Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Soo dusted herself off on the spot. Then, as if it was only natural that the beginning should start from his side, she gazed vacantly at Beric.

So, should I start the timing?


Soo set the pocket watch hanging on her waist. Simultaneously, Beric lunged in, hurling his fist at Soo.

Get ready for a cry when you get hit! No mercy!

Bring it on!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The chill sound of fists cutting through the air echoed. Beric, exuding vitality in every move, seemed quite desperate. In contrast, Soo was remarkably calm, dodging all attacks just by retreating step by step.

There we go. 1 minute passed.

Crazy! How long are you going to run away?

What if I dont run away? Can you handle it?

What nonsense! F*ck! Fight properly!

Emotion seeped into his punches, throwing off his rhythm. Ian, who seemed to understand the meaning of Soos words well, sat on a neatly cut rock and watched.

See what happens when I attack!


Soo, who seemed to enjoy it, smacked Berics chin.

Her punch landed squarely. Berics balance wavered significantly, but he barely maintained it by putting strength into his thighs.

He looked up at Soo, slightly startled. To be honest, it seemed that the shock was less from the physical impact, and more from surprise.


Isnt it a bit frustrating? Not being able to lay a finger on your opponent and just getting beaten up. Well, I dont mind if youre okay with it.

This crazy, assh*le.


Before he could even finish swearing, Berics head spun to the left again. Soo pressed Beric continuously with swift attacks.

All Ian could do was sigh, with his chin propped up.

Hes met his match.

Given Soos temperament, its doubtful if the duel will conclude neatly. Beric could do nothing but stand still and take the onslaught of blows coming from all directions. It was as if dozens of bees were stinging him, Soos strikes exploded from all sides.


Beric. Are you okay?

F*ck. Dont talk to me.

Glad youre okay.

Beric glared at Ian with narrowed eyes. If his focus was disturbed even slightly, his opponent would strike his vital points. For now, defense was the best strategy.

Ian also glanced at the annex while checking the pocket watch. There was a man, presumably Nersarn, standing by the window.

2 minutes left.

Smack! Smack!

Soos footwork became even more intense in response to Ians announcement. She seemed to be having a great time, almost sorry that the time was about to end. Although there wasnt much time left, one thing became clear from the 3-minute duel.

Soo. You are really fast.

Of course. Do you think his lordship Nersarn brought me along for nothing? No one in the tribe can keep up with me.

But did you know?

Was it because Ians voice was tinged with laughter? Unconsciously, Soo turned her head back. For a moment, she had the illusion that Ians eyes were golden in the darkness.

Despite your tens of unidirectional attacks, Beric is still fine. You are fast, but theres not much substance.

No matter how much magical power was suppressed and no matter how good Berics stamina was, it had been a one-sided fight. Despite constantly being hit, Beric hadnt fallen.

Soos dark complexion flushed red when the bulls eye was hit. It seemed to be a problem she was aware of.


Normally, one should be severely injured by now.

Hah! Because I was going easy on you, you guys!

Soo screamed in excitement. Simultaneously, her kick lost its finesse and gave birth to flaws in her attack. Beric, who was gripping the back of her neck, seized the opportunity and grabbed her ankle.

It hurts like hell even if it doesnt bleed.

Hey! Let go! Wont you let go?

Would you let go if you were in my place?

Awkwardly, with her leg caught, Soo tried to cling her body and support her torso. But Beric was faster. He quickly hit her abdomen and pushed Soo to the ground.



I told you clearly before we started, didnt I? Dont cry when you get hit.

Whos crying? Have you gone mad?

And spat! Her spitting skill was truly an art. Beric straddled her body and pinned her face down.

Im going to show you what a mess really is. Look forward to it.

Get lost! Get out of here, you redhead!

Stop fussing. Ill make you the same.

Rummaging around in his pocket, he pulled out a red pigment. For a moment, Soo, not knowing his intentions, was taken aback.

Ian checked the window and slowly approached the two, crouching down. The shadow by the window had increased to three. It seemed Nersarn, Gansha, and Mujurun were all curious.

Soo. Dont feel too bad.

Ian calmed Soo down, who was struggling while being restrained.

It may be a consensual duel, but isnt it a relationship where its not good for both to shed blood? The fact that Nersarn sent you, the youngest, and not Gansha or Mujurun, is a sign of his grace, intending to avoid inflicting serious harm on the opponent.

Thats not true! Shut up!

Well. Accepting the truth is your business, I wont say anything. But the important thing is, youre lying on the ground by Berics hand now, and if this had been a real battle, you would be dead.

Soo gritted her teeth in anger.

Beric, intoxicated with victory, smeared red pigment on Soos face. It became a mess in an instant, as if she had been flipped over in blood.

Tell them when you go back, that we didnt knock you down for diplomatic reasons, but if you acknowledge our victory, well give you a cleaning solution to clean yourself up. If you leave the mansion as you are, the Cheonrye tribe will be remembered by the Bratz estate residents in a quite funny state.

Beep, beep, beep!

As Ian finished speaking, the pocket alarm rang. Beric loosened up and Soo, taking the chance, kicked his stomach and got up. She rubbed vigorously to wipe it off, but of course, it didnt erase.

Ugh! What is this!

Its a special pigment my mother uses. She loved it because it doesnt wash off with water or sweat.

Soo looked up at Ian with a despairing look. Everything except her white eyeballs was red. She bit her lips and hit Berics head one last time before fleeing to the annex.


