Max Talent Player

Chapter 65: 1st Advancement (2)

Chapter 65: 1st Advancement (2)

Chapter 65: 1st Advancement (2)

This is the Observer class?

It was a completely new class to me, one that no one had Played during ten years of Playing.

I opened up the detailed explanation.

[Detailed Explanation]

  1. The Observer must maintain the position of an observer. The Observer avoids excessively proactive Playing.
    • 0% EXP in direct hunting
    • 0% Coin acquisition in direct hunting
    • 0% item drop rate if Observer makes the kill
  2. The Observer can determine the domain he observes.
    • Can use the class skill Observers Domain. (+detailed explanation)
    • Current proficiency: 1
  3. The Observer can observe the world with special eyes.
    • Can use the class skill Observers Eye. (+detailed explanation)
    • Current proficiency: 1


Did must maintain the position of an observer mean that I had to sit back and only observe? I had to look into it a bit more.

Direct hunting

I applied what I knew. Direct hunting basically meant that I would be cutting down at least 50% of the monsters HP.

And if I make the final blow, the item drop rate is 0%.

The class was just as the name described.

It really is an observer

Up until now, there didnt seem to be many positives, despite this being a special class I acquired by using a High Advancement Assist Scroll.

No. That cant be.

There were definitely classes out there that looked unimpressive on the outside but were capable of enormous power. Observer had to be one of those classes. I didnt have concrete evidence for this conviction; it was simply a feeling I had from the Playing Id done so far, something like the oft-mentioned intuition.

Lets check the class-exclusive skills.

I could read the detailed explanations of both skills.

[Detailed Explanation]

  1. Skill name: Observers Domain (Current proficiency: 1)
  2. Skill effect: 
    • Creates a field where Observers Eye takes effect.
    • For party Play, EXP +50%
  3. Range: 5 meters 

It increased the EXP gain when Playing in a party and created a field linked to Observers Eye. That meant I had to find out what Observers Eye was.

[Detailed Explanation]

  1. Skill name: Observers Eye (Current proficiency: 1)
  2. Skill effect:
    • Flow Perception: Visualize the flow of nature.
    • Action Duplication: Copy the actions of an observation target (currently cannot be used).
    • Title Duplication: Use the title and similar abilities of an observation target (currently cannot be used).
    • Ability Share: Share an ability with designated observation targets (currently cannot be used).
  3. Conditions for use:
    • Must possess the ability Calm Observers Eye.
    • Must be contracted with the Nameless Observer.
    • Must be in a private area set for Playing.

I was speechless for a moment.

At least right now its terrible.

I couldnt call this awesome! right now. It didnt even have a class-exclusive attack or defense skill that were so common. Plus, I would actually get no EXP if I hunted a monster directly.

But there was a silver lining, and that was the Observers Eye that appeared to be the core of the Observer class.

To summarize

I felt like I knew what kind of class Observer was. It was a class where you carefully observed a certain target. The target of observation had to be within the Observers Domain, and I would use Observers Eye to examine them.

I think it means I can then copy the abilities of the target being observed.

The current proficiency was 1. The higher the proficiency became, the more abilities I would be able to unlock.

Not just abilities, but even their titles.

Even if I didnt go out and earn titles of my own, once Observers Eye grew in proficiency, I would eventually be able to use the titles of others.

And later on

I could even share my abilities with others.

Id be able to see a Fist King using Single Hit Finisher.

The class had an intermediary playstyle that would allow me to share the abilities of those within my domain, giving the right ability to the right person. At the moment, that was what I had figured out about the Observer class.

Or for example, Yeonseo using Platinum Shield.

Of course, I didnt expect it to be an omnipotent skill. I wouldnt be able to arbitrate everything like I wanted.


The profit Id be able to earn by sharing a useful skill or innate ability at the perfect time was likely something I couldnt even imagine.

To make that happen, I need to make sure my party members have excellent abilities to begin with.

That condition was already partially fulfilled. Kim Sunhwa. So Yoohyun. Shin Yeonseo. These three alone were party members who were top of the line no matter where they went, and they all wanted to party with me.

I purposefully said aloud, The problem is leveling up.

I was now level 30. The stretch between level 30 and 40 was called the Hell Phase. Mindlessly trying to push through the level 30-40 period was a fools errand. Of course, it was something that could be settled with hard work, but it would take at least five years to get through this stretch with effort alone.

Lets think about it slowly.

This class called Observer was one with very obvious pros and cons.

A class that cant shine in the beginning.

But later?

Its value will be unlimited.

Looking at it now, that future was a bit far-off. How exhausting was it to get less EXP from killing monsters? How was I supposed to get through the Hell Phase?


Strangely enough, I was starting to feel confident that I could do it. I couldnt express exactly why that was.

I think I can do it.

I felt like I could do it. Or rather, to be more precise

Feels kinda like it fits me perfectly?

I didnt know why, but a sense of inexplicable confidence that I had gotten a class that fitted me like a glove was blooming within me.

For now, lets give it a shot.

I said aloud, I thank the Nameless Observer for giving me such a good opportunity.

But when I spoke, an interference Id never even imagined occurred. When I said Nameless Observer, it came out as wordless buzzing.


