Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

“Haa…… haa……. I’m alive.” Leeha looked around.

There were no NPCs nor users to be seen in the village, but he immediately recognized it. 

Because it was the first village the Wild Angels looted and burned.

The appreciation he had lived was short-lived, and anger soon boiled over. ’

‘The operation was deceptive! This is the 17th, no, the 18th day! After using 18 days, I only managed to get the fake boss!’

What are these quests?

The information was shady, but ultimately, Browless emphasized securing the escape route!

‘That keyword was a trap. Most importantly, I should have noticed it earlier. The title was Comprehension Test,  if the goal was only escaping, it should have been given a different title. No, if I didn’t have any doubts there, I should have had doubts when I saw the picture. If not, I should have spent two to three days continuously collecting information in this or the next village.’

Leeha was angered for blowing the 3 hints that were given to him by Middle Earth.

‘I am an idiot! Fool, idiot!’ 

To reorganize, Leeha went back to the village two days away. He needed to move further than that to find a city with a warp gate.

In other words, once Leeha came back to finish the Wild Angel quest after getting sufficient supplies, he would only have less than 1 week to finish the quest.

‘I don’t have time……. All my efforts so far have gone in vain, damn it…… What method should I use? If I want to use bombs, I still have 20 left. Or should I go back to get supply?’

‘Should I turn the money I get from the Brass Golem’s shield, into bombs- No, that’s crazy.’

It was possible for Leeha to carry hundreds of bombs and use guerilla warfare while running through the mountains.

However, this quest was not made for that, he had to think about whether it would be worth it.

There was no way someone would pour 180 gold into 1 quest.

‘I should do it on the worst-case scenario if I couldn’t think of a better way…’

Leeha judged it was not the right time. He bit his lip and opened the map in a hurry.


Just before he tore the return scroll, he used marking on the real ‘Angel’. It was shown to Leeha that the T1 mark was moving around in the Wild Angels’ stronghold.

‘Is he organizing? No. There’s no need for the boss to recover the corpse or improve the base’s vigilance himself.’

When he threw the three bombs, Leeha clearly made eye contact with Angel.

He was unexpectedly able to see the face of the young man accurately.

‘It means that I saw correctly.’

It meant that he also saw Leeha clearly. What if he saw Leeha’s face. If that’s the case?

He would use the magic circle to prevent the assassin from running away.

It could be said that he was somewhat knowledgeable about magic.

Why was that NPC moving fast now?

“Is it…… to find me?”

He wanted to chase Leeha!

In an instant, the T1 mark began to run out of the stronghold.

At a speed that a human could not achieve. It meant that they had finished all preparations and were riding on a horse.

“Damn it!”

Leeha’s heart beat quickly. It didn’t end with just a return scroll. When it came to monsters, it was fine, but it wouldn’t work on humans.

Is this where the ‘return safely’ part of the quest from Browless?

‘Run- no, where to?’

It would take two days of walking to get to the nearest village!

Was it around 4-5 hours of walk from here to Wild Angels’ base?

It took 10 hours at first, because Leeha walked slowly, and investigated the surrounding, in case he got caught chasing after Wild Angels.

In other words, if Wild Angels were on a horseback, they could arrive within an hour.

It meant that it was impossible to run away on foot.

‘That’s why I need a lot of random teleportation scroll.’

Had there been a crystal ball, Leeha would have been able to escape safely, however, it was not an option for him right now.

He had to prepare right away.

‘It’s still night……. Those guys would also arrive at night. Since he thinks he is smart……

It would be a fight of intelligence. Leeha had to deceive him.

‘I will pay deception with deception.’ Leeha looked at the map and the surroundings then ran out into the darkness.

“Burn everything! Find that bastard!”

“Yes, boss!”


The neighs of horses broke the dawn.

The villagers who have been plundered repeatedly were not able to withstand night 


The Wild Angels, who broke into groups of 3, were thorough.

