Manuke FPS

Chapter 229

Chapter 229


The five cyborg-like mechanical soldiers called Demon Steel Soldier pointed their left arm at me and the Crown Prince who was standing behind me.

In order to escape from Flyhigh, the venue where the birthday banquet was held, which was turned into an unorganized melee due to the surprise attack, I needed something that could act as a shield to protect everyone from the Demon Steel Soldiers attack. It also has to be mobile so that high value targets like the Crown Prince and Chancellor Zephanel can escape.

Just before the laser attack from the Demon Steel Soldiers could hit, it was blocked by the Typhoon-K I summoned. The vehicle crushed the table and dishes under it as it landed on the ground.

Its official name is KamAZ- 63968 Typhoon-K. Russia deployed this vehicle as an armored personnel carrier. It had been strengthened to withstand the most recent type of mines and IED (Improvised Explosive Device), and its armor was rated to handle battering from heavy machine gun fire.Its a 6 wheeler truck, with 16 seats arranged inside the rear passenger compartment, and driver seat above the engine bay. It can be loaded with 18 people in total.

Particles of light flooded the venue, and in the next moment, an elongated object with a turtle-like design appeared, attracting the attention of the entire venue.

The Typhoon-K armor withstood the laser shot from the Demon Steel Soldier.

I immediately checked the vehicle durability via the UI floating in my vision, confirming that the damage would be negligible even if it received 5 consecutive laser shots. With this, I wouldnt need to worry about the vehicle getting destroyed before it could escape.

I opened the rear hatch with just a thought while opening the door of the cockpit on the opposite side of where the Demon Steel Soldiers were.

Wha, what is this! Why are you able to do that inside the barrier?!

From earlier, Rachel, a Lily of the Valleys agent, continued to ask in disbelief about my capabilities. Of which both Ashley and Chancellor Zephanel chose to ignore. Im sure other people here had the same question, but theres no time to explain everything here

Roy, enter through the front door, and after confirming the safety of your destination, please explain the situation. Rachel, no more questions! Escort everyone until theyre safe.

Schwartz, you dont mean to

Ashley approached from behind me and grabbed the hem of my tailcoat. She mustve guessed what the Typhoon-K is for.

Ashley, leave things here to me. I need you to assure those who are riding it for the first time.

There was no response from Ashley. When she looked into my eyes, her words seemingly stuck in her throat as she only managed to open her lips slightly. The red dots in my radar showed movements. With their laser shots blocked, the Demon Steel Soldiers mustve decided to close in for melee instead.

Come on, get on quickly! Chancellor! Please get the Crown Prince and Prince Ark inside the box!

Schwartz, are you saying we can escape in this carriage-like box?

Prince Khan approached me as if prompted by my voice. I know at first glance, its impossible to understand that its an armored transport vehicle. I dont have time to explain in detail, but

Khan, leave this to Schwartz.

Hearing Chancellor Zephanels words behind him, Prince Khan turned around and said, If you say so, and got into the crew compartment with the help of Princess Anastasia.

I, I wont let you!

At that moment.

One of the young Nobles who was running towards the Crown Prince as soon as the raid began pulled out a dagger from his pocket, held it on his hip, and rushed at the back of the Crown Prince who was going up the rear hatch


While the surrounding eyes were focused on the confusion and the violence of the Demon Steel Soldiers, the only one who moved to stop the charge was Chancellor Zephanels escort, Sharle-san, who was dressed like a man.

are you doing!

Jumping between Prince Khan and the young nobleman, she kicked up his dagger-holding hand and pushed the young nobleman away.

Sanson! What in the world are you doing!

Lord Crude and Duke Barga caught up with Sharlene-sans movements and subdued the young nobleman who had been pushed away.

Who wouldve known that there are also hidden enemies nearby

Sharle-chan, that was a wonderful response. Khan, quickly get in, Ark too.:

Looking sideways at Lord Crude holding down a young nobleman, I leaned my back against Typhoon-Ks rear hatch, aligned my M94s crosshair to the approaching Demon Steel Soldier, and pulled the trigger.

Your Excellency Duke, please get in as wellIm sorry to say this, but Ill evacuate the people I trust first

Schwartz-kun, have decided on where we should go?

That shot temporarily subdued the approaching Demon Steel Soldier. Then, I turned to the ever-calm Duke Barga.

Originally I planned to evacuate to the Royal Palace, but

Although he was still young, one of the Nobles pointed his sword at the Crown Prince. I dont know how far the roots of the Cactus had spread to. And when I think about the Second Prince, whose clan was where that Rynel originally belonged to, I couldnt help but think that the Palace is not safe either.

