Manuke FPS

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

We need your power.

When Prince Khan said so, both Duke Barga and Chancellor Zephanel focused their attention on me.

But Your Highness, and Chancellor Zephanell. Even though Schwarz-kun is the Black Mask Shaft, wouldnt it be too much of a burden to leave His Majestys rescue to him alone?

Duke Barga has not been told that I am a Trespasser here. But, from Lapitirika-samas escort mission or from preliminary investigations, he should know that ISchwarz is a Magicless. Duke Barga may not be able to correctly connect the lines between Magicless and Trespasser, but he should understand that I own a <Pedigree Skill>.

However, it is certainly impossible to rescue the current King with just that <Pedigree Skill>. Thats what Duke Barga wants to say.

Also, should I only save the King? What about the other Royals, such as the Queen?

Chancellor Bergman should still be in the Royal Palace. And even if the rescue was successful, would he tell the remaining Knights of the Guard to join the death squad?

Your Highness, and Your Excellency. I will do my best if I can, but as His Excellency the Duke said, there is a limit to what I can do alone. Specifically what should I do?

Let me ask this back Schwartz the Trespasser. What can you do with your power? No, how many can you save?

Prince Khan was staring at me intently. He was emitting an unbelievable presence that betrayed his sickly and emaciated body. Chancellor Zephanel sitting next to him didnt seem to have any intention of adding anything to Prince Khans question. How I answer with a faint smileI even feel like Im enjoying it. What can I do with my powerin other words, what VMB is capable of No, what the Crown Prince wanted was a rescue mission. He asked me how many people in the Royal Palace I can rescue.

How many I can save How many I can save

The firearms, weapons, and vehicles that I currently possess, and the remaining CP that I need to use them. The magic stones obtained in this worldand my body that was in the process of assimilating with the VMB system.

Fighting in the Royal Palace is the main force of Rafflesia against the royal guards led by the current King. In addition to the soldiers, there are also many attendants in the Royal castle. Its impossible to rescue them all away.

In that casewhat about annihilating the Rafflesia side instead? I know that the clan master, the Second Prince Kilik, should be there, and the vice master, Felix Mendoza, as well. If I crush the two heads, I should be able to bring this rebellion to an end all at oncebut theres no sure way, just a clear target.

Thenhow about making it my goal to achieve at least half of each objective?

I understand. The maximum that His Highness desires is probably impossible, but I will aim for the maximum that I can do.

Lets leave it at that. This Zephanel is fine with that.

The Crown Prince turned his gaze to Chancellor Zephanel sitting next to him, and the Chancellor nodded and turned his gaze to me.

Kurtmerga Kingdom will not force anything on a Trespasser, that is we believe. Now matter what happens, this one will not say anything, and will not force anything. Frank, you also need to listen carefully. You shouldnt covet the power of a Trespasser and try to bind them. Its fine to ask for help, but it must be on equal terms.

Ill keep that in mind.

Regardless of the outcome, I will prepare an appropriate amount of gratitude for your assistance this time. But, it will have to wait until this is settled. Although I do not know if I can provide anything worthy of your help.

I wont be asking for a reward, since Im taking action for the sake of our convenienceit might be better to keep it that way.

Yesit might be better to keep it that way. My powerthe power of the VMB, which continues to assimilate, is too different. In particular, the labyrinth creation, which has just been unlocked, is too different in many ways. I dont know if I should call it that, but this is not something I can handle, unlike firearms and vehicles I probably wont use it.

However, if I started wielding those powers under the Royal family banner, I would be forced to use those powers constantlythats how I felt. At the same time, I might turn into something that cannot be undone.

Thats how I felt.

Your Excellency, I have one request.

What is it? Pray tell, Schwartz-kun.

The Sasanqua will come to aid us soon. I would like you to use their strength to retake the transfer circle control building.

The transfer circle control building? Certainly, at this moment in time when the defense power has decreasedbut I dont know if Sasanqua and a few guards will be able to retake it

I can understand the Dukes concerns. The transfer circle control building is a facility that manages both the transfer magic circle and the copy circle that connects the Royal Capital and the major cities of Kurtmerga Kingdom. For the Rafflesia holding the facility down will not only block the escape route from the Royal Capital but also prevents reinforcement from other cities.

From the information obtained from Reiner, we knew that the Rafflesia occupied and defended the transfer circle control building with a formation centered on the Demon Steel Soldiers. Which meant that since the crystal cluster had been destroyed, their main force, the Demon Steel Soldier; should have disappeared as well, weakening their defensive power.

