Manuke FPS

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Shameless self-promotion : Girl Ripped From Her World


Wesson E&E Tomahawks. Even though I can instantly summon another firearm, even that moment can be deadly when dealing with the likes of Rafflesia members.

Besides, my purpose for coming here to Yamigasa Company wasnt to reduce the number of Rafflesia.

I came to Yamigasa Company, which I thought to be deeply involved in the revolt, in order to do something about the Demonic Steel Soldiers that would self-destruct when incapacitated; and also their troublesome magic weapon. My prediction was also correct, and I shot through a man who seemed to be a spy of the Viceburn Empire with a Mag-Fed 20mm along with the Demon Steel Soldiers production equipment.

As a result, in exchange for returning the Demon Steel Soldiers to particles of light, I was surrounded by the adventurers of the Rafflesia who were attached here as escorts. But, what should I do after this

Among the approaching adventurers, I tossed the two tomahawks in a row at the two light-armored warriors who were running in the leadpreventing the rushing movements, I stepped backward and jumped lightly.

The tomahawk was repelled without difficulty, but the adventurers movements also stopped slightly when I backed off. I landed on the edge of a high-rise trading building that could be called a department store, then summoned firearms and special equipment in my hands the moment I gained some distance.

What are you doing, Shaft!

One of the adventurers raised a voice of caution as he saw the particles of light shining in my hand. But, that one voice gives me time to spare.

I dont have time to deal with you guys.

Saying that I took a step back from the veranda and fell back onto the main street.


I could see the astonished expressions of the adventurers, and in the next moment, the wall of the trading house, the glittering starry sky, the shining blue moonand the faces of the adventurers trying to peer down from the edge.

I summoned the FN P90 in my right hand and directed the crosshair at the head that popped out like whack-a-mole, then pulled the trigger.

I managed to pop three defenseless protruding heads before the other adventurer realized that I was baiting them. They disappeared back onto the roof terrace.

I exhaled through my kevlar mask and fired the grappling hook I summoned in my left hand toward the edgeThe three-pronged claw hook was locked on the edge, and my falling body jerked to a stop.


I grabbed the grip of the grappling hook in my left hand with all my strength, put my legs against the wall of the trading house, and adjusted my posture. It stopped at a height near the center of the trading post, but my surprise attack didnt end there.

Using the place where the hook locked as a fulcrum, I kicked the wall of the trading house with all my might. My body, which bounced like a pendulum, reaches a height where the roof terrace can be seen againno, it reaches a height beyond that before stopping.

On the rooftop terrace overlooking me, I could see the adventurers widening their eyes when I suddenly appeared in the night sky.

I picked an enemy to target instantly.

Those who can react to my movements, those who have the means to attackfrom among the adventurers, I confirmed the position of the mage and the light warrior with the bow that can attack from a distance, and once again, using the hook as a fulcrum. While surrendering to the movement of the pendulum returning, I started firing.

I could see the figures of the magicians and the light warriors splashing blood for just a moment, but I didnt have the luxury of worrying about the results of the shooting.

Due to the pendulum motion, my body was going straight toward the wall of the trading house at a tremendous speed. Pulling the trigger of the grappling hook held in my left hand several times, I adjusted the landing pointand broke through the window of the trading house with both legs and rolled inside.

Stopping in a kneeling position, I aimed down sight with the P90 and instantly cleared the surroundingsconfirming that there were no enemy shadows.


The moment I landed, the grappling hook that I let go of changed into particles of light and returned to my inventory.

Upon entering, the interior of the trading building was instantly mapped, and at the same time, sound sensors were used to detect moving sounds from the upper and lower floors.

Is this a merchandise store for adventurers?

From the map information, I confirmed that there were no moving dots on this floor. I even checked the surroundings in FLIR mode just in case. All the sounds picked up by the sound-collecting sensors were only on the upper floor, and the sound of breaking the window must have been heardmany footsteps running down from the roof terrace echoed.

It seems that there is no personnel other than adventurers from Rafflesia in the trading hall. Thats right, on the day of the coup detat, theres no way theyd leave an unrelated employee at one of those bases.


With the monitor of the TSS floating in my field of vision, I selected the garage menu and picked one of the two duplicate purchases, the Oshkosh M978 tank trailer full of fuel. Before deciding to summon that, I opened KamAZ-63968 Typhoon-Ks viewpoint monitor and confirmed that no one was on board.

I cannot summon more than one transport vehicle at the same time. If M978 is summoned here, Typhoon-K would return to the garage after dispersing into particles of light.

I dont know what would happen if someone is still on board there. Will they be sent to the garage along with the vehicle, or will they lose their footing and end up outside the vehicle? I know I can bring inanimate objects from this world into the garage, but I havent tried anything alive yet.

Should I try it soon?

With that in mind, I decided to summon M978. The summoned M978 barely fit the sales floor inside the trading building, I attached C4 bombs to its body afterward.

And one more thing. I set up the AN/GSR-9 (V) 1 (T-UGS) in the shadow of the car body and kept the mini-map that appeared in the field of view open so that I could always see it. Preparations are now complete. While summoning a P90 magazine and reloading the gun, I started walking towards the opposite side of the main street where I broke the window.

Aiming for the warehouse shot through by Mag-Fed 20mmthe chairman of Yamigasa Company should be there. Borrowing one of the long ropes for adventurers on display in the shop, I opened the closed window and swooped down to the back of the trading house with my overcoat flapping in the air.

Confused by the surprise attack from the roof of the trading house and the pillar of fire that shot through the crystal clusters, most of the guards seemed to have gone up to the roof aiming at me. There are three shadows in front of me, and there are no other dots detected on the map.

One is the chairman of the target Yamigasa company. A mage who lends his shoulder beside him and supports him, and a light warrior left alone as an escort.

Who are you!

Who was it that swooped down into the darkness of the Royal Capital?

Black nobleman

Thats how it is

I walked slowly toward the warehouse and waited for the right time while making jokes.

Y-you, do you know what youve done!

The chairman of the company, realizing that it was I who had attacked the warehouse, shouted out loud.

Do YOU really understand what youre doing? A clan led by a Royal family connected with another country, recruited soldiers, and started a rebellion

Shut up! Do you know who you killed!? You blew the Imperial Prince away!

Imperial Prince? The spy whose head was blown off by my shot in the warehouse was the Royal family of the Viceburn Empire?then the thing that created the Demon Steel Soldier wasnt a Trespasser, but the <Bloodline Skill>.

This guy has a considerable amount of information after all. I dont know how much information can be dug out from Reiner, but if its this man who is the source of the money for the Rafflesia, I might be able to understand their purpose.

If necessary, whether its the Empires Prince or your trading house, Ill blow it away as often as needed.

Huh? My trading house?

Not only the line of sight of the chairman of the trading company, but also the line of sight of the mage lending his shoulder and the light warrior who had pulled out his stiletto were directed to the large trading house towering behind meAt the same time, there were many dots detected on the T-UGS minimap that I had set up.

I could see the adventurers of the Rafflesia deploying around M978 while remaining vigilant, investigating the unfamiliar objects.

Nothing is blown away, what the hell are you talki


Then, I pushed the lever on the detonation switch in my hand.

At that moment, the C4 bomb attached to the M978 detonated, causing the fuel-filled M978 durability value dropped to zero and in turn igniting a large explosion. The roaring sound of explosions and bursting flames overflowed from the windows of the summoned floor. The explosion pressure was not enough to blow away the walls from the inside, but the entire floor was engulfed in flames.


And then, screams rang out as the ever-dark night sky turned bright red.



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