Mated to the Warrior Beast

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Humbled


The hair on the back of his neck stood up as the guards moved to circle around them while they walked, keeping him and Harth separate from the Queen.

He’d always been the one to stand between Elreth and danger. He had never been viewed as the danger himself.

The thought rankled. He wanted to fight it. He wanted to demand his position, his integrity, his power. But he knew... the harder he fought, the more likely Elreth was to stop trusting him. He’d done his best to stay objective, to react as he would have wanted another male to in his position. He’d done his best to prove his good intention for his Queen and her people. But he couldn’t deny the prickle of pride and anger crawling up his spine.

Did they really believe that he was so easily turned from his path?

Did they really believe that he would lie about a matebond, or be so easily deceived where one didn’t exist?

He could feel himself slipping into anger and tried to push it back, clinging to Harth’s hand, squeezing it, reminding himself that every word, every action would breed consequences not just for him, but for her as well.


Probably more for her.

His mate. It was impossible and wonderful and terrifying.

His mate.

Then the most beautiful voice in creation appeared in his head and his heart pounded and squeezed in the same breath.

‘I never thought it would end up like this.’ Even in his head her voice was little more than a whisper. As if she was afraid to actually say the words.

“Don’t let yourself worry,” he muttered. “I’ll make certain they see the truth about you.”

‘It’s not just me!’ she insisted in his head, her voice higher, as if she was near tears. ‘If I just arrived by myself I’d just come to your people, Tarkyn. You have to believe me. If it was just me, I’d vow to your Queen and... there wouldn’t be a problem. But it’s not just me! It’s all my brothers and sisters. They’re all so damaged and we were so hopeful. So excited for this new life. And now they’re going to die at the hands of-‘

“No!” Tarkyn growled. The guards nearby caught his tone and looked at him sharply, but he turned to hold Harth’s gaze so she’d see his conviction in his eyes.

But hers were equally alight. ‘He is my Alpha and he’s being treated like a criminal! Would you stand for that with your Queen?’

Of course he wouldn’t. Tarkyn knew he wouldn’t. But how could he make her understand-

‘I’m not the one who needs to understand what’s happening here!’ Harth barked in his mind.

He was about to respond, when he drew up short, eyes wide. He hadn’t spoken. How had she known he was thinking that she needed to understand something when he hadn’t spoken the words?

Harth frowned. ‘What is it?’ she asked in his head.

‘You... you heard what I thought?’ He thought the words carefully, uncertain how to send them to her. But it appeared that it didn’t matter.

She blinked. ‘I did! Tarkyn, you can talk back to me!’

It was a stunning revelation-one that made him tighten his grip on her hand even further. She seemed so close. So precious. But also... could she hear everything? Were his thoughts never to be his alone again?

‘I... I can’t... what’s worrying you. I didn’t hear it,’ she frowned at him.

Tarkyn blinked. ‘How do you send some thoughts and not others?’ He knew he wasn’t hearing everything she thought. Which, frankly, was as it should be.

Harth smiled. ‘That’s easy... you wish for it. You reach with your heart, and your mind will follow. You can hold yourself from me, Tarkyn. But... please don’t. I want to know it all.’

The breadth of warmth and value that came to him with that thought stole his breath. She truly meant it. She wanted all of him-the thought was washed in a sense of happy yearning.

For a moment they just stared at each other, buried in the newness of it. For a moment Tarkyn could forget why they walked with so many others-even the fact that they were surrounded by his own guards, with defenses set against his mate. For a moment it was just Harth and heat that lit in her eyes when she looked at him.

But then one of the guards muttered a curse behind him and Harth flinched, and the moment was lost.

He felt the shift within her from warmth and love, to focus, and cold rage.

‘They disrespect my alpha, then expect him not to fight?’ she murmured in his head a minute later.

They were just turning down the trail through the forest, near the edge of the Tree City, but Tarkyn noted that Elreth directed them to take the side trails, to stay out of the way of the citizens. A part of him was relieved that no one would see him humbled this way. Another part roared-let them see what was being done to his mate! Let them see the distrust for his judgment!

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, clung to her hand, and tried to think clearly, without emotion, though it was difficult with the feelings roiling within him-both love and protection for her, and for his people.

‘I know why you’re angry,’ he started quietly, praying she could hear him. ‘And I would be too. But you have to see... he’s a genuine threat. If I showed up suddenly among your people and almost killed three of them, I dare say he would have me bound, as well.’

Harth’s brow furrowed. ‘I can’t be sure. He would imprison an enemy. But a shifter? Zev and Sasha are... they are thoughtful leaders.’

‘Even when things happen without warning? We all jump to protection of our loved ones, Harth.’ He experimented, letting himself feel the feelings she’d brought to him with her declaration, trying to reflect them back to her.

Her cheeks pinked and her lips quirked towards a smile for a moment. He prayed she’d felt the true impact of that, as he had.

But her face turned somber again as he continued.

‘I understand your heartache for your alpha. I also understand my Queen’s quick-fire response for protection. We almost lost our land. We almost lost everything. And we did lose a great deal... too many that were... irreplaceable.

‘Please, Harth, feel my heart. Know that I’m telling you the truth: My Queen is not evil. She is strong, and defends her people even at cost to herself. I know that once she’s convinced you and yours are peaceful, we will be able to live in harmony and... and I cannot wait for that day. I will do everything in my power to hurry it along. But please... her containment of threat is only natural under the circumstances. They are the choices I would make if I couldn’t feel you. So... please don’t force her to restrain you. Please, follow my lead. Trust me that I will do nothing to bring you harm. You are already precious to me, beautiful. Please... trust me.’

As they slipped down the trail, the guards forced to weave between trees because the trail wasn’t wide enough for so many bodies, he felt his mate’s reluctance... and also her submission.

‘I trust you, Tarkyn,’ she sent quietly. ‘I will trust you.’

He pulled her into his side and prayed that soon they would have time together. Time to rest and learn each other. To complete the bond and... time to just be.

He had finally found his beautiful, wonderful mate. A gift from the Creator.

Please, please, could he receive time to enjoy her!


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