Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Hey guys! So, I recently got my hands on this new novel with Lilia. Its actually been translated by a few TL groups, but the last update was back in February, over 3 months ago. I thought it was a shame to see this novel just sitting there, gathering dust, so Lilia and I have decided to team up and translate it ourselves. By the way, even though you can already find the first 9 chapters translated by other groups, Ive decided to start from chapter 1 because there have been some changes in the names and terms. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading the first chapter!

Ian ascended to the throne of the Emperor at a tender age.

And before he reached adulthood, his throat was slashed.

The life of Emperor Ian Verocion will be remembered in those two sentences. Who would remember a young emperor who came and disappeared like the wind during turbulent times?

A man entered the underground dungeon and grabbed Ian by the hair. His face was a bloody mess, but his gaze was as sharp as ever.

Ian, my uncle.

The mans name was Kroni. His twisted genealogy had made him twenty years older than Ian, making him Ians nephew. Each time he shook Ian by the hair, drops of blood mixed with saliva fell from Ians mouth.

How did you end up like this? I told you, uncle, you lack the virtues of an Emperor and shouldve refused the position. If you had listened to me back then, none of this wouldve happened.

Ian only glared at Kroni in silence. Apparently displeased by his stare, Kroni harshly slapped Ians face.


Even a thoughtless brat should know where to lay his feet before stretching his legs! That magic! Whats so great about it?!

Ian sighed inwardly.

Magic, a power so sacred and grand that it could be considered a trace left by the gods in this world. And it was precisely because of this that Ian was able to ascend to the throne of the emperor.

Uncle, look! Your fancy magic cant even stop my footstep, can it?

Thump! Thump!

It was true. Thanks to the magic sealing shackles that bound Ians limbs, he was now nothing more than a regular nineteen-year-old human. Even if he could break the seal, his fate was already sealed with death looming in front of him.

Even if one in ten thousand, One in ten thousand, the first noble magician or whatnot! All meaningless in front of this blade.


Kroni finally unsheathed his sword. No matter how the fallen emperor was accused of treason, to end his life in an underground prison like this

Ian finally let out an incredulous chuckle, ha.

Youre laughing?

Yeah, its funny, Kroni. Neither you nor I have changed. Are you still so envious of me being a magician?

At Ians words, Kronis face stiffened.

Just as the more rare something is, the more precious it is, the same was true for magicians. Among the entire Bariel Empire, they were so rare that they might not even number a hundred.

Hence, the emergence of a magician coming from a noble family was a first in the history of the Bariel Empire.

I remember. When I was a child, an unknowing magic user, you said this to me. Magicians are precious, but most come from the commoners. If youre found out, youll be kicked out of the mansion. So hide it.'

Ian. Nows not the time for such talk.

Isnt it funny? Of course, since there are overwhelmingly more commoners than nobles, most magicians also come from commoners.

Shut up!

Why, are you embarrassed?

Shut up!


Ians vision went dark. It was due to the impact of Kronis fist squarely hitting his eyes. Ian, sprawled on the ground, felt a dull pain as his nape was trodden on.

What matters is that I am standing here, and you are lying on the ground. Thats whats important.

Kroni pointed the tip of his sword at Ians throat, ready to sever his windpipe without a moments hesitation. At that moment, there was a stir outside.

Kroni-nim, a letter has arrived for you from Duke Hiron.

Is it urgent?

Yes, my apologies.

Kroni clicked his tongue in annoyance and removed his foot from Ians nape. Then, he glanced at Ian, who lay motionless as if dead, and left the underground prison.


A strange metallic noise and a familiar voice. Ian barely managed to open his eyes. He didnt have the strength to turn his head. When he barely moved his gaze, he saw Naum, the Minister of Magic, unchaining him with teary eyes.

Ian-nim, please, please come to your senses.

Naum, what what happened here

This is not the time. You have to get out of here, you have to live. Ian-nim, please muster your strength somehow

But the sealstone shackles were not easily removed. Moonlight streamed in through a small window and illuminated Naums hands. His fingertips were worn and in a mess.

Stop it.


I want (you) to stop.

What, what are you saying.

Ian faintly smiled and closed his eyes again. He vividly remembered when he first entered the Ministry of Magic.

I owe you, thanks to all of you, I could become a wizard from a magic practitioner, and even ascend to the emperors throne. Although I was inadequate and ended up like this, you guys should continue to survive and protect the Bariel Empire.

No, its not possible. Without Ian-nim, the Ministry of Magic means nothing. So, please come to your senses and take some of my magic. If you die, its all over.

If I die, its all over. That was what Ian truly wished for. It was too hard, too tiring, too painful. The life he led as an emperor for the past three years had destroyed everything he had.

