Manuke FPS

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Standing outside the store, I waited for a liaison from Lily of The Valley who is watching Daikokuya to contact Chancellor Bergman, but what appeared before me was an acquaintance instead.


Remi-san was wearing a white shirt with a wide-open chest, trousers, basically a working womans outfit, just like when I last saw her in the fort city Barga.

Schwartz, its been a while. Are you surprised that its not the usual man?

The usual manRemi-san certainly said that. This means that she knows who I was going to meet.

In short.

not in particular, I was more surprised to find out that Remi-san is a member of the Lily of the Valley.

Hearing my reply, Remi-san looked stunned for a while before saying [Lets walk a bit] and walked past Daikokuya. I simply nodded and followed suit.

Many years ago, originallyI was part of the Intelligence guild. I belonged to a different clan from Lily of the Valley, but when I was stationed in the Fort City of Barga, I was asked to be Ashleys watcher.

Intelligence guild maybe the same guild that sent me an invitation before.

Fufu, I bet youre thinking about when a certain guild was trying to recruit you, no?

Yes, that just crossed my mind

If you join Lily of the Valley, I have no doubt that our work will progress vastly. Justremember that there are three major intelligent clans in Kurtmerga.


Yes. The first is Lily of the Valley, a clan that works under the direction of the two Chancellors of the Kingdom of Kurtmerga, and now I am also a member here. I was in another Intelligence guild before. Then

While saying so, Remi-san entwined her arm around my arm and leaned over.

The third oneSchuldtiana*. The intelligence clan that belonged to the criminals of the Dark Guild. Many of the operatives have been captured, but even so, we still know nothing about its inner workings. Better be wary about them. Many aristocrats, including the ministers, are eyeing your business. Surely Schuldtiana would as well. (TL Note: Haworthia schuldtiana var. major (Haworthia emelyae var. major), you can google it)

Thank you. Ill be careful.

So the Dark Guild actually has an intelligence clan well, just as there are places where people in various positions, such as Adventurer clans, mercenaries, and commercial unions, gather, there are also places where people who wriggle in the dark gather. The clans that I have faced so far, the thieves Demon Lotus Onibus, the assassination clan Enju, and the pirate fleet Kaidou. Theyre all coordinatedthe dark guild Cactus. In addition to that, the intelligence clan Schuldtiana

The intelligence clan Lonicera that sent me an invitation was named after a vine that grows naturally in the mountains. In early summer, two tubular flowers would bloom, attached to the opposite leaves. The flower color with a sweet scent gradually changes from white to yellow. It is also known as honeysuckle. (TL Note: *Lonicera japonica)

And, Schuldtiana. This is almost an unfamiliar name, but I faintly remember the Liliaceaeor rather, a member of the genus Haworthia, which resembles aloe and cactus. A succulent plant that stores water inside its leaves and stems. One of them, Schuldtiana, has leaves that radiate out like a rosette-shaped rose flower placed on the ground. Its a small succulent plant, but the best feature I remember was its nicknameOverlord Castle Schuldtiana.

Nn, even when Im very close to you like this, you dont even react.

Now that she mentioned it, I noticed for the first time that we were walking while holding hands and Remi-san was snuggling up to me.

..I only noticed just now.

Even so, you didnt even show any reaction. Nevermind Well, I should start working seriously, right? So did something happen?

Yes. Id like to meet Sir Bird as soon as possible. Along with Sir Thesis and Sir Koot as well if possible.

Sir Bird was the alias Chancellor Bergman used when visiting my shop. Similarly, Sir Thesis and Sir Koot were also aliases used by the Kingdom Treasury Secretary, Count Lloyd Teisen and the Chief of the Central Knights and the Knights of the Kingdom, Count Arley Crood respectively. 

Sir Bird will make time if you want, but if the other two are also required to be present, I think itll be difficult if you dont have an appropriate reason, right?

How much does Remi know about my link with Sir Bird?

I havent been informed about it in detail, and not that I need to know. Im here just as a liaison to you.

Of coursethen tell Sir Bird that I may not be able to sell miracle water anymore.

From Remi-sans expression, its obvious that she had no idea what was this miracle water I mentioned. But she still replied with I will before disappearing into the crowd. While seeing off Remi-san, I followed the signs of the many dots that emerged on the map.

While heading to the center of the Royal Capital, I searched for dots that might be tracking and monitoring my movementsanything. I couldnt hear any suspicious sounds Anyhow, I am now acquainted with someone who seems to be a member of a intelligence clan.

