Max Talent Player

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Hyukjin stood stock still, planting his legs down firmly. Their name, Big Black Dog, described exactly what they were. One of the tiger-sized canines jumped up at him.


This Big Black Dog wasnt trying to attack him. It was expressing its happiness to see him. It would be a lie to say he wasnt scared, but he didnt panic.

The real thing is always different from reading it in a book.

It was just like how seeing a monster in the flesh was different from seeing one in a movie. Honestly, he was scared. He was scared, but he didnt show his fear at all.

[Dropping Black Yaks Lean Meat.]



The Big Black Dogs ravenously devoured the meat. A few of them licked Hyukjin and butted their heads on him. Hyukjin faced the Big Black Dogs with indifferent calm, as if he were a professional dog trainer.

[Dropping Black Yaks Lean Meat.]

He dropped Black Yaks Lean Meat a few times and also extended his hand towards the dogs several times.

Is this enough?

With all those monsters in front of him, he slowly got down to one knee and put out his hand.


Several Big Black Dogs ran up to Hyukjin and started licking his hand enthusiastically.


Smoke rose from his hand.

A slight burn, huh.

The saliva of the Big Black Dogs was strongly acidic, something he knew beforehand. His palm stung.

Gotta get a little more familiar with them

He glanced around to find the other Players doing as he instructed and staying perfectly still. The youngest of them, Sunhwa, was clinging to Yeonseos leg with her eyes squeezed shut.

Shes doing well.

He had faith in her. Once they cleared the 1st floor today, Sunhwas mental fortitude would become a little stronger. He believed this trial was the perfect training for Sunhwa, whose mental strength fell far short of her physical resilience.

The civilians being here will also push her.

Hyukjin judged this scenario would be a catalyst for Sunhwas mental growth, and it was looking like he made the right call. He decided to draw things out a little more.

A little longer.

It didnt take much to stir the Big Black Dogs into attack mode. It was important to avoid exciting them from start to end. Hyukjin focused on their tails, recalling the strategy and experiences recorded in the past.

When a Big Black Dog opens its heart, its long tail will slowly wag in a figure eight.

The first person to successfully pull off this strat was Lao Yu, who became famous as the Taming Master later on. After Lao Yus success, a few guilds failed to replicate his success, while a few others succeeded.

Almost all of the Big Black Dogs were wagging their tails in a figure eight. Hyukjin traced the movement of their tails with Eye of Perception and Observers Eye.

Just a few more!

He couldnt be hasty. If he accidentally excited the dogs, he would be eaten.

Its done!

Finally, all of the Big Black Dogs tails swayed in a languid figure eight, an indication they had opened their hearts. Hyukjin stood up. He had successfully calmed down the Big Black Dogs, so it was time to advance to the next step.

He walked slowly so as not to alarm the Big Black Dogs he had expended great effort to calm. As he passed the dogs, he periodically scratched their backs or stroked the heads they were resting on the ground.

His steps were slow and sure.

That ones the boss.

It was a Big Black Dog with two heads, a Twin-Headed Big Black Dog. This monster was impossible to hunt in the early game, period. In the past, when the U-Plex Dungeon first appeared, this Twin-Headed Big Black Dog was the 1st gateway Players failed to break through, thereby resulting in a dungeon break. In order to raid this boss monster, your partys average level had to be over 40.

[Twin-Headed Big Black Dog LVL ?]

The name was red, and the level was a question mark. Hyukjin activated Eye of Perception.

[Twin-Headed Big Black Dog]

Dog-type animal monster.

Name: Charles

Level: 42 (+5)

Innate ability: [Cutting]

State: Unperturbed / Full / Drowsy

Summary: Twin-Headed Dog who Lost his Owner

  • The disposition/state/summary only show the most representative and can change according to the situation.

  • Because Eye of Perceptions proficiency is not high enough, viewing more detailed information is impossible.

