Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 236: Sky-high treasure

Chapter 236: Sky-high treasure

The level of authority within the hunter is difficult to increase, and there are strict requirements.

A superior genius at the Xuan level will at least become a Wujun in the future. In the history of the Hunter's Guild, as long as there is no fall, it will eventually come true.

Although at the same level of authority, genius is not as good as Jun Wu, a future Martial Jun power is also worthy of this old Lu and Yan Yue.

He has been shackled in the Sixth Realm of King Wu for many years, and a genius with great potential is easily unattainable. Maybe he will be better than himself in the past few years.

"The powers of the four major guilds are divided into the four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow, the upper level of power is very rare in small places, and it is not worth mentioning where the strong gather."

Luo Xiu didn't care much about his level of authority within the Hunter's Guild. If he wanted to, as long as he disclosed his Asura King's identity, the guild's internal assessment of his potential would be raised several levels immediately.

However, Luo Xiu is not that stupid. The identity of King Shura is very sensitive. If he is not careful, he may cause himself to be killed.

Stepping forward, Luo Xiu sat opposite the old man with white beard.

"I don't know if the son is buying or selling treasures inside the guild?" Lu Lao asked with a happy smile.

Although he said that, he didn't think that a young kid could bring out any valuable treasure.

"Sell something first."

Luo Xiu smiled disapprovingly, then took out a storage ring and placed it on the table.

Lao Lu reached out suspiciously and picked up the ring, and his divine sense went in and swept it away. The color of his originally indifferent expression instantly changed.

Oh my God, is it because I have misunderstood the things in this ring?

Or is this kid portraying a phantom formation in the ring?

Seeing the old man who was opposite was dumbfounded and his eyes fluctuated, Luo Xiu smiled slightly, "Old Lu, is there something wrong with my ring?"

"Don't be impatient, son. Mr. Lu is the chief appraiser of our Morro City Hunter's Guild. He will definitely give him a fair assessment of his treasures."

The tall woman on the side said with a smile, and at the same time glanced at Lao Lu with a puzzled look, and noticed the abnormality of the chief master appraiser.

Lao Lu also reacted with a look of embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Lao Chen is a little gaffe."

"It is really the treasure that the young man brought out, which shocked the old man. Is it because the young man is a master casting master?" Lu Lao asked tentatively.

Luo Xiu laughed blankly, "Most of the casting masters have thick and round arms. How can I be a casting master with thin arms and thin legs."

He also understood. It is estimated that this old Lu was frightened by the number of soldiers in the ring.

Because in the storage ring he took out, there were soldiers that were used by the King Wu he beheaded. The vast majority of them were ground-level soldiers and a few middle-rank soldiers.

The level of soldiers may not be considered high, but there are hundreds of them!

On the market in the Northern Blood Land, the price of a low-grade soldier of the stratum is around 20,000 middle-grade vitality stones, and the value of a middle-grade soldier of the stratum is around 60,000 middle-grade vitality stones.

The soldiers in this ring are worth more than eight million middle-grade vitality stones!

This Wu Wang, who is called Lao Lu, has a wealth of wealth among Wu Wangs, but he is no more than a few hundred thousand middle-grade vitality stones.

Compared to the eight million-plus, hundreds of thousands are indeed only a mere trifle.

Of course, these soldiers need to be appraised before their value can be determined.

With more than a hundred soldiers, the identification process of the white-bearded old man became busy.

"Blue Dragon Double Swords? This is the famous work of a ninth-tier casting master in the sacred place of the sky when he broke through the sixth-tier in the past!"

Old Lu picked up two middle-ranked swords, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

Luo Xiu furrowed his brows, and he recognized it at a glance. The double swords of the blue dragon were the weapons of the Beichen Yushan that he beheaded in the Secret Realm of the Sealed King.

He didn't expect that Beichen Yushan's background was not small, and the soldiers he used also had such a big origin.

Lao Lu didn't seem to think much, he still sighed: "Don't even look at this blue dragon double sword as a middle grade, but if it is put up for auction, it will be able to shoot at least with the reputation of the great master of casting. The sky-high price of millions of vitality stones!"

Luo Xiu coughed and said with a solemn expression: "I don't want people to know that the Azure Dragon Double Swords are in my own hands."

"According to the rules of the guild, the things sold through internal channels have confidentiality regulations, and Mr. Lu is also asked not to spread it outside." When Luo Xiu spoke, his eyes scanned the presence of Mr. Lu and the tall woman.

What he meant was obvious. This matter is known to everyone, you know and I know, if the fourth person knows it, it must be the two of you who leaked the secret.

"My son, don't worry, we will naturally keep it secret." The tall woman first stated.

"The rules of the guild must be obeyed by the old man." Mr Lu also said quickly.

Luo Xiu nodded, and said no more on this question.

Two hours later, Lao Lu made a final pricing assessment of the soldiers in the ring, 8.3.7 million middle-grade vitality stones!

"Can you exchange all of them for high-grade vitality stones?" Luo Xiu asked.

"This... the son should know that the high-grade vitality stone is a scarce resource. If you want to exchange it, you need one hundred and ten middle-grade, and one can be exchanged for a high-grade. I can only exchange it into 80,000 high-grade for the son." said Lu Lao.