Like Remi-san, there is Vee, Duke Bargas female escort. That perverted woman was able to disappear, and in that state she wouldnt be detected by the radar unless she made a sound. However, there are countermeasures. If I set my vision to FLIR mode, I can see where she is by looking at her body temperature. So I switched to FLIR mode and looked around, but still couldnt find any suspicious body temperature.

Nothing to see at presentoh, right when I thought so. I could hear sounds coming from the top of the roof behind me. From near the roof of the street shop. Looking back without making it obvious, I caught the source of the sound in the corner of my eyes.

a person.

The humanoid figure lightly jumped from the height of the third floor and walked here. Is the sound that I heard is his landing sound-? He probably didnt think that Im aware. Not that I feel any hostility. While walking slowly here, he wrapped around behind me. While chasing that movement in the corner of my field of vision, I waited for the next move.

Schwartz-sama, Sir Bird is ready to see you.

So its the Lily of the Valley turning around while faking a surprised look, I told the liaison I used to see that Ill be going shortly, and started walking toward the Royal Palace.


Didnt we decide that the reporting should be done in your store or through liaison?

I went to the royal castle and was immediately sent to Chancellor Bergmans office. When the Chancellor saw my face, he quickly dismissed the woman who seemed to be his secretary, leaving only me and the Chancellor in the office. The Chancellor was seemingly reading something that looked like a report before I entered the room. He put his gold-rimmed round glasses on his nose and gently stroked his headstill slightly bald due to hard work, and turned his gaze toward me standing in front of the door.

I came to the Royal Palace because there was a situation that I had to tell you immediately.

Is it about Drum Fortress?

So you already know

The report came in just a moment ago.

The chancellor tapped his hand on the report he just read.

The information was sent to the royal capital as soon as I moved from the collapsed Drum Fortress. I dont know if the party was divided and the information was carried, or if there was a means of communication that I didnt know. What is more important is what was written in the report.

I believe the report came from Sazanka and Ophelias team? What do they write?

We report that the Drum Fortress has been destroyed by a non-standard undead Jonah and lost its function. And we have given permission to move the Dragrange Frontier Knights to subdue Jonah, jointly with Margrave.

The Chancellor presented me with the report he had in his hand and recounted the content as if hes reading it for me.

He was willing to take it one step further and read the reportof course, he may think that I couldnt read it properly just yet. Though even if I dont know the characters, the translated text would still automatically appear in my vision. So Id have no trouble reading it.

Indeedthe report that Chancellor Bergman read was correct.

So, Schwartz, lets hear yours.

Why are you still asking for my report when you have one already? No, he mightve wanted to hear it from a different source, to hear what only I know.

HoweverI have more people to report to before that.

Daikokuya should be here!

The door of the office was opened vigorously, and Count Arley Crood, adviser to the Knights of the Kingdom, rushed inside. Behind him, Count Lloyd Teisen, the Secretary of Treasury, could be seen, running out of breath. Both of them have clearly sprouts of new hairs growing on their heads compared to a few days ago. They were hiding it with a small hat, but the hat fell to the floor due to their running.

I heard about it, Daikokuya! Is it true that miracle water can no longer be sold!

Isisis it true that Daikokuya will be closed?

Count Crude and Count Teisen came in and approached me as soon as possible, with two bright red faces lined up in front of me, opening their mouths wide and screaming such as Why arent they selling! or If there isnt that, I..!.

What is with there being no more Miracle Water! I havent heard any of this!

Ah, there is another red face incoming

It took about thirty minutes for the three heavyweights of Kurtmerga to regain their composure. Now we sat on the chairs, with Chancellor Bergman, Count Crood, and Count Teisen facing me beyond the table.

Then, can we still buy miracle water without any problems?

Rightas I said many times already, the materials needed to make hair growth products are in danger of being exhausted. However, with a little help from all three sides, not only for hair growth products, but for both parties as well. I think we can make a profitable transaction.

Chancellor Bergman was looking at me while confirming that. The two counts are slurping the tea prepared by the secretary and chewing on the baked sweets with satisfied faces.

So, what do you want for us?

Count Crood, the adviser to the Knights of the Kingdom, placed the teacup on the table and stared at me with a keen eye, as if he was shooting through me, a total opposite of his smiling smile. 

