Married to a Millionaire

Chapter 49: 049

Chapter 49

Feng Yue dropped out of school. No one knew if she went back to high school to retake the college entrance exam or if she had other plans. No one cared either. Without the hype, the online romance between Fu Ming Shi and Zhen Bao quickly cooled down. Both protagonists faded from view, and Feng Yue, a minor supporting character, barely caused a ripple. After negotiations between Feng Yue's parents and University A, the school's online forums also blocked discussion of the Feng Yue incident. All related posts vanished.

Qian LeLe swiveled her chair and looked at Zhen Bao airing clothes on the balcony. She gossiped with Jia Xiao Yu, "What do you think - did Fu pull strings to expose Feng Yue?"

"She deserved it!" Jia Xiao Yu spit out a jujube pit in disgust. "She bullied innocent Zhen Bao on campus and tried to seduce Fu, but that didn't work out. We can ignore her petty schemes. But she leaked info about Zhen Bao to paparazzi and falsely claimed Zhen Bao was Fu's mistress. That's pure malice, not just cunning. Remember how badly netizens slandered Zhen Bao before Fu clarified things? Ten times worse than how they dragged Feng Yue! I saw through her; Feng Yue has a black heart. If we don't teach her a lesson, she'll just harm someone else later."

Qian LeLe nodded along sagely.

Fan Xuan sighed, "Fu is so skilled at manipulating public opinion. He must have wanted to punish Feng Yue for bullying Zhen Bao. Without even revealing Feng Yue's name or photo, just a vague rumor, people guessed the perpetrator was Feng Yue... Sure, Feng Yue is cunning, but whoever first leaked her photo is no saint either. I don't like online violence. This is a fair outcome - Feng Yue learned her lesson, the issue died down, and she can still resume a normal life if she keeps a low profile. Escalating things further would have harmed Zhen Bao too."

With Feng Yue's misdeeds scrubbed from the internet so swiftly, Fu Ming Shi likely orchestrated it behind the scenes.

"What are you all talking about?" Zhen Bao slid open the glass door after hanging the laundry and asked the three roommates gathered together.

Qian LeLe snickered, "We're guessing if Fu can identify which underwear on the balcony is yours when he comes to visit."

She had the dirtiest mind in the dorm. Zhen Bao automatically filtered out the inappropriate content and went to put away the laundry basin.

After a classmate transferred schools, some awkwardness still lingered whenever Zhen Bao appeared. People naturally sympathize with the weak, so when Feng Yue bullied Zhen Bao, onlookers unanimously criticized Feng Yue's cruelty. But after Feng Yue was forced to drop out, some felt Zhen Bao had gone too far. Though Zhen Bao did nothing, Feng Yue's downfall was over her after all.

With a clear conscience, Zhen Bao ignored the looks and gossip, living her life in peace.

When summer finals rolled around again, Zhen Bao's life fully returned to normal. No one in class discussed Feng Yue anymore. Fu Ming Shi visiting campus and seeing Zhen Bao no longer attracted much attention. Only when the couple went out were occasional photos leaked, but Zhen Bao could now ignore such trivial gossip.

Zhen Bao had worked part-time at University A's animal hospital for over half a year. Though she only worked two hours a day, Zhen Bao still helped out with what she could on weekends. Gradually, many staff recognized her as the freshman with an amazing rapport with animals.

Initially, Zhen Bao just cleaned up after the pets boarded at the hospital. As she learned more and got to know people, she even picked up some professional skills ahead of upperclassmen's internships. So before summer vacation, Zhen Bao unexpectedly obtained a two-month long-term part-time job.

Zhen Bao was thrilled, but guessed Fu Ming Shi wouldn't like hearing it. To avoid spoiling his mood, she deliberately only mentioned it during their after-dinner campus stroll.

Fu Ming Shi laughed briefly - more of a scoff than a real laugh.

Zhen Bao lowered her head and sipped her fruit juice.

After walking a dozen steps, Fu Ming Shi turned and blocked her path, asking lightly, "What's the monthly salary?"

Clutching her fruit juice, Zhen Bao replied, "2,000, with weekends off."

Working July and August would pay her tuition and housing fees for the year. Adding her usual part-time income, Zhen Bao was confident she could self-fund through college. If she won scholarships as planned, she could even repay Fu Ming Shi for the tuition and meal plan he covered her first year and graduate with modest savings.

Zhen Bao didn't mind accepting Fu Ming Shi's lavish gifts, but she wanted to earn her own college funding - the two felt fundamentally different. Boyfriends giving girlfriends presents was normal; relying on him for tuition and living expenses felt like being a mistress.

