Master Of None

Chapter 2213: 2213. Affinity Balance

Chapter 2213: 2213. Affinity Balance

"Awake earlier than later Erica, did you go looking for Midnight again?" Walker found that the little hatchling had sniffed out his location. She had definitely followed the smell of freshly toasted break and blackberry jam.

In the short time that they had been together, she had taken a very large liking in the food that Walker's mother made from scratch. So much so that she even refused to eat the strawberry jam that came inside a pastry from a street stall. The best was the best, and Walker's mother made the best fresh at home.

That aside, Walker had noticed that the little hatchling had calmed down a lot by comparison with what she had done when she was first with him and gone flying. In turn though, she had been trying to make her own wings fly her up in the the sky. Even trying to use the light mana she had access to to help her with that.

Her spending some time at the cathedral and opened her eyes up to the second affinity that she had not valued as much. Especially since she had the sense that she might be able to do something like the instrumental healing that was done. Focusing on the fact that Alice made the lights dance with just a few hummed tunes.

This was making it much clearer to her as a hatchling what she had to work with. Walker could only watch and give in here and there to her desires to see his magic using both manas. But he had shown her a mixture of those tow manas which he realized what what she was after.

As a hatchling, Erica had trouble expressing what she wanted. She had not mastered the draconic language at all since she was too young to fully articulate it. Onyx had some luck with communicating with her, but since she was so young, the idea that she could fully form thoughts and ideas was a bit out of the game.

Therefore, Walker worked with what he felt was right. At the time, he had mixed wind and light mana in different variations to see how it would work in her eyes. When he mixed equal parts, she had looked at the bright winds that filtered with a little rainbows and moved around the air. It caught her attention but she lost interest fairly quickly since it did not resonate with her.

The next attempt was making the wind mana very strong and allowing just a slight bit of light mana in it. Erica had not even looked up. The very same happened when he focused more on the light and less on the wind. But when he had tried to mix seventy percent wind mana with thirty percent light mana, he had gotten a larger reaction from Erica than what he had expected.

This caused her to leap up and try to catch up to the vibrant green wind mana moving all around the air. The radiant wind was enough to match the balance of Erica's very own affinity. She could sense that it was similar to her and that she could easily absorb the mana. Even take some control over it, even if it was a minute amount of control due to her young age.

Feeling that this had been the right direction, Walker had pushed together a larger amount of light and wind manas to make the entire room full of radiant wind. As such, he had watched and sensed how happy Erica was. They had spent three hours playing with the radiant wind to the point that Erica had laid down to sleep for the rest of the night.

He worried that he might have tired her out too much, but seeing that she was bright eyed and energetic now, he didn't have that worry. He did notice that additional mana seemed to flow from between her scales. Proof that she had absorbed the radiant wind mana combination enough to be able to store it. A perfect way for her to get a good base for her future growth.

He even had learned a little something when he was watching how Erica had naturally absorbed the mana while they played around a bit.

Dragons were naturally close with their own affinities to whatever mana they were born with. Hence why their bloodlines were so very important. They allowed them to understand not only where they came from, but, also how they could grow in the future to be better at using the manas they had affinities from.

Due to that being the focus for them, they had many limiting factors. If a dragon did not have strong enough affinity, they were cast out. That meant to the dragons that the cast out hatchling would perish or become a rogue dragon. They would never grow because they did not have the bloodline related access to language or any other form of dragon history.

That was why it was a tragedy of a dragon to be weak. The exception were the dragons born of unions between pure elemental dragons. Just like Erica who had a strong wind affinity and a weaker light affinity.

But how did those dragons learn? They had to focus on their innate affinities, but they clearly didn't gain the proper pure bloodline dragons normally had. This led Walker to a simple conclusion.

They didn't need that knowledge through bloodline because as a dragon, they had nature's guidance for their affinities. It was why Erica felt a resonance of sorts the moment that the manas Walker mixed matched the strengths of her affinities. Therefore, someone could be able to find the exact strengths of their affinities and create the ideal environment for them to train in.

As such, Walker could apply this to everyone. Even going further to be able to teach the mages how to set up specific training that matched all affinities. Most people only had a singular affinity for elemental mana. But what if they had two? Or they had a powerful affinity and one extremely weak affinity?

While this was already done in the mage tower and other places using runes, this was not done for dual or triple, or even more elemental affinity beings. It meant that if they could learn to fine tune a small area for training, that the speed of growth for that person could become much faster. It could also make a much clearer test for those that wished to learn certain magics or skills overall. Especially when it comes to the potential future of a joint academy for everyone to attend.

The best students of the best could have their training areas perfectly crafted to match the perfect percentages of their affinities. Something that would be a luxury for those that showed the best skills. Something that could be tested and known to ensure that the person born had the best chance of using those affinities for their own unique skills.

The potential of what this information could bring was very high. It also was something not perfectly shown in the system of existence. As if existence wanted those using the system to figure that out themselves. Otr at least that was what Walker had thought at first. He swore he felt like he had just uncovered a secret hiding in plain sight.

Using a little of his mana, Walker made some radiant wind and caught Erica's attention. "Want to come to the echidna and elf living areas so we can see if we can gather some unique dual and triple elemental mages? Maybe we can test out how they react when we find their exact affinity percentages."

Walker's idea to test this out was to be able to prove it when he presented it to the entirety of Genesis. To be fair, he felt that this was something he had already touched on. Just not in such

a specific format.

Many of the mages and the dragons looked for ideal places to rest and meditate. But more specifically, the dragons moved their entire villages to the best possible places so that they

could grow better.

With that in mind, creating unique rune formation could also be possible. This could also be a better method to ensure that someone with incredibly weak affinities might be discovered. A test that changes the manas in the room might make it clear exactly what smaller affinities someone might have.

For example, if someone has an affinity that is extremely small, they might believe that they never have a chance to grow. But even with the smallest affinity for an elemental mana, they could have the chance to learn skills related. While it would take more effort, this was a major boon for that person in their grand journey.



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