First of all, I will tell you all the information that was not in the report from the Margrave of Dragrange.

In my words, Count Crood turned his gaze to Chancellor Bergman. The Chancellor stood up with a breath and said, This is it, and handed over the report from the Margrave of Dragrange to the Count. The expression of Count Crude changed again after looking through the report. One could see that the hand holding the report trembles and is so strong that the paper was nearly crushed. 

Bergman! What on earth are you doing to the Sword Princess of Dragrange!

and he barked.

He slammed the report on the table, and Count Crood changed his focus to Chancellor Bergman instead of me.

Asking her to look for something in the Devils mountain. His Majesty has agreed to this

What in the world are you looking for?!

It must bea labyrinth, isnt it?

Unlike the infuriated Count Crood, Count Teisen was relatively calm. He guessed the situation after reading the report himself. He didnt even move his eyes from the paper as well.

Indeed, there is a labyrinth in the Devils Mountains as expected. Right here.

The chancellor took out the topographical map of Devils mountain that I drew.

This map

The moment the map unfolded, Count Crood was stunned. His eyes cannot leave the map.

This map, is it the work of that rumored Map Seller?

Indeed it is, Teisen-dono. As matter of fact, Daikokuya is this Map Seller Schwartz you talk about.

Map Seller Schwartzit started with me drawing the map of Wolf Labyrinth with the help of the VMB system. Despite that I dont actually sell maps that often, thus have no shop or name for the business, apparently the name Map Seller Schwartz had become quite well known.

I thought that the information was still circulating only among the investigators of the big company, but the truth was unknown, but was it spread enough to be remembered by the executives of national affairs?

Ive heard of it. In fact, Ive also seen the Wolf labyrinth map. It was a really nicely drawn map.

Is Count Crood aware of it?

Back to the topic of labyrinth. I sent the Sazankas and Ophelia to conquer this labyrinth. Ophelia also has her own reason to enter the devils mountain.

Are you trying to conquer a labyrinth with just one party? Youre being unreasonable as usual.

Unreasonable? Maybe. But I have also sent in another team other than Ophelias. And I can guarantee this teams capability.

I see. But anyway What is the relation between the labyrinth conquering, the collapse of Drum fortress, and Map Seller Schwartz Daikokuya?

In the question of Count Teisen, all eyes gathered at me. The Chancellor didnt seem to be ready to explain anything. In other words, its up to me. Alright, what to say now

I shall explain. In order to conquer the labyrinth along with Ophelia-samas team, at the behest of His Excellency Chancellor, I have sent someone from my clanSpark.

Spark? I have never heard of that clan before.

Of course, Your Excellency. Our clan is made up of very few people, and we rarely give out our clan name.

How many people have you sent? I think itll take a considerable amount of talent and numbers to capture the completely undeveloped labyrinth.

Only one, Your Excellency

One? Bergman, who did he send?

That is not really important

It seems that Chancellor Bergman is still unwilling to reveal my identity. Only a few people, including the Chancellor and the King, know about me working as their [covert].

Aside from information such as Map Seller Schwartz, the Chancellor seems to draw a clear line in the disclosure of information about me, including the truth of me being a [Magicless]. 

And even the unknown clan names, Spark, came out. Of coursebecause I only came up with it just now. Even if I go to the Devils Mountains and say that Im doing business as a Daikokuya from subduing the labyrinth to escorting Ophelia, the words are too unreliable. 

The Black Mask Shaft, Your Excellency.

That Shaft?! So hes actually a member of Spark?

Then that sounds quite convincing. Black Mask Shaft conquered the Wolf labyrinth alone, and he also hunted down phantom thieves then engaged in a flashy fight during the Kings Festival.

That Shaft is secretly escorting Ophelia and sending reports back here. Based on his report, I drew this map. From his information, I can confirm that Druhm fortress has indeed been destroyed.

It was a gambit to talk about the connection between Schwartz and Shaft. In order to increase the credibility of my words that I will speak from now on, I thought that it was necessary to support the actions of a clear and powerful person, that is Shaft.

Shaft reported to me that he found two things in Devils Mountain. One is the labyrinth, which we refer to as Mine Labyrinth for convenience.

Whats the other one?

The Chancellor returned to his office desk, urging me to continue as he clasped his fingers in front of him.

The other one is about people who hide and settle in the Devils Mountain.

Come again?