Zhen Bao just wanted to date Fu Ming Shi, not be dependent on him or anyone else.

Streetlamp light spilled over, illuminating the familiar determination and stubbornness on that sweet, beautiful face.

Fu Ming Shi surrendered, though with some regret. He hugged her and asked, "You're not going home anymore?"

He didn't oppose her summer part-time job. Pleasantly surprised, Zhen Bao smiled up at him, "Our department has early exams, so we get off early. I calculated - I'll have a week before starting the part-time job. Do you have time?" After over a year away, Zhen Bao was homesick, even if no one waited for her there.

Fu Ming Shi relaxed, kissing her forehead. "I'll make arrangements. Focus on your exams."

Zhen Bao nodded.

Fu Ming Shi was busy with work, so he could only spare three full days with Zhen Bao in total.

Zhen Bao didn't mind one bit, excitedly boarding the plane with him.

At 10 AM, the plane landed in C City. Fu Ming Shi's assistant had prepared a car for them ahead of time.

Fu Ming Shi drove, first taking Zhen Bao shopping to buy supplies, since the old family home must need restocking after over a year, especially food. They bought so much that the trunk and backseat were packed full, including new appliances like outlets and induction burners.

The long drive to Zhen Bao's home stretched into the countryside. By the time they neared her village, it was 3 PM already.

Neighbor Granny Guo lived alone and beamed upon seeing Zhen Bao and Fu Ming Shi, lively and sharp-minded as she chatted with Zhen Bao. "How many days are you home this time?"

Zhen Bao had missed Granny Guo too and happily caught up with the elder.

With narrow village roads, the car couldn't pass. Fu Ming Shi let Zhen Bao visit with the granny while he ferried their haul to the Zhen house. It took three trips to move everything into the yard. The winter here was warmer than the capital, but summer was muggy. Seeing Fu Ming Shi's shirt soaked with sweat, Zhen Bao temporarily bid farewell to Granny Guo to help Fu Ming Shi unpack.

Granny Guo leaned in her doorway, relishing the chance to watch the young ones work.

Unoccupied for a year, the rooms were covered in dust. Zhen Bao suggested leaving the new purchases in the yard while they first cleaned the rooms. The first floor needed the kitchen and living room cleaned. The second floor had four bedrooms total - Zhen Bao pointed to hers and her dad's beside it, "Just these two need cleaning. Ignore the rest."

Drenched in sweat, Zhen Bao bent to unlock the door. Fu Ming Shi suddenly hugged her from behind, lips against her crown, voice low and hoarse. "Why just two rooms?"

Zhen Bao's hand jerked and she missed inserting the key, face instantly flushing.

Fu Ming Shi kissed down from her crown, her reddening ear, her neck. She was sweaty too, tasting a bit salty, but he loved it. "One room?"

His hoarse inquiry was more tempting than anything. Zhen Bao's heart quivered, still remembering their intimate encounter months ago.

Fu Ming Shi smiled, "I'll haul water."

At the mention of water, Zhen Bao recalled something. While sunlight remained, she dug out the hot water bag she had packed away when leaving last year and handed it to Fu Ming Shi. Then she pretended not to notice his meaningful gaze and continued cleaning the bedroom - beating the mattresses, airing beddings, sweeping away cobwebs, wiping the desk...

With the bedroom tidy, Zhen Bao went downstairs to help Fu Ming Shi clean the kitchen.

Exhausted after finishing everything as darkness fell, though the heat lingered, Fu Ming Shi's handsome face was smudged with dust and flushed. Zhen Bao was even more disheveled, with hair plastered to her face and sweat-soaked white shirt clinging to her body, rising and falling with each breath. Fu Ming Shi couldn't help stealing glances, still remembering their intimate encounter months ago.

"Eat first or shower first?" Zhen Bao sat on a chair, wiping sweat and asking.

"Let's eat first. We'll probably sweat again after," Fu Ming Shi passed her a bottle of mineral water and told Zhen Bao to sit while he cooked. Too tired for anything elaborate, they were just having noodles with four eggs for dinner.

"One egg is enough for me," Zhen Bao called out to his turned back.

Fu Ming Shi nodded, having guessed she wouldn't eat much.

“You’re going to eat three?” Seeing him crack four eggs, Zhen Bao was surprised and asked.

Fu Ming Shi looked back, his gaze strange: “I can’t eat three?” Did she begrudge him so much that she was unwilling to let him eat even one egg?

