Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 14: Sinister

Chapter 14: Sinister

"Brother, be careful!"

A sound suddenly came from the woods not far away, and it was the hidden archer who reminded it.

After seeing the Iron Tail Tiger Demon slaughter one person, he suddenly slew towards the strongest burly man among these people.


The Iron-Tailed Tiger Demon is very cruel, and the sharp claws can easily tear the tree apart. Even though the burly man is an eight-tiered martial artist, he looks dangerous in front of this monster.

Other people's attacks can only cause some restraint on the Iron Tail Tiger Demon, ordinary weapons slashed on the body, making clanging noises, and couldn't cause enough damage to it.

Except that the tiger demon's soft neck was shot in a sneak attack at the beginning, the archer who was hiding in the dark never made any achievements.

"Everyone, run away, this beast is too powerful!" The burly man roared, turning his body's energy to the extreme, "I'll break it!"

"Mountain Axe!"

The burly man yelled angrily, and the double axe brought a cold light, and the sound of the breaking wind was sharp and pierced, and it slashed at the iron-tailed tiger demon's forehead.

This axe force sinks vigorously, and it is the martial arts that has reached the third rank.


As tyrannical as the iron-tailed tiger demon was struck by lightning, his body flew upside down, with blood on his forehead.

However, the burly man was uncomfortable. He was swept away by the tiger demon's tail, and the bones around his waist were directly cut off, his skin was open and fleshy and bloody.

"Big Brother!" the others exclaimed.

"Leave me alone, go!" The burly man stood up gritted his teeth, desperately trying to cover his other brothers to retreat.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The archer is still in charge of containing the Iron Tail Tiger Demon's attack from a distance, so that the burly man after the break can breathe a sigh of relief.


The burly man and the iron-tailed tiger demon made another head-to-head move, and the burly man was knocked out by a fierce force on the spot, spouting a big mouthful of blood.

The Iron-Tailed Tiger Demon ignored the arrows that were shot at him, his scarlet eyes were full of fierce and hostility, and he rushed towards the heavily injured burly man.

All of this happened between the electric light and flint, from the time the man named A Fei was killed by the iron-tailed tiger demon, it only took a dozen breaths.

Although Luo Xiu had seen a lot of blood when he came to this Shuiwu Mountain to experience hunting, it was the first time he saw someone being killed.

"Beasts die!"

Unfolding his footwork, Luo Xiu's figure was like a glimpse of light, and his feet volleyed towards the head of the Irontail Tiger Demon.


A huge force was transmitted from the soles of the feet, and Luo Xiu's figure flew upside down, falling a few meters away in midair.


The Iron Tail Tiger Demon let out a painful roar, and his fierce eyes stared at the human being several meters away.

It felt that its brain was almost shattered by the foot of this human being just now.

The burly man thought he was bound to die, but at this moment he saw that the powerful Iron-Tailed Tiger Demon looked at a young man who appeared suddenly, a little sluggish for a while.

At this moment, the iron-tailed tiger demon's attention was attracted by Luo Xiu. The demon beast was superior to the wild beast not only in strength, but mainly because they had initially possessed wisdom. Intuition told it that this human teenager was a threat to it.

The burly man escaped, and hurriedly ran to Luo Xiu's side to confront the iron-tailed tiger demon.

"This little brother, thank you for saving my life. My name is Yuan Dashan." The burly man said with his hands folded.

"Kill this tiger demon first." Luo Xiu nodded.


The two of them had just said a word here, and the Iron Tail Tiger Demon had already rushed forward. Luo Xiu had already cultivated the Inch Foot Technique and quickly avoided it.

"Mountain Axe!"

Yuan Dashan used his martial skills again, slashing with his axe on the tiger demon's body, and with his eight-fold cultivation base, he made a full blow, leaving only an inconspicuous wound.

With the unfolding of the footsteps, in Luo Xiu's eyes, the life vein of the Iron-Tailed Tiger Demon can be seen in full view.

"Tiger style!"

I saw him suddenly ejected, and a gust of wind blew up with his inner breath.


This punch hit the tiger demon's head again, and a clicking sound rang out, and the tiger demon roared in pain, backing back again and again, his footsteps vacant, and gold stars in his eyes.

Yuan Dashan was stunned. He slashed with his axe with all his strength and only slightly injured the beast, and this young man seemed to be only fourteen or five years old. With his fist, his attack power was stronger than himself?

"Tenglong style!" Seeing Luo Xiu's moves changed, his body was spinning in mid-air, and his fists once again rushed toward the tiger demon's head like thunder.


Faced with this blow, the Iron Tail Tiger Demon didn't have time to react. He was hit by the most powerful Dragon-style Dragon Tiger Fist. The vitality veins of his head were immediately hit, and the hard skull shattered on the spot.

"Wow!" The Iron Tail Tiger Demon wailed, and his huge body threw to the ground, dying of anger.

"It deserves to be the first-level peak monster. I hit the same position three times in a row before killing it."

Luo Xiu knew very well that in terms of strength alone, he was far inferior to this tiger demon. He was able to kill, relying on the Dacheng realm's inch footwork, plus the special ability to damage the life line.

Seeing the death of the Iron-Tailed Tiger Demon, the few people who had fled not far away cautiously approached and joined Yuan Dashan.

At this moment, Luo Xiu frowned and felt a dangerous breath.

Since the fusion of the life and death beads, his perception is extremely keen, and he was immediately sure that the archer hiding in the dark was aiming at him.

"Big brother, this kid's internal energy fluctuations seem to be the sixth level of body refining."

