Mark of the Fool

Chapter 785: A Major Crisis of Faith

Chapter 785: A Major Crisis of Faith

By Uldars beard Tobias Jay gasped.

The high priest looked around the empty throne room of his god, his mouth agape and eyes wide. His breaths came quick and shallow, his eyes barely blinked. He was clutching the holy symbol of Uldar that he wore around his neck so tightly, it was leaving an impression in his flesh. This place is filled with divine energy. Its blazing with ityetit feels like some of it is draining awaydisappearing elsewhere.

Tobias, is this place really what they said it is? Errol called to him, still examining the murals along the stairwell. I cant believe it.

You told us, when we were climbing the stairs, King Athelstan said to the Heroes and professor, his eyes on the mud-stained floor. That our gods body and throne were taken by Ravener-spawn? The monsters tracks are clear, but there is no evidence of either a body or a throne.

Because they were stolen, Alex thought, but he had the restraint not to say that outloud.

Instead, he said: Honestly, I know how things look, but this is Uldars sanctum. We can prove it to you.

The king looked more ashen than earlier. Alex could imagine that much too much was happening far too quickly for him. I am eager to see this proof

You're taking things rather well, your Majesty, Professor Jules said.

It is not for a king to show weakness, he must always be strong for his people, Athelstan said. I will say no more. I take it you are going to explain this Mark of the General business we saw among those murals?

There's a journal here that Uldar made, Alex said. He made it through a combination of magic and divinity. We can show you the most relevant parts, since its days long; youll find a lot will be explained by it.

Then let us get on with it: show us more of this proof, the king said wearily.

Alex, the other Heroes and Professor Jules guided the Thameish monarch through the sanctum, starting first with Uldars armoury.

The moment they stepped through the door, the high priests jaw fell open.

Thisthese are Uldars holy weapons! the old man choked. I recognize them: their descriptions are in many of the churchs oldest chronicles! How did youNo, it seems that this is Uldars sanctum. Thats the only way to explain them being here.

His tone sounded defeated, almost resolved, and Alex could understand why. If the holy man could have exposed this place as some trick or scheme dreamed up by foreign wizards, then he could have shown them to be liars, and deceivers, allowing him to deny their story of his god being dead.

The truth, however, was even grimmer than he knew, and would only get worse as more facts were revealed.

King Athelstans eyes bulged. I recognise them too

As do I the court wizard echoed.

Show us more, the rulers voice was strained, his tone as taut as a ships mooring line. Show us everything.

The three older men became increasingly agitated as they toured the sanctum, noting the signs of dis-useand increasing evidence that this was the home of their god.

King Athelstan snarled at the ichor stains in Uldars sleeping chamber. Poison? Was our god sick? Was he slain through treachery and venom? What villain did this? Was it the Ravener?

There were fewer times in Alex's life where he felt more awkward. A glance at the faces of the other Heroes and Professor Jules mirrored his discomfort.

That didnt include Harts.

Hart looked just fine.

Because of course he did.

You all seem to be entirely too blas about this! the king sputtered. Your reactions are muted: our god has been murdered, and you all seem to care very little!

Listen, your majesty, Alex said. It's all going to be explained in Uldars recordbutthis next parts probably going to be pretty hard for the three of you.

It was incredibly difficult for me. Merzhin bowed his head. I still struggle with what I learned.

I am growing quite annoyed with all of this cloak and dagger, the king said, veins standing out on his temples. You all continue to dodge around the truth, feeding it to us piecemeal. Out with it, I say!

Honestly, yer majesty? Cedric looked apologetic. Better, we don't tell it, ya needs thear it fyerselves. An we been givin ya the story in bits, causesa lot ttake in all at once.

Let us proceed with the record then, your majesty, Tobias said. Let's have the truth of all of this.

Agreed, King Athelstan said. Let us see this record youve been speaking of.

Alex guided everyone to the viewing room and took his seat in Uldars chair, readying specific entries from the journal. The first one he showed them was for context; it was of the god at the beginning of the journal, talking about why he was making the record.

They were shocked for many reasons; seeing his image like he was there right before them, at how he looked, at the draining wound in his side. The high priest groaned softly when he heard his god speak.

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Dying? King Athelstan echoed Uldars word from entry one. That woundhow did it come to be?

He'll tell you, Alex said.

Next, he went to journal entries where Uldar spoke of establishing Thameland.

During one, the king looked to his two advisors. Could this be fakery? Some trick or illusion?

I don't think so, your majesty, Errol murmured. I am not the greatest at illusion, but this does not feel like that sort of magic.

Tobias looked on Uldars image. I am firmly tuned to the winds of divinity, your majesty. And I have no doubt that we are seeing Uldar before us. Whatever this journal is about, he made it. Of this I am sure.

Alex continued, showing them what Uldar had said about sending orphaned Thameish children to Lord Aenflynn to be soldiers in his armies. He showed them the entry where the god had spoken of being wounded. The three men were silent, seeming overwhelmed.

Alex played the part of the record where Uldar explained how hed gotten his wound, and his plan to build the Ravener.

What? Tobias screamed. The Ravener is Uldars creation? II

This is a fake! Errol suddenly shouted, abandoning his earlier confidence.

Tell me he is right, Tobias, King Athelstan said, almost begging. Tell me Errol speaks true!

This isit is Uldars image Tobias looked at Merzhin. Holy Saint, do you feel it as well?

I do, the Saint said, his voice dead. I know that these are Uldars true words. I sense their divine rightness.

