Masters, Are You Going To Imprison My Sister?

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Bang bang bang

I want to go out. I want to go out. I want to leave.

Yuria banged her head against the wall. The maids yanked her arms around to dry her. The maids, with her dark brown curly hair hanging down to her shoulders and eyes as gentle as a puppy, were a very strange face to Yuria.

From that day on, she lost her freedom and the maid turned into other people. Emma was driven away for telling a useless story and for helping her escape. Yuria realized that she could never see  Emma again. Never.

My heart ached from the guilt, but I was too tired to worry about it. Yuria was too full to think of herself and her sister.

Yuria shook off the maids hand and ran frantically towards the door. But the door didnt open.

Open it. Please open this door

Get me out.

Yuria sobbed and slammed the door with her fist.


The first Count apologized to Yuria, who woke up from the dead, and promised to heal her younger sister. He did not use the potion, but allowed her to be treated by a doctor.

Layla was taken to the hospital room and lost consciousness due to the anesthetic. All she can do is roll her eyes and explore her surroundings. After a while, Layla found her sister

Yuri you Ah.

She mumbled the words that didnt make sense and cry. Like a child seeing her parents cry for the first time, Yuria was shocked.

shes crying.

The child who never cry was pouring tears like rain.

The shock turned into sadness and anguish, squeezing my chest. Yuria sat down on the spot and howled like a beast. Even the beast wouldnt scream like that.

Laylas condition was dire. Yuria didnt know what to explain other than that. messed up? Horrible? cruel? Just, she was miserable.

Yuria resented everyone in the mansion. She was resentful, so she wanted revenge, but she did not have the power to avenge anyone. What revenge can a helpless, insignificant, weeping, stupid commoner woman have? So she blamed  herself too.

With the Counts consent, she visited Laylas room every day. However, less than a week later, the Count again locked Yuria in a room, making it impossible to see her sister. What was the reason? Yes, he said he was annoyed that she came to her sister more than him.

Why, why do you keep me from seeing her? Why?

As she struck the floor with her fist, the door opened and the Count entered.


Seeing Yurias behavior, the Count pointed a finger at the maids.

Incompetent things! With so many people, you cant stop her?! Do you all want to be taken to the dungeon?

It seems that the anger did not go away even after screaming like that.

The Count calmed down only after placing his hand on the cheek of a nearby servant.

Go and get a bandage, you useless things!

One of the maids ran out quickly. The man watched this and took his breath away. Then he approached Yuria and knelt down on one of his knees.

Why are you doing this again? ? Do you miss your sister so much? Why do you keep doing this because youre worried? You said Id treat her well.

Youve said that before, but you didnt let my sister go

Hey you. Are you saying you dont believe me? Huh?

The Counts face contorted. Yuria hurriedly shook her head. The womans thin body begins to tremble with fear. After confessing that he loved her, the Counts demeanor had softened more than before, but he was still arrogant and violent. Fear that her own actions could change her sisters condition made Yuria cringe.

No! Its not that I dont believe it. Its just that I miss my sister so much. Its only natural to want to see your family..? Please let me see Lala. Count, I love you. Its real! I love you. So, I love you So please

Lala, Lala, Lala Noisy! That word annoys me!

The mans face began to turn red. The Count was terribly angry.

A sharp shout filled the room. The maids held their breaths and bowed their heads, and Yuria was trembling. The Count, who had been calmed for a while, looked down at the woman and frowned.

Why are you so quiet? uh? Dont you threaten to kill yourself if I dont let you see my sister again like before?

Ha, yes. I cant. Because I dont want your sister, whom you cherish so badly, to do anything more wrong!

The maid who went out earlier came back with a potion. The Count, who was handed it, poured the potion on Yurias forehead. A pale blue liquid ran down her face and dripped to the floor. When all the liquid inside disappeared, the Counts hand placed the potion bottle.


The potion bottle shattered, and shards splattered all over the room.

Its no use protesting like that.

The Count spit on the floor and left. For a while there was silence in the room.

