Mark of the Fool

Chapter 129: Allies

Chapter 129: Allies

My learning? Alex asked.

To be blunt: I think if I were to help you power it now, then that would rob you of some very, very valuable learning. Baelin flipped the pages of the golem-crafting notebook to Alexs diagrams. See this? This is advanced work. I am sure that this Mark helped guide you on the path to create this construction-planfrom how you described itbut there is some real creativity here. You made certain rather creative choices for the construction of this construct, and were able to come up with a plan to bring that vision into reality. That implies interest, passion and talent. I would like you to see this through to the end.

Oh, uhI havent found a way to power it yet, Alex said.

I can think of several ways, though they are unconventional, so I do believe you will. Whatever means you find and utilize, you will be able to carry that learning with you for all your years. Continue walking the path you are on, and I have no doubt you will find success.

Alex sighed, a little disappointed, yet also a little proud of the progress hed already made. Alright, Ill do my best.

It is all that anyone can ask. Now, might I see the dungeon core remains? the chancellor asked.

Yes, absolutely! Alex handed them over, watching as the goatman opened the sack carefully and examined the contents. Before you use any of this for anything, we will re-conduct these analyses and see where they lead us. If we confirm your results, then I think that if you construct a golem with the substance, it will provide another excellent opportunity for more data.

Awesome, thats awesome, Alex said.

Hmmm, there is also the matter of your Markyou do realize that some individuals would say that its use would constitute cheating, do you not?

Alex felt his blood run cold.

Fortunately for you, I am not one of them, Baelin chuckled. The Mark was placed on you, and you had no choice in the matter. You had already proven you had quite the necessary proficiency for study at Generasi before you received this Mark, and lastly, there are many different peoples with many different talents and natural abilities that attend here. This Mark gives you certain advantages, but then again your sisterif she chooses to walk the path of wizardrywill have incredible advantages over other students in Fire Magic courses due to her inborn affinity. Should that be considered cheating? I think not. But in spite of that, I think you should keep this information between you, I and those you trust dearly.

Alex nodded. Im going to tell my cabal-mates too.

Very good. Very much like a Proper Wizard would. Baelin nodded. Alright, so with that in mind, I do believe it is time for both of us to retire for the evening.

Suddenly, he paused and chuckled.

Whats funny? Alex asked, smiling nervously.

Your revelations are somewhat of a surprise, Baelin said, his tone unreadable. I had thought there was something going on with you, Alex, but I must admit, this was the least likely of my guesses, and one that I had quite nearly ruled out.

Wh-what did you guess? Alex asked.

My first theory was that you had received some sort of spell from an ancient relation from a bygone era: some intergenerational magic that imparts their knowledge into one of their descendants. It is not unheard of. I had also considered that you might have encountered some magical phenomenon you did not understand that had left its imprint on you, or that you had an affinity that perhaps we did not understand as yet. I had briefly considered The Mark of the Fool since they had gone missing, but I had dismissed the very notion because of your skill with spell casting.

His chuckle burst into a full deep laugh. Perhaps I am the one that should be called The Fool!

Uh, Alex said. Im pretty sure that everyone would be too scared to say that to you. I know I am. Also, anyone that was stupid enough to say that to you would probably be very, very, very, super, unbelievably-extra dead with a side of potatoes.

Baelin snorted. Perhaps five hundred years ago, yes. Now, I am far more mellow in my dotage.

Alex swallowed, shuddering at even thinking about being that old. That was nearly thirty times his age, and it didnt even sound like Baelin was referring to five hundred years ago as a time when hed been young. Uhhow old are you, Baelin?

Thats not a very polite question to ask the elderly, Alex. It makes us feel old, Baelin said. Also, I am afraid I cannot give you an answer. When I was born, writing was not really much of a thing, and things like the exact march of days, months and years were not so important. The only thing that mattered was whether the snows would drive south into our hunting grounds or not. As such, I do not know.

IIm not even sure if I know what that means, Alex said.

I do not expect you to. Suffice it to say, I am unnaturally old. That is all that matters, in the end.

Right, oh just one final thingdid you want to see The Mark? Alex asked.

Would it require that you remove your shirt?

Alex paused. Uh, kindayeah.

Then not now. I would, however, like to examine it at a later time and see exactly what I can make ofyour gods gift to you.

Okay, then! Alex rose, feeling relief wash through him.

Hed done it. After all this time, he'd actually done it.

So? How was that? As you imagined? the chancellor asked as he stood up from behind his desk.

