Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 10: “Refreshing Ability”

Chapter 10: “Refreshing Ability”

According to the panels introduction, Red Star can help him not only live in the fictional world of Harry Potter, but also enable the Refreshing ability, which improves his brains capacity for learning, comprehension, and memory.

Of course, the panel doesnt go into detail on the precise degree to which it can be strengthened. For him to be certain, he must personally experience it.

At this point, he believes that learning the most basic magic could take him a month if he depends solely on his own capacity for learning.

Therefore, it is crucial to use the Refreshing ability activated by Red Star if you wish to have a strong ability before returning.


Jerry rubbed his grumbling tummy and then turned to face the already gloomy sky. He reasoned that he could use Red Stars Refreshing feature after finishing his dinner.

Lets go to dinner, Crookshanks!

When Jerry got up from the chair to welcome his pet Crookshanks to dinner, he discovered that Crookshankswho had been soundly dozing on the bedhad long gone vanished.

Uh, dont tell me hes running away?

He looked everywhere in the home, including under the bed, in boxes, and cabinets, but he couldnt find Crookshanks. Jerry could not help but pathetically scratch his head. In relation to that, he read the book too serious. He wasnt really aware of what was going on around him.


Jerry started to shiver uncontrollably when a rush of frigid wind suddenly blew into his neck from behind.

Crookshanks, who was standing outside the window at some time, very deftly used his claws to pull the window out of a gap, entered through the gap, and even snugly closed the window sill with his claws. He noticed this as he slowly turned around.

Crookshanks opened the window just now, allowing the cool breeze to enter.

Meow! Crookshanks eagerly approached Jerry, placed the object in his jaws on the ground, and used his paws to push it in front of Jerry.

Crookshanks, I thank you! Jerry looked at the dead mouse pushed to his feet, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

No wonder the previous owner said that Crookshanks was so easy to feed that she didnt even spend much time preparing food for it.


Jerry returned to his desk after dinner and opened Magic Theory once more.

Red Star, use!

Jerry gasped immediately after selecting the Refreshing option on the panel. Only a brief burst of cool air, which suddenly flooded into his brain, was sensed by him.

After being infused with this chilly air, the brain, which had been progressively slower owing to a busy day, suddenly resumed functioning at its peak. He experiences the same sensations as when he falls asleep for eight to nine hours at night and wakes up the next morning to have a cool beverage.

The mind is very clear, and the brain is abnormally active.

Jerry lowered his head and resumed studying Magic Theory, Jerry only felt that the obscure knowledge of magic theory in the afternoon suddenly became easier.

Red Stars Refreshing feature appears to transform the original high-number calculus into a one-dimensional equation, rapidly lowering the level of difficulty by many notches.

Or, to be more accurate, his brains capacity for comprehension, learning, and memory has increased significantly, making the challenging subject of calculus appear to him as straightforward as a one-dimensional equation.

Jerry read Magic Theory much more quickly since Refreshing was activated.

He initially struggled to read more than four hours in the afternoon and could only comprehend about four or five pages. But today, with the help of Refreshing he has read and understood nearly all of the Magic Theory book in just one hour.


Jerry temporarily disabled the Refreshing feature on the panel four hours later after finishing the full Magic Theory and remembering what he had learned.

His brain returned to normal without the benefit of Refreshing and at the same time, a great sense of exhaustion also overcame him.

It appears that using the refreshing feature exhausts the brain in addition to using up the red star. It appears that in the future Ill purchase a few boxes of six walnuts!

Jerry didnt know how taxing the Refreshing ability was on his body until this point, despite how effective it was.

He hastily put the book away before getting up and lying down on the bed. He slipped into the deepest sleep in less than two seconds.


The next morning.

Jerry slowly opened his eyes as the first ray of sunlight entered his face via the window. A deep nights sleep restored the brain to its pre-sleep condition.

Next time, I shouldnt be using it all at once.

It was used for the first time yesterday, and he couldnt resist leaving it on for four hours because the Refreshing ability was so amazing.

He read and understood the entire Magic Theory in one sitting, but it was too much for his brain to process, and after struggling for a while, he eventually dozed off. Therefore, it is unwise to leave the Refreshing ability on for an extended period of time.

His body will naturally go into a deep sleep as a result of the usage of his brain because deep sleep is healthier for brain restoration. However, if there is thunder outside, he wont respond because he will be in a deep sleep, which also indicates that he wont be paying any attention to the situation at all.

He was essentially a lamb waiting to be killed in the event of danger.

Jerry opened the panel and counted the Red Stars he had eaten since Refreshing had started.

240? Or, to put it another way, it eats a Red Star per minute.

Last night, the Refreshing ability was activated for four hours, consuming 240 red starsor one red star every minutein the process. Overall, it was satisfactory but fell short of his expectations.

There were formerly 1,005 Red Stars on his panel, but 240 of them were used up yesterday, leaving 765. The Refreshing ability can be activated in conversion for around 13 hours.

The final three volumes are Standard Spells, Beginner, Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, and The Dark Arts: Self-Defense Guide, which, based on experience, should take roughly four hours to master each.

It will take him almost twelve hours to read it all. That is to say, with the indirect acceleration provided by Refreshing over the next two or three days, he should barely be able to complete his original one-month study plan ahead of time with the number of Red Stars he currently has.


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