Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 729 For The Most People

Chapter 729  For The Most People


Months had passed since the wolves of Summer had bid their final farewell to their lost Alpha. A whole year since the end of the war that had taken him from them.

Across the territories, many of the smaller packs had returned to their lands, only to find them destroyed during the war or inhabited by rogues or monsters.

In the year that followed the war, the two remaining great packs, Summer and Winter, had worked tirelessly to aid the smaller packs in reclaiming their homes or establishing new ones. In these efforts, it was Winter who took the lead.

Summer had done all they could in the process, but their own territory had taken a great deal of damage, and many of their resources had been tied up in their own recovery.

While Galen actively participated in the large-scale unification gatherings Axel organized and any outside aid that Summer could provide, Fiona stayed behind to maintain the territory of Summer.

She worked day and night to ensure that though they had endured many losses and their lands were not what they once were, the people and spirit of Summer did not suffer.

“This is amazing, Fiona,” Bell smiled. “It’s going to help so much.”

They stood together on the balcony of one of the interior lookout towers. They and many others watched as the final touches were made to one of the new communication towers.

Many outer buildings and research stations had been destroyed during the final battle, while the center city had been safeguarded. Throughout the year, Fiona was forced to make many hard decisions.

They did not have the manpower or resources to rebuild all that had been lost, and some had been put on the back burner to meet advancement needs.

The erected tower would allow communication between the packs even if the individual buildings were disabled or destroyed. It also allowed for specific security features that Summer could now share with the smaller packs.

It was the best option for the most people.

As Fiona watched the tower light up, indicating that it was operational, she could not join in the cheers around her. Her hand gripped tightly to the railing, and she clenched her jaw.

As she looked at the tower, all she could see was the building that had been there previously.

A small lab, hardly used in many years.

She closed her eyes, and she could almost hear his excited laughter as he told her about the discoveries he had made.

He would drag her into the small lab, pointing out this and that, nothing she ever understood. Then he would turn with his goofy grin and his glasses falling forward on his nose. His eyes always lit up from the thrill of newfound knowledge.

He had brought her to his lab shortly after they had found each other. He told her it was where he could truly be himself. He could learn and find new ways to improve the lives of his people.

Cain’s father had been a military man. He saw Cain’s interest in science to be a waste of time. This small building, away from all the rest, was his sanctuary.

Fiona took a deep breath, shaking away the memory. She opened her eyes and looked around. So many of the old buildings were damaged or gone.

Eventually, she would find a way to rebuild. To bring back all that Summer had been before the war. But no matter how they rebuilt that lab that had been Cain’s place of joy, his retreat from the expectations of his bloodline… would never come back.

As though the last piece of him that remained was now gone.

“Fiona?” Bell called to her.

Fiona took a deep breath and turned with a smile.

“I will let Galen know that the tower is operational,” she said, moving back inside the building.

“Are you all right?” Bell asked.

“Of course,” Fiona smiled. “It’s a good day. We are one step closer to restoring Summer in all her glory.”

Fiona turned and walked away without another word.

A month after the new tower had been completed, they started getting reports from outside their territories. The monsters had begun appearing all over the world. At first, there were only a few here and there, but it was clear that it wouldn’t stop.

The request for aid came from multiple packs in different locations worldwide. They hadn’t fought these creatures before. They needed help.

Even before she saw the list, Fiona knew that Ashleigh’s name would be on it.

She had spent several months trying to guide and teach Ashleigh about her duties as Luna of Summer. She had been patient, understanding, and reserved. Fiona knew how hard it was to lose your mate and how hard it was to be responsible for an entire pack. She knew that Ashleigh wasn’t ready.

And even though she expected her to take on the role at some point, seeing her name on the list of volunteers to be sent to aid the international packs held no shock or surprise.

She took a deep breath and set the list down. She stood from the table and nodded to the others gathered from all the packs.

“I approve,” she said.

Fiona walked out of the meeting without another word.

An hour later, she sat quietly with her eyes closed, enjoying the soft breeze and the fresh scent of flowers blooming.

“I expected that you would argue to keep Ashleigh here,” a voice, which had become far too familiar, called out.

“I already stated my approval,” Fiona sighed.

Landon sat down beside her, not bothering to ask for permission.

“Is she not Luna of Summer?” he asked.

Fiona took a deep breath. She could tell him it was none of his business to go away and let her enjoy the peace and quiet, but experience said it would be a waste of breath.

“I am acting Luna of Summer,” she replied. “Caleb, Ashleigh, and I agreed that I should retain control during the war.”

“The war is long over,” he said.

ready to assume leadership of an entire pack.”

“You lost your mate,” he said. “And your son. But still had the Fiona gritted her teeth.

“She is grieving the loss of her mate. Understandably, she is not ready to assume leadership of an entire pack.”

“You lost your mate,” he said. “And your son. But still had the strength to lead Summer.”

Fiona turned and slapped Landon hard.

“You have no right to comment,” she growled low and angry.

Landon turned his eyes up to her. She expected that he would be angry or at least irritated. But he only looked back at her with understanding.

“This is not enough to wear me down,” he said softly. “I will take the fury of your storm without hesitation.”

Fiona felt her heart skip a beat. Who was this man?


She lifted her gaze to the door, finding Galen staring back at her.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

“Of course,” Fiona said, quickly standing and moving toward Galen.

She followed him into the building, glancing back only once. Immediately, she locked eyes with Landon, who watched her with intense focus.

Fiona swallowed and looked away.

“I want to talk about Ashleigh,” Galen said as they entered a private room, “I don’t think we should let her go.”

“When have we ever ‘let’ Ashleigh do anything?” Fiona asked.

Galen sighed.

“I’m worried,” he said. “She’s been getting better the past few months, but I don’t think her reason for volunteering is as simple as her warrior instinct.”

Fiona swallowed and looked away.

Was that why she hadn’t been surprised or bothered when she saw Ashleigh’s name? Because she knew the real reason that Ashleigh wanted to go?

“We can’t force her to stay,” Fiona said. “So, maybe we should just let her follow whatever instincts are leading her away.”

“What does that mean?” Galen asked.

Fiona looked up at Galen.

“I know you don’t believe he’s gone,” she said softly.

Galen’s eyes widened, and then he looked away.

“No,” he whispered.

Fiona nodded.

“I think…” she began, “I think maybe… she can find him.”

Galen looked back at Fiona, shocked by her words. As hard as losing Caleb had been, Fiona had been one of the firmest about accepting his death and moving forward.

She had spent the past year helping everyone else through their grief. Building Summer back from the ground up. Other than for a few moments at the vigil, he had never seen her falter in strength or resolve.

But as he looked at her now, he could see it. He could see the strain of her grief.

“Let’s give her a chance,” she said. “We have nothing left to lose, right?”


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