No, ratherconsidering the timing of this raid, its possible that the Royal castle was being attacked simultaneously.

Schwartz-kun, do you know the location of my mansion? Depending on the situation, we might be able to take shelter there.

Will that be fine

Then, Ill get as many as possible to the underground. There may be traitors among them, but they should show themselves eventually. Ill round them up when they do.

Perhaps realizing their aim, the survivors of the Central Knights began to form a formation to prevent the Demon Steel Soldiers from approaching the vehicle. The visitors are also moving around the venue, using us as shields. Some of the attendees managed to escape outside into the darkness of the night.

But, then I noticed the glint of blades, followed by screamsI realized that the enemy would not only kill us.

In that case, please head to Duke Bargas mansion

While the situation is changing one after another, Prince Khan and Princess Anastasia, Prince Ark and Lapitirica-sama, Chancellor Zephanel and Sharle-san, Rachel and Roy as escorts, with Duke Balga and Mrs. Emerada,

And finally, Ashley boarded the Typhoon-K.


Its alright, Ashley. Ill escape once I buy enough time for everyone to evacuate. I leave the Royal family and Chancellor in your care.

Be carefulyou can trust me to take care of my predecessor.

Our overlapping line of sight was blocked by the closing rear hatch. Preparations for the escape are now complete.

Now thenhow much should I show them the power of VMB no, I shouldnt be stingy now.

While loading 30-30 rounds into the M94s bullet feeder, I took out several types of melee weapons while keeping an eye on my inventory. At the same time, Typhoon-K began to emit a deep bass engine sound, transitioning to a state where it could move at any time.

Lord Crude, please take this. Its impossible to arm everyone, but its better than going underground without weapons.

After saying that, I handed over five large battle machetes. Western swords did not exist in VMBs melee weapons repertoire. Even though its a substitute, a modern machete should be enough.

Where the hell did you get all these weapons from

Save that question for laterno, just ask Chancellor Bergman


YesIll focus their attention on me. Now go underground.

After the machetes, the next thing I took out was the RPG-7.

The RPG-7, which can be said to be a masterpiece of portable rocket artillery, is a portable anti-tank grenade launcher developed in the Soviet Union, and has been widely used around the world since the Vietnam War until today. One of the features of the RPG-7 is the extension of the range and high hit rate due to the addition of a rocket propulsion function to the shell, but at the same time, the disadvantage is that gas injection occurs behind the barrel when fired, which can kill allies.

However, the VMBs RPG-7 had only that advantage, and even if an ally was standing directly behind it, the only disadvantage was that the white smoke would obstruct the view. The green cylinder I summonedthe RPG-7 once again earned me a questioning look from Lord Crude, but I had no intention of explaining it.

The surviving Central Knights were being pushed back by the Demon Steel Soldiersthe opponents were too tough. The attacks from the troops surrounding Flyhigh continued. A burning smell began to drift in the air, indicating that a fire had broken out. I have no time to dawdle. I put the RPG-7 on my shoulder and pulled the trigger, aiming for the wall ahead of Typhoon-K .

The sound of jetting and flying echoed throughout the venue, and in the next moment, it turned into an explosion.

At the same time, the Typhoon-K, controlled via TSS remote control mode, ran toward the newly created hole that leads outside.

Its hard to say whether the venue is level with the ground and flat, but the Typhoon-K has the performance to run through any desolate wasteland. The six wheels moved up and down to absorb the recoil, then ran outside and jumped out into the front yard. With the screen monitor of the TSS in my field of vision, I drove steering wheel operation with my will. The Typhoon-K breaking through with a roar from its engine caught the ambushers outside in surprise. Some of them were run over as the vehicle made its way to the center of the capital city.

Tch! What is thatDemon Steel Soldier, dont let them escape!

I could hear Ryner clicking his tongue and shouting. I cant let the Demon Steel Soldiers catch up to the vehicle. And neither can I allow Lord Crudes escape to be hampered. In order to keep Rynels mind glued to me and buy time, it was necessary to show him what the Cactus would hate the most.

Taking a smoke grenade from the inventory, I removed the pin and rolled it at his feet.

Lord Crude, please start the evacuation.

What is that uh, alright. I understand. Were heading underground now!

I will remain here with you, Schwartz. At least until Im sure Frank-sama can escape safely, we need to buy time here, am I correct?

At the edge of my field of vision, I saw Lord Crude and the other magic nobles began to guide the remaining nobles and merchants to evacuate. Meanwhile I could hear Vee speak to me.

Then, as the smokescreen billowed up, hiding both my and Vees figure

Darkness that nests in the Royal capital, the Black Mask judgmentprepare to receive it.


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