Manuke FPS

Chapter 243

Chapter 243

Sorry. I hyperfocused on D2 raid contest x . x

Running through the corridors of the collapsed palaceAshley is following behind me.

With LVTP-5, it was impossible to run inside the palace where the rubble was scattered. Considering the width of the passage, I dont even know how far it can go. Once I returned the vehicle to the garage, we aimed for the underground temple in the back of the Royal castle on foot.

There were no moving dots on the map floating in sight. However, the red blood that overflows from under the rubble, the bodies of the royal guard, uniformed soldiers, and maids lying on the walls and passages. It was immediately clear that the maids and attendants we protected outside the palace were the only few survivors.

This is horrible

I heard Ashley muttering quietly behind me.

I thought so toobut now is not the time to mourn.

The mapping inside the palace has already been completed because Ive visited Chancellor Bergmans office before, but the map doesnt even show the collapsed rubble. While detouring the passage blocked by rubble with Ashleys guidance, we emerged on the garden surrounded by walls on all sides.

Theres a small shrine here, and a staircase leading down to the underground temple.

The garden was beautifully maintained, but tall plants were intentionally planted to hide the center.

Ashley, wait. There are other people in this garden besides us, they might be guards.

Six dots appeared on the map. I said its probably the guard, but when I saw that the dots were not moving, it might be the dignitaries or Royalty. Holding the FN P90 with both hands and looking slightly behind, Ashley also took out a stiletto and a round shield from the tool bag on her waist.

Our gazes overlapped, and we silently nodded and descended into the garden. The garden was still dark, with the four walls and tall flowers blocking the dawn light. Change the field of view to NV mode and proceed quietly and slowly.

Ahead, a small wooden shrinea building resembling the shrine I often saw in the previous world came into view. Six figures could also be seen nearby. There were two women and two men, both of whom looked mature and did not seem to be adventurers.

Two adventurers stood by to watch over the four of them.

Ashley, do you recognize those four?

One of the women is The First Queen Milinia-sama, and the other is the Third Queen, Claire-sama. The man is Commander Cyrus of the Royal Guard, and the other is

Chancellor Bergman.

Both of the Queens were sitting with their hands tied behind their backs and wearing casual clothes that look like nightwear. Chancellor Bergman was dressed in what seemed to be his usual government uniform, but he seemed to be tied up as well.

The problem was the middle-aged Commander Cyrus. His armor seemed to be the standard of the Royal Guard, but it was heavily damaged and stained with blood. But, whats even more eye-catching is that his right armits nowhere to be seen .

Perhaps its been cut off. Healing magic may have closed the wound, but attaching the arm back will be difficult then. I could see him holding his arm, most likely worried about it. Commander Cyrus wasnt tied down, but he sat down quietly while glaring at the two guards, wondering if he had given up on resisting, or if he was putting the safety of the women first.

Just to be sure, I looked around, and when I checked the area with FLIR (infrared thermography) mode, I confirmed two heat sources monitoring the six people like us.

There are other people in stealth here.


To my murmuring, Ashley reacted in a low voice and looked around. However, she didnt seem to have a way to detect people with stealth skills.

On the right side of the shrinebehind that big leaf.

I dont see anything how do you see them?

I can see them due to their body temperature. Even if they could mask their presence, their body temperature cant lie.

So, you can do something like that

The other side seems to have noticed us as well.

A mass of heat in the shape of a human slowly approaches here. Seemingly not intending to attack, he turned around to face us while maintaining a position invisible to the adventurers watching over Chancellor Bergman.

Stop right there. If you keep yourself stealthed while getting closer, I can assure you that youll die where you stand.

Raising the P90, I threatened the stealthed people with a voice only they could hear.

Were not hostile. Ill undo the stealth.

Along with the reply to the warning, two people approaching became visible. Lurking about five meters ahead were two male elves, both dressed in the same uniform, with rapiers hanging on their hips.

Shaft, they are members of Lily of the Valley.

