Martial God Regressed to Level 2

Chapter 567

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 567

[Player Yoon Sejin is a traitor who has caused massive damage to the World Tree Alliance. All records of him will be erased, and any future media coverage of him is completely banned.]

Seong Jihan's eyes widened as he saw the breaking news covering the Colonial Government's statement.

For the Colonial Government to directly step in and label him a traitor...

'He shouldn't have had anything to betray. Could it be because the swords stopped back then?'

The twin swords that had flown towards him when he was releasing the 'original elf' from the hostage situation.

Their momentum was so powerful that he had almost used the Blue stat.

If the swords hadn't stopped midway, the current concept of the Red Administrator controlling Seong Jihan might have been exposed.

But they had stopped at just the right moment, allowing him to escape smoothly...

'Hmm... Certainly at that time. Yggdrasil was enraged.'

Given the World Tree Alliance's actions and Yggdrasil's anger.

In fact, it wouldn't have been strange if the Sword King had been executed already.

But seeing that there was no such content in the Colonial Government statement.

It seemed they kept him alive because they didn't want to waste the 35% compatibility blue swords.

After all, it was a figure that surpassed the previous record by a whole 10%.

'And if they kept Sejin alive, they're probably using him to keep absorbing Blue in the Hall of Swords... I should go check the situation in Kim Jihun's body.'

As Seong Jihan was thinking this.

The Colonial Government statement continued.

[And to prevent such incidents from happening again, all male half-elves will undergo thorough examinations. All male half-elves, please wait in a safe place.]

Thorough examinations for everyone.

'Judging by the instruction to wait in a safe place, it seems they'll handle this in the Hall of Swords rather than calling them directly to the Colonial Government.'

With 1 million male half-elves and blue swords scattered around the world.

To conduct thorough examinations simultaneously, they'd have to summon them to the Hall of Swords while sleeping.

As Seong Jihan was making this guess.

-Damn, what did the Sword King do ㅡㅡ I was planning to go to a club in male half-elf form but that's ruined now.

-The Sword King really ruined the festive mood... How could he commit treason when the World Tree is taking care of the colony?

-No. He had already become the most successful person in the world by surpassing 35% compatibility... What more did he want?

-If it was going to be like this, he should have just stayed human, really.

-Once a traitor, always a traitor. lol

People started blaming the Sword King in the comments section below the article.

At first, the majority couldn't understand why he did it.

But later, as stories of his previous betrayal came up, the Sword King started receiving harsh insults.


As Seong Jihan sighed softly and closed the comments section.

[Master. You're here. Seah is looking for you.]

'I'll be right there.'

Ariel spoke from within Kim Jihun.


As Seong Jihan went up to the penthouse.


"Ah. Uncle...!"

Yoon Seah's expression, which had been serious while watching the TV screen, brightened for a moment.

"Dad being called a traitor... Is it because of what happened in that video?"

"You saw the video?"

"Yeah. The Red Administrator's channel became a hot topic instantly. Though the human Players couldn't watch it because of the colony status."

Then Yoon Seah's face darkened.

"Dad... He's alive, right?"

"He should be. They wouldn't give up a sword with 35% compatibility. If they had killed him, they would have announced it."

"Ah, really! I told him so many times not to become a male half-elf...!"

Seeing her as she sighed while saying that her father never listened to her.

Seong Jihan said.

"Why don't you try contacting the Colonial Government? You're in a collaborative relationship with them now."

"Ah... I already did. Asked what was going on. But they're not responding."

Before, the Governor herself would make requests like borrowing her face or asking her to use Void.

It seemed Yoon Seah is already a fish they'd caught.



A message window popped up in front of Yoon Seah's eyes.

[To the future owner of the Arena. I apologize for the late reply. Yggdrasil herself is scheduled to descend to Earth soon... We were late in checking messages due to preparations for this.]

A direct message from Mia, the Governor of the Alliance.

Seeing its contents, Yoon Seah was startled.

Yggdrasil descending in person.

The previous incident must have been quite serious.

[The crime committed by the criminal Yoon Sejin was serious enough to warrant immediate execution... However, considering he is a blood relative of Yoon Seah, the immediate execution has been suspended. He will be subjected to detailed interrogation, followed by appropriate punishment.]

[Appropriate punishment... What exactly are you thinking?]

[Even the Council of Elders' vice-chairman who recommended Yoon Sejin's blue swords has returned to Yggdrasil. You should probably prepare for the worst-case scenario.]

For an elf Council vice-chairman, they must have been quite a high-ranking position even within.

If they executed even such an ancient elf, the Sword King was only alive now for 'interrogation'.

Once that was over, it wouldn't be strange if he died at any time.

'If we want to save Sejin, we need to make them recognize the necessity of the twin swords even more.'

Hearing the Governor's words.

It seemed that just being a 35% compatibility blue sword might not be enough to keep his life.

Here, they needed another incentive for them to keep Yoon Sejin alive.

As Seong Jihan was thinking of a way.

[I hear the interrogation subject is not opening his mouth easily. Would the owner of the Arena like to meet him in person? Depending on his answers, there may be leniency.]

Such a message arrived from the Governor.

"...I guess I should go."

Tap. Tap.

As Yoon Seah sent a reply message saying she would go.