To Hyukjins amusement, the name of the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog was Charles, and there was an owner who gave it such a personable name.

Is that why Lao Yu managed to tame it?

It wasnt really taming in the proper sense of the word. What Lao Yu achievedand what Hyukjin was trying to do nowwasnt complete obedience from the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog, but temporary obedience. Just enough taming so that the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog, the gatekeeper of the 1st gateway, would permit them to pass. Only that much.

At that time, the level 35 Lao Yu successfully tamed the boss and opened up the gateway to the 2nd floor.

Hyukjins party could not hunt this special creature at their current level, but they could tame it. He stopped in front of the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog. It merely cast him a disinterested passing glance.


Hyukjin took one step closer.

The Twin-Headed Big Black Dog stared at him. It was very faint, but Hyukjin felt bloodthirst. No it wasnt bloodthirst, but a feeling similar to it. The sensation was ever so slightly different from an intent to kill. If Hyukjin had to put it in words, it was something akin to a threat.


He took another step closer, recalling past records.

Lao Yu started taming with a special method.

It was said that he used a combination of his abilities as a Player and normal dog-training methods. And thankfully, his method worked.

As if to show he had no intent to attack, Hyukjin avoided the Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs eyes and angled his body to the side. The boss was still growling, but it didnt look like it was going to attack.


Hyukjin took another step closer.

Come in at an angle, not from the front.

Little by little, he approached from the side.

[Dropping Black Yaks Lean Meat.]

The Twin-Headed Big Black Dog gulped down the Black Yak meat and continued to stare Hyukjin down.

[Dropping Black Yaks Lean Meat.]

One more time, and another time after that. Hyukjin came closer and closer, until he was right up against the beast. He sat down, leaning his body against the Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs massive frame. The dogs four red eyes flashed, and it opened one of its mouths wide. Hyukjin saw its red mouth full of extremely sharp and large teeth.

Here it comes!

He clenched his teeth, bracing himself. The Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs mouth closed around Hyukjins head. He did not resist, staying absolutely still with the feeling of its teeth on his neck and its wet tongue on his head.

Yeonseo watched it happen with eyes of alarm.

Damn it!

Sharp teeth were bared, with saliva dripping down in gobs, white smoke coming off wherever the caustic fluid made contact with Hyukjins hair and face.

Isnt he going to be eaten at this rate?

She believed Hyukjin, she absolutely did, but the situation simply looked too dangerous. She felt an urge to pull the aggro right this instant. She bit her lips.

No, I have to trust him.

It looked like that giant red mouth was going to swallow Hyukjin whole, but she merely watched with wide-open eyes, remembering Hyukjins words.

You must never exude bloodthirst. Abandon all thoughts of fighting. Being a little scared is fine, but the moment you decide to fight, theyll attack. I trust you. All of you. Lets clear this place alive, all of us.

Hyukjins I trust you echoed in Yeonseos head. She simply watched.

It really bit him.

The Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs jaws closed around Hyukjins head. Inside its mouth, Hyukjin saw only darkness. He closed his eyes. It felt like his face was burning up.

Lao Yu endured this?

He was getting through it with the continuous use of the Cure and Recovery Potions hed assigned to his slots in advance, but it wasnt painless.

Hyukjin clenched his teeth. This is the Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs test.

He endured, staying still. With his head still trapped, he raised his hand and briskly stroked the Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs muzzle, almost as if to say this was nothing.

Ill use a slightly different method from the one Lao Yu used.

Life was truly all about the real thing. Now that he was actually in the situation, an even better method came to mind. With his head in the Twin-Headed Big Black Dogs mouth, Hyukjin said one word.



He felt the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog flinch. Apparently, it remembered its name.


It flinched again.



The Twin-Headed Big Black Dog let go of Hyukjins head. Smoke billowed off Hyukjins face with a loud sizzle as he stood up.

Charles. Sit.

Surprisingly, the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog understood him and actually sat.


