Master Of None

Chapter 29 - 29. Field Guards

The guild was very busy today, the fight to reach the counter was the toughest yet. Everyone seemed to be clamoring for a quest or other service.

The second Clara noticed Walker and his party she motioned for them to go upstairs showing four fingers. Walker led his party to room four and they all took their seats making small talk while they waited.

"So how many siblings do you have Remey? You've all met my sister so I figured I'd ask everyone." Walker had been wondering for a while.

" six younger two older . Five boys and three girls. The boys usually come to challenge me but the girls always run away cause they don't like fighting. I've told them all to try everything to find their systems but they don't listen without some tough love." Talking about her siblings seemed to make her much happier than any other topic. "I do know that Gil is an only child with how he acts he always wants attention." Remey stuck her tongue out at Gil as she said it to make a bigger impression lending Gil to menacingly grab an arrow from his quiver.

" I have an older brother but he left home a few years ago and hasn't come back. So more or less it's easier to think of me as an only child." This was a surprise from Su that no one expected. She always acted so astute and responsible that they thought her to be an only child the whole time. The look on her face said that was all she would share so no one pressed her for more. However, it was perfect timing since Clara knocked and quickly entered the room without waiting for a response. Her tired complexion spoke volumes to how the day had been.

"I think you need this seat more than me", Gil quickly stood up pulling out the chair as Clara more or less collapsed with it.

"So you've received your summons you party shall join the rotation today, as will many downstairs who are trying to apply now. We received news that there is a giant locust swarm headed this way. The guild will most likely issue a quest based off of how many killed per reward. The price is not always 2G for a giant locust. However, I do need to warn you if you see a female Also known as a jade locust run. Do not think just run. They are fast and their kicks can crush a grown man's skull instantly. That goes for midnight too." Clara finished by staring midnight directly in the eyes to make her point.

"Will our systems give us a quest do you think? Or is it just a normal guild quest?" Walker was curious if he could stack exp and gold rewards to level up faster.

"Most likely it will just be the normal guild quest, you should receive it once you leave the building. However, a great many adventurers will be out today so who knows what could happen. You may end up sharing space to protect the larger fields." Clara had slightly dashed Walker's hopes but he still knew that his party would be able to make at least 10G today.

"Your party shall start at the east gate and rotate to the north. Although it sounds like a large area the odds of completing the walk before encountering locusts is small. Most likely you'll be stopped at the second or third field. Do not be afraid to watch more experienced adventurers first, this is a yearly occurrence...well not normally do we get a swarm but that's why we increase adventures in such occurrences." Clara seemed to be done explaining.

"Well, it sounds like it would be the best practice to move out, although I don't see any reason for us to say this room is not being used any longer when we exit." Walker smiled knowing that Clara could take advantage of the time to rest as the party headed out towards the east gate.

' guild quest has been accepted.

Locust swarm is impending the party shall leave the east gate and patrol.


2G for every giant locust killed'

"You know if we kill the locusts I'm sure they could be a good food source for midnight through the winter." Su had just had a brilliant thought. Causing Midnight to jump and prance ahead of the group hearing she would have a new food to try.

" that's a good idea, at first I thought we would just sell them for pig feed as most do but that sounds much better. We are pretty much being paid to strengthen a party member." Gil hit the nail on the head and the party had a renewed energy about them.

Quickly they got to the east gate and after registering that they were attending the position they signed up for began walking the roads used to transport grains and vegetables from the fields. Here and there they could see groups of adventures surrounding large locusts the size of a pony. They had brown and grey exoskeletons with black streaks throughout. Their large hind legs had sharp barbs and their mouths had small pincers that seemed perfect for eating any means of vegetables. They were definitely a plague for any farmer.

Upon viewing the sky the party noticed some very high up flying almost gliding over the fields seemingly not interested while others were spotted by adventurers as they descended to feed.

Walker using his keen eye was able to spot one and quickly notified everyone. "Su be ready ten feet in front of us that one should land. You'll need to distract it while Gil aims to fire and Remey gets close to crushing it. I'll try to hit it with a long range while Midnight, you get to its left side and use your claws." Walker had announced the battle plan and everyone was on the balls of their feet ready.

Su rushed forward as the locust landed "shield bash!" She pushed her shield forward stunning the locust causing it to stumble a bit as it had tried to land.

Gil used quick shot and hit it in its eye

"Eeaaaakkkk" the locust became crazed due to the pain but it didn't even have a second to rest.

"Pulverize!" Remey burst forward with her knuckles in a downward motion completely smashing the locusts' left front leg.

This attack caused the locust to move closer to Midnight who's claws using shred took its back right leg in to three pieces.

"Su back up I'm going to attack!" Walker shouted following that with mana shot.

The locust couldn't hold on as the blast hit its head dead on causing black brown blood to ooze out as it collapsed on the ground.

'2exp received due to locust death. 1 giant locust killed added to the current quest total.'

The party was all smiling and barely broke a sweat. This would be a rewarding day if they could remain steady.

The five continued on fight after fight easily finding their next target with Gil and walker in the lookout. They easily surpassed their goal of five giant locusts and after killing their sixth decided it was time to rest and recover.


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