Mated to the Warrior Beast

Chapter 123 - 123 Everything New – Part 3*

123 Everything New – Part 3*

If you like music while you read, try “Come to Me” by Sebastian Ekstrand. It’s Jayah and Skhal’s love song!



Skhal’s breath stopped and he stared at her, eyes wide and breath coming even faster.

When Jayah straightened and met his startled gaze, she smiled, then laughed as, with a determined growl, he wrapped her in his arms and bent her backwards, arching her over his arm until her breasts pointed for the ceiling, then he took first one, then the other in his mouth, flicking and rolling with this tongue, small hums of approval and pleasure rumbling in his chest, as if he discovered a delicious taste for the first time.

His breath rasped, fluttering on her bared skin, pebbling her to her ears as ripples and waves of pleasure washed over her body, beginning where he touched, but flowing through her as if he invaded her bloodstream.

Then he opened his mouth over her nipple and sucked it deeply into his mouth and Jayah gasped, gripping his head, burying her fingers in his hair and arching into the pull, holding him there as her mouth fell open and her body screamed at her to continue the pleasure.

He came off that breast with a small pop and she whimpered, but he only moved to the other, sucking and drawing at it, one hand dragging down to cup her ass and pull her against him, hard.

She’d been working at his leathers when she was distracted by all this, but now, he ground against her, his breath thundering from his nose because his mouth was full of her. And Jayah trembled, shivering in a wave that rocked through her body.


Unwilling to have him stop sucking at her, she clawed her hands down his body to find the waistband of his trousers, then follow it around, her hands pinned between them because he continued to seek her, rolling his hips against her.

Then she found him, cupped his length and squeezed gently.

Skhal’s mouth opened on a groan that vibrated her nipple and Jayah whimpered again. Still holding her tightly against him, he pressed her back, catching their combined weight with one hand, then lowered her gently to the furs, murmuring her beauty and his joy in her and Jayah marveled that it could be true. But she knew—she felt it too. Something within her yearned for him well beyond the need for physical connection. As if his soul twined with hers, or wished to.

When she was laying down and he covered her, they began to move in a parody of the joining, his hips rolling forward and up, into her palm. And Jayah’s heart raced.

For the following minutes they fumbled and gasped, rippled and rocked, tearing at what was left of each other’s clothes even as they paused to press into the bliss of a touch, or a kiss. But finally, finally, they were skin to skin, their clothing tossed aside.

Jayah let herself sink into the thick furs he’d brought and laid down for them. He had his elbow braced on the fur over her shoulder and that hand cupped over her head, the other explored every dip and curve of her body, and when he finally delved between her legs, he gave a long, shuddering groan to find her ready for him.

Trembling with need, Jayah took him in hand and stroked even as she lifted her hips to meet his touch, to guide him because he seemed hesitant. But as he explored her most sensitive flesh, gasping his joy, her body quivered with anticipation.

Then he dragged his fingers from within her, gasping her name like a question, and the pad of his thumb found that bundle of wonderful nerves.

Jayah stiffened and sucked in a breath, and Skhal went still.

He’d been kissing her neck—a glorious, shivering pleasure—but he lifted his head, his eyes hooded and stared down at her as he stroked her again.

Jayah’s mouth fell open and her grip on him tightened.

“You like that?” he rasped.

“Very… very much—oh!”

With a low chuckle, he began to play, testing, letting fingertips trail and tease, then using the pads of fingers or thumb to press and slide, watching her, his breath growing harsher and deeper as she melted under his touch.

He was in one moment uncertain or hesitant, and in the next, laughing with delight. A quick learner, he was soon playing her like a musical instrument, catching her gasps with his kisses, teasing and trying different touches, different angles, different pressures, until she quivered like a struck tuning fork.

“You are… so beautiful… so giving,” he croaked. “I never imagined…”

A fleeting thought crossed her mind then, but there was no room to think, no time to find words, because Skhal was shifting his hips, letting himself sink fully between her thighs, drawing himself out of her hand and suddenly the velvet-iron of him pressed against her, so full, so promising.

Jayah arched to meet him as he drew himself along her and they both sucked in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry… I don’t want to hurt you, but…” he groaned.

Jayah laughed. “You w-won’t,” she breathed, clawing at his back in frustration as he rubbed himself against her again, but still didn’t enter her. “You draw me, Skhal. There won’t be pain—that is only for the first time. This will be only pleasure for me, I assure you. Please.”

“But, the first time is always—” He broke off as Jayah froze, opening her eyes to find him, braced over her, staring at her, blinking.

They stared at each other and all the pieces clicked into place for Jayah—his hesitance, his delight, his fumbling…

“Skhal,” she whispered, cupping his strong jaw, “Is this… have you never…?”

He shook his head. “You have?” he asked with disbelief. “You had a mate and… lost them and…”

“No, no” she hurried to reassure him. “I’ve never met my mate.”

Skhal’s forehead crinkled in confusion. “Yet… you’ve mated?”

Jayah blinked, nerves joining the hum of pleasure in her belly. “It is… we all have at some point. I’ve never… I’ve never wanted anyone like this, Skhal. But I have been with males since I was a teenager. You haven’t?”

The question hovered between them, and Jayah’s heart dropped.


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