Master Of None

Chapter 2218: 2218. Trouble In Flames

Chapter 2218: 2218. Trouble In Flames

"What's so funny?" Remey had just finished another batch of earth affinity potions. She was working on making a grand earth affinity potion next. The only issue were the herbs that she had to decide on. They all were very good, but the quality of earth affinity herbs needed to be improved by the herbalists due to the dried herbs being too old.

Besides this, she was making a lot of progress making various replacements other formulas when it came to the high earth affinity potions. It meant that the same potion could be made with a larger pool of herbs. A great fact for when there were harder times or there were herbs that took longer to grow.

"That academy idea is making the younger generations go wild. Su has already been trapped in to teaching a group of shield users. One of them is calling themselves the future twin shield guardian." Ignus had flown over the area Su was teaching in and witnessed the entire situation.

"How is that different from the future flame broilers or the future alchemists that want to learn from me? I just have a guild to filter them through. Bi might teach a thing or two though. Especially if they want to gain a few bruises through the process." Remey was sure that if she taught anyone, they would have to learn to fight.

"Making battle alchemists and better fighters?" Ignus was ready to laugh again. He found all of this hysterical since so many people were trying to claim that they would be students to the heroes. Especially when they had the chances to meet many of those heroes wandering through Genesis in their daily lives.

"You should be wondering why you don't have an army of potential students wanted to learn from the royal red dragon. Oh wait, you do have a significant following that your dragonkin are stopping from bothering you. And more than a few swear that you will teach them to become dragons themselves."

The sour look on Ignus's face made Remey take her turn laughing. Not because Ignus was going to ignore these people, but because it was somewhat true. There were ways for people to become related to dragons. Even become half dragons.

The unfortunate part of the party's wild adventures was the fact that many people could change their race. Awaken ancient bloodlines within them. Or entirely alter their bodies to grow in to something completely unique. It left a lot of hope for the people of Genesis who saw themselves as too weak.

"Anyone that wants to learn from me can keep wishing. I will not teach anyone anything." Igniusb was stubborn but with a single glance from Remey, he stopped making hsi sour face.

"And what if I ask you to teach someone? You know that I can easily break a few scales to make sure it gets through your head." Remey's threat was light and somewhat full of laughter before she heard a knock at the door.

"Come on in."

"I thought you would be here. You know that it is easier to come here and find you rather than your own territory? Your elders are working to ensure that the runes are properly spaced." Current had been looking for Ignus since they had their own meetings to handle as the dragons were preparing to activate the rune formations within the week. At least the beginning rune formations.

"The runes are already prepared. We have the main formations set up. These are just the second, third, and fourth layers that will help condense the runes in the center of the territories. They can be done without direct supervision."

Remey glanced at the two, "Ignus, you know that they expect to see you there. So I will just go along with you. If I didn't go either someone would be angry." Remey knew that Ignus would much rather sit and watch her create potions. He would gladly help too. She knew that.

Whoever, she had become a unique existence. Besides being an alchemical brawler that was sought after by others for her potions and potential teachings, she was also a true fire dragon soul. A being that had taken major steps to be able to live in the world instead of moving to the elemental planes where she would be able to live more comfortably.

"Thank you. It would be nice to see you there as we move territory to territory activating them so that we can all live more comfortably. We also have smaller areas beginning to be built in the middle of each territory. The dual affinity dragon's are going to have better homes too." Current added this in with the recent information about the affinity tests.

It wasn't that they would all be changing a great deal of things. It was simply because there was a chance that these dual or triple affinity dragons could rise to be stronger than the other elder snow. If that was even a small possibility, then they deserved the chance to rise as any other cloud. Besides the fact that there might be a future dominator dragon among them too.

With Remey flying toward the fire dragon territory, she noticed a few people looking up at them. They didn't hang out in full dragon forms, mostly because Remey did not have one the same that Current and Ignus did. However, she could make flames imitate a proper dragon form. Potentially more dangerous than an actual dragon form since she would burn any and everything she came in contact with.

As they landed in the central square that had been built for the fire dragon territory, Remey were very impressed. She had only been here when the lava stones were being placed down. Now, she was able to see that the base which was built had just been the smallest part. Large stone resting places had been made for the dragons so that they could remain in their dragons without issues. But there were many smaller homes for the dragonkin or for the dragonkin form dragon to rest within.

Each had been ornately carved with historical art related to the history of each dragon. The fire dragons were focused here. Yet, an addition of dragonkin warriors that had served greatly for their dragons also existed. This united them much more so that those visiting could learn.

The flames and small pools of lava just made everything come together. It was a specifically created part of the fire dragon territory which would allow the environment to adapt and change as the manas moved through each territory. The heat also allowed for hot water to be produced where the water dragon territory interacted with the fire.

"Ignus, I have come to stand beside you as we activate the runes with fire mana." The voice that cut through the arrival of the other royal dragons was enough to make Ignus show an annoyed look immediately.

"Liliana, I have told you many times, I will not allow you to take any place beside me or around me. You are just another elder of the fire dragons and you do not have the right to stand as an equal royal. Nor will you take any further position."

There was an angry gleam in the female dragon's eyes. She may have been in her dragonkin form, but she clearly had expected more. "I have taken my dragonkin from now. I am one step closer to being the same as you. I will soon be a dominator dragon a few more years."

"I do not care. Just represent the dragon race with respect. With pride."

Losing patience and showing the fire that a fire dragon is known for, she retorted, "And you would rather some false dragon stand beside you? How does that represent pride and respect? You do not even spend time with your own kind. This would be to have a pure fire dragon bloodline in the strongest place. Create the strongest next generation!" The flames soared around them as the other royal dragons stepped back a bit. They would not interfere with


"You are tainting our pure blood by associating-"

A sickening crack broke through the air as Remey's fist collided with the fire dragon elder Liliana. "You are barely a dragon. I have more control of fire than you. I have more control of any aspect of being a dragon than you, and I wasn't even born a dragon. And you are not going to touch Ignus since he is the only one I trust to create grand potions beside me other than my


A brutal heat radiated off of Remey as flames took the form of a dragon. The different flame colors radiating different heat which perfectly replicated the shape of a fire dominator dragon. "You are not a dragon!" Liliana took her elder dragon form. Her brilliant red scales covered in lesser flames than what Remey controlled.



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