Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 29: traces of blood

Chapter 29: traces of blood

Ivan and Delfino went around a few more places suspected of being touched by demon worshipers. So little by little information was collected, but there was no clue as to why the information was so fragmented. It seemed like they were just licking the surface of the watermelon, with all the core missing.

I dont know what the hell is real.

Ivan rummaged through the medicine he had just secured. Again, the strong scent of poisonous herbs. Do demon worshipers really sell drugs for money?

Is this just a drug?

I wonder if this should be sent to magic tower and analyzed for its ingredients

Ivan, who was talking, closed his mouth. Suddenly, Delfino grabbed a handful of medicine, lit it with fire, and inhaled in the smoke.

It happened without Ivan have time to stop it, so Ivan just stared at him with absurd eyes.

What is this? You said that you were an exorcist and could you even be possessed by a demon? What the hell?

Delfinos eyes changed blurry after he inhaled an amount that even drug dealers wouldnt do. He soon closed his eyes and shook his body.

Damn it, you were a drug dealer, not a priest. You are not even a druid but you take it like that?


Just as Ivan was about to use his hand while swearing, a soft light erupted from Delfinos body. The divine power of Arun, the god of light, wrapped around his body, and he soon regained his spirit.

Delfinos eyes returned calmly, as if it was a lie that he had just been drunk and opened his eyes.

The hallucinogenic ingredients are quite strong. Its very addictive, and the purity is higher than what the previous guys had, so this seems close to the core.

Watching Delphino casually arguing with him, Ivan asked cautiously.

Hey, are you okay?

If we bumped these guys a little more yes?

No, it just looked a bit dangerous.

Did he know what the drug was and then inhaled it like that? What should he do if it was fatal like destroyed his brain or take his life before he could raise the divine power and purify it?

Delfino smiled at Ivans worried eyes.

I know quite a bit about these drugs, so dont worry too much.

No matter how well you know it

Its okay. Im an excellent exorcist.

Delfino was an exorcist, a priest who specialized in chasing demons. The target he had to deal with was the demons who possessed all the wickedness of the world, and the followers of the demon who followed them.

They normally had to see the very wicked, wretched, cruel and disgusting things that are hard to imagine as a daily routine. Nevertheless, the will to chase away evil should not be dampened. Drugs, torture, intimidation, by any means.

They chase us as we chase them. Even today, thousands of priests have been kidnapped by demon followers. They try to destroy and corrupt our minds with torture, intimidation, drugs and brainwashing. So exorcists like me are trained to prepare for it, in order not to tarnish the name of Arun, the brilliant Lord of Light, under any extreme circumstances.

In the words that Delfino said casually, Ivan smelled a deep conviction. He felt a great spirit that would not break under any circumstances.

At the same time, deep doubts arose.

Is that possible? How could a man do that? Ivan is curious.

What made you like that?

To that, Delfino replied with a chuckle.

Everything is for the bright Lord of Light It would be right as a priest to say this, but Im not. I do it because it is something someone has to do. I just did not avoid the task given to me.

He added that he sometimes regrets or laments. When he saw scenes of despair and brutality that could not be believed in this world, he confessed that he had secretly resented Arun.

Its embarrassing. Its probably because my faith isnt strong yet.

Ivan received a very strong feeling from Delfino who smiled like that. He confessed his own shortcomings, but his human appearance made his life sublime. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

Thats amazing.

A man who could, without hesitation, throw his whole life into hellfire for his beliefs, for his faith, and to say that he did it just because it was his duty.

He truly couldnt help but marvel at him. As Ivan who lives swaying to and fro, he felt the magnificence of it even more.

Anyway, this seems to be the real thing, so lets dig a little deeper.

Okay. Still, it wasnt meaningless to wander around

Ivan, who was talking, suddenly raised the tension in his body and straightened his back. Delfino asked, seeing how serious Ivans expression became in an instant.


Someone is looking at us. Its not very favorable.

Are you a demon worshiper? Warlock? Have you been poking around and trying to figure out whats going on?

Ivan still had his back turned. He couldnt see where his gaze was coming from. If thats the case, hell know that Ivan has noticed, too.

It was not a forest, a mountain, or a secluded open area. Even just one block away, there was a street with a lot of people. It is easy to miss if done wrong.

Which one?

Delfino asked with his head bowed. He wondered if he could read the conversation by looking at his lips from the other side.

The back. The distance isnt close.

Can you trace it?

Ill have to try.

Thunderstep is the best way to approach it the fastest, but it was too loud and flashy. I dont know if its about hitting head-on, but its hard to use it for this kind of thing.

The skill of the assassin is not very high

Strangely, it seemed that assassin skills were used more often while acting with Delfino.