It put out its paw.


It laid down.

Good dog. Very good dog.

Hyukjin rewarded it with another Black Yaks Lean Meat.

After about three minutes, the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog started showing its belly to Hyukjin altogether. It also regurgitated the Black Yaks Lean Meat it ate, offering it to Hyukjin like it was giving him a gift. Hyukjin pretended to be happy and stowed the slobbery meat in his Inventory.

As soon as he did that, he got a notice.

[The Twin-Headed Big Black Dog has temporarily submitted.]

[The System has acknowledged a temporary taming.]

[The Big Black Dogs and Twin-Headed Big Black Dog have temporarily lost all desire to attack.]

Hyukjin knew that there were only two ways to clear the 1st floor of the U-Plex Dungeon. Hunt the Twin-Headed Big Black Dog, or temporarily tame it.

[A special condition has been satisfied.]

[The Escalator Going to the 2nd Floor has been activated.]


The Twin-Headed Big Black Dog barked, its tail wagging to and fro in a figure eight. Just then, a new Guardian sent a notice.

[The Shepherd Boy expresses his surprise.]

The representative Guardian of the Scotland server had appeared in the Korean server.

* * *

* * *

The Shepherd Boy was a Guardian I knew about. He was the dream and idol of every tamer in the world. There were about a hundred tamers selected by the Shepherd Boy worldwide.

All one hundred of them were top-class tamer Rankers.

Within the top 100 ranking of tamer class Players, a good eighty of them were Players sponsored and supported by the Shepherd Boy. That was how much of a heavy hitter he was in the taming world. That Guardian had expressed surprise towards me. Not just interest, but surprise, a form of attention one level higher.

Senia showed herself.

Player Kim Hyukjin.

To my surprise, a Pause authority took effect. Seeing as it was boldly used in the middle of a clear, Senia wasnt the one who had initiated it; one of the Guardians had gifted her the authority, most likely the Shepherd Boy.

I apologize for the interruption.

I shrugged. She wasnt apologizing to me, but to the other Guardians for suddenly cutting off the Play with a Pause. I guessed that was why she started with an apology. She was a complete newbie Streamer at first, but those rough edges of hers seemed to be smoothed out a little now. It almost made me feel proud.

Senia asked, Do you have a side class in addition to your main class?

Not at all.

A Players side class would be decided at level 50, and another Guardian would be selected at that time.

Then did you successfully tame the monster using some kind of skill?

A skill? I didnt have anything so convenient. I just did it. By making use of a dogs behavior.

...You dont have a single taming skill?

Nope. You can scan me.

Senias wings trembled.

[Beginning an Intermediate Administrators scan in accordance with the Players request.]

[No taming-related skills have been found.]

Was what I did so astonishing? It was common knowledge that Lao Yu accomplished it at level 35, so it shouldnt be impossible for me to pull off. I thought it was well within the realm of possibility, since I had the advantage of having the answer key from the start.

How did you think of taming a monster without a taming skill?

I just saw it. Our path to survival. How I should act. What I had to do to get to the 2nd floor. I could just see it.

Those words were greeted by another set of notices.

[The True Master of the Heavenly Demonic Mountain nods in understanding at the geniuses predicament of being unable to explain.]

[The True Master of the Heavenly Demonic Mountain has sent you a 300 Coin sponsorship.]

Based on the reactions of the Shepherd Boy, Senia, and the True Master, what I just did clearly had a resounding impact on the Guardians.

I didnt expect such a big reaction.

I just carried out a strategy I had from my knowledge of the past, refining it a little with the name Charles.

Though, of course, not everyone can clear this, even if they have the strategy.

Even if you knew the strategy, clearing this gateway would be impossible if you didnt have nerves of steel. I simply tackled the challenge because I was confident I could clear it. The Pause ended, and I heard another notice.

[The Hidden Piece Bloodless Entry has been fulfilled.]


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