Master Of None

Chapter 2194: 2194. As A student

Chapter 2194: 2194. As A student

Walker wasn't sure what to do with this free time. He had a lot on his mind after he had been pushed to the point of telling every other leader on the Gneiss council that he was done with the conversations and questions. Especially since he had no idea how to ensure that

everything went smoothly now.

It would take a lot of time and there was also the fact that they might get a visitor sent by the elemental kings and the dragons within the elemental planes. The odds were actually very high that this would happen sooner than later.

The reason that walker thought this was simply because after they had arrived and the days had passed, there was a notable message about there being a little more mana flowing through the bridge than usual. Some of the more experienced mages waiting there had made a habit out of gauging how much mana they sensed flowing.

There had been a sudden increase that was out of place from what they had measured after the time they had been there. They noticed that there were a few elemental spirits that appeared after they noticed it at first. But then they noticed a little more extra mana and realized that another might be trying to travel the bridge.

The reason that no one freaked out over it or raised an alarm was that the manas calmed down and only burst up here and there. As if there was someone gauging the changes in their mana and how they influenced the manas around them. Basically, the traveler was moving slowly to force themselves to adjust even better to what they sensed ahead of them.

At the rate that was estimated, it would be a few weeks before whoever it was made their way out of the bridge.

This also raised some proof that for a lot of those within the elemental planes would struggle to come to the world as it was right now. It would take more time for mana to come to the world in higher purity and density. Therefore, they would have to go through a longer process now, eventually, they would have a much shorter travel process in the future.

All that aside, it made Walker realize that he could change that better than anyone by searching for more fragments of elemental purity to establish better connections to the elemental planes through the world. He also had the mana senses that developed better within the elemental planes so that he could search them out more easily now.

Just in general, Walker had realized that he could tell apart the different forms of each elemental mana now. Like he knew them, but was just rediscovering them. Instead of how he used to have to look at an elemental mana as a whole.

This also applied to natural mana.

When Walker gathered some natural mana, he realized that natural mana also shifted slightly between forms. Some of it was influenced when it was unbalanced while other bits of it were different based on who was near.

Basically, this meant that nature was more influenced by the affinity a being had than what he previously believed. It could determine the environment as a whole. Not that it had a massive effect, but say a fire dragon sought out a place where fire mana naturally gathered. In turn, that place would more easily become an area with higher fire mana in general because the affinity and natural mana coming together was more inclined to guide that fire mana toward it.

This also explained better how Walker was able to boost the effects of elemental skills and everyone's bodies when he used natural mana. He wasn't just boosting the mana specifically, he was boosting the way the environment gathered mana as well.

It also explained why he found natural mana as a better method for growing plants, such as an entire forest. The affinities of everyone had also guided the manas to influence the environment with healing based magic skills. It was an interaction between natural mana boosting skills, flowing better with affinity, and also the entirety of nature as a whole. Something more intricate than he had realized.

He had been doing it the entire time as well!

Many of these thoughts guided him toward the area where the forest elves had been working. While he would call it curiosity, it was more that he was focused on the ways that mana flowed. The section of Genesis that many of the forest elves ahd become involved with was beginning to mirror the forests themselves. This was also because of the herbs planted here. Being able to ensure that these previously extinct and also natural herbs grew caused the entire area to become a new project. It focused on the growth of well guided trees to become homes instead of building them as other races did. But that was also why many of the monster races enjoyed the area and also decided to come live here. It was more like the nature they were used to.

That was why many of the gray haired spiders and the goblins lived here. Making them a very common sight to see. Walker found himself in a place where some of the youngest were learning to guide the growth of a sapling.

"Oh, if it isn't the hero we hear about all the time. Come to see the new homes we are building?" The teacher that spoke up was an older elf. He was one of the elves responsible for making the largest of the treehouses that the elves lived in. He had come here from the elves' forest territory when he heard that they would be building homes like this. It was too great an opportunity to miss.

"I was just wandering with my thoughts, but I followed a little mana and found all of you." Since Walker looked a little apologetic for interrupting the class, the teacher felt a little bad for drawing more attention. "I would be nice to play the part of student here. Why don't you all tell me what you are doing?"

One of the students immediately spoke upo. They didn't appear fazed at all that they were speaking to Walker. Instead, they appeared very excited to be able to show off their skills to someone new rather than their classmates.

"We are learning to guide the first branches of a sapling so that they will become safe to live in when it's taller. We have to make the bends in the branches more rigid so that when the tree sways, other branches won't be broken."

While Walker had seen a lot of these treehouses by this time, he had never made one. Let alone speed up the growth of a tree to be able to make one at all. The students here were doing so on a smaller scale, but as the student used his skill, the branches changes in to more angular shapes. Eventually, some of the longer bendy branches made triangle shapes.

"Very good, using the knowledge from the last class about bridges really helps here. Triangle shapes bridge supports allow for a stronger base. But you need to account for the aging of the tree. You would have to come repair the shape more often unless you grew supplementary iron vines or other tough vines."

"Why don't we have Allan try." The gesture from the teacher was to a very small gray haired spider. But it moved its legs in response before another sapling grew slightly. The branches twisted to make more of an odd pattern.

They ended up crisscrossing and growing more shoots than the others. It was more like a spider web. "Yes, your natural idea to make it like a strong web is smart. It will flex and move with the wind. However, webs are temporary and break down. Now, if the tree ever becomes ill, all these smaller branches will suffer first. You will lose stability."

"That being said, what if we combine both ideas?" The teacher made a triangular base with the thickest branches then caused a few smaller shoots to grow. It was more like the large tree houses that Walker had seen. "While smaller, it is a scaled version of what you might find in

my home."

"So the forest elves learned from nature, spider webs and from the tougher bridges built by other races too. I assume most races make bridges similar though." Walker's intuition showed that he was somewhat right when the teacher nodded.

When Walker reached out to touch the leaves of the little saplings, he realized that he could also sense the differences in manas used. The way the earth, light, and water manas flowing interacted within the leaves and branches. "Have you tried this out in an open field? You might get some interesting challenges." Walker was already looking to add to the teacher's


The students realized that walker's curiosity was interesting, but dangerous. For their school work that was. They would be stuck trying new things and draining their mana until they were tired now. "And that's a great idea. Why don't we walk to the new herb field that was plowed yesterday. They should allow us to experiment a little. Some of the farmers are there giving fertilizer lessons too."




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