As Ashley-sama said, we are members of Lily of the Valley.

Lily of the ValleyIt is an intelligence clan under the direct control of both Chancellor Zephanel and Chancellor Bergman. Theyre supposed to be the two Chancellors direct guards, but I remember seeing corpses with the same uniform lying down in the corridor among the guards in the palace.

According to the two of them, Lily of the Valley and Chancellor Bergman, sensing the disturbing movements of Rafflesia, remained in the Royal castle and were busy confirming and scrutinizing the information.

However, they realized it too late The simultaneous attack on important facilities in the Royal capital by the Rafflesia and the rebellion aimed at the Royal family were carried out on a scale far exceeding the total force of the Rafflesia itself.

The biggest reason for this is the support of the Viceburn Empire and the existence of the Demon Steel Soldier.

Lily of the Valley participated in the defense with the Royal guards to fulfill its role, but they were cut down along with the Royal guards by Felix, the greatest fighting force of Rafflesia. In parallel with the defense line, some of them were guiding the Chancellors safety and the evacuation of the parliamentary officials who remained in the Royal castle. However, Chancellor Bergman was among the high-priority targets in the capture list of Rafflesia.

And the end result was this.

Chancellor Bergman and the Queens were captured, and the number of people who could move was too low, and the Lily of the Valley was in a situation where it was impossible to succeed in escaping even if they took rescue action. Until they joined us, they were monitoring the situation and were on standby with the intention of jumping out if the hostages life was in danger.

And then, who is currently inside the temple?

His Majesty King Asca, Prince Kilik, and Felix Mendoza.

I heard that it is impossible to succeed to the throne without Chancellor Zephanel?

Thats right. In fact, receiving the magic that only Zephanell-sama can wield <Promised Blessing> is considered to be the ceremony of succession to the throne.

Then, what are the three of them doing inside?

I dont know Maybe waiting for Zephanel-sama to be brought in, or planning to proceed only with the ceremony of succession to the throne?

Theres no way to know unless we go inside

However, the entrance to the underground temple is sealed so that it can only be opened by the Royal family or Zephanel-sama.

I can dispel it. I learned how to do it right after I was selected as the next Head of the family.

Immediately after the ceremony celebrating Prince Arks coming of age, Ashley was officially recognized as the next Head of the Zephanell family. After that, she must have heard about how to enter the underground temple and the ceremony of succession to the throne. But, if thats the case

Ashley have you been taught that magic called <Promised Blessing>?

Hmm, no, I havent. And maybe I couldnt use it since its a <Pedigree Skill>

Ashley shook her face sideways with downcast eyes.

She hasnt been taughtno, more importantly, its <Pedigree Skill>, so how could she not use it? Ashley should have been a member of the Zephanel family, so shouldnt she inherit the <Pedigree Skill>?

Certainly from what Ive researched, <Pedigree Skills> are inherited within the same lineage, and if there are people who manifest them spontaneously, they can manifest with the help of those who have already learned how to use it.

Over a long period of time, the lineage spreads, and over time <Pedigree Skill> changes to a general <Skill>. The Zephanel family also has a long history, so it wouldnt be strange if it had already changed to <Skills>, but Ashleys way of saying is like.

Are you not related by blood?

thats right. Only the predecessor is able to use that magic. The Zephanel family was born after the Kingdom was founded. I heard that the family was created by welcoming orphans into the family and raising them to support the country. Moreover


Do you think the predecessor can bear any child with the body of hers?

I couldnt really answer that. Chancellor Zephanel looks like a young girl of 12-13 years old.

Of course then, do you know what the effect of that magic is?

There was no answer to that question. Both Ashley and Lily of the Valley seem to know the name of the spell but dont know the effect. Is that magic why Rafflesia wanted to detain Chancellor Zephanel? No, it doesnt matter Chancellor Zephanel is still on our side right now.

The current King and Chancellor Bergman should be rescued. Lets focus on the situation at hand, and start by helping the four people in front of me escape.Advertisement


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