Max Talent Player

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Help with what?

It was a simple question, but Cheon Sooji was suddenly stricken by the thought that Kim Hyukjin was sexy. This feeling didnt stem solely out of an attraction to Hyukjin as a man, but from a longing towards the strong. No matter the situation, he always maintained his calm, mature, and relaxed appearance.

Unbeknownst to herself, Sooji licked her lips and made a sound of admiration.


Gong Jinhoon, whod gotten a tongue-lashing from Sooji, looked askance at her. Whats with you all of a sudden?

That man. Isnt he too sexy?


Sooji seemed to be asking it rhetorically.

Even if you ask me that, I

I want him. That man.

A desire to possess blazed in Soojis eyes. It wasnt a simple desire to possess. She mumbled unconsciously to herself.

It feels weird.

She didnt vocalize it, but she was wholly immersed in the completely new feeling. She was used to someone else submitting to her and doing her bidding, and that was what she preferred. The Queen that Hyukjin saw in her status window before was proof of that.


She bit her lips. What was it? What was this new feeling?

I want to obey.

To put it into her own words

I want to become subordinate to him.

Her face reddened slightly. A certain word flashed in her mind, but she shook her head and quelled the thought. There was no way. That wasnt her taste, no way. It wasnt. It wasnt. It wasnt.

Despite her furious denial, Soojis summary was captured by Hyukjins Eye of Perception.

Summary: Queen Wanting to Submit

He couldnt figure out for the life of him why Soojis summary was like that. Yeonseo was aspiring to become a wife, Sunhwa had a brother complex, and now, there was a strange Wanting to Submit tacked onto Soojis usual Queen.

He was so flabbergasted by it that his eyes were momentarily drawn to her, but he continued his conversation with the boy.

...And thats the situation. I beg of you. Please help me.

So basically, your grandfather disappeared, and you think hes been kidnapped by monsters? We just have to find him?


A quest window popped up.

[The quest Rescue Evens Grandfather! has been generated.]

The quest window floated in front of Hyukjins eyes. He examined it carefully.

Somethings different about it.

He couldnt explain exactly how, but it was vaguely different somehow. That was the niggling feeling he got from looking at the quest window with Observers Eye.

Thats only natural.

Because this wasnt a real quest. It wasnt a quest imparted by the System.

Alright, well help.

Hyukjins eye, the Observers Eye that discerned the true nature of things, captured each and every minute change in the boys expression. The boy who was so desperate to rescue his grandfather had an ever so slight upwards curl to his lips, a peculiarity that was visible only to Hyukjin. To the physical eye, Even looked desperate.

But you know Hyukjin raised his chin. Who are you?

What? What do you mean by that?

Is your name Even?


Hyukjin asked again.

Who are you?


Even took one step backwards. I really dont get what you mean by that.

Your name. Is it Even?

Evens body twisted unnaturally. His neck bent, and the joints of his limbs twisted in strange directions. His body trembled as he spasmed, and drool streamed from his mouth.

Who are you?

Choi Sung-gu shivered as he watched. Hyukjins nerves were really something. It was almost scary. How could he be so composed, so level-headed? The bastard probably had steel or lead for blood. After one full-body shiver, Sung-gu prepared for the 2nd floor raid.

Its really going as Hyukjin said.

Somehow, it didnt feel novel anymore. Sung-gu nudged Sunghyun in the ribs.

Oi. You ready? You gotta do good.

I think Ill do better than you, hyung.

Big talk for a lil pipsqueak. This hyung of yours was numba one back in my homeskillet.

Jo Sunghyun also shivered, contempt flooding his features. Numba one? And homeskillet wasnt even used correctly He felt zero worth in responding to such outdated, tryhard language.


He very quietly began to chant a magic incantation.

* * *

* * *

Hyukjin gazed calmly at the kid who had introduced himself as Even.

It was the same as the strategy in the past.

The name of the 2nd floor boy is Even, and hes been possessed by a ghost monster.

At first, many Players failed to figure out this unassuming boys true identity and were lured and killed by his trap.

It is highly likely that the ghost monster possessing the boy is one of two monsters.

One was White Fox, a fox ghost monster, while the other was White Rabbit, a rabbit ghost monster.

The strat differs completely depending on whether it is White Fox or White Rabbit.

It wasnt that hard to make ghost monsters expose their identity. All you had to do was ask, ask, and ask again.

Hyukjin grinned.

Both are perfectly welcome.

He knew all too well what the Guardian who sent him a message earlier, the Shepherd Boy, wanted to see. Hyukjin pulled out the item hed been given.

[Fig Tree Club]

A club made from the wood of a fig tree over 100 years old. Effective in provoking ghost monsters that have possessed someone. However, it has no physical attack power.

It was Hyukjins first time handling a club.

Feels perfect in the hand.

Just like when he tried a wrestling technique and threw a dagger for the first time, the club felt like a weapon hed trained with for many years.

