Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Time seemed to stand still.

Everyone stared at Ian, forgetting to breathe, shocked by his statement. Although it was a formal gathering rendered ineffective due to the lack of a quorum, it was still an official occasion, wasn’t it?

Ian must have gone mad. If not, then those who heard his words must be the ones who’ve lost their minds. The ministers could only gape, their mouths opening and closing.


“Lord Ian!”

Quintana was the first to shout. She slammed her hand on the table, seemingly genuinely angry. Beols, suddenly jolted to his senses, stood up as well.

Jeirutt, a close friend of the Three Generals, simply tilted his head back and let out a groan.

“Lord Ian. You’ve crossed a line just now. Anyone else might, but you can’t do this!”

Wasn’t he one of the few who knew the Emperor was in stasis?

Had he already forgotten the Emperor’s last words?

Beols had a duty to mediate the overheated succession dispute. He meant that he couldn’t allow Arsen to die because of such an absurd accusation.

“You all seem quite tired. Fainting before even hearing someone out completely.”

Tap tap! Ian flicked his fingers, as if asking for a moment of calm. He was as composed and nonchalant as ever.

Unbelievable. How could he remain so calm after turning the entire assembly upside down? Quintana twisted her lips and rummaged through her inner pocket.


“…Excuse me.”

It was an irresistible force. She lit a cigarette and roughly tossed the lighter onto the table. It was a signal that anyone who wanted to use it could do so.

Jeirutt, seemingly unable to calm his bewilderment, lit his cigarette with Quintana’s lighter.

“Go on. Even for the worst criminal, it’s customary to hear out their defense to the end. But remember this. As soon as I leave here, I will report you. I can’t entrust His Highness Jin to you anymore.”

Ian just nodded slightly with a smile on his face. As if to say, do as you wish. Seeing this, the smoke Quintana exhaled grew deeper and thicker.

“I’ll request cooperation again. On the day of the mana confirmation ceremony, we will kill Arsen. That is, if he’s a demon. And if he’s not a demon, I will die.”


He was talking about the price for insulting and attempting to assassinate a member of the royal family. It was an unequivocal responsibility. Quintana added a word, not even noticing the cigarette ash falling.

“If His Highness Arsen turns out to be a mage, aren’t you as good as dead anyway, Lord Ian? This is an obvious fact. If His Highness enters the Ministry of Magic, it’s natural that the minister will change.”

“On that day, raise your sword against me. I won’t dodge.”

Ian replied, looking back at Beols and Jeirutt, two of the Three Generals. More than any other department, the role of these magic swordsmen was the most important.

“If something happens, please prevent the Imperial Guard, including Lady Dilaina and Hayman, from intervening. This is different from confronting Mariv. The opponent is a demon, so even the slightest disturbance could cause problems. I believe this is something worth doing for the safety of the palace.”

“You’re asking us to evacuate them, aren’t you?”

“In whatever way possible. And-“


Tap tap, Ian paused for a moment, looking around at the officials. His green eyes deepened. What was he gauging? Everyone held their breath, trying to guess Ian’s incomprehensible intentions.

“On the day of the confirmation ceremony, we’ll divide an area to the left of the stage center with mana-sealing stones. I’m not sure if it will neutralize Arsen’s abilities, but I’d like everyone here to watch the ceremony from that area.”

These weren’t difficult things. They weren’t directly participating in the danger, and there was nothing burdensome about it.

Quintana sighed, pressing her forehead as if deflated. She felt foolish for getting so tense over nothing.

“Is that all?”

“Yes, that’s all.”

“But I have a question.”

“Who are you? Speak.”

“Um, I’m Sabo from the Department of Culture. About revealing His Highness Arsen’s true identity. How exactly do you plan to do it? I think knowing the specific method would help with trust.”

Sabo from the Department of Culture? Quintana frowned irritably at the words of this unknown person. Would they even understand if it was explained? If you could understand the language of mages, wouldn’t that make you a mage rather than an ordinary person?

But Ian smiled as if he had been waiting for this and explained very kindly, in a way that even a passing child could understand.

“You know how a magic circle is drawn under the light of the oracle, right? I too performed the ceremony on former minister Wesley’s magic circle at the New Year’s gathering. It helps activate the light of the oracle with even minimal mana.”

“Hmm. I suppose the main purpose is to provide a visual spectacle along with the mana confirmation.”

Of course, in Ian’s case, it had been the opposite. He still vividly remembered how Wesley had manipulated things to break his morale.