"For this tiger monster, A Fei is dead. Don't let the tiger monster's body fall into the hands of others." Several people whispered and talked with Yuan Dashan.

Luo Xiu vaguely heard that, with a cold expression on his face, he sneered and said, "I killed this tiger demon."

"Hmph, it was you who killed it. If you didn't have our eldest brother, you would be able to beat this iron-tailed tiger demon with your six-tiered body refiner?" Someone sneered.

"Wang Yun, shut up! If it wasn't for this little brother, I would have died under the claws of this beast." Yuan Dashan said angrily.

I saw him stepping out, clasping his fists toward Luo Xiu, and said: "Little brother saved my life, Yuan Dashan, I don't dare to forget my life-saving grace. Naturally this tiger demon is at your disposal."

Luo Xiu nodded, and looked at this Yuan Dashan with admiration, after all, the value of this iron-tailed tiger demon could be at least tens of thousands of taels of silver.

If these people really do, Luo Xiu is not afraid, but it is also a little troublesome. It is naturally good not to do it.

"This Yuan Dashan is an idiot!" Wang Yun's eyes were volatile. In his opinion, even if this kid saved Yuan Dashan's life, he would not give up the value of an iron-tailed tiger demon.

It's normal for the hunter team to fight each other for the benefit of treasures. What's more, the other party is just a six-fold kid?

"Let's go!" Yuan Dashan arched his hand towards Luo Xiu, and then led a group of people to lift the body of his companion and leave.

"Wang Yun, I know what you are thinking, but my eldest brother advises you that it is no time for the young man to kill the Irontail Tiger Demon. Maybe it is a disciple of a certain family in Qingyun City, and it is not something we can provoke."

Yuan Dashan glanced at Wang Yun next to him, and said coldly, "What's more, the other party saved my life. How can my martial arts practitioners be ungrateful?"

"Yes, what the older brother taught is." Wang Yun said, but he was not convinced in his heart.

"I know you are a little clever, but you need to use your brain to the right place." Yuan Dashan warned again, "I suffered some injuries from fighting with the beast, and I need to find a place to recuperate. It is estimated that we will spend the night in the mountains tonight. ."

The other people in the team also looked a little tired and lonely. This hunting of the Iron-Tailed Tiger Demon could be said to be a fiasco. Even if one person died, nothing was gained in the end.

After a while, the team found a safe place to rest and rectify.

Yuan Dashan sat down with a big tree with his back, and tore open the clothes around his waist, leaving a large area of blood and blood. Fortunately, it was only a skin injury and no bones were broken.

He took out the golden sore medicine he was carrying and smeared it, and secretly said: "The young man didn't know who it was. He was obviously a six-tiered body refining base, but he was able to kill the Iron Tail Tiger Demon..."

Yuan Dashan knew very well that if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the black-clothed boy, they wouldn't be able to kill the tiger demon at all, maybe even he himself would be ruined.

He is the eighth level of body refining cultivation base, running the internal qi with the golden sore medicine, and the injury recovered quickly.

"Huh? Where are Wang Yun and Zhang Hun?" After less than half an hour, Yuan Dashan recovered from his injury, only to find that there were only two people in the team except him.

"Wang Yun said he was going to see if there are any prey nearby." Someone replied.

"Oops!" Yuan Dashan's face changed suddenly. With his experience and understanding of Wang Yun, why couldn't he guess the sillyness in it?

"It must be the material that Wang Yun coveted from the Irontail Tiger Demon, so he took Zhang Hun and was going to kill people for treasures, something big happened!"


The iron-tailed tiger demon's body was so big that Luo Xiu couldn't take it all away.

Infused with the Qingfeng sword, he first peeled off the tiger skin. This tiger skin was relatively complete, with only one or two axes cut through the gap, which could be sold for a good price.

In addition, there are tiger bones, heart blood, tiger teeth, the most valuable, naturally the tiger demon's tail, known as the iron tail, is the material for building lower-level soldiers.

Collect all valuable materials, especially the tiger skin, which made Luo Xiu's package full.

He looked up at the sky. He probably couldn't return to Qingyun City before sunset. He could only spend one night in the mountains and forests, and then drove back in the early morning of the next day.

There are not many monsters in Shuiwu Mountain, mainly wild beasts, but if it comes to night, this mountain forest will be full of dangers, so Luo Xiu must find a safe shelter before it gets dark.


The trembling sound of a bowstring was very clear in the silent forest.

Luo Xiu's pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a violent wind that flew towards his head from behind.

His body moved sideways, and a bang of an arrow hit the trunk beside him, and the feathers trembled.

As the perception spread, Luo Xiu found two breaths of life.

Not far away, a young man with a short stature and a dark complexion was holding a long bow and arching the full moon, looking at him indifferently.

At the same time, the other side also walked out a figure, it was the Wang Yun that had been seen before.

"What do the two of you mean?" Luo Xiu asked coldly.

"Boy, you don't have to pretend to be a fool. Leave your package and sword, and we will let you go." Wang Yun said with a sneer holding a sword in his hand.

"What if I don't stay?" Luo Xiu's eyes flashed coldly. It stands to reason that he saved these people, but he didn't expect these guys to be so brazen and ungrateful!

However, in Luo Xiu's perception, only Wang Yun and the archer, Yuan Dashan and the other two did not appear nearby.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Xiu came to understand that it is estimated that these two people acted privately, wanting to kill people and win treasures.

The iron-tailed tiger demon's things are worth tens of thousands of silver, and it is naturally worthy of the refining realm martial artist to take the risk.

Luo Xiu finally understood what a sinister heart is!


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