Is it because personality?

From the moment we went through their pockets together, something was strange.

Ivan cleared his thoughts and cleared his breathing.

He erased his footsteps and made his steps light.

[Stealth], [Secret Attack]

It wasnt a great skill. The basics of the assassins basics. Just licking the surface. However, the his competence raised the level of his skills, so he wasnt very bad at it.

Delfino realized that strangely, he couldnt see him properly. Even though he is looking at him, its blurry. It was a very subtle difference, but he could tell.

You have a lot of talent.

It happens. Please hold their attention for a moment. Ill be right back.

As soon as he heard that, Delfino jumped up and kicked the fallen ones.

These bastards! How can you do such a wicked thing when God is watching? How can you ruin the lives of others and live proudly with your head up and living under the light of Arun! You have to have a warm heart under the warm sun

While Delfino was reading the script of the Arun Church, Ivan sneaked away to the side. He hid himself in the shadows and escaped the gaze that was watching him from afar.

What? When I was your age No matter how difficult life is, I wanted to live proudly, but these days, children dont have guts! Oh my! My eyes are spinning! This is all for you to do be good. You have to pay for this! Pay for it!

Delfino attracted so much attention, but he didnt have much time. He had to dig in before the guy noticed anything odd.


Ivan floated through the alleyway and climbed up the wall as it was. He never went up the roof.

Because he might be caught in his sight.


Running on clothesline and railing. The gaps between the buildings were narrow and the exterior walls were not smooth, so there was no problem in movement.

The sharp sense of the warrior grasps the surrounding space, and the rangers experience finds the path leading to the shortest distance. The assassins movements reduce the sound of footsteps and keep him out of sight. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

Running like that, he was able to get close to him.

The roof of a shabby building. One guy wearing a robe. I cant feel the presence of other guys around him.

While looking around briefly, the guy got up. He felt somethin. But by then, Ivan was already on the roof where he was.


Aside from his panic, a magical barrier rose. It meant that he is good enough since he could unconsciously create a shield.

It was a good thing. If so, there will be a lot of information you can get.


With the feeling of glass breaking, the shield he had created was pierced. Ivans spear aimed at the guys body and pierced him.


He put a spear in his stomach, but Ivan hardened his expression.

The geeling of his hand was very strange. A living person wont feel like this.

When Ivan pulled out the spear, black, rotten blood gushed out. It smells fishy and disgusting.

Undead. doll. fake.

The moment those words flashed through Ivans head, the undeads body swelled up. Black magic was unstable and trembled and grew in size.


Ivan threw his spear towards the faint flow of magic that he felt at that moment, and in an instant he was caught up in the explosion and fell off.


ur ur.

The old building could not withstand the shock and collapsed.

Fallen wooden chips, broken bricks, and pillars.

Ivan, who escaped to a safe place as he cleared the debris of the collapsed building, spat on the floor.

Damn, you used a bait here?

The impact of the explosion made his stomach rumble and his skin was torn and messed up. In the meantime, as the undead exploded and the poison sprayed trying to penetrate his body, Ivans resistance blocked it, and a curse mediated by rotten blood lingered around his body.


When Ivan retrieves his life orb from his inventory and holds it in his hand, the curse based on his death is pushed away. The abrasions on Ivans skin were healed and revitalized.

Thanks to this, Ivan was stained with blood and dirt, but there was no damage. It just makes him feel worse.


Ivan reached out his hand and the spear that had flew away returned. The bright scarlet blood at the end of the day. Unlike the rotten blood of the undead, it belonged to a living human.

Tsk, I dont think I killed him

If he chase it now, can he catch it? it will be difficult, right?

When the building collapsed, a commotion broke out, and people ran out in surprise. As the surroundings turned into such a chaos, even Ivans sharp senses could no longer detect the enemy.

Ivan! Are you okay?

Delfino, who ran late, breathed divine power into Ivans body. It was intended to heal his wounds, but Ivan stopped him as he had already recovered with the life orb.

I thought I caught him, but it was a fake. They used the undead as a doll to watch. It was a bait.

He was a cautious guy. How do you dig a trap like that? There was nothing to be gained by handing over this information for nothing.

At that time, Delfino, who was staring at the tip of Ivans spear, asked.

Is this blood his blood?

Half. I failed to kill him. Probably a little scratched on the forearm.

Ivan spoke with regret, but Delfino smiled is rather satisfied.

Then, its not like theres no harvest. Weve got a good clue.

Delfino, who wiped the blood on Ivans spear blade with a cloth and sealed it in a glass bottle, waved it and said.

This is enough. Ill show you how we can track them.


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