divided up.

Because I hadn't had any food for a long time, I felt that my already withered brain was about to stop functioning.

On this day, I once again followed the main group and wandered around the city.

I hoped that I would be able to find the only survivors in the ruined city and taste the flesh that I hadn't tasted in a long time.

From the east side of the city to the west side of the city, then from the west side to the south side...

I searched over and over.

Hunger drove me and the other zombies to wander back and forth in the city.

However, in this city, other than the first few years after the outbreak of the virus, a few survivors were still likely to be found.

It had been a long time since any living creature had appeared, and it was almost impossible to find one that could be eaten in this city that only had zombies.

Even though I had become a zombie, I still needed energy to support my body.

Feeling the energy in my body decreasing, I knew that my body was about to reach its limit.

Just when I felt that my thoughts were about to stop, an accident happened.


This city that had been abandoned for many years suddenly recalled a sound different from a zombie's roar.

The sudden sound made all the zombies raise their heads in confusion.

I was no exception when I looked at the source of the sound.

"Ho ho ho"

The surrounding zombies began to gather together while roaring as they walked in the direction of the sound.

After listening carefully for a while, I suddenly recalled what the sound was.

It was a helicopter!

It was the sound of the helicopter's wings and engine as it circled in the sky.

Was this the human's attempt to drive out the zombies and make a comeback?

This thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

I wanted to turn around and leave, away from those humans.

But the desire for flesh and blood in my heart and the feeling that my body was about to reach its limit had overwhelmed the remaining rationality in my heart.

I also began to follow the zombies around me to gather in the direction of the sound.

"Da da da"

"Ho ho"

I looked at the zombies in front of me. They were like crops harvested by a combine harvester, falling one after another to the sound of gunshots.

Apart from their heads, the other parts of the zombies' bodies could not be considered fatal weaknesses. Even if they had lost their legs or arms, they still wouldn't be able to kill a zombie.

I watched as many zombies, even after losing their legs or hands, used their remaining limbs to approach the helicopter.

The remaining rationality in my heart gradually gained the upper hand. I turned around and prepared to leave the helicopter, the 'graveyard' of zombies.

However, just as I had turned around and left, I walked into an alley behind me.

A muscular man wearing combat attire and holding a weapon was blocking my path.

I was stunned when I saw him adjusting the RPG rocket launcher on his shoulder.

I knew this weapon. When I first became a zombie, there were already a few survivors who had this weapon.

Every time this weapon appeared, it meant that a large number of zombies would die.

After carefully assessing the distance between him and me, I knew it was too late.

Just as he pulled the trigger, I thought that my zombie life was over.

Just as I was about to stand and welcome my death...

A mysterious voice suddenly sounded inside my head.

"# @% ...% # ..."

Judging from its voice, it should be the voice of a man.

However, it was very strange. This voice was neither English nor any other language on Earth, nor was it the low roar of a zombie.

No matter when I was still a human or during my short zombie life, I had never heard of it.

It was very strange. Although I had never heard of such a language, I could still understand the meaning of the words in my heart.

This was a mysterious power that was telling me:

A summoning!

The owner of this voice was summoning me!

As long as I silently chanted in my heart and obeyed the summoning, I would disappear from this place and be summoned to another location.

A place where the summoner was.

Looking at the RPG that was getting closer and closer, I felt that this might be my only chance to not die!

If I stayed here, I would have been immediately killed by the dangerous RPG rocket launcher. I might as well follow this unknown summoning and head to another place.

Without the slightest hesitation, I immediately chanted in my heart.

Follow the summoning!

After saying this in my heart, I felt as if a whirlpool had appeared behind me.

It immediately sucked me in from the outside world.

It was as if there were many hands constantly tearing at my body.

My body also fell uncontrollably.

After a long time, I finally felt that my body no longer felt like it was falling. Standing on the ground, I opened my eyes.

The first thing I did after waking up was to look around.

I found myself standing in the middle of a purplish-black magic circle.

In front of me was a man wearing a black robe with a dark expression, holding an old and dirty wooden stick in his hand. He was chanting a spell that I didn't understand.

After looking at my situation, I understood.

I was summoned here by this 'mage'.

I came to an era that was similar to the Middle Ages in Europe, where wizards, alchemists, and many others were everywhere!


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