Ouch! You!

Maybe she had caused a bump. Beric rubbed the back of his head and cursed at Soos retreating figure. Ian comforted him, adding more magic power.

You did well.

But can we let her go like that? Dont we need to beat her as we want so she wont talk back?

Your words are crude.

Arent we supposed to mess with her, master?

Enough. If Soos condition is bad, surely Dergha will notice. Its not certain whether the count will interfere even if they accepted it on their side. More importantly, isnt the Cheonrye tribe known for their strong family bonds?

After all, if they had really beaten her down to near death, they wouldnt know what kind of retaliation they might receive across the border.

He needed a way to get their permission with as little bloodshed as possible.

But she really does stand out as you said.

Ian had mentioned just two things before the duel.

First, if the opponent only dodges instead of attacking, provoke her to draw out an attack. Instead of chasing a target they cant keep up with, they change the direction of power to make her come at them.

Second, endure. The Cheonrye tribe is a warlike race. If their group can endure until the tribe is intoxicated with the pleasure of one-sided combat, a gap will definitely emerge.

The gap was created by Ian, but catching it was Berics role.

Its not because shes a natural, its just the way it is. Agile ones are usually weaker than you think.

Soo had already returned to the room through the window. There were red marks left on the wall ivy, but no one would probably care.

Ian signaled that he was going to leave, flicking his head.

Master Ian? Where are you going?

Just to the main building for a bit.

Security is strict tonight, so please dont go outside. And theres an order not to let outsiders in.

The guard reported to Beric, blocking him. It was inevitable. When Ian nodded, Beric said hed come back tomorrow and left the mansion. Ian passed his room and went up one more floor.

Knock knock.

This is Ian.

Come in.

No! Dont come in!

Soo. Youre being noisy.

Opening the door and entering, a scene of pandemonium registered in Ians eyes. Gansha and Mujurun were wiping Soos face with a cloth. However, it was only getting more stained, with no progress being made.

If you wish, I can offer you a cleaning solution to erase it.

Are you joking? Offering a disease and a cure!

Nersarn raised his finger, indicating for silence. Then he turned towards Ian.

I certainly allowed a duel, but this is absurd. I feel insulted.

Do you? If so, I apologize, but surely this is better than appearing in front of Bratz with a bruised and swollen face?

In a contest, there are no ifs.

However, Soos face makes ifs possible. Considering how much paint has been applied, what more is there to say.

Nersarns eyes narrowed. Soo seemed ready to explode in fury, while Gansha and Mujurun exchanged unreadable looks.

Ahaha! Haha!

Breaking the silence was Nersarns laughter. Along with him, Gansha and Mujurun also burst into laughter, leaving Soo the only one with a glum face.

Fine. I lost. Theres nothing as vulgar as not accepting a loss. Beric, was it? Soo was gritting her teeth quite a bit. Ill have to take the boy to the desert and make him work like a slave.

Even though he said that, there is no slavery among the Cheonrye people. Everyone is family, Ian added politely,

Please forgive the rudeness, but I hope you understand my intentions well, Nersarn.

A wound on someone along with Dergha noticing it could call for unpredictable variables in a mutual relationship. If unlucky, both Ian and the Cheonrye people might find themselves in a difficult situation.

Nersarn laughed, with a long pipe in his mouth.

Very well. Bring one more Kusilre during the reconciliation ceremony.

This meant he would bring transportation for Beric. Ian expressed gratitude and took out a small bottle from his pocket.

If you mix this with water and use it while washing, it should work.


Soo grabbed the solution without a word and ran into the bathroom. Gansha and Mujurun chuckled while Nersarn offered a glass of wine to Ian.

Would you like a glass?

There were no restrictions for children among the Cheonrye. All were free under their own responsibility. Ian felt a thrill from sipping the wine after a long time.

* * *


Yes, Your Lordship.

The dawn was breaking.

The city was still asleep, but the Bratz mansion was as busy as midday. Preparations were being made for the guests who came like the wind to depart.

They all gathered in the main dining room and had a hearty meal. They had a long journey ahead.

I will accept your request. The reconciliation ceremony will be one week from today. Its urgent, so we will carry out the schedule with minimal preparations.

On behalf of the Cheonrye tribe, I thank you for your understanding, Your Lordship.

Please convey my wishes for safe travels to the chief.

Dergha had returned home a few hours ago, when it was still very dark.

He must have had a deep conversation about the situation with Sir Molrin. Probably, within today or tomorrow, Sir Molrin will probably be heading to the capital very soon. For the sake of Ians admission, theyre likely to present the emperor with the whistleblowers seal instead of an admission application.

Then, until we meet again, Demosha (God Bless You).

The Cheonrye tribe left their greetings and climbed onto Kusilre. Soo, who had freshened up overnight, wore a hood and looked at Ian. When Ian smiled slightly, she gritted her teeth in annoyance, out of sight.

Lets go!

Open the gate!


With the sound of Kusilres cry and the loud clatter of hooves, they quickly left the mansion just as they had arrived.

Dergha, the Countess, Chel, and most of the servants watched their departure. They seemed not yet awakened from the drowsiness of dawn.

The reconciliation ceremony is in a week. Well need to keep it simple, but well need to be prepared.

Yes, understood.

Then, the one urging them on was the butler. The servants snapped back to their senses and looked at Ian. They couldnt read the childs expression.


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