"Yes." Luo Xiu nodded.

The middle-grade vitality stone is just a number for him, and only the top-grade vitality stone can have the effect of improving and supporting his cultivation.

He also knows that high-grade vitality stones are scarce resources, because alchemists above the sixth rank are scarce, and pill medicines are scarce. Many experts above martial arts use high-grade vitality stones to improve their cultivation. Only a few of them can get enough. The pill to improve the cultivation base.

Lao Lu was only in charge of appraising treasures. Naturally, it was impossible to give out 80,000 high-grade vitality stones to Luo Xiu. He needed to apply to the guild's senior management.

However, these soldiers were only part of Luo Xiu's hands. He then took out a ring and placed it on the table.

This time, Elder Lu didn't dare to have the slightest glimpse. He carefully picked up the ring, his divine sense penetrated it, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

In the last storage ring, there were more than one hundred tiered soldiers.

And in this ring, there is a bottle of pill, both of the fifth and sixth products, and the number is more than two hundred.

These pills were not made by Luo Xiu himself, but in the rings of Prince Wu's objects he killed, they were all pills with a color of about 80%.

As long as it is not a pure pill, it is all **** in Luo Xiu's eyes. Naturally, it is impossible to keep it for his own use. Even the **** in his eyes is embarrassed to be given to Hu Qingqing.

After all, Hu Qingqing can be regarded as his friend, and Luo Xiu will feel sorry for sending her the trash that he doesn't like.

Two more hours have passed, and there are already beads of sweat on Lu Lao's forehead. The total value of these pills adds up to a sky-high price of more than 8 million middle-grade products!

Old Lu's head felt dizzy. He secretly said that this guy wouldn't take out other things, right?

"Can you accept the martial arts and martial arts?" Luo Xiu asked with a smile.

"The guild only accepts martial arts and martial arts above the seventh rank." Old Lu said respectfully. Even though he is young, he is definitely not an ordinary person who can produce so many things.

Luo Xiu smiled and nodded, then in the trembling eyes of Old Lu, he took out another ring and placed it on the table.

This time, even the tall women who have seen a lot of powerhouses above Wujun, feel a little vain and dizzy.

Lao Lu stretched out his hand for the ring, shaking his hands constantly, and said with a smile: "When people are old, their hands are a little unwilling."

When Divine Consciousness saw what was in the ring, Old Lu had the urge to faint with a black eye.

In the ring, there are neatly placed jade slips and some yellowed books.

There are many martial arts practitioners who will carry the exercises they practice on weekdays with them, so they can learn about the practice anytime and anywhere, and feel the mysteries of the exercises.

Luo Xiu has killed a lot of masters, and naturally there are not a few martial arts, but they don't have 9-Rank exercises. They are all 7-Rank and 8-Rank level.

The Nine-Rank Cultivation Technique is considered to be a relatively core secret inheritance among the top powers. Generally, this kind of cultivation technique does not allow disciples to carry it privately to prevent leakage.

This is also the reason why once the Ninth-Rank Kungfu martial arts are left outside, it will cause an uproar and scramble for each other.

As for faculty, and even supernatural powers beyond faculty, even in the top holy places, only a handful of people are qualified to practice.

The value of martial arts and martial arts is higher than that of war soldiers and pill.

In the third ring that Luo Xiu took out, there were more than 30 kinds of seventh-rank martial arts and seventeen kinds of eight-rank martial arts.

Finally, the price of these martial arts and martial arts is estimated to be 10 million yuan!

Luo Xiu asked for all the vitality stones to be exchanged for top-grade vitality stones. In this one transaction alone, 260,000 top-grade vitality stones were credited.

In fact, Luo Xiu still had some talisman and formation treasures that he didn't take out. He was worried that if he continued to take them out, the old Lu would pass out on the spot.

On the way back to the room, the tall and **** beauty reception will always unintentionally reveal a variety of amorous feelings, making Luo Xiu really dumbfounded. I guess this woman treats him like a golden turtle son-in-law.

Although this woman is pretty good-looking, Luo Xiu is not tempted, and Quan does not see her showing off a bit of style.

Seeing Luo Xiu push the door open and walk in, the tall and **** beauty receptionist pursed Zhu Run's red lips, and stomped her feet with a little annoyance.

The next day, the tall woman came to the door of Luo Xiu's room. Before she knocked on the door, Luo Xiu noticed that the alert formation was touched.

This time the tall woman didn't come to seduce him, but sent a storage ring with 260,000 high-grade vitality stones inside.

"My son, the president wants to see you." The tall woman said with a charming smile.

"Oh? Why did the President want to see me?" Luo Xiu asked casually.

Luo Xiu did not have the slightest surprise when the president of the Morro City Guild noticed himself. After all, the transaction of 260,000 high-grade vitality stones was not a small amount.

"This subordinate doesn't know."

"Okay, lead the way." Luo Xiu nodded.

In any case, he is also considered to be on the turf of this guild leader at the moment. The opponent is a powerhouse at the Wujun level. Luo Xiu still has to give this face.


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