Manuke FPS

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

*rings a bell while standing in rags* ALMS FOR KAY, ALMS FOR KAY SIR/MAAM, ALMS FOR /BurningFeathers

I met Malta-san again in the seaside city Amar, and I was able to hear various stories while having some tea. Its mostly about where to get the magic stones that I need the most right now, but its also interesting to hear about how ordinary people and merchants who dont have a connection to the higher-ups like Chancellor Bergman in the Royal Capital move about.

To be honest, I was surprised that the fame of Shaft had skyrocketed, and I was a little surprised at the hero-loving people of the Kingdom of Kurtmerga, but

The night after I talked with Malta-san, I talked to Chancellor Bergman about how to handle Shaft via the mobile phone. The achievements of the Black Hero Shaft that saved the Royal family and the current King were already widely known, and at the same timethere seems to be a deep-rooted voice that the achievements of Daikokuya Schwartz, the new merchant who created the opportunity for many Nobles and merchants to escape from Flyhigh, should also be praised.

Chancellor Bergman tried to focus this achievement on the Black Hero Shaft, but he couldnt get everyone who saw me in Flyhigh to shut their mouths, and the name of the mysterious merchant Schwartz was secretly spreading.

As for me, no matter how much Shafts reputation grows, as long as my freedom as Schwartz is secured, I dont care. That freedom is already diminishing now, but Im not willing to be surrounded by strangers of the Kingdom.

Chancellor Bergman also agreed with my idea. However, the rumors and reputation that had spread could not be stopped. On the contrary, tail fins are added, and even Schwartz, who should be a mere merchant, could become a Hero who saved the country.

If the situation progresses further, people will see that the mysterious merchant who attended the party alongside the next head of the Zephanel family is more approachable than Shaft, who has already been taken over by the Royal family.

In other words, the next time Schwartz, who is currently hiding his figure, stands on the stage, it is impossible to imagine the number of insects that will flock to him.

Chancellor Bergman agreed with this, but what should we do? Thats what were discussing now

Clan Spark?

Thats right, Ashley. As a result of talking with Chancellor Bergman overnight, it was decided that the fictitious clan that I invented as a disguise for my link with Shaft would become a real clan.

But, how does the existence of Spark connect with Schwartzs free movement?

It was also noticeable in the movement of the Rafflesia this time, but behind the execution unit there is a company that provides logistical support. Behind Spark, there is Daikokuyas Schwartz.

Ah, certainly

Yes, and the two Chancellors of the Kurtmerga Kingdom will collectively be in charge of itin other words, just like the intelligence clan Lily of the Valley, Spark will be formally announced as the execution unit under the direct control of the Chancellors.

Then, it should be alright. There arent many people who want to butter up Chancellor Bergman and predecessor Zephanel directly. They both hate that kind of thing the most, so even if anyone tries to butter up with them, they will simply ignore it.

Walking side by side with Ashley through the corridors of the Royal Palace, which was being rebuilt, we headed for the audience room, which was one of the purposes of our visit. That said, the main throne room was destroyed during the rebellion and has not been restored to this day. Were heading towards a private room for an audience that has been prepared in a hurry.

The audience room is just around the corner from here. Im going back to the mansion. Im worried about Sharle since shes staying alone.

Today, its not only me and Ashley who came to the Royal Palace. Prince Khan, who was recuperating in the seaside city Amar, Prince Ark, who evacuated to the same city just in case; Chancellor Zephanel, Sharle-san, as well as princess Anastasia and Lapitirica-sama who were accompanying the Princes, all of them had returned to the capital.

The residence of Chancellor Zephanel, which resembled a Japanese samurai residence on the outskirts of the Royal castle, was not completely destroyed by the fire of the rebellion, but the interior was ravaged by the Rafflesia. I dont know what Rafflesia was looking for there, but Chancellor Zephanel said she didnt have what they wanted.

However, she was more angered by the fact that the rebels ransacked the house that the founding King built. And the anger was yet to subside. She made me promise to take her to the shooting range after the meeting today.. Normally I wouldve expected it was for the free shoppingbut because everything is free over there, Chancellor Zephanel is actually planning to let loose with Great Magic to vent.

While I was attending the meeting, Ashley and Sharle were joined by Roy and the other from Lily of the Valley to wait for us to return while cleaning up the mansion.

Separated from Ashley and proceeded alone on the red carpet. The red carpet that I stepped on was brand new, but I could feel through the soles of my feet that there was still some damage under it.

On each side of the aisle, new Royal Guards stood at regular intervals, watching me silently. They are young Knights selected from reliable Knights throughout the Kingdom. The Knight Commander was also replaced, and hes now in charge of the Royal Castles security under a new system.

Im Schwartz from the clan Spark. I was summoned by Chancellor Bergman

I presented the newly prepared guild card to the royal guard standing in front of the audience room.

Everyone has been waiting. Please proceed inside.

One of the Royal Guards confirmed the guild card, and after a simple physical check, I was let inside.

Looks like weve got this all set.

In the audience room, five people were waiting: Chancellor Bergman, Chancellor Zephanel, the current King, Crown Prince Khan, and Prince Ark.

I seem to be a bit late

Dont mind it, kid.

Its just as Yuki says. I owe you a favor for saving the Kingdom from a crisis, but in terms of position, you are the same as us, someone who owns a territory that he himself rulesone of the Kings.

In front of the room, the current King sat on a temporary throne, which was thought to be equivalent to the upper seat, and the two Chancellors and the two Princes sat on the sofas on either side.

Your Majesty, it is too much to say that I am a King.

Kukuku, from the perspective of those who know your true identity, no one here would think that its too much.

The current King looked around to the people on both sides, but none of them showed an expression of disagreement to the current Kings words. Including Prince Ark, who shouldnt be in a position to know exactly what I ama Trespasser.

Perhaps he heard it from Chancellor Bergman, or from the current King himself? Also, did the King say, those who own territory that they themselves ruleI guess hes pertaining to the master of the labyrinth?

However, rephrasing it as a King doesnt seem to be certifying me as a magical beast. It may be that he is telling me to go out with him on an equal footing.

Besides, you dont have to respect me. You are on an equal footing with Aashika Gotoh Kurtmerga, the king of this Kurtmerga kingdom. Please, have a seat now, Trespasser Schwartz no, King Schwartz!

The current King stood up from the throne, spreading his hands and urged me to take a seat facing himbut that name he uttered to refer to me was more embarrassing than anything Ive ever been called



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