They did not burn in order to make an example, they really burned everything.

Whruruk, wharuk!

“Ah, aaah–! P-please spare me!”

“Fire! Didn’t a stranger come here? Come spit it out!”

“N-no one came here! There is no one like that!”

Families ran out of the burning house, but they got quickly surrounded by Wild Angels.

“Did anyone know Angel’s face?!”

“A-angel-nim’s face, no we don’t know- keheok!”

“Then there’s no need. Kill them all, burn them all!”

Angel stabbed the man’s body and immediately cast a spell.

He threw a fireball into the house to check.


No screams were heard. Only the pungent smell of burning flesh wafted through the window.

He knew that the situation was dangerous when his shadow got killed.

That was why they started the pursuit without waiting for dawn to come.

If he made smart decisions, the assassin was not much of a threat.

A smart person is a real threat when he had the momentum, in that sense, ‘Angel’ was a threat in the eyes of the Fibiel Kingdom.

“Assassin, come out! Come out!”

Since the assassin knew his identity, Angel and his men, went on a magic rampage and tried to complete eradicate the village i


In an instant, a huge explosion broke out of a building on fire.


“It’s that bastard! It’s that bastard! Surround the building! Lock the space!”


At Angel’s cry, members of Wild Angel began to gather.

The terrifying explosion they just saw was similar to the one they saw when they were attacked.

However, there was no fear in their eyes.

“Kill him! Find him!”

“Kuhahaha, you bastard! I will tear all your limbs!”

“Stop him from escaping! He’s in this building-.”


Uh- what?”

“A-another explosion!” Again? Although it was a small town, the location of the first and second explosions was far from each other.

Angel looked at the two buildings alternately.

It should be where the assassin was.

“Here…. no, that bastard is on the explosion site! Find him first! Use

detection scroll!”

Rip, rip, the sound of ripping paper rang out, but their complexion turned pale.

“There are too many villagers getting detected!”

“Damn it! Kill them all! If you kill everyone, he will surely come out! There’s no place he could run away on foot!”

Yes, boss!

Obviously, the biggest shock to them was not being able to find the assassin

at the site of the explosion.

However, if they couldn’t find the one hiding, they were able to quickly decide to kill everyone in sight.

“We must see his body burned to death! Destroy all buildings, kill all the residents! Bring me the assassin’s corpse!”

Huik, huik!

Oil was poured and fire strengthened.

The villagers, who came out of fear, 

had already encountered Wild Angels several times.

Whenever they were looting, they scoured through buildings to check if anyone was hiding.


“Kuwaaak! R-run away-.”

“Dad- keuk.”

Still, Wild Angels did not let them go.

Knowing that they were not assassins, but ordinary villagers, they cut them down without saying anything.

“Come out, you bastard! Royal family’s dog, are you going to watch as the villagers die! Come out!”

Angel shouted. His think hoarse voice shook the morning air, but only intermittent explosions could be heard.


And another sound was heard, it was the fourth explosion.

“This bastard……”

Unlike his subordinates, who were rushing around looking for Leeha, Angel stopped moving.

Then he remembered the buildings and surroundings where the explosion occurred.

The leader of the bandit gang, who the Sacred Knights were bothered by, was certainly smart.

“He’s not here! He’s not here! Three groups clean up, the rest follow me! Next! We will go to the next village!”

The explosions were just diversions!

Angel judged that the assassin prepared some kind of tactic to throw them into confusion, and ran away.

There’s no one in the village who would fight back, 

9 people should be enough to clean up.

“N-next village? Did he go to Graf?”

“If he was a simple guy, he would have gone to Graf, but this guy was unprepared but smart. There’s no way he would go to Graf when he knew he would be chased. It means he is still definitely here.”

It was the most reasonable guess for Angel, based on the information given.

“Follow us as soon as you clean up the village! Run!”

Angel smiled coldly.


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