I gots tget better at sensin divinity, Cedric muttered.

There's more, Alex said.

He then showed them Uldars explanation for why came up with the Heroesincluding the Generaland his decision to cull Thameland.

Tobias brokedown, openly sobbing.

Merzhin placed a hand on the old man's back. It's alrightits alright.

The young wizard almost felt guilty, but knew that showing them the recording had to be done.

Finally, he showed them how the General had been transformed to the Fool, advancing the record until Uldars last entry. He showed the gods declining mental state and his plan to cull his people again, using the Ravener to save himself.

After the god declared that he intended to go and rest, the journal came to an end. The king of Thameland, high priest Tobias Jay, and court wizard Errol seemed lost. Alex paused the recording just before Uldar disappeared.

Tobias collapsed on his knees against Merzhin as the Saint held him to his chest, his aching sobs echoing through the viewing room. Court Wizard Errol looked like a doll whose strings had been cut: limp, slack and lifeless.

King Athelstan had lowered himself to the floor, sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees like a confused, overwhelmed child. He blinked with glassy, unfocused eyes.

The Heroes and Professor Jules gave them a moment, then she spoke.

You can see why we decided to

What? the king looked at her sharply, blinking owlishly. What? What?

The professor looked at him with sympathy. You can see why we decided to show you.

We're going to need to make some decisions, Alex said. We have reason to believe that the Ravener knows that Uldar is dead; the throne and body was taken by Ravener-spawn. Since we know that much, its a good bet that theres a very good chance it will start trying to kill everyone.

I thought that was what its already been doing, the king murmured.

No, Alex continued. Everything up until now was just to keep the cycle going. It's been holding back, but it was never meaning to win: it wasn't trying to win. Now there's no reason for it to want to lose.

Such a thing would be apocalyptic, Errol said. We have suffered so many casualties, and lost more soldiers trying to weed out the traitors among us. And you mean to tell me that it wasn't even trying? This could mean the end.

I will not let it be the end, the king whispered.

Your majesty? Errol asked.

The monarchs confusion had drained away, now replaced by rage. I have lived with the idea that my son would inherit a realm on fire. Night after night, Ive laid awake with the thought that my wife and child would live with the growing threat of death all around them. My only comfortmy only comfortwas the thought that Uldar had a secret plan for us!

His sudden laughter was bitter and dismal, it held no cheer. But instead, Ive learned that he did have a plan! A plan to kill all of us, to milk us for our faith like cattle, like we were no more than farm animals to him! That is what this sanctum of his is akin to, the farmstead of an absent landlord! Which would make me its overseer! Well, I say no more! No more of that!

That's what we want to talk about, Alex said. We agree with you, it's time to end his sins. We all need to prepare for what's coming, though. And we need to decide what to do nextespecially with what we've learned.

Aye, Cedric said. I think we should tell our people. All of em. Let this false gods legacy rot.

The king snarled. He had so little trust in us that he would place his own life above the lives of generations, and reduce us to the status of animals. It would be fitting if his lies were laid bare He paused. and yet.

What is it? Drestras voice crackled. People should know the truth.

But, will they understand, the king said. You brought us here: can you bring every member of the army here to convince them of the truth? None would believe it without undeniable proofperhaps if we had the body stillbut even then, that would be not enough for many. And He swallowed. Even if you did have the body, I would oppose telling anyone else about this.

What? Why? Drestra demanded.

Morale, King Athelstan said. As you personally know from experience on the front lines, weve been fighting an increasingly difficult battle, and telling our troops the truth would reveal that not only is their battle for nothing, and that it has always been for nothing, but that their own deity and saviour was against them all along. They would desert en masse, they would despair.

Couldnt we move everyone somewhere else? Cedric asked. Leave fer other lands?

Where? the king asked. The Rhinean Empire takes our vulnerabletemporarilyduring the war. And more of their citizens have been growing agitated with our peoples presence in the lands as the war drags on. They would never approve of our entire army suddenly migrating to their shores.

We could go somewhere else, then, Cedric offered.

The world is a smaller place than you think, Cedric of Clan Duncan. The king countered. All over, most land that isnt hostile in climate or environment, has been claimed. We would have to fight for any land that we managed to find. And if we are going to fight, we should do it here. We should save our own homes, our own land.

My people have lived here before there was even an Uldar, Drestra hissed.

I don't like the idea of leaving without a fight, Hart said.

Neither do I, Alex said. Thameland is our home. I'm not interested in leaving it to a bunch of Ravener-spawn forever.

Cedric threw up his hands. Right. So then were tkeep Uldars secret fnow? Well, thats jus great, aint it? Now I'm tbe a liar fer the worst sort o bastard! I dont like that one bit!

Doesn't make me feel great either, Alex said. But if that's what we have to do to win this war, then we have to do it, Cedric.

MaybeI know youre right, but it still dont sit right wit me, the Chosen said.

Perhaps there can be a compromise, High Priest Tobias Jay raised his head. We need Uldar as a symbol for now, but that treacherous thing cannot help ustruly help useven if we do use his divinity for miracles. You all might disagree with me, but our kingdom needs a deity. One who did not plan to kill us all.

Tobias looked at Alex. Thankfully, we might already have a candidate.

The old man reached up, ripping off the symbol of Uldars hand hed worn around his neck for far too many years, and tossed it on the floor.

He looked at Alex. The people will need something real; tell me more about this Traveller that youve spoken of.


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