It was the disgruntled voices of the maids that broke the silence. They grunted as they looked down at Yuria with irritated eyes.

Why do you keep getting mad?.

Thats why we keep getting hurt.

It was a small voice, but it wasnt to the extent that Yuria couldnt hear it. However, Yuria was not in the mood to pay attention to such accusations. Her mind was filled with only her sister.

Thinking of her younger sister, she couldnt sleep well at night. She was uncomfortable because she thought she didnt even deserve to sleep.

And that night, when the moon was particularly bright, an incident occurred. The incident happened so quietly and secretly that no one noticed.

When someone noticed this, the mansion screamed to leave, the criminal had already reached Yurias door.

Yuria couldnt sleep as usual and just sat quietly in bed.

Her eyes were pitch black as if to let them know that she hadnt slept for a long time. They lived with Yuria and had two maids monitoring her actions, one of whom was dozing and the other out. Yuria looked into the eyes of her maid.

If that maid could sleep well, I would be able to go see Lala.

I dont even want to escape. It would be impossible to run away with my younger sister, who was in a bad state, and to escape all the knights of the Count in this large mansion.

Yuria, who was crying while rebuking herself for not doing anything, heard the door open. She was sitting with her back to the door, so it was impossible to tell who had entered. Shes just guessing that it must have been a maid outside, she did. Those thoughts vanished at the sound of a voice that followed.



It was a voice full of iron and very tired, but Yuria could understand it. It was the voice of the person she missed so much. She thought that she couldnt have the child here, and though she knew very well that she was nothing more than a delusion of hers, she turned her head to a moment of joy and longing, and she hardened as it felt like real.

How did you get here

Because my sister was there. It was just as messy as when she had just been treated by the doctor. After the week the Count visited Yurias room, he had not treated Layla at all.

How the hell?

The tears that had been welling up in Yurias eyes were dripping down. Then her sleeping maid woke her up. Seeing the unidentified man standing by her doorway, she jumped out of her chair and screamed.

What are you?!

At that moment, Layla picked up a sturdy jewelry box that had been placed on the dressing table. Yuria quietly watched her hand move. After a while, the room became quiet as if the commotion earlier was a lie. Yuria looked at the back of Layla, who was exhaling her breath. No matter what happened in this room, the only emotions she felt now were joy to see her sister again and the sadness she felt at seeing her sister in a bad state.

Im here to save you.

Layla turned to Yuria and smiled weakly. She staggered towards her as if she was about to fall, and then reached out to  Yuria. Her little hand gently strokes her cheek, splattering her blood.

Lets get out of here.

You came to save me?

Yeah, Im here to save you it must have been hard all this time? Its okay now Because I came I have already found all the ways out! You just need to come!

For that reason. You dragged such a messed up body and came to find me?

Yuria screamed while crying.


For Yuria, this situation was a scene she had only seen in her dreams. She always wanted someone to come to rescue her, whether it was Layla or someone else.

I hoped someone would reach out to help us escape from the mansion. Today she is experiencing firsthand what she had hoped for to the extent of her dream.

It was such a joy, but at the same time, it felt like my heart was breaking.

Wh-who asked for help!

Yuria grabbed her chest and shook her head.

Why did you come to save someone like me? ! I, I, Lala I put you in danger. I made them do terrible things Without me, you could have been happy Its all because of me.

Shut up.

Leave something like me alone You dont have to suffer like this because of me.


Layla grabbed Yuria by the neck. She looked down at my sister with a face that seemed to contain her anger.

Who wants to hear your opinion?


It doesnt matter what you think or say. I will save you.


Because I want to.

Its always been like that. Layla doesnt care about other peoples feelings. She doesnt care what a persons mind was telling them to leave.

Even if she pretends to be thinking, she pushes in the direction she thinks is right. Yuria said that Layla is so annoying, angry, sorry, sad, hateful, so 

If youre sorry for me, just follow me.

It was good thing.

Yuria shed tears and hugged Laylas body as she hugged her tightly.

My hero.


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