Master of the End Times

Chapter 1012 - Human Peace Contest

Chapter 1012: Human Peace Contest

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Regarding Qin Feng’s promotion into S-tier, it was truly explosive news. The North Sea state, the Northern Region and the Huaxia Alliance all broadcasted a wave of grand announcements that publicized much of his mission history and achievements!

These things were something many civilians, even the people who were not on the same level, would not know. Therefore, when an S-tier aptitude user appeared, many were happy to witness it. They could see, from the city that imprisoned them, the wonders of the outside world as well as its many terrors.

In recent years, he had killed plenty of beast emperors and beast deities. When the information was released it added onto the publicity of his title as Marshal. Due to his previous merits, he was only A-tier in strength and not many people actually wished to recognize him as such.

And now, he absolutely deserved that name.

While the publications were going wild, Qin Feng was not influenced much by it.

Fame is fame, power is power, even if you are famous, what’s the point of it if you did not have the power to back it up?

He would not get blinded by external prosperity. After resting in Fengli for three days, he checked up on the progress of the organization and had Bai Li stay behind. He planned to go to the Human Alliance realm and look for a suitable realm that he could rank up in.

His rank up on Omnesflores was completely accidental, but he sort of missed the feeling of hunting down Insectoids. Perhaps he could go to the frontlines of Omnesflores, that would be suitable for him to rank up.

What he did not expect was that after he arrived, when he took out his communicator to start searching he noticed that there was a notification about news from the inner circle.

[ Human Alliance Aptitude User Qin Feng, greetings, honor to you for having received the invitation letter to be selected to enter the Human Peace Contest. If you are interested in participating, please select ‘Enter Tourney’ to participate in the selection! ]

“Human Peace Contest? What’s this?”

The name was way too plain and tacking on the word ‘peace’ makes it feel like it was some kind of a friendly match.

If this was the peaceful times before the Great Rift Age, it would have been considered as a spam notification but when in the Human Alliance, Qin Feng would have to pay attention to it.

Afterward, he searched online for ‘human peace contest’ and the info he saw surprised him.

Humanity was a race with the ability for unlimited expansion. As long as they had no enemies, the speed of their expansion was unfathomable, even always wanting to have more space and territory. They would conquer all the realms if they could.

Even with such ambitions, their strength was not enough, not to mention, there were two opposing factions that made up humanity. The Human Alliance and the Dark Coalition.

If both of these factions discovered a realm, it was possible that they would come to blows and that might damage any cordial ties as well as the strength of some S-tiers.

So gradually the Human Alliance and the Dark Coalition organized something that was called ‘peace contest’ in name but in actuality was a life-and-death event that decided whom the realm they had found would belong to.

During these times, if Immortals fought it would surely cause a fuss. SSS-tiers were a precious resource and could not be used, SS-tiers were in the middle-tier of importance and would rather avoid such things.

As such, the participation fell onto the S-tiers. Those who were considered to be deity-like in the eyes of those below them, and at the same time considered as negligible by those above them.

If they fought it was not like the important ones were getting hurt, one of them dying would not be an issue either.

“Over 300 contests have actually been held? Isn’t that over a thousand years?!” When Qin Feng looked at the history of this he had a moment of surprise which settled into a sigh.

These years were counted based on the time of the realm that Qin Feng was currently on. The flow of time on each realm was not necessarily the same, but the feeling of time passing was not much different for realms that could house humans.

Therefore, according to the average days on the realm, a peace contest would be held every one thousand realm days but for Qin Feng that meant one every three years, and that had gone on for a thousand years.

The people in the realm knew about this contest but nobody had ever entered it.

There just was not enough qualification.

Qin Feng was very interested in this competition because the reward issued was very valuable.

“The final contestant would receive a realm based on everyone they’ve defeated!” Qin Feng’s eyes glinted with interest.

He immediately checked on the numbers of explored realms.

In the past three years, in the past one thousand realm days, there were up to four thousand five hundred twenty nine S-tier and above realms that had been discovered by the Human Alliance.

Of course, this did not represent the total number of realms that humanity had discovered. That was because when some realms were discovered, if they were not found together by the Human Alliance and Dark Coalition then the information was carefully passed on behind closed doors.

In fact, nobody knew that the realm that Qin Feng was in was a realm among those ‘undiscovered realms’. The amount of ‘undiscovered realms’ was immeasurable!

The main thing was, when both sides discovered a realm and controversy arose then a peace contest was called for distribution.

Moreover, the principle of this distribution was very violent.

One S-tier represented the authority to distribute one hundred realms, once an opponent was killed or defeated, then the victor would gain the authority.

In this peace contest, twenty three people would be sent from either side, and from two sides it added up to being forty six people. As for how a number fewer than four thousand six hundred realms would be distributed, that was for upper management to deal with.

“23 enemies, if I kill 5 then I gain 5 realms. Even if I don’t kill anyone, as long as I survive, a realm discovered to be S-tier would be mine. This is a tempting reward indeed!”

A realm said to be S-tier did not necessarily mean it had S-tier creatures living in it but it was a realm that could give birth to an S-tier.

Just like the realm Qin Feng was in, it was not like any small hidden realm, its surroundings were brimming with energy.

As long as it checked that category, there would always be resources there.

With that in mind, Qin Feng had no reason to not participate.

As such, he clicked participate.

After accepting participation, he saw that the conditions of the contest were very simple. In fact they were just like the trials Qin Feng had gone through when he first came.

They were tests of combat strength, the top twenty-three would be able to participate in the peace contest.

When he looked at the deadline he saw that there were only three hours left!

The time to go was now!

Qin Feng immediately jumped into the central area through the spatial gates in the residential sector before entering the trial grounds.

While there were three hours left, those who wanted to get tested had already been tested. However, there were still some who were untested grouped up in a bunch, and there were many onlookers.

Due to the fact that these trials were to select the top twenty three, nobody would know the results of who had won until the end of it.

Qin Feng looked at the results of the final trial.

Ming Tianhao: Combat power 95239!

He was shocked!

In the beginning, with his Asteroid Assimilation and the combat prowess of having nine frozen stars, plus the body of an A1-tier beast deity, it had given Qin Feng the combat power of 28531 the last time he was trialed. From how he saw it, that was already the limit of the S-tier.

“There’s always going to be someone stronger!”

Qin Feng could not help but let out a rueful sigh.

And the last top twenty three humans all had combat power measuring more than 80000, which was terrifying.


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