Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 727 Every Time

Ashleigh’s back slammed against the wall. She let out a whimper that quickly shifted into a moan as Caleb drove himself deep into her.

She dug her nails into his shoulders, leaned her head back against the wall, and took short, quick breaths. Caleb’s strong arms were hooked under her thighs, spreading her legs wide and raising her hips to meet him as he thrust into her.

Caleb slowed his movements, gliding in and out of her as he listened to the soft pants, subtle whimpers, and pounding of her heart. He wanted to bury himself inside her until her lustful screams filled the air, but he also wanted to touch and taste every part of her before she couldn’t take anymore.

He leaned down, wrapping his warm, wet lips around her nipple. Ashleigh gasped as he pulled her into his mouth, his tongue twirling and teasing her. She moved her hand into his hair, tangling her fingers into his autumn locks.

She took a sharp breath as he bit down on her, just a little too hard. She pulled on her fistful of hair, drawing him away from her nipple to look up at her.

“Not… too rough…” she whispered between breaths.

Caleb grinned as their eyes met. He opened his mouth and flicked his tongue against the hard nipple. Ashleigh bit her lip and stifled a moan as the jolt of pleasure traveled straight down and made her tighten around him.

Caleb groaned and drew her nipple back into his mouth, licking and sucking as he shoved himself into her again.

Ashleigh was panting heavily, every thrust drawing a soft cry from her lips as he filled her with his desire and flushed her body with pleasure.

She was so close. The pressure that was building was almost painful. She bit down on her lip and arched her back. Caleb felt her tightening, trying to hold him inside her as she rocked against him, desperate to reach her climax.

Caleb let go of her nipple and stood up straight. He let out a low growl and pushed her harder against the wall, driving himself to the hilt.

Ashleigh gasped and whimpered. The breath she drew in was sharp, leaving her unable to vocalize her pleasure as she gripped onto Caleb’s shoulders and pressed her head into the wall. Her body spasmed against him. The heat that spread through her body was a wildfire that burned at every nerve.

Caleb groaned as he held himself inside her, her walls crushing around him as he reached his own end. He felt his knees shaking, he leaned his body against hers, and for a moment, the wall kept them standing.

With his head against her shoulder, Caleb held tightly to her thighs. He took deep breaths, matching the rise and fall of Ashleigh’s chest.

When Caleb felt recovered enough to move, he kissed her shoulder and carried her to the bed. Laying her down carefully, he went to the bathroom.

Ashleigh lay on the bed, still catching her breath when he returned. He sat down and pulled her legs apart. Before she could look to see what he was doing, she felt the soft warmth of a wet towel against the inside of her thigh.

Caleb gently wiped away the traces of their passion.

Ashleigh didn’t move. She just laid back and let him clean her body. She watched him, how lovingly he looked at her, how carefully he touched her.

Caleb was a passionate lover, a fierce warrior, and a strong leader. He had been known to be cold, calculating, and single-minded in his goals for his pack. He was possessive and jealous, unashamed to let any and all wolves know that Ashleigh belonged to him and he to her.

But when it was just the two of them, in their private moments, he had always been gentle. In conversation, in comfort, in every way, Caleb had always been tender, kind, and patient with her.

Ashleigh licked her lips.

“Is it really okay?” she asked softly.

Caleb lifted his eyes to look up at her, continuing his task while giving her his attention.

“Is what really okay?” he asked.

Ashleigh swallowed.

“That I left Summer,” she said. “That I abandoned my role as Luna.”

Caleb stopped moving and tilted his head. He took a deep breath and then dropped the towel onto the floor before stretching his body onto the bed beside her. He moved onto his side and wrapped an arm at her waist, pulling her naked body against his.

“Ashleigh,” he said softly. “I meant every word I said.”

Ashleigh turned her head so she could look at him.

“I wasn’t looking for a Luna when I chased after you,” he continued. “If all I wanted was someone to lead Summer with, I could have chosen any wolf to fill that role. But there is only one of you.”

Ashleigh turned onto her side, facing him.

“If it had been me,” she said, “if I had been the one lost in the portal, and I came back to find out that you had abandoned being Alpha of Summer… I don’t think I would have the same reaction.”

Caleb smiled and reached out to touch her cheek.

“You would have been angry and disappointed with me,” he said.

Ashleigh swallowed and nodded.

“I think so,” she said softly.

Caleb chuckled.

“That makes sense,” he said.

“How?” she asked, leaning on her elbow and looking back at him. “How does it make sense that I would be angry at you for the same thing I did, and yet you don’t mind?”

Caleb got up onto his elbow so that they were at eye level.

“Ashleigh, I was already the Alpha of Summer when we met,” he began. “My responsibility to my pack began at my birth. Just as yours did to Winter.”

Ashleigh nodded.

“When you and I marked each other, you became a part of Summer. After trying repeatedly, you passed my mother’s test and won the approval of my people. You fought for them, protected them. You defeated your demons and worked through the self-doubt that kept you from taking your place as Luna.”

Caleb paused, smiling at her.

“But, Ash, you did all that while dealing with the rising threat of the fae, being kidnapped by your psychotic ex, fighting for control of your mind, a war...” he paused and took her hand before continuing. “And losing your father.”

Ashleigh lowered her gaze and nodded.

Caleb lifted her chin.

“Why did you do it all?” he asked.

“What?” Ashleigh asked, genuinely confused by the question.

“Why did you fight so hard to do all that while the world was burning around you?” he asked. “Why did it matter so much?”

Ashleigh furrowed her brows. She looked away and thought about it. She thought back to all the trials and tribulations of their relationship. To all the hurdles they had to jump, all the obstacles they had to overcome. Why had she fought so hard? Why had it mattered so much?

“Because it was the only way I could prove I belonged by your side,” she replied softly.

Ashleigh looked back at Caleb.

“I had put you through so much just to be together…” she said. “I just wanted to make you proud. To be the mate you deserved.”

Caleb sat up and smiled. He reached out and pulled her to him, laying her back against his chest.

“I once questioned my mother about her statements on finding a mate. I asked her why the other wolves had such romantic ideas, while I knew that the purpose was far more practical,” he said. “She told me that for others, the mate bond was about romance, about finding the one to build a life with.”

Caleb bent down and kissed the top of her head.

“But because of how Summer chose their Alphas, mine was about more than myself or my mate. She said that being the Alpha and Luna of a pack didn’t mean that you couldn’t love each other, but it did mean that you had to love the pack more.”

Ashleigh seemed to remember having heard Fiona say something similar.

‘…if you want to be Caleb’s mate, then think only of him and how to keep him happy. But if you want to be their Luna… then think of them and what they need.’

Caleb reached to Ashleigh’s chin, turning her gently to look back at him.

“I never cared if you became Luna,” he whispered. “I wanted you to get the title because you seemed to need it, and I was afraid you would give up on us if you didn’t earn it yourself.”

Ashleigh swallowed.

“I love my people. I have always been proud to be the Alpha of Summer, and I know that if you had wanted it, you would have been a wonderful Luna as well. But you never wanted that.”

Caleb smiled and leaned his head against hers.

“You wanted me,” he said. “You wanted us.”

Ashleigh closed her eyes and leaned into him. Feeling the truth of his words deep in her heart.

“And if being Alpha and Luna comes down to a choice between us or the pack,” he whispered, “I choose us… every time.”


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