Mark of the Fool

Chapter 787: What Now?

Chapter 787: What Now?

Thanks for the lift, Mr. Roth, I can never get over how efficient travelling by teleportation is, Professor Jules laughed, stepping away from Alex. The two wizards had teleported to the alchemy professors office from the Heroes camp. I wasn't aware that youd become so proficient at travelling such a large distance in a single jump.

Neither was I, Alex admitted, stretching and looking around. I got better practising in Keldas sanctumand

Professor Jules paused, partway through reaching into her liquor cabinet. What's wrong?

Nothings wrong, Alex said, a wave of emotion going through him. Well, that's not quite right. I mean, the Ravener might've stolen the body of a god who didnt hesitate in killing the Thameish people like he was getting rid of fleas, and the same gods murderous pet project might escalate and try to wipe out every living being fighting in Thamelandbut I don't know, professor, in spite of all that, I feel relieved. It feels like its been years since I've been in this office. But here I am, alive, in one piece, and back in Generasi.

Professor Jules looked at him for a long moment. Would you care for a cup of something strong, Mr. Roth?

He shook his head. No, I don't think so. I need to go home to see Selina and Claygon, give them the newsbetter if I have a clear head.

Well, its the end of the workday for me, so I'm going to have a drink. I'll toast your return home, Mr. Roth, she said, taking out a bottle of dwarven fire rye. She poured herself a very big glass. I have a feeling I'll need to brew a hangover cure tomorrow morning, but here, let me get you a coffee, tea, some juice?

Do you happen to have hot cider? Alex asked. I used to drink apple cider in Alric all the timeI'd love a cup.

I have just the thing.

Professor Jules took a cheesecloth packet of dried apples and a mixture of spices from her cabinet. She put the apples in a strange press that sat on a shelf in the cabinet then turned a crank on its side, crushing the fruit to paste. She added distilled water, the spices, and a dropperful of a potion that heated and liquified the mixture, producing a steaming amber drink that smelled delicious. She pushed a lever on the device, and Alexs cider flowed into a waiting cup.

Professor Jules handed him the cup and raised her glass. To your safe return, Mr. Roth.

To my return, and to the end of the Ravener. He took a long sip. It was as delicious as it smelled.

You have rounds to make once you reacquaint yourself with your family, dont you? The professor sighed, plopping down in a comfortable chair behind her desk and stretching like a contented cat. Youll have to speak to Professors Mangal, and ValRok, theyve both been looking forward to seeing you. Especially Professor Mangal, shes told me that she very much wants to continue your work together.

Yeah, I have a lot to tell her too.

And Professor ValRok said that you would be engaging in that gruesome operation on your mana pool? She raised an eyebrow.

I already did that: and the results were worth it. He took another sip of cider.

Well, I have no doubt that hell be pleased to hear that, she said, shaking her head disapprovingly. You'll also need to speak to the registrar: we took the liberty of putting your studies on hold, but its required that you inform him of your plans now that you're back. Will you be returning to your studies right away? Or will you continue your hiatus until the Ravener is destroyed and your life becomes less hectic?

Alex paused, thinking for a while, then nodded to himself and rested his cup on the desk, steam curled from it.

Professor He sat up straighter. I can cast ninth-tier spells now.

She paused. yesyou mentioned something about that earlier, but with so much going on, I didn't really have a chance to process it. The professor placed her glass in front of her. You truly can cast ninth-tier spells now?

Truly, Alex said. I can cast Conjure Ultimate Ally and Summon Astral Engeli. And I think I could learn just about any ninth-tier summoning spell fairly easily at this point.

Professor Jules eyebrows rose. Conjure Ultimate Ally is a very difficult spell. Ninth-tierthat's the domain of archwizardry.

Yeah, I know it is, Alex said, thinking very carefully about his next words. Which is whyI was wondering if I could Challenge enough Exams for Credit to get every one I need, so I could graduate early?

Before she could say anything, he continued. I've been giving this a lot of thought, professor. Andwhile I enjoy my classesthe fact is, I'll have to use my time efficiently. Which means spending a lot of it on helping Thameland, doing research on the Ravener with the team, and taking care of everything else that I need to. And since attending classes isnt really going to teach me muchand uh

I think I understand where youre going. The fact is, attending formal classes that teach third and fourth-tier courses and spellcraft, would be of little benefit to you, is that what you wanted to say? Professor Jules cut in.

Yeah Alex said. A lot of what I had to do to even be able to cast spells when I had the Mark of the Fool, helped me advance real fast once those limits went away. And now, the Mark of the General helps me learn spells fast, if I apply it in the right way.

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I see, Professor Jules said.

I know you dont like students trying to rush ahead with their studies, but

Professor Jules raised her hand. Save your words, Mr. Roth, I'm not unreasonable. I don't like it when students try to rush their studies before theyre ready to advance. And many prove that theyre not ready though they might think they are. You, on the other hand, are ready for graduate studies and more, considering your level of skill. Its really quite extraordinary.

Thanks, professor he paused. There's one other thing. I kinda don'tjeez, this is hard to say. Id like to graduate before anything happens. We don't know what the Raveners next move will be, and if something happens to meI'd like to know that Id achieved what I came here for; to become a wizard and graduate from the University of Generasi. Does that sound weird?

