Marauder of the Apocalypse

Chapter 5: Prologue [5]

Chapter 5: Prologue [5]



The tense silence settles. The electricity thief's eyes are trembling as he looks at me, and I calmly meet his gaze.

Whether I kill two people or three, the difference is negligible. Perhaps the brakes have been broken since the day I accidentally killed someone. The expression "worn out" might have been more accurate.

Hesitation appears on the electricity thief's face as he alternates his gaze between me, the ax, and the camper van. Fear, anger, determination. I watch the changes in his expression without blinking.

So the moment a determination settles on his face, as the electricity thief tries to turn his body and run, I speak first.

"Trying to run away? No can do. I'll stick the ax in your back if you do."

I make a gesture. Undoing the leather sheath and swinging the ax.

If the enemy turns his back, I can attack with plenty of time. I also have a hammer.

Under the dark sky, the pale light of the streetlamp falls on the electricity thief's face. He trembles and bends his waist. He carefully places his seemingly new phone on the concrete floor.

"Good. Now kick it to me."

The electricity thief grits his teeth and kicks the phone. The phone roughly slides under the camper van. Seeing that, I frown.


As I crouch down to pick up the phone, it's a ploy to attack.

"No, that's not it!"

The electricity thief shakes his head quickly, but I don't fall for it. After all, it's the 5th day since the zombie crisis broke out, and this person has the same survival experience as me. I shouldn't underestimate him.

He's a criminal who steals electricity from public places in the first place. He must have something broken in his morals, just like me.

'To deal with him without getting hurt...'

I ponder for a moment and choose an appropriate action.

"Get in. Go in and take out all the camping gear."

I step aside in front of the door and point to the car interior with the ax. Furthermore, I push the ax into the car interior. Just in case the electricity thief who went in tries to close the door.

The electricity thief slowly approaches. Glancing at me and the ax all the time. A hint of hostility flashes across his face.

I put my hand in my hoodie pocket and grip the hammer. If he attacks, I'll swing the hammer.

'Ah, if he gets too close, the hammer's efficiency might drop.'

Fortunately, the electricity thief doesn't attack. He gets in the car and says,

"Which one should I bring out first?"

"The pot first."

I nod. The electricity thief picks up a large pot with a brand name on it. There's a sound of something rattling inside the pot.

And suddenly, the electricity thief, biting his lip, throws the pot.

"Get lost!"

The pot comes flying. I quickly raise my hand to block it, and since it's light, it doesn't hurt much, but I pretend to be in excruciating pain, screaming "Aaagh!" and collapsing.

Of course, the ax is still hooked inside the car.

"What a pathetic hobo!"

The door slams shut, blocked by the ax handle. From inside, there's a loud ruckus, something being roughly tossed around.

I calmly twisted the ax. I pulled it like a lever to open the door, and with force, I fully opened the remaining door.

Beyond the door, chairs and luggage were piled up like a barricade.

Before long, the electricity thief is seen stepping on the sink and climbing over to the driver's seat. He's flailing his limbs to move his position.

'It's not as easy as I thought.'

If I hadn't kept the ax, I would have lost him. He is indeed a criminal who steals the nation's electricity. No different from a modern-day bandit.

I kicked the chair away and climbed into the car. I immediately removed the leather sheath of the ax. The snap button is torn off with a click.

I bent my arm and pointed the sharp ax blade at the electricity thief's neck, who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Ah, aah."

The electricity thief, breathing heavily, swallowed his saliva. His Adam's apple moved, and his skin touched the blade. A faint line appeared, with droplets of blood forming.

"P-please, spare me. I won't report it. Money? Do you need money? I have money."

I let out a slight chuckle.

Money? When the apocalypse comes, will money still have meaning?

I slowly moved the ax. The blade edge gently caressed up from the neck to the cheek, and then to the head.

The electricity thief's eyes followed the blade. Panting heavily, like someone who just finished a sprint.

"Phone lock pattern."

"It's fingerprint, but if you want, I can change it to a pattern-"

As long as the fingers are intact, that's all that matters. No need to listen further.

