Manuke FPS

Chapter 249

Chapter 249


Having borrowed the warehouse inside the Valdege Castle, Duke Bargas resident, I summoned the LVTP-5, activated the copy magic circle, and transferred to the shooting range.


Immediately after teleporting, the two Lily of the Valley, wielding longswords and staff as weapons, appeared in front of me.

From the copy magic circle that was the exit of the transfer, I immediately jumped backwards with a slide jump, pulled out the Five-seveN from the inside of my overcoat and landed while brandishing itbut I stopped before my finger squeezed the trigger.

Wahold it right there!

The two who were holding their weapons raised their hands and dropped their long swords and staff to the ground to show that they had no intention of fighting. I didnt remember saying anything like Hands up! or something like that, but apparently, the gesture of surrender in this world is similar to my original world.

I returned the Five-seveN back to its holster and stood back up.

As it turns out, the two members of Lily of the Valley were monitoring the transfer circle. After confirming the presence of the maids and servants, as well as the current King, Ashley, and the rest with them, I reactivated the copy magic circle in the shooting range.

At the same time, the transfer magic circle that links to the copy magic circle that was laid in the Valdege Castle was reactivated, and the preparations to return were complete.

It seems that the maids and servants were waiting in a separate building from the current King, so I told the two Lily of the Valley to go inform the current King.

The urban area of the shooting range is a section with a motif of an overseas residential area, with houses lined up around the main street. Even though it was called a house, only the outsides were real, and the inside had only large pieces of furniture, and there were no accessories or tableware at allthat was supposed to be the case.

When I walked through the city area relying on the voices that I hear from the sound-collecting sensor and the light points that appear on the map, I felt a sense of incongruity.

The streets of the world where I fellOrlando Continent, mostly on the Kurtmerga Kingdom and the streets of this city area were too different, so I didnt use this area to practice shooting or simulate fighting.

Moreover, there is no reason to enter the house.

Ashley, Im back.

When I entered the one-story building I heard about from the Lily of the Valley, and headed to the kitchen area where the dots in my map gathered, Ashey immediately noticed me

Ah, Shaft! Thank goodness you are safe

Standing in the dining room connected to the living room, Ashley rushed over and jumped into my chest.

Yeah, Im fine. Look, Im perfectly okay.

In response to the feeling of Ashleys hands wrapping on my back, I also hugged Ashley tightly.

To see you flaunting your intimacy with the daughter of Zephanel right in the presence of His Majesty. you certainly have guts, not to mention your own ability.

Over Ashleys head, my gaze overlapped with Commander Cyrus of the Knights of the Guard, who was sitting on a chair in front of the kitchen aisle. While stroking Ashleys head, which was buried in my neck, I moved my gaze from the kitchen to the living room. Chancellor Bergman sat on a single living chair with the Queens sitting on the sofa and the current King in between.

It looks like youve returned safely. What happened to the Transfer Circle Control building?

The wounds of the current King, who is sitting on the sofa, had already been treated, and the clothing that he was wearing was different from when I helped him in the underground temple.

He was wearing the T-shirt and pants from my original world Where did those things come from no, more importantly, I cant let the current Kings question go unanswered.

The building is secured but the surrounding area has been considerably destroyed.

I see but with this, we managed to recapture the most important transfer circle control building, although Felix and Kilik managed to leave the Royal Capital.

Your Majesty, it is truly a miracle that he has fallen into this country.

Indeed, it is almost as miraculous as regrowing your hair.


Hearing the current Kings words, Chancellor Bergman involuntarily stretched his hand to his head, but the two Queens smiled quietly at that.

Is everyone ready to transfer out?

Yeah, everyone is waiting for His Majesty to return to the fortified city of Barga.

Then, let us head out immediately. Ill ask the two of you first.


I called out to Ashley who was still hugging me and asked her to guide the two Queens and Commander Cyrus. The two Queens and Commander Cyrus left the living room, but the current King and Chancellor Bergman continued to talk in low voices as if they were discussing details.

So, you cant read the letters in this book at all?

It will be impossible to decipher. It looks more like a picture than text.

What are these small boxes and the soft protrusions it lined up with, what are they used for?

Hmm, isnt it something that stimulates pressure points on the soles of your feet?

Is it possible to reproduce the animal paintings on this cup with Kurtmergas technology?

I have to show it to the craftsmen The coloring technology for pottery is in the process of developing, but first, how to bake this shape

Theyre talking about TV remote and character mugs no, more importantly! Why are there even remote and mugs here

While preparing to move, I looked away from the two who continued to talk in whispers. When I looked around the house again, I saw a lot of small items that I had never seen before, even though I knew them.

All of them were small items that were commonplace in my original worldstarting with the TV remote control, many DVDs and Blu-rays were leaning against the TV rack. A large number of tableware and cooking utensils could be seen in the kitchen. There was an air conditioning unit on the wall. A landline phone on one of the wall panels.

If you think about it again, the equipment inside the Continental, which is a transportation vehicle, can be used in this worldit has become a real thing that one can use or consume. In that case, it wouldnt be surprising if not only the furniture but also the small items that were nothing but rough fake graphics were accurately reproduced and existed in the houses that lined the shooting range.

Shaft, once this rebellion is quelled, can you bring me back here?

Just before the two of us finally started to move out of the living room, Chancellor Bergman approached and called out to us.

May I ask why?

I replied while continuing to walk outside.

This place is neither in the Kurtmerga Kingdom nor the Orlando Continent, am I correct?

..Yes, pretty much.

Im not telling you to teach me all of your knowledge as a Trespasser, but as long as you allow us to study it ourselves, we can certainly glean something out of it. Kurtmerga is facing a crisis due to the rebellion of Prince Kilik, but we cant let something like this stop the progress of the kingdom. Beginning with His Majesty, those who lead the country must also be able to look at what is ahead of them.

Its certainly difficult for those who lead the country

What are you saying, Shaft? No, Schwartz, you have already been recognized by His Majesty as a candidate for Ashleys companion, and you will probably be recognized by many magic nobles with your work this time.


Thats right. There is no way someone, who has protected the Royal family and the Chancellors of a country from an attack and even saved the life of His Majesty the King on his own, will remain unnoticed. Schwartz and Shaft might be officially two different people, but each has their own achievements worthy of praise.

The current King, who was walking toward us, silently nodded his head.

Has Yuki not acknowledged you already? Ashley will not seem to mind considering the scene unfolded before us earlier. Even if my country allows the Trespasser to go wherever they wish, we cannot simply ignore the possibility if they choose to stay.

The current King looked forward again, but his steps are strong. I felt a strong will in his words.

But first, I have to clean up after my foolish son.


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