Uh, no, I kept imagining all kinds of bad stuff happening. I thought itd be a lot worse, he said honestly.

Well, then theres some weight off of you. I will call you to my office again soon, Baelin said. Then well get this more organized. In the meanwhile, Ill search the library and see what I can find on The Marks and anything about The Ravener, Uldar, and Thameland that might be recorded there. I do fear that with the death of Minervus, though, it will be some time before I can do this. You understand.

Im just thankful we can do this at all, Baelin, Alex said.

Of course, of course, now he paused, looking at the firelight for a moment. The light of the flame flickered across his eyes and shining, golden beard-clasps. In light of The Markare you still comfortable participating in the xyrthak combat class?

Absolutely, Alex said. I want to take a crack at it: if I run away from it now, thats just going to leave me less prepared if I have to face something like that in the future.

Spoken like a Proper Wizard. Baelin opened the door to the hall. Very well. I shall see you in class, then. I look forward to seeing what this research will generate. The door will shut itself after you exit.

Thanks a lot, Baelin, Alex said.

As the door was slowly closing, he found that the chancellor had already conjured an illusion of a map that he was examining.

It took Alex a few moments to realize that it was a map of Thameland.

He was still wondering about that as the door closed.

As his footsteps echoed through the hall, he thought about what had just happened and also what lay ahead.

In a single conversation, his life had changed again. Nowmore than just emotional supportand friendship, he actually had an ally against The Ravener. A powerful one too.

Then again, he supposed it wasnt really an ally against The Ravener, per se.

Baelin had never talked about wanting to help Thameland or defeat The Ravener: hed only talked about the potential advancement to magic that could come from their research into dungeon cores. Hed offered to help Alex specifically, but hed also said that if Alex had come to him without the results, that his reaction might have been different.

In a sense, they were allies because of the potential for a new road to open for wizardry, as opposed to any great moral cause. To Alex, that was good enough: it would have been a bit too much to hope that Baelin would suddenly get up and lead a one-wizard campaign of destruction against The Ravener. If he could even fight it one-on-one.

I wonder who would win in a fight between Baelin and the Heroes? Alex wondered. Hes really powerful, but so are The Heroes. Cedric singlehandedly demolished all those silence-spiders with no problem, and hes probably even stronger now that hes had more experience fighting The Raveners monsters. Plus, theres four of them

He paused.


He pushed aside all daydreams of immortal wizards locked in a death battle against divinely-marked Heroes.

Now, it was time to tell his allies his secrets.

Alex swallowed. He hoped it would go well: he really liked his cabal-mates and it would be awful if they thought less of him.

In any case, he was sure that Thundar and Isolde would at least find it a big deal.

Whats the big deal? Thundar asked, sipping some milk out of a green coconut with the top cut off. That sucks, I guess?

Alex blinked.

He and the minotaur were sitting in a copse of trees away from prying eyes and ears. Alex had just unloaded all of his secrets and was prepared for the minotaurs judgement.

I-it is a big deal! He squared his shoulders, took a deep breath and prepared to launch into an explanation: The history of The Heroes is a huge-

Alex re-explained the role of The Heroes in Thameland, and everything he had discovered.

Thundar nodded along.

Lookso its like a tattoo? The minotaur scratched his fur. Its a tattoo that makes you good at some stuff and bad at others?

No its- Alex started.

He paused.

No, you see, the thing about that is- He tried to continue.

He stopped again, sighing.

Okay so maybe thats exactly what it is! Alex cried, a bit frustrated. But likewith danger and priests and monsters andstuff! Its a big deal!

Thundar shrugged. Look, I get it. It sounds real tough and Im glad you told me, but if monsters come, then we kill em. If priests come, well beat em up. Thats what a cabal is, right? Its simple. Only thing this tells me is that Ill be going to you for all tutoring from now on.


Look, I got this uncle, right? Thundar held up a hand and made a swiping motion across his wrist. Deadliest guy with a bow in the entire tribe. Horrifying. Then one day, a forest drake bites his hand off. So he gored it to death with his horns, then had the crafters make him a hook out of its bones. Wasnt as good with a longbow anymorebut he could still hit a bullseye well enough from closeso he got it into his head to train with the war-axe, and strap a shield to the hook-hand instead. Now, hes the deadliest guy with an axe in the entire tribe. You kick ass in combat class, and thats the most important part to me

Thundar leaned in. Nowabout that tutoring.

Alex gaped at the minotaur.

