Mark of the Fool

Chapter 772: Opening the Journal

Chapter 772: Opening the Journal

Uldars throne room was quiet at long last.

The only sounds one could hear were the laboured breathing of Theresa, Grimloch, and Brutus. All eyes were fixed on the dust on the floor attheir feet, the First Apostles body was now nothing more than ashesthe body of a man who had killed one of their friends and terrorised them for far too long.

After months of being hunted, of his life being interfered with, Alex had watched the man die.

There was no more First Apostle to lead the hidden church. The Third Apostle was also dust, and their army crushed. Any threat theyd posed to his family and friends was gone. The threat to him, and everything that that had meant, was gone. The fear that the First Apostle and his followers would have done anything, no matter how desperate and vile to stop them from destroying Uldars evil legacy, was no longer there.

Nothing like what they had cost Carey, was ever going to happen again. Shed been avenged.


Alex? a welcomed voice spoke his name.

He tore his eyes away from the dust at his feet.

There, standing in front of him, was his fiance, Theresa, his best friend who hed missed with all of his being. He'd been so focused on what killing the First Apostle meant, that hed been lost in those thoughts.

But she was there, like a breaking dawn.

TheresaTheresa! he cried, dropping his staff, and rushing to take her in his arms.

With one smooth motion, she sheathed the Twinblade, and jumped into his waiting arms, folding into him. Thank the Traveller, youre here! You're alright!

They squeeze each other, holding one another close, her head on his chest and him resting his chin on the top of he head. She looked up, grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face down to hers for a deep kiss.

They clung to each other for a long time.

Until they heard someone clearing their throat.

Uh, my names Bjorgrund. Alex heard the giant say awkwardly. Son of Birger.

Grimloch, the sharkman replied. Nice axe.


Alex and Theresa reluctantly separated.

The young giant was looking at them nervously, while the sharkman was eyeing the First Apostles bodiless head.

Brutus limped over to Alex, whining, licking at the young man's hand.

Oh, by the Traveller, Alex cried, Look what they did to you! Well, they wont be around to hurt anyone else. Come on, lets get you healed up. Raising his hands, he placed his palms on Theresa and Brutus, then cast Mana to Life.

The huntress gave a sharp intake of breath, her hands going to her mouth. You make that look so easy nowlook at how fast were healing

The wizard was pouring his energy into her and the cerberus, watching their wounds close. Yeah, no more interference, and not going to lie, it's pretty damn amazing, he said. He eyed the phantom blades hovering nearby. And speaking of not being able to believe things, what are those?

She smiled proudly, placing her hands on her sword hilts. I figured it out, the secret to the Twinblade, I mean. The true secret: great-grandfathers weapon and I are actually one and the same.

That's awesome! Alex said. So it makes phantom swords now?

Among other things! she beamed. I can't wait to tell you about it!

Congratulations you two, Grimloch said.

Healing the sharkman was next. While he did so, Theresa told him what had happened in Uldars sanctum.

She talked about the fight against both the Stalker and the First Apostle, as well as her evolution, Grimloch and Brutus' bravery, and how the fae had met his end.

He sighed with relief when he heard that last part. He transformed? I'm almost sorry I missed it. Almost, he said, looking at the remains of the fae. Oh geez, Asmaldestres gonna be kind of mad she missed that fight. I'll have to tell her that its all over.

Who's this Asmaldestre? Grimloch asked.

Then it was Alex's turn to catch the sharkman and Theresa up on everything that had happened in Keldas sanctum, especially the battle.

Bjrgrund jumped in excitedly, telling them about how he led the secret churchs army through the maze of traps, and helped to finish them off in the end.

Relief was clear in every voice and face in the room.

I can't believe it's actually over, Alex said, grimly. I honestly almost expected them to be hunting me forever.

Well, they're not, and I hope they suffer in the after-world, Theresa said fiercely. I'm glad that the First Apostle got to see his god dead before he joined him.

Me too, Grimloch agreed.