I pulled the ax closer, lightly pressing the electricity thief's head. The electricity thief is focused only on the ax. This is the opportunity, with his gaze fixed on the ax.

The chance to kill without resistance.

I took out a hammer with my other hand and gripped it tightly.

Now, if I swing the hammer from the opposite side of the ax, it would be a clean kill. Disposal wouldn't be a problem either. Blood would flow from the sunken head, but if I put a bag over the head and tightly wrap the charger cord around the neck and the bag, it wouldn't spill over.

"Please, please."


Tears welled up in the electricity thief's eyes and started to flow.

Fake tears.

I'm at most a murderer, a jail escapee, a bicycle thief, and an extortionist who committed crimes against ordinary people. But this electricity thief is a heinous criminal who steals the nation's electricity.

Considering his audacity, there's no way he would cry this easily. The way he tried to trick me with the phone earlier also shows he's a skilled criminal.

I slowly raised the hammer.

After some consideration, I hid the hammer again.

"Throw the car keys to the floor of the passenger seat. Unlock the phone."


"And get into the sleeping bag."

He still has value to be spared.

"When will the charging be done?"

I don't know how long it takes to charge an electric car. I tapped my foot in the driver's seat with a perplexed expression.

I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. If I run away in someone else's car, I won't get caught by the police.

A voice came from behind. It was the voice of the electricity thief.

"You can leave now! The battery has a lot left!"

I glanced back at him.

In the space I had reorganized, a caterpillar was lying down. The electricity thief is trapped in a sleeping bag prison. I tied several layers of camping ropes on top of the sleeping bag. With his hands tied, he can't escape on his own.

At least his complexion looked okay. Seeing his cunning shining eyes, I feel like he's looking for a chance to escape.

I put myself in the electricity thief's shoes and wrote a scenario. Criminal, kidnapping, escape.

'Is he going to scream for help when there are a lot of people around? Or ask a passerby for help when I'm not around?'

But if I blast music through the speakers, it'll drown out any noise.

I briefly said,

"How do I turn on the music in this car?"

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As I raised the ax, the electricity thief quickly explained. I nodded, then went outside to retrieve the charging cord. Tough ropes will be valuable even when the apocalypse comes and the electricity is gone.

And the moment I sat in the driver's seat and grabbed the steering wheel, I stopped.

There's a problem. A big problem.

I made an awkward expression, hesitating before asking,

"Uh, which one is the accelerator?"

I got my driver's license, but I've never actually driven. I don't remember anything.

The electricity thief's eyes widened.

"Oh no! Don't drive! I'd better-"

"Well, I'll figure it out by trying."

"Nooo! Don't! This is an expensive camper van! No! Don't do it!"

He's overreacting. I chuckled and turned the music up as loud as possible. A travel-evoking song pounded the speakers, drowning out all other noise.

Alright. I pressed some unknown pedal.

The entrance to the public restroom grew larger. I had charged forward and rammed into it. The collision sound was drowned out by the speaker noise. The car just shook violently.

"This is the accelerator. This is straight ahead. Confirmed."

I laughed loudly, then hummed the song as I shifted gears and drove off. I thought I heard a scream from behind, but I don't need to worry about that. And so I happily drove away from the mountain.

Day 5 of the zombie outbreak.

I've acquired a camper van and a cell phone, had a conversation with someone, and returned from a primitive mountain dweller to a civilized city person.


Day 6 of the zombie outbreak.

The world is collapsing smoothly.


A deserted country road on the outskirts of the city.

I pulled over to the side of the road and slept soundly. After freshening up with the water in the camper van's kitchen, I opened up a lunchbox to eat.

It was a lunchbox the electricity thief had bought for his camping trip. It was a bit like military rations, a mixed rice bowl.

'It's delicious.'

After chewing on chocolate bars and cereal on the mountain, eating a proper meal made me feel really good. The tension eased, and I felt a sense of satiety.

"Hey, I'm hungry too."

