Master Of Erossu Book

Chapter 98 - Earth Hand Explodes

Shuuu! *Flick!*

Xia Feng swung his arm from below like fucking badass exploding the ground below patriach! The enormous explosion rang out, shocking the elders who had a lot of thoughts going through her mind.

But first, one should focus on explosions.

The desire to fondle the ass of grandma roughly... to make those mounds of flesh bounce while having his fingers literally sinking into the soft mountains... And of course... those fingers were like bombs, shattering and smashing the bottom of Xia Xiu!

What a comprehension! Heavens! Of course, the bombs can be made with his own qi, but the amount would be too few and rather weaker. At least one thing would be sure - the life creation cultivators wouldn't die from one explosion.

But with qi coming from the blood essence, Xia Feng... had come everywhere creating a lot of strong bombs through tight connection with Xia Xiu. Her body also helped to make stronger bombs! One should compliment their hard work as they really had to move a lot while being one!


"Xia Xiu! What are you doing?!"

"Did she really become our enemy? Fuck, patriach plan have backfired!"

"So what? She is... wait, what?"

Shock after shock is too much for old men! They thought that Xia Xiu is mere early stage cultivator and as she only broke through recently, there shouldn't be any problems with her, even if she became mesmerized by Xia Feng and decided to betray them!

But what was that?! Not only she became 'younger', she also had earth tougher than their own! By small contact with this earth, the elders have realized that the beauty was whole stage up above them... just like patriach!

"Xia Xiu! Answer us!"

And why would she answer those fools as they kept bringing more and more puppets to deal with situation? Xia Xiu could only grumble inwardly as the patriach hadn't died from one explosion! Because of that, there was certain thought in her mind...

'Did I suck off too much for myself? Oh, god...'

Heavens! But don't worry, you weren't alone as Klim had also her own share...

While Xia Xiu kept using her hands that became as tough as steel due to her earth's qi, Xia Feng had his own fun. He wasn't really bothered by the fact that the bomb hadn't killed Xia Weiping, and even though the same thought appeared in his mind, Xia Feng had no way of teasing Xia Xiu as the puppets were quite aggressive on his side.

Hoh! Were they going easier for Xia Xiu? One could think that they were going easy on her because of her past, but that ain't truth. Elders are men and to have her below themselves was quite tempting... Of course, they are going to pay huge price for their lust.


And Xia Feng as if knowing about their lust send some explosions! Hoh!

"Bike Cultivator!"

"You have quite a lot of puppets, hmmm. I guess I shall make the road to Xia Weiping, how about you stay away for a while? Hah~~"

"AS IF!"

The elders once again roared, their puppets answering their feelings! With a lot of emotionless weapons, they aimed to kill Xia Feng from every angle! But with two swords in his hands, Xia Feng blocked every fists and kicks gaining yet another badass pose!

"Erossu Tip Explosion."

And as the killing technique began activating, Xia Feng spun his body sending away every puppet! Of course, he didn't forget to flick adding yet another explosions!

"Xiu'er, I guess you also didn't expect them to have so many puppets."

"How could I? They have made their families and friends into puppets, completely discarding their feelings..."

Regrouping with Xia Xiu, Xia Feng asked the obvious question to which he got a rather pleasant answer. The beauty that was considerable of feelings and family ties, Xia Feng could only treasure her more and more!

"Woud you like to dance with me?"

"With the pleasure."

The puppets began using the various beast's cores to strengthen themselves, so Xia Feng felt like destroying everything at once. And by everything he meant their mental as well! With one hand behind his back, Xia Feng began performing waltz that came from the epic soundtrack.

One could think... what the fuck? Why would waltz come from epic soundtrack? The passive ability that couldn't even get drown out by explosions? Well, it's probably because the beauty was here.

As the sound of violin once again rang out in his mind, Xia Feng already had Xia Xiu following his lead. Since they were wearing simple clothes, Xia Xiu once again had short pants that one could peek a little into the valley!

And as she spun... Heavens! Explosion!

"No! Earth Hand... Our treasure!"


"Bitch! You damn betrayal bitch!"

The explosions were keeping the puppets from interrupting them at the very beginning! But when Xia Xiu made first spin, Xia Feng's eyes contracted and part of earth's hand exploded! It was... as if he could see the bottom in slow motion!

And focusing on this very soft flesh, Xia Feng allowed himself to immerse in the reminiscion! Who knew? Maybe he will comprehend something yet again? His explosion will become even more stronger as it already is?

Anyway, one thing was sure. Third sword appeared in Xia Feng's inventory as he began dancing and focusing more on the beauty! And because of that, huge explosions that have never been seen in this canyon appeared.


The meaty ass is the trigger to huge catastrophe! Heavens!

"I guess it's the end, Xiu'er."


The whole earth hand exploded and as small pieces of earth began falling from the sky, the puppets and elders simply didn't move. Their treasure just exploded... the treasure that was the main source of their strength and future!

It was hard to comprehend that!

And as the small pieces fell on their bodies, the chain of explosions began to rang out! They were small, but the amount was far from that word. They kept exploding and exploding, slowly and slowly taking away their life!

So what was the duo doing?


Under the rain of meteorites, the erossu cultivator and his woman were all safe. It was as if those small rocks were flying away from them! But how could the white seed even hurt his own woman? Simple as that.

Of course, they were slowly moving towards Xia Weiping who was also under the shower of meteorites!

"Oh, they are fighting back."

"I guess some of those elders still want to leave, even without treasure. Haha~~"

The elders awakened from the daze, their instincts for survival kicked in! Of course with their severed bodies, it was hard, but the main target of the revenge was Xia Weiping! And by killing him, Xia Feng will also cut the connection with puppets, so those elders will have to work harder.

Not like he cares though. So a few flicks rang out as well.

"JESSSSICA! E! E! E.... E.... Blurgh!"

Other than puking, Xia Weiping still kept calling for his Jessssicas. No one knew what kind of women they are, but one thing was sure. Those women already disappeared from the canyon. As Xia Feng saw the pitiful appearance of Xia Weiping, he smiled brightly!

Now, Mr. Father will be able to rest peacefully! Futhermore, Xia Feng knew the reason for his father running away from the sect, so it felt even more better to perfrom this revenge.

"Compared to others, his body still looks much better."

"That's the power of bloodline... Mmm... But those hands..."

Every woman cares about beauty, alright. Xia Feng nodded inwardly, then grasped the falling meteorite! With small stone in his hand, he stuffed the never closing mouth of Xia Weiping with this very stone!


And then...

"Hmm, let's do it together."





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