Right Alex said, looking at Uldar, remembering the theory hed come up with when he found the music hidden on Hannah's phone. Now that you mention Uldar, I think I might have an idea where he might have hidden some more information. Would anybody mind if we go to that viewing room of his? If you want to take a break instead, I get it.

Theresa's eyebrows rose in surprise. I thought you'd want to go back to Generasi. That you'd want to rest up and see everyone before we did anything else.

Alex shook his head. Were right here, and curiositys going to eat me from the inside if I don't check it out immediately. I'd rather go back to Generasi with new information if theres a chance we could get our hands on some.

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Sounds fair, Bjorgrund said. But, could you go get my father too? I don't want him sitting in Keldas sanctum all by himself.

Good idea, Alex said.

Wait, what happened to the guards outside? Theresa said. We should check and see if theyre

Alex shook his head. We teleported to the top of Uldars Rise when we first got here, and unfortunately, they were already dead His jaw clenched. I don't know if therere any out patrolling the area, so I think Ill go take a look around before we go to the viewing room. If I find any one; Ill let them know what happened so they can deal with the fallout. They should also know that the First and Third Apostles and their troops are dead.

Thats true, Theresa said. All right, hurry back then. Well meet you in Uldars viewing room.

She went on tiptoe to kiss him goodbye.

I'll be back soon, he said.

Then off he went to get Birger

You finished the battle, Asmaldestre the Unmaker said, her every word striking the air within Uldars viewing room. There was no accusation in them, but Birger, Bjorgrund, and even Theresa and Brutus flinched under the words.

Grimloch just watched.

We did, Alex said. When we got here, one enemy was already dead; and in truth, I did not want the other to leave this world without knowing his life was being taken in his dead gods own throne room by one that he called the Fool. Watching him die was personal to me, and not as worthy of your attention. I assure you, Unmaker, he pointed to Ravener spawn in multiple images in the viewing room. There will be more battles, many far more worthy of your might.

She looked around the room carefully, her three eyes tracing the images playing out on the walls, ceiling and floor. Acceptable. Summon me when those battles are at hand. I will wield these weapons that you have gifted me and destroy those enemies who stand before me. I shall go now, for there is more slaughter awaiting me across the planes.

Of course, I will see you when blood must be spilled, he nodded to her, andwith a wave of his handsent her to find other battles to fight.

When her essence had faded from the viewing room, breaths returned they hadn't realised theyd been holding.

Theresa whistled, What a nightmare shed be in a fight!

Yeah, you shoulda seen her. She ripped apart most of those maniacs from the secret church, Bjorgrund said. Almost killed the Third Apostle, but Alex jumped in and finished him off. She probably would've killed the First Apostle and that fae too, if they hadn't run so fast.

So, that's what you can conjure with ninth-tier spells? Theresa shook her head in amazement. Incredible. Im glad shes on our side!

Yeah, Alex said. And I'm glad well have power like hers for future battles. Im sure we'll be needing it.

If we can even find that damn Ravener, Theresa said. We need to know where it is first to be able to kill it. But, nevermind that for now She looked at the two giants. what are your plans now?

Huh, what do you mean? Bjorgrund asked.

Well, we beat our enemies together, Alex said. The First Apostle and company tried to kill you, but now theyre dead. They wont be a threat to either of you anymore, thank the Traveller. And with the hidden church out of the way, we only have the Ravener and its spawn left to deal with.

There's probably some members of the hidden church left out there, Theresa pointed out. They do like their spying, after all, but the threat that affected you is finally gone. So yeah, we do have more battles ahead of us, but none are yourbattles.

I wasnt even thinking about that stuff, Bjorgrund said, looking at his father, disappointment in his eyes. I guess we could go back home, couldn't we, father?

We could Birger said, frowning. He looked at his son closely. butyou don't want to, do you?

No, father, Bjorgrund shook his head. Alex and Theresa are our friends now. I wanted to help them with their battles and I really don't want to miss the most important one.

Even if it would risk both of our lives? the old firbolg asked.