Zhen Bao didn't mean that. Awkwardly, she said, “I heard eating too many eggs is not good.”

Fu Ming Shi laughed softly, staring at her intently: “For those who engage in heavy physical labor, it’s okay to eat more.”

Zhen Bao was too naive to understand her fiancé’s teasing. She thought Fu Ming Shi was tired from cleaning the room just now, so she didn’t bother him further. Fu Ming Shi cooked three packets of noodles and four eggs, most of which went into his stomach.

After eating the noodles, both were covered in more sweat. Zhen Bao took Fu Ming Shi for a walk around the area before letting him shower first while she went next door to see Auntie Guo.

“I’ll be back in ten minutes at most,” Fu Ming Shi said as he clasped her wrist, meaning for her not to stay over there too long.

Zhen Bao fled in embarrassment.

Fu Ming Shi took a change of clothes and went to shower in the backyard. As he turned on the showerhead, the water was warm. Worried there wouldn't be enough for Zhen Bao, Fu Ming Shi brought over two buckets of cold water, leaving the hot water for her. Before showering, Fu Ming Shi deliberately checked the time. After washing, he checked again and saw he had used fifteen minutes.

There was no other way. He had sweated a lot today and had to wash thoroughly.

After putting on shorts and a T-shirt, Fu Ming Shi texted Zhen Bao.

At Auntie Guo’s next door, Zhen Bao took out her phone and saw Fu Ming Shi’s brief shower reminder. Zhen Bao’s heart raced as she quietly bid Auntie Guo goodbye.

“Ming Shi is pretty good. When are you two getting married?” Auntie Guo asked caringly.

Zhen Bao blushed. “After I graduate, I guess.” Zhen Bao was in no hurry, but Fu’s father was over eighty years old. And in Fu’s father’s words, Fu Ming Shi was no longer young either.

Auntie Guo nodded approvingly: “Very good, very good. Ming Shi is quite good. You must hold onto him tight, Feng Bao.”

Zhen Bao just smiled and went back home.

Fu Ming Shi sat in the living room. As Zhen Bao turned to the doorway, she heard him slapping mosquitoes.

“You go on up first,” Fu Ming Shi considerately said. He had bought electric fans and mosquito repellents.

Fu Ming Shi looked at her and followed her upstairs together.

Upstairs, Zhen Bao took some clothes and said as she closed the door, “You, you go ahead and watch a movie first.”

Fu Ming Shi stared at the door she had already closed without a word.

Zhen Bao went around the corner and stood there for a while before going back downstairs.

The Zhen house didn’t have a dedicated bathroom. Wooden boards were set up in the corner, covered by an old quilt to block any gaps and prevent seeing inside. When Zhen Bao was home alone in the past, she didn’t need to worry about anything. But now with Fu Ming Shi here too, she couldn’t help but listen intently as she undressed, worried he might hear.

She knew Fu Ming Shi wouldn’t be so wicked, but the crude shower stall at home really couldn’t provide a sense of security.

After putting her clothes aside, Zhen Bao turned on the showerhead and enjoyed the feeling of water falling on her. She first washed her hair, and her whole body was drenched afterwards. Zhen Bao poured some shower gel and carefully scrubbed herself.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded openly from outside, and Zhen Bao jumped in fright, instinctively covering her chest.

“I’m washing clothes,” Fu Ming Shi explained in a low voice, as if he could see everything inside. After speaking, he went to the faucet and used the washbasin to fetch water.

“You can leave them there. I’ll wash them later,” Zhen Bao said mosquito-like, just wanting him to go upstairs quickly.

“No need.” Fu Ming Shi deliberately placed the washbasin a few steps away from the “shower stall” and sat on a small stool to wash the clothes. Hearing no movement inside, Fu Ming Shi suppressed his pleasure and said evenly, “Wash at ease. I won’t peep.”

Zhen Bao bit her lip, guessing Fu Ming Shi was deliberately teasing her. Unable to drive him away, Zhen Bao slowly scrubbed herself, wanting to wait until he went upstairs before rinsing off, so if Fu Ming Shi really wanted to try something, she could still cover up.

There were mosquitoes in the yard, so Fu Ming Shi was worried about her inside: “You’re washing so slowly. Aren’t you afraid of mosquito bites?”

Zhen Bao felt a little smug: “Mosquitoes don’t bite me.”

Fu Ming Shi was silent, then suddenly stood up and walked towards her.

Zhen Bao tensely grabbed the short sleeve she had worn during the day.

“Give me yours too. I’ll wash them together,” Fu Ming Shi said, reaching in. His voice was calm.

