Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 496: The More Trivial Things Are, the More You Will Find That Everything Is Actually Different but Similar!

Chapter 496: The More Trivial Things Are, the More You Will Find That Everything Is Actually Different but Similar!

Maybe a Fake Gintama Chapter 496 The More Trivial Things Are, the More You Will Find That Everything Is Actually Different but Similar!

Kawaki sat cross-legged in front of the TV. His left hand was on his leg, and his right hand was supporting his chin. Although his eyes were staring at the TV, his legs were constantly moving up and down.

'Ah, I accidentally lent him the toilet...' Kawaki thought in frustration. Then, he glanced at the neatly folded changshan on the side, 'What should I do? Should I secretly try it while no one is watching? But... what if he goes out of the toilet at this time? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he saw it when he came out?'

'No! No way!' Kawaki shook his head, 'I can't do it now! Ninjas were very fast! It would be the same whether it was sh*tting or other things! If I were to try it out now, the probability of him finding out was more than ninety-nine percent! So no! Endure! I must be patient! Just wait for him to finish sh*tting and leave! Come on! Kawaki! You can do it! At most, it would only take a few minutes! If you are constipated, it will only take half an hour at most! The possibility of exceeding half an hour was very small! Ordinary people can't be constipated to the extent that they cannot come out for more than half an hour!'

Thinking of this, Kawaki cupped his hands and nodded to himself. The irritation on his body was also put away.

Then, an hour passed...

'Isn't it done yet?!' Kawaki thought to himself, 'It's been too long! It's constipation! It's confirmed now! It's definitely constipation! But isn't it too long? An hour is too long! How big is it? It can't get out? If it can't get out, then forget it! This kind of thing can't be forced!'

'Eh... Wait a minute!' Kawaki suddenly thought of something. 'Wait a minute! This... Isn't this an opportunity?! If constipation takes a long time, then I can take this time to try on the clothes that Sister Kouka personally made for me.'

Thinking of this, Kawaki's face lit up.

'It's good! Good news for constipation! It doesn't matter if he sh*t for a night! I can take advantage of this time to try it out!'

Then, Kawaki turned back to look at the still-lit bathroom. Then, he reached out and carefully picked up the changshan.

However, just as Kawaki was about to take off his clothes, he suddenly thought of something.

'No! No! No!! At this time, no one can be sure whether Poop-kun will squeeze out of that dirty door at the next moment! Because it couldn't stand the squeeze for an hour, the probability of getting out of that dirty door is almost 90%!'

'No! Not now! Absolutely not!' Kawaki put down the changshan in his hand again and clenched his fist with a face full of reluctance, 'Now Poop-kun's desire to liberate himself is very strong! It could happen at any I'll have to wait a little longer! Soon! It'll be out soon!'

Then, another hour later...


'Poop-kun——! !'

Kawaki slammed his head on the table and then raised his head, revealing his forehead covered in blood. His eyes were bloodshot, and he gasped for breath. He gnashed his teeth in his mind.

'What the hell is going on with you?! What on earth were you thinking? Why haven't you come out yet? Normally, any constipation will be resolved within two hours, right? Are you so upset? Are you naturally wavy hair?! How stubborn are you? Isn't it okay to be normal? Just like smooth, straight hair, it just goes down smoothly! If that doesn't work, go to the barbershop and get it straightened!!'

'And...' Kawaki clenched his fists again. The situation is getting worse and worse now. After all, it has been two hours. At any time, Zenzou may finish pooping, wipe his butt, flush the toilet, open the door and walk out. Oops. Got it! Really bad! In this situation, I should never try it on! I may be discovered at any time!!'

'...No! Wait a minute!' Kawaki suddenly knocked with his hand. 'Wait a minute! Right! Flush the toilet! It takes at least ten seconds to flush the toilet to the end! Can't you just take off my clothes when I hear the sound of water?! Ten seconds may be a little short, but it's enough to take off a piece of clothing!'

Thinking of this, Kawaki once again picked up the Chanshan at the side. However, just as Kawaki took off his kimono and was about to change, he suddenly thought of something. His pupils shrank, and he stopped doing what he was doing.

'Wrong! Totally wrong! I indeed use an ordinary flush toilet because I am not used to fully automatic toilets. Each flush indeed takes about ten seconds...but! What kind of person is Zenzou? Is it the type where you press the flush button and then start wiping your butt, or the type where you press the flush button after wiping and pulling up your pants? If it's the former, there may be a buffer time of ten seconds or even longer, but the latter... is not good! This is really not good!'