I want you to be safe, father, Bjorgrund said. But as for me, I'm a much better warrior now than I was before we met Alex, Theresa, Claygon and Brutus. Alex trained me, and I don't want to see him fight these battles by himselfand I can take care of myself much better now. I know that you don't want me to stay, father, but

Thats not what I was going to say, Birger said. I was going to say that I'm proud of you, son.


I'm proud of you, is that so hard to hear? Birger said. Maybe I don't say it enough. I'm proud you want to do the right thing, and I agree with you; you've grown so much over the last while. You're a better warrior now than I was in my prime, far better. I don't want to see you hurtbut I know that if I made you sit this out, that in itself would hurt you almost as much as any physical wound. Youd be looking at me and wondering what was the point of training just to stay home and hide. Besidesmaybe this is just my own selfishness talking, but I think Kelda would want us to finish this. For you, and for her, I think we should stay and finish this fightif Alexll have us, that is.

The young wizard smiled, spreading his arms wide. The more the merrier! Honestly, I think we're gonna need all the help we can get!

Then it's settled! Bjorgrund cried. Well keep fighting by your side!

Perfect, Birger said.

I'm glad you'll be with us, Theresa said.

Me too, Alex said.

The huntress and the wizard looked at Grimloch, who shrugged. I just met them, so His words were cut off by a gut, shaking belch that ejected a slimy antler from his throat.

It landed on Uldars floor.

The others stared at it.

Oh good, a toothpick, the sharkman picked the antler up, beginning to pick his rows of teeth.

Bjorgrund burst out laughing, his face turning red.

Grimloch looked at him. Were gonna be friends.

We are? the giant asked.


There was a moment of silence.

Okay, Bjorgrund shrugged.

Good, the sharkman said, grinding the antler through his teeth.

Alex shuddered, looking at the slimy antler. Well, that was horrible. He turned to the images shifting along the rooms surfaces. By the way, I found a Watcher patrol and teleported them to the gate; I told them what happened, and that the First Apostle and Stalker are the ones who killed their fellow Watchers. Also told them that those two are dead. Theyre taking care of their comrades bodies and watching the gate, so we should be fine here. Alright. The young wizard cracked his knuckles. Now remember, I could just be going down some dead end, but if I'm right

He walked toward the images, then paused, turning instead to the cowhide chair that Uldar would sit in to watch scenes of Thameland. I bet you if theres somethinghidden here, it has something to do with his chair.

He sat down where the god had sat, placing his hands on the armrests.

The young wizard closed his eyes.

Calling on the Mark of the General, he pushed his mana senses into the chair.

This might be a longshot, he said. But, I'm seeing if he had any hidden threads of mana in his chairthough truthfully, its probably more likely that he used divinity. Then again, he used alchemy when he created the Ravenerand the patch on the Mark was a combination of magic and divinityso let's see what we can see. If I can't find anything, then we're gonna have to get Merzhin.

Reaching deeper into the chair, Alex felt around for even the lightest threads of mana, but found nothing.

Nothing at all.

For a moment, he considered giving up for nowit was just an idea after allbut a thought occurred to him. He focused the Mark of the General on the task of finding any mana structures that were similar to Uldars subtle designs of the Mark.

He tried once.

Then again as the Mark guided him.

On the third try, he felt something subtle, lying deep within the chair.

Alex gasped. There's something here!

Theresa took a step toward him. Even Grimloch held his breath.

Over and over he explored the inner workings of the chair; the threads were barely noticeable.

Uldar truly had been an incredibly gifted alchemist; he could even hide the thin mana threads of his work to make an item appear completely mundane. But thanks to the Mark, Alex was able to find what he was looking for.

And how to activate it.

A wave of power blazed through the chair and the images of Thameland were replaced by a blinding white light.

Everyone gasped, shielding their eyes.

The light immediately faded.

A new image formedone so massive that it stretched across every window in the roomall of it was of Uldar; an Uldar who was both very much alive, and looked vigorous.

He looked down with an air of regalness.

The god took a deep breath.

Then spoke.

Living journal, entry one, he said. I might be dying, so I have decided it would be wise to record a chronicle of my life.


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