“We’ll modify the magic circle with the help of the high priests. So that it reacts differently if a demonic presence is embedded.”

“Oh, so can mana be activated without the magic circle?”

“It can be, but it requires that much stronger mana.”

The person called Sabo nodded repeatedly while scribbling something down.

Ian looked around as if asking if there were any more questions. Most details were written in the report, and the night was growing late. The troubled officials clearly wanted to adjourn the meeting quickly.

“Very well. Then let’s adjourn. If you have any questions, please send word to the Ministry of Magic.”

“Come on, let’s hurry out.”

“I’ll be leaving first. Ahem!”

The Prime Minister also struck his gavel, signaling the end. Some people quickly rushed out of the meeting hall. These were gestures of trying to distance themselves from this whirlpool to gather their thoughts.

Much like when they entered, the meeting dispersed in a somber atmosphere. Ian too was gathering and organizing the reports.

“By the way, Lord Ian. I have one last question.”

It was Quintana, still rubbing her forehead in thought. Ian looked down at her while buttoning his robe.

“I’ll answer sincerely, whatever it may be.”

“What gives you the confidence to disclose all this? Whether His Highness Arsen is a demon or not, it’s quite dangerous for you, isn’t it?”

“If Arsen isn’t a demon, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be jumping for joy, in fact. Since I’ll be dying by my own mistake. And if he is a demon-“

If he is a demon…

“He’ll try to kill me, won’t he? If I die before the mana confirmation ceremony, please protect His Highness Jin in my stead, Quintana.”

“I didn’t ask to hear a tasteless joke.”

“Was it tasteless? That’s a shame.”

Ian was about to turn away but hesitated.

“Let me ask one thing too.”

“What is it?”

“Do you still intend to report me?”


It was a question referring to how Quintana had furiously declared she would report Ian as soon as she left.

Quintana let out a dry laugh, and Ian nodded slightly as he passed by her. Romandro followed close behind, assisting him.

“You did well.”

“Did you see earlier? The one who said he was Sabo from the Department of Culture?”

“Yes, yes. I saw him too. Seemed a bit fishy.”

Ian and Romandro whispered secretly as they descended the stairs. If Arsen was a demon, he would do anything to avoid having his identity revealed at the mana confirmation ceremony.

For instance, planting someone in the general assembly that Ian had stubbornly refused to cancel. Or having a mage planted in the Ministry of Magic tamper with the magic circle, and so on.

‘Now, let’s see.’

The two hurriedly got into the carriage and headed towards the Ministry of Magic. As the night deepened, it was almost time for dawn to break. After a long night, morning always comes.

Ian looked back at the imperial palace shrouded in darkness.


Meanwhile, at that time.

Jin tossed and turned, feeling somehow uncomfortable in his bed. He finally opened his eyes, but being so drowsy, he couldn’t see clearly in front of him.

A blurry glimpse of gray hair…

Was it Xiaoshi?


But as moonlight settled through the window, Jin realized it was silver hair. He couldn’t distinguish if this was a dream or reality. Jin felt his toes involuntarily stiffen as he gasped.


It was Arsen. Arsen was looking down at him. The more Jin tried to close his eyes, the more clearly Arsen’s smile shone.

“Jin. Shh.”


“If you make noise, I’ll leave, okay?”

“You, you…”

Arsen affectionately rubbed his face against Jin’s shoulder, just as he used to do.

At that moment, Ian’s voice echoed in his mind. That Arsen was a demon, an ancient curse that had descended to harm him and Bariel.

Perhaps noticing Jin’s expression turning pale, Arsen whispered in a very sweet voice.

“Jin. Soon, it will be revealed that I’m a mage, and I’ll receive the support of the entire imperial palace. Then, not only you but even Ian will die. Just like Mariv, you’ll disappear from the world without a trace. Ah, my poor little brother.”


“So I’ve come to give you one last chance.”

“Please, stop…”

“Will you kill Ian for me?”


Noticing Jin’s body flinch, Arsen laughed softly. No matter how much he laughed, Xiaoshi didn’t move.

Ah, this must be a dream.

“Then I’ll give you back your mother. How about it? I’ll make her love you. I’ll return to you the embrace you couldn’t have all this time.”

A demon with a face identical to his own.

Jin bit his lip hard and stared straight at him. The moonlight poured down even more brilliantly.

“…I’d rather you die than Lord Ian.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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