Thinking of this, Kawaki heavily hammered his leg, 'Damn! I should have asked clearly before he went in! It's hard to talk about this kind of thing now! Poop-kun! Tell me the answer quickly!'

Just then, there was a sudden sound of rushing water from the bathroom.

'Is it finally over...' Kawaki finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, 'Great, although it took a long time, Poop-kun finally figured it out. You have worked very hard, Poop-kun. Although you may have been a little delayed, you finally came out with your own efforts. I will always remember you, Poop-kun... Then, just wait patiently for Zenzou to leave. He didn't come out directly. It show that he pressed the flush button before starting to wipe. So... if he is the kind of germophobe, maybe It will take a little longer. For most people, it will only take about half a minute. Alright, calm down and wait patiently! Soon... it will be done soon!'

Thus, another hour passed...

'Isn't your obsession with cleanliness a little too serious, Zenzou?!' Kawaki smashed his head on the table in front of him again, 'Why did it take an hour to wipe your butt? You are too much! Is your butt okay? Don't you have hemorrhoids?! Even if you use high-grade toilet paper, it can't stand an hour of wiping, right?! It will definitely bleed, right? No matter how thick your butt hair is, it can't stand it! Spare me... There's almost no time left...'

At this time, the sound of rushing water came from the direction of the bathroom again.

'Is it not finished yet?!' Kawaki held his head and thought crazily, 'You even did it twice. How much have you saved? How long has it been since you sh*t? A month?! Forget it. He should come out this time! Absolutely!!'

Therefore, another hour passed...

'Hey——!! Don't joke around. How can someone do it three times in a row!' Kawaki stared with big red eyes and breathed heavily, 'Is it done? It should be done! How long have you been holding it in? Is my toilet okay? This situation will definitely lead to congestion, right? Come out! Zenzou!'

At the same time, Kawaki glanced at the clock on the wall. The hour hand of the clock was almost at twelve o'clock, and the minute hand was staying at fifty-five.

'There are only five minutes left! Hurry up!' Kawaki thought.

At this moment, the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom again.

'Will you come out this time? Definitely? It's already the third time! He will definitely come out, right? No matter what, three times is already the limit, right? It has already been four hours, right? It's enough! Hurry up and come out!!'

So... two minutes later...

'I can't bear it anymore!' While thinking about this, Kawaki angrily got up and went to the bathroom door. He reached out and directly pulled down the door of the entire bathroom.

"Are you... Eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Kawaki was suddenly stunned for a moment. He saw Zenzou, who was still bleeding uncontrollably from a certain part, lying on the ground with his butt sticking out. Zenzou's entire face had lost all color, and his body was constantly twitching.

"I... I knew you would notice..." Zenzou said in a low voice, "I... I can't do it anymore. I don't even have the strength to press the flush button..."

Only then did Kawaki notice that one of Zenzou's hands was still struggling to reach for the flush button of the toilet.

"Hey! Hold on!" Kawaki quickly helped Zenzou up and shouted.

However, Zenzou had completely passed out due to excessive blood loss and the pain of hemorrhoids.

After glancing at the clock on the wall that was just a few seconds away from twelve o'clock, Kawaki gritted his teeth, and a hint of reluctance flashed across his face. Still, he raised his feet, helped Zenzou open the door, and walked out.

Tsukuyo, who had just finished her patrol and was walking toward his room in the corridor, was frightened by Kawaki holding Zenzou, who had his butt bleeding profusely.

"Hey, what's going on?" Tsukuyo asked Kawaki, who had just walked past her.

"God knows," Kawaki replied without turning his head, "It's probably hemorrhoids. I'll take him to the hospital."

After a long silence, Tsukuyo finally spoke slowly.

"Next time... be careful."


At 12:30 pm, Kawaki sat on a long chair outside the emergency room of the Oedo Hospital. He lowered his head and silently looked at the message sent by Kouka this afternoon.

[Kawaki-chan, happy birthday~ Have you received the clothes? Remember to put it on and send a photo to your sister today~]

"Sister Kouka, even if yesterday was October 9th, it can't be considered my birthday..." Kawaki lowered his head and sighed.


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