Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 4518: The Good Fortune of the Supreme Temple

Chapter 4518: The Good Fortune of the Supreme Temple

Although Chen Feng was inferior to Wu Zhankong in the technique of the secret door of the physical body.

But in Luo Xiu's view.

The gap in this area can be made up by the secret of talent runes.

Primitive martial arts can burst out fighting power that can be called a higher order.

If it is to fight in the same realm.

Chen Feng, who mastered the primitive martial secrets, should be stronger than Wu Zhankong.


The cultivation base of the two has never been in the same realm. Wu Zhankong has always been higher than Chen Feng's cultivation base, so naturally there is no comparability.

"Big brother, Wu Zhankong seems to be a bit against our primitive martial arts, is he a man of multiple martial arts?" Luo Xiu said puzzled.

According to the information he knew, Wu Zhankong didn't seem to have joined the multi-dimensional martial arts.

"For so many years, multiple martial arts have been suppressing our primitive martial arts. Wu Zhankong wants to compete for the position of the master of the martial arts in the future, so he naturally needs strong supporters."

"Multiple martial arts are stronger. Of course, he will choose multiple martial arts instead of our primitive martial arts."

"A genius like Wu Zhankong, his cultivation speed is very fast, he is now at the peak of the early quasi-eternal stage, and it won't be long before he can almost reach the peak of the quasi-eternal stage."

"The prerequisite for becoming the master of the martial world, the pinnacle of the quasi-eternal realm, is eligible to compete for this position."

"As for breaking through the eternal realm, it is not so easy to cross from the peak of the quasi-eternal realm to the eternal realm. This step will take a little longer."

"But as long as you can become the master of the martial world, resources are not a problem. When will you break through the eternal realm, sooner or later, no matter how slow it is, it will definitely be faster than most people!"

"So if Chen Feng is compared with him, when Wu Zhankong cultivates to the eternal realm, Chen Feng may not even reach the end of the quasi-eternal realm."

Speaking of which.

Hong Zhan's tone paused slightly, "Two thousand years later, there will be a great good fortune. If you can seize this opportunity, maybe you Brother Chen Feng will have the opportunity to go straight to the eternal realm!"

"Straight into the Eternal Realm? What opportunity is so powerful?"

Luo Xiu couldn't help his eyes widening.

You must know that Chen Feng is only close to the peak of the beginningless stage, even if he can reach the peak of the beginningless stage in the near future.

From the Eternal Realm, there is also a Quasi-Eternal Realm!

But an opportunity that happened more than two thousand years later would be able to directly leapfrog this step, which is a bit scary.

Normally after all.

Even if the talent is sufficient and the resources are sufficient, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate from the peak of the Unbeginning Realm to the Eternal Realm!

I have crossed this level for more than two thousand years, and the time has been shortened too much, it is incredible!

The further the cultivation level is, the harder it is to break through.

Luo Xiu has been cultivating all the way to his current realm. Counting from the Xinghai Realm, he has been cultivating for more than 100,000 years.

"The opening of the Supreme Temple of Life and Death, this opportunity is an unprecedented event for any genius of a higher dimension!"

Hear this.

Luo Xiu's eyes shrank.

The world of life and death, the highest temple?

He has heard that the world of life and death is the junction of the highest dimensions, forming an independent world, and geniuses of all dimensions will enter.

The Unbeginning Realm is in the life and death realm, which is just the bottom.

If you want to have a sense of security in the world of life and death, you have to start in an eternal state.


In the realm of life and death, the eternal realm is not uncommon, and no air realm often appears!

In other words.

A strong man in the eternal realm, if he accidentally encounters a hostile force in the world of life and death, he will have a high probability of death!

"How often does that place open?" Luo Xiu asked.

A place with great opportunities.

It will definitely not open for a long time, this is Luo Xiu's cognition.

After all, if it is open to the outside world for a long time, there is really a great opportunity in it. It has been obtained long ago. How can others take it in turn?

"Thirty chaotic eras are opened once."

Damn it!

When Luo Xiu heard this, he immediately wanted to explode.

He has only lived for hundreds of thousands of years in his life.

Thirty Chaos Era is certainly a short period of time in the life course for those old monsters who have survived for a long time.

But for Luo Xiu, it was too far away.

To know a chaos era, it is 333.3 billion years!

"I have been there once." Hong Zhan said.

"..." Luo Xiu's eyes widened.

"Don't look at me like this. Although I am your senior, it doesn't matter if I live longer, right?" Hong Zhan laughed blankly.

Luo Xiu really didn't know that his senior brother Hong Zhan actually lived so long.

"How long has the elder brother cultivated to the quasi-eternal state?" Luo Xiu asked.

He remembered that Hong Zhan said that after he had cultivated to the Quasi-Eternal Realm, he had never dared to break through the Eternal Realm. In fact, he could have broken through long ago.

"It's been a long time, and I have forgotten how long it was. I dare not break through until the hidden danger problem is solved." Hong Zhan sighed and shook his head.

After a conversation with the big brother Hong Zhan.

Luo Xiu entered the state of cultivation again.

Opportunity after two thousand years?

At least there is no beginning, or an opportunity that can only be won by the quasi-eternal realm?

Luo Xiu felt that if he worked hard, he might be able to win this possibility!


He has awakened seven talents, condensed in the talent runes in the sea of soul knowledge.

If you count the purification talent of physical awakening.

He is considered to have eight awakening talents.


Can the physical talent be integrated with the soul talent through primitive martial secrets, so as to achieve the possibility of displaying primitive martial secrets?

and also

Whether it's a secret door of the physical body or a gift of the soul.

Any kind of system, cultivated to the extreme, can become a top powerhouse.

Such as Biwuling.

That guy walked along the pure physical secret door, and with the power of the pure Taoism contained in the physical secret door, he could resist the impact of the soul's will.

Moreover, Bi Wuling's cultivation technique is also very powerful, and he also possesses a special physique. Perhaps because of this special physique, he has an unusual physical talent?

The soul can awaken talent.

The physical body is also fine!

Moreover, if you want to become a top power in a single system, you must practice the most powerful kind of exercises.

As for both.

There are too few people who can go to the top level and consume too many resources!


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