It seemed the Nameless Observer didnt want to reveal that they were my contracted Guardian.

Thats why theyre nameless.

There was also a condition like the following in order to use Observers Eye:

Must be in a private area set for Playing.

At least from what I could tell right now, it seemed the Nameless Observer was fundamentally the type of Guardian who didnt like to reveal themselves to the public. Matching a Guardians disposition was also important.

In order to carry out your will and not disappoint all the esteemed Guardians, I vow to do my utmost to Play.

Those words were a sort of pretense that was cemented over a long period of time. The great majority of Guardians liked to hear words like that during a Players advancement. I didnt get any real notices, but I was sure that many Guardians were finding me laudable right now.

[The Pause has been deactivated.]

The world began to regain its color.

* * *

Reaper Scans

Translator - Lei

Proofreader - Ash

Join our discord for updates on releases!

* * *

I was lying on my bed. I got the Observer class, and there were a lot of things I had to do moving forward. I also recalled the threat my sister gave me earlier.

Pull something like this again, and Ill kill you.

Her words were pretty savage, but her expression made it seem like she was on the verge of tears, so I just said ok. I said I was sorry for being late, but my sister just whirled around and went into her room. It was the same as when she ended the call. Apparently, she really hated showing me her tears. Really, she was such a softie at heart.

Oi. Whatve you been chomping on this whole time?

The squirrel that got a name from me, Darongi, was clinging to the ceiling. To my fascination, he was able to scuttle about perfectly fine while upside down, like a frickin cockroach.

A [!] appeared over his head.

I didnt know what it was, but it seemed my older sister or Sunhwa gave him some dried fruits or something. Startled by my words, Darongi jumped down from the ceiling onto my stomach. Then, he covered his mouth and looked around warily, almost like he was guarding against someone stealing his food.

No ones taking it from you. Would anyone take something youve been eating?

As if reassured by those words, Darongi nodded and snuggled up to my side.

A [] mark appeared above his head, and after burying himself between my arm and ribs, he proceeded to fall asleep.

[zzZ] [zzZ] [zzZ]

The snoozing marks kept popping up, and honestly, it was a bit cute.

Knock knock.

The person who knocked and came in was Sunhwa. Wearing loose pajamas, she was petite and cute today as well. Sometimes, it was hard to tell whether she was an elementary schooler or a middle schooler. Though to be fair, being in your first year of middle school wasnt that far off from being an elementary school student.

Is it cause we overcame the crisis of death together?

I felt myself growing fond of her, and every time I saw her, I had the feeling of wanting to protect her somehow, like it was good that she became my little sister.

Oppa. I got a call from Yeonseo unnie.

Why didnt she call me directly?

She said you wouldnt pick up

Oh right, I had my phone on mute. When I checked my phone, I found a whopping seven missed calls.

Does Yeonseo unnie like you, oppa?

Whats this about all of a sudden?

It seemed like she was too obsessed with you.

She must have something important to say.

Come to think of it, before I chose my class, Yeonseo did say she had something important to talk about.

Anyway, I dont accept it yet. Even though Yeonseo unnie is pretty!

She said some nonsense, and then I saw:

Summary: Slight Brocon

She went from a Weak Brocon to a Slight Brocon. Should I be calling this progress?

TN: Previously, I had her at slight, but weak was the more accurate word, so it has been changed.

Well its puberty.

With time, her brother complex would probably fade on its own. I didnt think about it that hard.

I called Yeonseo, who yelled at me as soon as she picked up.

Hey! Whyd you pick up so late!

My phone was on mute. Whats up?

Cant you be a bit better at picking up?

Im ending the call if you have nothing to say.

W-What? W-Wait a sec! I do have something important to say.

I listened in amusement. Yeonseo was the one who needed to say something, not me.

What is it?

So basically

Yeonseo began to talk. After hearing what she had to say, I had a hard time saying it was (in my opinion) all that important.

Thats right. Its about the time when the Players Association starts becoming more active.

3 months had already passed since I went into the Forest of Unknowns. It was about time for the Players Association to start taking an active role. They were convening Players from all over the country and giving them Player Licenses, and soon, they would start assigning ranks. 

Various rules. Tacit agreements. The distribution of items or profit. Big guilds sponsored by conglomerates.

This was a time when such things were starting to get hammered out. Mankind was becoming more prepared to accept new tech a little more proactively.

The 1st Player Convention is happening tomorrow afternoon. We should be able to gain a lot of information there, dont you think? They say therell be a lot of open positions in big guilds. You can even get contracted with a conglomerate and get a high annual salary! Youre going tomorrow too, right?

Come to think of it, it was already almost September 13. The 1st Player Convention was the first convention within Korea. Just as I was about to respond, Darongi sprang upright like a meerkat. I thought he was repositioning himself, but he then jumped off the bed and ran off. At the same time, I heard the doorbell go off.

I knew that at some point, someone would come to our house. Actually, I knew it would happen before the Player Convention.

Hey. Wait a bit. Someone came over, Ill call you back.

I hung up the call with Yeonseo.

That person is!

This was something I had long-since predicted, but I didnt know it would be the person who I now saw at our door.




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