[Then, please come to the Colonial Government. He is in the Hall of Swords.]

The Governor informed her of the location.

"...Hah. This is driving me crazy. Really, all sorts of things are happening."

"I'll join you in the Hall of Swords through Kim Jihun's blue sword."



Yoon Seah opened a portal and left for the Colonial Government first.

'I should hurry too.'

Seong Jihan re-entered Kim Jihun's body and lay down on the bed.

Then the elf guard attached to Kim Jihun spoke.

"There's still quite some time left until the thorough examination announced by the Colonial Government."

"Ah. I'm just sleepy. Thought I'd take a nap..."

"I see. If you sleep now, you'll be asleep for quite a long time. Is that alright?"

Asleep for quite a long time.

It must take quite a while since they had to examine a million blue swords.

"It's fine."

At Kim Jihun's confirmation, the elf guard nodded.

"Then I'll use a sleep spell."

The elf guard said this and used Sleep on Kim Jihun.

'It's much stronger than usual.'

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

A sleep spell several times more powerful than when they usually send him to the Hall of Swords.

How long were they planning to keep him asleep?

Thinking this, Seong Jihan closed his eyes.

And soon.

'I'm here.'

He was able to arrive at the Hall of Swords in the form of a blue sword.

* * *

'They said they were cultivating a million blue swords, but seeing it in person, it's quite a spectacle.'

The Hall of Swords, located at the site of the Namsan Colonial Government.

Compared to before, the hall's area had expanded overwhelmingly.

And Kim Jihun's blue sword's position.

'It's been pushed slightly away from the center.'

It was slightly off to the outer side from the dead center.

With the mass production of blue swords this time, perhaps many highly compatible swords appeared?

'Still, it's a growing sword, yet it's been pushed from the center.'

No matter how much Kim Jihun's compatibility rises, it was only 23% now.

The ones positioned right in the center, from a rough glance, seemed to exceed 30%.

No matter how much Kim Jihun grew.

With a performance difference of over 5%, he had been pushed out of the center.

'Kim Jihun needs to be number one in the end, though.'

Before, when the top was 25%, he made him grow slowly.

Now, he couldn't afford to control the pace anymore.

Thinking this, Seong Jihan Searched for Yoon Sejin's location.

'The interrogation place is... over there. The center of centers.'

Sword King Yoon Sejin, who took an overwhelming first place and was stuck in the dead center of the Hall of Swords.

In that spot, several Ancient elves were surrounding him.

'Each one of them is quite strong. I'll have to hide my presence well.'

As Seong Jihan carefully approached and arrived at the interrogation site.

A male half-elf with holes all over his body was continuously bleeding on the ground.

Yoon Sejin's original appearance had disappeared, and he had become a male half-elf, a downgraded version of Seong Jihan.

With blood gushing from his entire body, he looked like he might die at any moment.


"Heal him."


As an Ancient elf extended their finger.

The bleeding from Yoon Sejin's body stopped, and his entire body quickly regenerated.

But that was only for a moment.


As small flower buds bloomed with rainbow colors on his body.

Soon, the same wounds as before appeared on his body.

"The flowers sent by the Cosmic Tree are indeed worthy of their reputation."

"This is the Cosmic Tree conserving her power. Originally, our healing magic wouldn't work at all."

"Ah. Right... She specially allowed healing for the interrogation."

So those flowers were the cause of the continuous body explosions.

Seong Jihan observed Yoon Sejin with sunken eyes.

Yggdrasil's authority seemed quite troublesome.

"I'll ask again. What did you see?"

"Haa... Haa..."

"Why did you stop the swords?"



At those words, Yoon Sejin spat towards the Ancient elf.

With eyes full of hostility, he said.

"I have nothing to say to the Alliance's trash."

He was expressing strong resistance.

And the Ancient elf who got spit on their mask.

Rather looked at the interrogation subject with an interested face.

"Hmm... Alliance's trash."

"Humanity has been changed to worship the World Tree Alliance."

"This one. It seems he's regained his memories."


Yoon Sejin didn't respond to those words.

But the killing intent filling his eyes was affirming this through his expression.

"But why didn't you cut him?"

"If you regained your memories, you should have been more proactive in attacking him then."

"Why did you stop and ruin everything?"



As he didn't answer, Yoon Sejin's body exploded again.

The Ancient elves were healing him with familiar faces.

'Now that I look closely, these guys are healing specialists.'

It seems Yggdrasil's flowers are doing all the torture.

The Ancient elves are just busy using heal.

As they were healing Yoon Sejin's body again.


Yoon Seah arrived at the interrogation site with Governor Mia.

"S-Seah...? H-How are you here..."

"...Now that I'm here. Could you pause the torture for a moment?"

Seeing Yoon Sejin's miserable state, Yoon Seah said this.


Governor Mia smiled gently and placed her hand on Yoon Sejin's body.



The rainbow-coloured flower buds that had been blooming and disappearing on Yoon Sejin's body.

Were absorbed into her hand.

'She... stopped those flowers?'

The Cosmic Tree's flowers that even the Ancient elves were busy healing.

For Mia, who's just a high elf despite being the Governor, to retrieve them.

'...This is suspicious.'

As Seong Jihan was watching Governor Mia intently.



She turned her gaze towards where Seong Jihan was.

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]


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