Zhen Bao lowered her head to look at his big hand, her heart racing erratically. “Really, no need. Can you please just go upstairs?”

“Give them to me. I’ll leave right after washing them,” Fu Ming Shi insisted.

Zhen Bao couldn’t resist him and reluctantly handed over her denim shorts and shirt after hesitating briefly. Fu Ming Shi retracted his hand. Although he had two fewer pieces, he couldn’t bear to tease her further, so he laughed and retreated to wash the clothes. Zhen Bao was on tenterhooks as she scrubbed herself, only daring to rinse off after Fu Ming Shi had left. She washed her underwear as well.

When she came out after getting busy, she unexpectedly glimpsed a figure wandering in the distance. Looking closely, it was Fu Ming Shi.

Zhen Bao crossed her arms behind her back and asked softly, “Why didn’t you go upstairs?”

“Waiting for you,” Fu Ming Shi said, looking at her. His voice was mellow and clear, like a cool breeze blowing away the summer heat of the day.

Zhen Bao lowered her head. “I’m hanging clothes.”

“Hurry up,” Fu Ming Shi said, patting her head and going to the living room first.

Zhen Bao was confused and anxious. She went to the clothesline and saw Fu Ming Shi’s clothes already hanging there, three pieces inside and out. Her gaze swiftly glanced over Fu Ming Shi’s boxer shorts. Zhen Bao deliberately hung her four pieces a bit farther away and decided she would get up early tomorrow to take the clothes off the line before he did.

After hanging them, Zhen Bao turned around, only to find Fu Ming Shi standing in the doorway. So her actions just now...

Zhen Bao froze in place.

She didn’t know why she was being silly again. Fu Ming Shi beckoned helplessly.

“Close the door,” Zhen Bao said. She didn’t want to talk to him now, so she rushed straight for the stairs upon entering, having forgotten the bedroom was the inevitable destination he would catch her in.

The rabbit was in the cage. Fu Ming Shi’s patience improved again as he listened to the thumping sound of her running up the stairs. He leisurely closed the door below, then turned off the lights and went up the stairs step by step. The stairs creaked with age, making a quaint stomping sound that was pleasing to the ear.

Upstairs, only one room had its light on. Fu Ming Shi pushed the door open and saw his fiancée sitting stiffly upright at the desk against the east wall. Her back was to him. The laptop was open, playing an animated movie. Fu Ming Shi locked the bedroom door behind him and glanced at Zhen Bao before going straight to the bed.

Zhen Bao’s bedroom was only a dozen or so square feet. The lights were last year's bulbs and not very bright, making the room dim. Fu Ming Shi lazily leaned against a pillow and called Zhen Bao over: “Bring it here. Let’s watch together.”

With only one chair in her room, they could only watch on the bed.

Zhen Bao hugged the laptop and walked towards him, her gaze lowered the whole time. When she reached the bedside, she first handed the laptop to Fu Ming Shi. Unexpectedly, Fu Ming Shi only made a gesture to reach for it, and the bed board below made a creaking sound. Her dad had made the bed himself using wood from the mountains, and it had served for over a decade, so sounds like this were normal.

But tonight, this sound was too suggestive, too likely to stimulate the imagination.

Zhen Bao didn’t even dare sit down now.

Fu Ming Shi stared at her, inexplicably worried: “This bed... can it bear the two of us?”

Zhen Bao’s face burned as she shyly turned away.

Fu Ming Shi thought she wanted to run off, so he immediately put the laptop down, as if she took a single step and he would pounce over to grab her.

She didn’t move, so Fu Ming Shi forced himself to stay calm and urged hoarsely, “Get on.”

Zhen Bao turned off the light first.

Fu Ming Shi put the laptop back on his lap.

Zhen Bao tried her best to move lightly, but each shift made the bed creak. She finally managed to sidle up to Fu Ming Shi’s side, her forehead beaded with sweat. Fu Ming Shi started the video and opened his right arm. Zhen Bao stiffly leaned against him, feeling that he was even hotter than her despite the thin cloth separating them.

Zhen Bao didn’t move a muscle.

Fu Ming Shi squeezed her shoulder and seemed nonchalant, but his other hand kept clenching and unclenching into a fist.

The movie was nearly two hours long. When it finished, it was just past 9 PM.

Later, Fu Ming Shi’s arm moved. Zhen Bao pretended not to notice and still leaned against his shoulder. Somewhat eagerly, she said, “It’s only 9. Let’s watch the second part too.” This animated series had three parts. Last time when their relationship went public, Fu Ming Shi had also accompanied her to watch all three movies continuously.