I glanced down. The electricity thief, still trapped in the sleeping bag, gave a pitiful expression. I shook my head.Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

"A person can survive 3 weeks without food."

It was the 333 rule, wasn't it? 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without warmth, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. According to that rule, the electricity thief didn't need to eat.

Of course, I had to eat. I quickly scooped up some of the mixed rice and put it in my mouth. I spoke while chewing.

"Continue what you were saying."

I wanted to know what was happening in the outside world while I was holed up in the mountains.

"I'll tell you, if you give me some water."

The electricity thief blinked his eyes desperately. I nodded at that. I had heard this camper van had dozens of liters of water. It would be fine to give him a few sips.

"I'll give you some if you talk."

The electricity thief said with shining eyes.

"Where was I? Ah, the military. The military is in chaos too. They say there are infected people at the training camps, and some places have shot and killed the infected."

"Shot them?"

I suddenly put down my spoon.

Guns. An armed military.

Could it be that the apocalypse isn't coming after all? Honestly, no matter how formidable the zombies are, they can't stop tanks or fighter jets.

My hands were trembling. That can't be. There's too much to lose. The apocalypse has to come.

Fortunately, the electricity thief alleviated my anxiety. He grumbled.

"That's crazy. They're patients, not zombies. The military shooting sick people, that's not right. They were even going to shoot COVID-19 patients, kill citizens. Who will they kill after the zombies?"


The world is helping me. A world where the premise that zombies are still people is maintained. Hope and optimism abound.

I couldn't help but smile.

"In the first place, if vaccines and treatments are developed, the zombies will recover too. The families of the infected and human rights groups are really pressing the military."

At this rate, the military won't be able to move recklessly. Instead, they will slowly lose strength as they get infected by the virus.

Tanks and fighter jets also ultimately need people. Pilots, mechanics, soldiers for transport and supply. If all those people become zombies, the future is obvious.

I ate my meal again with a satisfied smile.

"Are there a lot of infected in the military?"

"Probably a lot."

The incubation period was that long. Soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers will be infected without distinction. No, it's not just the military.

A vision unfolded before my eyes.

All government agencies will lose their function. The sight of the world collapsing before the waves of zombies and the virus was vivid, like a drop of black paint contaminating a cup of water.

The electricity thief continued talking.

"It's not just the military, there are a lot of problems everywhere. They're trying to isolate the infected zombies, but there's not enough proper space, and the hospitals are short-staffed too. They're too busy isolating and treating the people attacked by zombies."

"What about the police?"

I asked casually.

"They say tasers can immobilize zombies too, but from the news, they also seem to be short-staffed and overworked... Can I have some water?"

The electricity thief spoke in a dry voice.

I tilted the water bottle and poured it slowly, and the electricity thief focused only on drinking, even as the water flowed down his face.

After a while, I asked my final question.

"Tell me about the zombies and the I-virus."

"There's a lot of fake information about that... Droplet infection like COVID-19 is certain, and they say blood is dangerous too. There are also rumors about water being dangerous. Waterborne?"

I clenched my fist tightly. Such a dangerous virus. Such a powerful biological weapon. A disease that can destroy the world.

And a world that is actually collapsing.

Suddenly, the face of the CEO of Immortal Company came to mind.

'It was our CEO after all!'

Somehow, even as he was being dragged away, he had been smiling like that. He had been confident all along. I was not wrong. The apocalypse is coming!

Around that point, I looked down at the electricity thief. I had a dilemma.


Looters must move in groups. Alone, they are not looters, but just wanderers or survivors. They are prey, not hunters.

The electricity thief's face paled under my gaze. He seemed to feel that his entire worth had been consumed.

"P-please don't kill me."

Honestly, he's not a bad candidate.

His moral compass is as twisted as mine, he has the courage to steal the nation's assets, and the cunning he showed when he confronted me. He has the qualifications to become an apocalyptic looter.

He's not as good as the top candidates I had in mind, like the thief who could pick locks and door locks, or the deserter who ran with guns and ammunition, but he's not bad.


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