If we can recapture the transfer circle control Building, which is an important facility in the Royal Capital, before the main force on the Royal castle sends troops, it will be easy for the Crown Prince and others to escape from the Royal Capital, and we will be able to summon the knights from all over the Kingdom.

Worst caseif the transfer circle is destroyed, it will be possible to delay the spread of rebellion throughout the Kingdom. As for the counterattack on our side, it could be said that recapturing the transfer circle control Building was the best move. The Duke narrowed his eyes even further and hesitated a little, but it was Chancellor Zephanel who broke the silence.

In that case, this one will also leave. Anyway, let us all head thereKhan, as the Crown Prince, you must show the power of the Kurtmerga Royal family.

Very well. Duke, make preparations immediately After a successful recapture, we shall set up headquarters in Barga territory and wait for Schwartz.

Understood but both of you, please do not let the transfer circle be damaged. The building can be rebuilt, but not with the transfer circles.

Why of course, we are not so foolish as doing things like releasing great magic in the middle of the Royal Capital.

His Excellency Duke, can I borrow a bit of the warehouse in your mansion? Before heading to the Royal Castle, I would like to make various preparations.

Of course, I dont mind. feel free to use it.

Thank you very much. Your Highness, Chancellor, I will depart as soon as preparations are complete.

We are counting on you.

Schwartz, just try not to make A-chan sad, will you?


Everything about what to do after this has been decided. At the same time that I left the room, Volker-san, the housekeeper, was called by the Duke and entered the room. I feel sorry for Frau-san and the others that I had to drag them into this situation. Besides, the clan master of clan Sasanqua is Viscount Cypria Aznavour.

The Sasanqua, where many daughters of magic nobles come to train, is a little different from the many clans that mainly focus on fighting monsters and exploring labyrinths. The nobles are the ones who are obliged to take the lead and lead the people, and the magic nobles are the ones who lead even those regular nobles.

Cypria, as a magic noble, should not be able to overlook this situation. Even more so, Duke Bargas third daughter; Lapitirica-sama, was trained in Sasanqua. When I, as Shaft, was appointed as her escort, Cypria even said that if something happens to Lafiri, shell kill me herself. And now, Lapitirica-samas life is in danger yet again, since shes betrothed to Prince Ark, one of the targets on the kill list. But, they were unable to do anything when Flyhigh was attacked.

The Sasanqua will not refuse to cooperate in recapturing the transfer circle control building. I was thinking of stopping by to say a few words to Ashley before heading out, however at the same time I went out of the room, I saw her walking down the hallway.

Schwartz, have you finished your report to the predecessor?

Just in case

Just in case? Yesafter this?

A faint moonlight shone through the thin lace curtains, and Ashley slowly approached the hallway wrapped in silvery white light. Perhaps noticing something through my short murmur, her expression darkened.

Im going to the Royal Palace.

Hearing those words, Ashley stopped.

Ashley, please dont worry. Both the Crown Prince and His Highness have said that I can escape immediately at my discretion, and I wont push myself too hard either. I have no intention of solving all the rebellions that are happening in the Royal Capital by myself.

Ashleys gaze, which was looking straight at me, turned to the outside of the window. Her swaying red-gold hair glittered in the moonlight. I was momentarily fascinated by the brilliancethe side view of her face. And then she turned to me. The sunken expression she had until just now disappeared, and she was staring at me with determined eyes.

Im going too.

Yeswait? No, its dangerous!

I unintentionally answered yes, but I couldnt bring Ashley with me

I know its dangerousit was the same back then, but you still follow me to the south anyway.

The Southwhen Ashley went to subdue the pirate fleet that was ravaging the southern seas on the orders of Chancellor Zephanel. I pushed my own will and followed the subjugation operation, and secretly destroyed most of the pirate fleet. If she brings up that time, I certainly cant refuse so easily. But having Ashley accompany me is different. Our combat range is very different, as well as our movement speed. However.

Indeed, I went to the south while knowing the danger. Its cowardly to say that you cant do the same for me now

Thats right!

I could see that Ashleys expression was loosening as if she sensed that I wouldnt refuse her company.

Not to mention even if Schwartz went to the Royal Castle alone, you wouldnt be able to tell who is who in the Royal Palace, would you? Similarly, the royal guards and the Royal family wouldnt know who Schwartz is, so they would be confused if you suddenly show up in front of them. Isnt that just enough reason?

youre right.

Thenwhose help do you need?

I need your help. Come with me, Ashley.

There was no verbal response from Ashleyonly a dazzling smile that rivals the sight of her glittering under the moonlight.



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