But Fu Ming Shi didn’t fall for it this time. Lowering his head, he kissed her crown and said, “I’m tired.”

With no excuse left to stall, Zhen Bao obediently moved away. Taking advantage of Fu Ming Shi going to put away the laptop, she pulled up the quilt and lay inside facing away from him.

“Thirsty?” Fu Ming Shi came back with a bottle of water.

Zhen Bao really was thirsty. Awkwardly sitting up properly again, she gulped down several mouthfuls. After drinking her fill, she lay back down.

Fu Ming Shi put the water on the floor beside the bed and then sat on the bed himself. He wasn’t as careful as Zhen Bao and didn’t mind the creaking. The floor fan was aimed at Fu Ming Shi’s side, blowing and making a swiveling sound.

The whirring sound of the electric fan filled the room as Fu Ming Shi turned to look at Zhen Bao beside him in bed. "Isn't it too hot to be using a blanket in this weather?" he asked, touching the blanket covering her.

Zhen Bao shook her head. Even if she was hot, she wouldn't tell him.

Fu Ming Shi felt her forehead - it was damp with sweat. Thoughtfully, he pulled back her blanket. Zhen Bao didn't stop him, her eyes remaining tightly shut.

Fu Ming Shi felt very hot himself, the electric fan providing little relief. He took off his T-shirt, then turned his fiancée over, leaning down like a mountain over her, supporting himself with his arms. Lowering his head, he kissed her brow. Her long eyelashes fluttered as her breathing grew heavier.

"Did you ever imagine our first time would be here?" Fu Ming Shi murmured, his lips hovering over hers. A bead of sweat slid down his handsome face, gathering at his chin before dripping onto her.

Zhen Bao's mouth felt dry again and she nervously licked her lips.

Taking this as a signal, Fu Ming Shi's gaze darkened intensely as he fiercely pressed his lips to hers.

The newly purchased electric fan whirred noisily on as the rickety wooden bed creaked loudly with their movements, each sound grating.

"Slow down," Zhen Bao pleaded, unable to bear the noises. Her hands clutched tightly at his shoulders as she began to sob.

Fu Ming Shi obliged and slowed his pace.

But it was futile - the wooden boards still creaked, just not as urgently now.

Zhen Bao felt mortified and covered her face with her hands.

"No one can hear us," Fu Ming Shi insisted, deliberately making loud creaking sounds as he pried her hands away from her face.

"What if Auntie Guo hears?" Zhen Bao cried anxiously, resisting him weakly.

"Her hearing isn't that good," Fu Ming Shi doubted.

"But what if?" Zhen Bao whimpered softly.

Left with no choice, Fu Ming Shi carried her and shifted them both sideways on the bed, hoping to reduce the swaying and creaking.

It helped, somewhat, but Zhen Bao was still uneasy. Fu Ming Shi paid it no further mind, each time more intense than the last.

At that heated moment, who cared about an old lady?


In the span of barely fifteen minutes, it felt to Zhen Bao like an eternity had passed. She was more preoccupied with the creaking bed than the discomfort in her body.

When Fu Ming Shi tried to turn on the light afterwards, she stopped him.

"Does it hurt?" Fu Ming Shi held her and asked, covering her forehead and cheeks in light kisses.

Zhen Bao shook her head. It wasn't as agonizing as she'd imagined, at least.

But Fu Ming Shi remembered her pitiful cries of pain, so anguished that he'd nearly stopped halfway.

"Feng Bao..." he murmured her name tenderly.

Zhen Bao's eyelashes fluttered.

"Did you like it?" Fu Ming Shi kissed her cheek blissfully.

Zhen Bao turned her face away, refusing to answer such a question.

"I liked it a lot," Fu Ming Shi turned her face towards him, unable to stop kissing her. "I liked it so much, I want to go again."

Zhen Bao's eyes widened in shock.

Fu Ming Shi just laughed. He smothered her in passionate kisses, but decided to sleep for now.

Zhen Bao stayed alert for a while, but soon fatigue overcame her and she fell into deep slumber. As she slept, she felt a weight on her and Fu Ming Shi's hurried breathing against her ear, his fiery kisses raining down her face and neck. Drowsy as she was, Zhen Bao tried to resist, but he was relentless, determinedly showering her with kisses. The more he kissed, the more awake Zhen Bao became, until she was fully aware of Fu Ming Shi fumbling for something hidden under his pillow.

Three minutes later, the rickety wooden bed in the rustic little cottage room began creaking loudly once more...


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