Okay, okay sothats different, I guess he doesnt care but uhhe doesnt understand the full context! Thats all! Alex nodded to himself while Thundar looked at him like he was crazy. Isoldenow shes going to find it a big deal. Shes so proper that Ill need to be careful with her. She wont see it the same way Thundar does.

I see, Isolde said, nodding in a proper manner.

They were seated on a bench on a hill overlooking the sea. As with Thundar, they were all alone: from the gazebo they were seated under, they saw not a soul.

Silence grew between them as he watched her.

There was no hint of shock or disappointment. Just a thoughtful arch to one sculpted eyebrow.

Thats all!? Alex demanded.

She frowned. Are youangry?

N-no, Alex said. Its justI had built up this whoooole thing in my head and it was a big dealreally? I see. Thats it?

No, she said. I have a few questions.

Oh thank The Traveller, whats up?

What are the limitations to your spellcraft exactly, what can and can you not do? Will you be defenceless in a time of combat? she asked.

No, he said. Ive learned ways to hinder opponents and even do some damage to them if Im clever about it. Ive learned ways to defend myself just fine. Ive also got ways to support a group when trouble comes.

I see, that is perfect, then, she sighed, seeming to relax somewhat. I should say that itirritates me a little that this Mark has aided you so much in your studiesit almost makes me wish I had such a boon: at least the part that helps, not the part that hinders. Look how it will allow you to work closely with Baelin. Her jaw clenched for a moment. You said this Mark uses your own memories to enhance your learning, not impart knowledge to you?

Yeah, it points out what I did right so I can focus on that, but I have to actually practice and study for that to help me.

I see, so you still need to put in work. That, in a sense, is also a relief: now I know that your performance is due to your efforts and intelligence, but also has been aided by this Mark. Just as I have been aided by my grandfathers teaching and my upbringing. It means you didnt just trounce me on pure talent, and that is a relief.

Thaaaaats what youre focused on? Alex thought.

But what about the death and horrible monstersandstuff? he demanded.

If I feared such things I would make for a poor court wizard in the empire. When we agreed to form a cabal we agreed to join together for mutual protection. I do not recall our oaths ending at: if one of us actually encounters trouble. I am no coward, Alex. I would not be in Baelins class if I were.

She gave him a pointed look. And besides, we have agreed to extend our cabal to the end of the school year, and so I shall watch and see how things are. Also, I expect that when I encounter danger, that you shall aid me as well, then?

Yeah, of course, Alex said.

She gave a rare smile. Then there is no issue. Thank you for trusting me with this secret, and for not waiting until some horrible circumstance revealed it and utterly destroyed any trust between all of us.

Well it was a horrible circumstance for Minervus, his mind dryly noted.

I do wish you told me of this information earlier, as there could be potential dangers, but your homeland is far, as are those dangers. Again, I see little reason to panic like a frightened child. Admittedly, had you told me earlier in the year, I might have judged you more harshly, as I would not have had the opportunity to see your capability first hand. But, I suppose things worked out for the best.

Alex was twitching.

On a logical level, he realized that just because things had worked out with telling Baelin and the rest of the cabal now, didnt mean they would have worked out if hed told them earlier. They themselves had said that the reason theyd accepted things so readily was because theyd come to know him: if he had opened up with telling them all about The Mark, it seemed it might have gone very differently.

On an emotional level, though, he felt like screaming.

All the secrecy and agonizing, and trouble, just for things to turn out okay? How dare his friends be so supportive?! Where was the disaster hed been imagining in his mind for the past six months?

Why wasnt he in chains, being dragged back to Thameland?!

Er, Alex, are you okay? Isolde raised an eyebrow. You have beentwitching, strangely for a while now. She paused as though in realization, and then leaned in. Is it because of The Mark? Is it working right now?

Alex barely resisted the urge to jump up from the bench and throw himself into the sea.

Alex cracked his knuckles as he and Selina stood side by side in their workshop.

In front of them lay the golem parts that theyd completed: the head, the torso, the right leg and pelvis, and its four arms.

Only the left leg wasnt finished, and that was nearly complete as well. Later, Khalik would come by to help fuse the limbs to the torso.

Well, little goblin, Alex said. This is it. This is when we finally finish putting together the golems body.

Im so excited, Selina said, nearly vibrating with anticipation.

Alex smiled. Soon, theyd be finished with the body, and the next step would be working with Baelin to finish analyzing the dungeon cores remains. Thenif all turned out wellhe would create the golem core. Things were changing.

It was all coming together, but those werent the only big events coming up.

The semester was flying by, and soon it would be time for his class to confront the xyrthak in its lair within The Barrens.


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