Ian-nim, listen carefully to what Im saying.

But Naum didnt give up. Carefully clutching Ians chin, he forced him to meet his gaze directly.

You know the detached building directly under the control of the Magic Department, located next to the central main hall of the second imperial palace, dont you? Its the place Ian-nim always sought when you felt like crying upon your first entrance into the imperial palace.

I cried only once.

Still, its the truth.

Why did I cry? Ian furrowed his brows as if groping through foggy memories. It was then that Naum seemed to sense something, looking towards the entrance of the prison. It was evident that the returning Kroni, who had finished his business, was approaching.

Undo the barrier and quickly hide.

I cant. Ian-nim, you need to go that way. If you go, you will be able to find an escape route.

What does that mean?

In response to Ians question, Naum answered only with silence. He could see that Naums face was growing darker, not because of the darkness of the underground prison, but due to worry and concern. Ian, feeling his senses blurring, barely grabbed hold of Naums sleeve once again.

Naum, I asked.

Ive mixed my blood into the magic.


They said they would open an opportunity if you go that way and wait for the answer. I dont know why there, though. It could be due to my limited abilities. Anyway, you must hurry.

The power of magic, contradicts the principles of nature just by existing. If the balance of power was disturbed even a little, one would fall into the abyss. The papacy called it hell, and among the magicians, it was called the Curse of Eternity.

You twisted space-time?

I had no choice, Ian-nim, therefore.

Why, why!


I knew this would happen. Even if I weed out all those Magic Department brats, its pointless if a minister like this appears, isnt it?

It was Kroni. Behind him stood a man who was being promoted as the next Minister following Naum from the Magic Department. Naum gritted his teeth and began to cast a spell. The rippling wave formed at the tip of his fingers, along with the distorted dizzying pattern that did not shine as brightly as before. It was due to the overwhelmingly strong energy of the seal stone that held Ians wrist.

Naum! Please! You cant!

Ian-nim. Its okay. Opportunities are always, always there. God does not give unanswered questions.


Naums magic circle began to burn red. But strangely, the flames were not heading towards Kroni but were consuming Naums hand instead.


No! Naum, wait! Stop!

Ian, lying prone, only raised his head and yelled.

He did not care for his own life, but he could not bear to see precious people dying because of him.

Only after becoming the Emperor did he understand. The weight of the crown was the weight of devotion from those following Ian. And those bearing that weight were not him, but them.


Kroni also blocked the erupting flame with his left hand. If the magician behind him hadnt put up a protective shield, his face would have been burnt.

Ah. Damn it.

Meanwhile, Ian felt his consciousness fade once again due to the intense heat. Everything turned bright, even the pain was fading into the distance. At that moment, Ian noticed a metallic sound ringing in his ear.


Kronis sword touched Ians neck. The end of the three-year-long reign of the emperor was like this. He had thought he did his best for Bariel, but those who sacrificed themselves were being consumed and dying, and his neck was also on the chopping block.

Ian. Dont be born again in your next life.

With Kronis cruel words, everything disappeared. The surroundings were so quiet that it seemed like this was what death felt like. And soon what he saw was

Fork and knife?

Moreover, they were in his hands, held upside down.

Ian slowly lifted his head.

Although his body felt as heavy as a thousand pounds, it felt lighter than the torment hed endured over the past few days, as though he could fly.


Across from him, a strange woman was looking down at him.

The expansive garden, the well-maintained flower bed, and the sumptuous food before his eyes. Upon gathering his senses, it seemed that everyone seated around him was watching him.


It didnt seem to be hell. Then, is it heaven?

But the scenery wasnt much different from where he had been living. If anything, it seemed rather unimpressive compared to the imperial palace

Why is he behaving like this? Ian, greet the guest.

He must be revealing his lack of upbringing.

Chel, watch your words.

Ian, pull yourself together.

The chubby boy sitting next to the woman spouted rough words, but Ian didnt pay much attention. It was because of the appetizing aroma of food that had been stimulating his senses since earlier. He couldnt remember the last time he ate, being trapped in the underground dungeon.

I dont know what it is, but its driving me crazy.

It was an instinctual reaction that slipped out without him realizing. With an elegant gesture, Ian correctly held his utensils and assumed a proper dining posture. He then proceeded to cut and eat the steak with more grace, and more speed, than anyone else.


It was a dignified and formal motion, unthinkable from someone who had just been clutching a fork like a fist. Even his exclamation of admiration, as if in praise, was short, low, and not vulgar.

The woman across from him, the Count, the Countess who was his stepmother, and his half-brother, watched him with incredulous eyes.


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