Not at all. Professor Jules shook her head. We have things we want to accomplish before our lives end. I understand. Youll have to speak to other faculty members about yourchange in situation. We can arrange things with Registrar Hobb, once there is consensus among your professors and the department heads once you discuss the matter with them. But, Mr. RothI would like to ask you a direct question.

Whats that? Alex asked.

What do you plan to do? she watched him steadily.

What do you mean? he asked. I plan to go to the villa where my family is

I mean later.

Like we talked about, work on researching the Ravener, working on defending my homeland

No, Alex, she said. I mean after all of that.

Ohooooh, he paused. You mean when the wars over?

I do, she said. You're talking about wanting to graduate, but have you thought about what you're going to do with your life afterward?

Well, I'm definitely gonna marry the hell out of Theresa, Alex said with enthusiasm. Then, you know, there's my business with Toraka Shalemy other businesses. Alchemy is pretty awesome, so I'll continue to study that

But you dont have to, Professor Jules pointed out. You don't have to, Mr. Roth.

Wait, what now? he said.

You've gotten rid of the limits placed on you by the horrendous Uldar, she continued. You're not confined to alchemy any longer. You can study any form of magic that you wish, you can explore all of wizardry, travel anywhere you wish to.

Huh, I He paused. I never really thought about that, especially with the Mark of the Fool and all.

You should, Professor Jules said. Your name continues to spread all over the city. There are going to be endless opportunities ahead of you, and it would be a terrible shame to see you flounder, or not explore your great talents once the war ends.

You know, it didn't occur to me that I could choose to do something different, Alex admitted. I guess I didnt have time to really consider what it means to be free of the Fools Mark. Uh, I guess I should give all of that some thought. It's kinda sadto think that I'm not gonna be taking courses anymore, though.

You dont have to graduate early if you don't want to, Professor Jules pointed out.

Well, Ive been here beforeI was sad when I left the church school too, Alex told her. I liked studying there, learning, I liked my teachers, and I was pretty much used to everything. I'm wondering if maybe I'm just going through the same thing right now. But realistically, I don't really think it makes a lot of sense for me to continue taking undergraduate courses if Im capable of casting ninth-tier spells.

In some ways, you're beyond the graduate level, Professor Jules said. And that powerful Mark of yours means that you could fill in any gaps you have with knowledge and your skills extremely quickly. I think there would be a number of professors who would want you to join the faculty and work with them directly. Actually, I guarantee that if you do continue with graduate studies and beyond, the faculty here will be fighting tooth and nail to get you to work alongside them. I could see the competition turning into a regular blood sport.

Alex laughed at that. I don't know if I want to teach or become a professor or anything like thatbut yeah. I really don't know.

Well, why did you want to become a wizard in the first place? Professor Jules asked.

He chuckled again. To become like the wizards I read about in story books, and to use magic to make a good life for me, my sister, and the Lus.

Now it was Professor Jules who laughed. But you are already quite wealthy, Mr. Roth, and a lot of the magic that you can wield is the stuff that stories are made of. As a matter of fact, bards are already spinning tales about you right here in Generasi.

He made a face. What? I'm not sure how I feel about that. Which is pretty ironic since at one time I wanted my name to spread, and now that it's spreading, I feel a bit weird!

I'd feel the same way, Professor Jules said, taking a swig of dwarven fire rye. But the fact is, you've already reached a lot of your goals, haven't you?

YeahI suppose, he murmured. Before I even knew it. I know I want to break through to ninth-tier with spells besides summoning onesbut what I want to do as a wizard beyond that? Now that my limits are gone, I cant really say yet.

I'd suggest taking some time to think about it, Professor Jules advised him. Taking a good long time to make your decision should allow you to have a better idea of what youd like to do when the war is over.

He shuddered. You know, in all the old stories, when someone has a conversation like this, theyre basically as good as dead.

Well, this isnt an old story, Professor Jules said, matter-of-factly. And for practical reasons, you should give some thought to your future before it's here.

I guess you're right, Alex said. Ill think about it, professor. He sighed. I wish Baelin was here: he'd have some good advice.

She scoffed. He'd probably tell you something about crushing your enemies and seeing them driven before you.

Yeah, you're probably right, he laughed.

That was not a joke, Mr. Roth.

I know, but it's still funny.

Hmph, she said. Oh, before you go. I would like you to come see Registrar Hobb with me in the morning. It's not about you Challenging the Exams for Credit, itll be about your access to the library. You'll be expected to show proof that you can cast ninth-tier spells, but once you do, then youll have full access to the library.

He gasped. That'll be awesome! Thank you, professor!

Its not a favour, it's your right, she said.

Well, I'm still glad. So, thank you again. He shook her hand. Anyway, I should get going. You've given me a lot to think about, though.

It's why they pay me, she said, raising an eyebrow. Why on earth are you heading toward the door? Aren't you going to teleport to the villa?

Alex paused, his hand on the door handle. No, I don't think I will. I haven't been in Generasi in a long, long time. I'd like to enjoy being here, seeing it, slowing down for a bit, and taking it all in. I think I feel like walking for a while.

It's probably a good idea to slow down, Professor Jules said. Think about your future, Mr. Roth, and I will see you tomorrow at nine in the morning.

Thanks again, professorfor everything. If it weren't for you and Baelin, I wouldnt be here, he said, opening the door. And I mean that.

Oh, shoo! she waved him off. You're welcome, but if you stay here any longer, I'm going to start to cry, and I'd rather that didn't happen. So, off you go! You have family to see!


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