He swung the club forcefully.


The club made impact with a crack, and the boy staggered.

I asked, who are you?

He swung the club again, the weapon whistling from right to left.


The boy was unable to defend himself.


He screamed. Gong Jinhoon scowled. It was true that the NPC had changed unnaturally, but there was no doubt that the boy was a quest giver.


Jinhoon blinked and was startled to find that the boy had returned to looking like a regular kid. 

Even knelt, crying. Why are you doing this? It hurts. It hurts so much. I beg you, please stop.

Hyukjin paid him no heed.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

He beat the boy mercilessly, already 100% certain that the boy wasnt really an NPC.

Sunghyun was amazed in his own way. The Lady of the Scales isnt sending me any notices.

Normally, his contracted Guardian, the Lady of the Scales, wouldnt turn a blind eye to such a ruthless beating. Her silence meant there was definitely a reason why this boy deserved to be beaten.

Unable to bear it any longer, Jinhoon tried to step forward. Stop! Smmpgh!

Sooji put a palm over the blond-haired mans mouth. Oi. I told you to shut up, didnt I?

Mmgh! Mmgh!

The healer Gong Jinhoon was no match for Cheon Soojis strength. Unlike him, she had realized that the boy was no ordinary NPC. There was something about him that they didnt know.

The next moment, she saw what that something was.

Possessed One LVL 34

The boys appearance was changing rapidly. His body became much bigger.

Massive body. And white fur on two legs?

White fur had grown all over his legs, which had changed to look like the hind legs of a massive rabbit. The boys face lengthened, and two front teeth approximately thirty centimetres long protruded. The arms also became covered in white fur, making the boy look like a human with the arms and legs of a rabbit.

Hyukjin grinned.

The White Rabbit makes the person it has possessed transform into a rabbit monster. One eye should be black and the other should be red.

It wasnt difficult to pull the White Rabbit out of the person it possessed.

It is best to give a hard strike to the temple on the side with the red eye. Though it is ideal to use an anti-ghost item like the Fig Tree Club, its fine even without.

Hyukjin said one word.


Sunhwa stepped forward without delay. She had been standing by.


The little tank blocked the Possessed Ones paw swipe.

Nicely done.

As expected of a tanking genius, she blocked the attack with ease.

Hyungnim! I will take down its hind leg! Oryaa!

Yoohyun wrapped his huge, muscled arms around the Possessed Ones leg, squeezing with such force it seemed he would crush its knee. In the meantime, Hyukjin jumped on Sunhwas shoulder to leap into the air, a natural movement he achieved purely physically, without any System-assisted foot techniques. The fluidity and ease of the movement was almost comparable to what the combat class Yeonseo could pull off.

He nimbly wrapped his legs around the Possessed Ones neck and began to swing the Fig Tree Club mercilessly.

The Possessed One screamed and flailed.

Stop! Stop! Stooooop!!!

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

It was a one-sided beating. After a great deal of agony, the Possessed One crumpled to the ground and began to loudly vomit.

Sooji cautiously approached Yeonseo. How long should we just stand by? It feels like were the only ones who are clueless here. Since were on the same boat, please give us a chance to contribute.


But Yeonseo didnt respond. She wasnt ignoring Sooji on purpose; she was simply focusing on something.

Sooji realized that. Whats she focusing on so hard?

Just then, Yeonseo moved.

[Using the skill Single Hit Finisher.]

Her sword strike blitzed forward, aiming for the White Rabbit that had been expelled from the Possessed One. The ghost monster looked mostly human.

White Rabbit LVL 30

Pierced by Yeonseos sword, the White Rabbit disappeared with a grating, cackling laugh. Yeonseo had long since learned that her physical attack wouldnt work on a ghost monster. She had heard what would happen from Hyukjin.

So now!

If it was as Hyukjin said, three holes should appear in the ground. That was what he said would happen once the White Rabbit received a set amount of physical damage.

Its true!

That meant it was now time for Sung-gu and Sunghyun to take action. Hyukjins party moved like one fluid entity. Each person knew exactly what their role was and moved all too naturally within Hyukjins scenario.

Smoke suddenly billowed out. Sung-gu had lit the holes on fire, and it wasnt purely magic fire. He had stuffed the holes with straw that burned well and produced lots of smoke.

Hyukjin kept Eye of Perception going constantly.

Our chance will come soon.

Ghost monsters were very tricky to deal with before you found out their identity, but once you knew what they were, they were relatively easy monsters to fight.

Black smoke puffed from the three holes the rabbit had dug. Before long, something jumped out of the ground, and a high-pitched squeal shattered the air.


Sunghyun chanted an incantation directly towards it.

[Wend Kiratia Metiase]

A 3-meter-long spear made of wind appeared in the air and shot forward like an arrow. Like a well-written script, everyone moved in perfect order to subdue the White Rabbit in mere moments.


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