Ive never heard of a village in the Devils Mountains. That area is a buffer zone with the Drak Kingdom, and is not suitable for people to live in because monsters and demihumans are frequently attracted to it. Then how?

It is said that they protect themselves from the monsters by carving out the mountain surface and creating cave dwellings. They make their living by relying on the resources available on the mountain and dealing with the large caravans that travel between Kurtmerga and Drak kingdom.

I didnt know that people lived in that mountain range, but what does miracle water have to do with it?

Of course there is, Howeverbefore we talk about that, I need to report on these people who were important to both countries.

To both countries, as in Kurtmerga and Drak Kingdom?

Thats right, Your Excellency. Most of the people who settled in the Devils Mountains escaped from the Kingdom of Drak. I have received a report saying that the Drak Kingdoms Seventeenth Princess Cortine is also among these people.


Speaking of which, the Seventeenth Princess of Drak Kingdom is a beastkin. Shes born to a mother of a regular town girl before the current King took the throne.

Isnt it a problem that a member of the Royal family of the Drak Kingdom is hiding in that area? Chancellor Bergman.

This is already too much!

Count Crood hit the table and raised his voice.

Although the Kingdom of Drak has a strict policy on beast races, a Royal family member is still one nonetheless. And if it is known that she hides in the Devils Mountain, Drak Kingdom will surely field their soldiers in the mountains.

The dragon riders had already entered the mountain and even invaded the labyrinth though.

Thats a problem, but why is the Seventeenth Princess hiding in the Devils Mountains, can you confirm that?

Its been done. There are 16 people living in hiding, including the Princess. 15 were fugitive slaves, and the 17th princess was helping them out.

Is the Princess denying the national policy? More importantly. What is that country doing? With their northern neighbor Bashburn Empire expanding in power, I dont think its strange that the Kingdom of Drak will be targeted at any time.

Count Teisen, Shaft had reported that the Drak Kingdom is already in a negotiation with the Bashburn Empire and they have chosen to become a vassal state.

This is the information I obtained from the dragon rider that I captured in the Mine labyrinth. It is said that the Bashburn Empire, a great power in the far north, continues to expand its power, absorbing and merging neighboring countries one after another, while also taking measures that do not use force. Under such circumstances, the standing position of the 17th Princess Cortine was very delicate. Although seen low enough to be accused of being a beast slave to the Drak Kingdom, the Emperor of the Bashburn Empirethe man known as the Ice Wolf Emperor is also a beastkin.

Its obvious that he annexed the nation in peace, but demanded the beastkin Princess in return.

However, theres only one beastkin Princess in Drak Kingdom. Therefore, in order to meet the demand of the Ice Wolf Emperor, its important to find the 17th princess, who by that time had already gone missing in her effort to help fugitive slaves.

 But, all that is of no importance for the Kurtmerga kingdom.

The Kingdom currently doesnt share a border with the Bashburn Empire.but its unclear when the ever-expanding Bashburn Empire will become a neighbor. It would be a problem since even the Drak Kingdom could easily be made into a vassal state. If you explain the current situation surrounding the 17th Princess of the Kingdom of Drak, and reconfirm the situation of the Drum Fortress that collapsed due to the sudden action of the undead Jonah, a story will naturally emerge. 

The Chancellor and the Counts were silently listening to my proposal. But, their eyes are never silent. It seemed that they were scrutinizing the merits and demerits of my proposal to protect the hidden village of the Devils Mountains and conceal the 17th Princess to prevent the Bashburn Empire from annexing peacefully. 

Furthermore, I think theyre trying to find out what I really mean by making this proposal.

To be clear, I dont get much. The Hidden Village-will be built from now on, but 40% of the mined magic ore will be delivered to the Kingdom of Kurtmerga. I will pay this from my share.

In return, the Dragrange Frontier Knights will guard the area around the hidden village until the Mine labyrinth is conquered and the monsters and demihumans that live in the Devils Mountains are wiped out. 

Guarding the Knights of the Frontiers will not be so difficult. On the face of it, it should be enough to set up a front base nearby to subdue Jonah.

It also reduces the chances of the Drak Kingdom from becoming aware of the Mine labyrinth, as there will be no need to send personnel to mine magic ore from the labyrinth.

Hmm, we stand to lose very little.

On the contrary, getting a mine of magic ore is not a bad thing from a financial perspective.

Its no different from the basic task of cleaning the Devils Mountains by the Knights of the Frontiers. Its not a big burden to protect the villages. But, it would take many times more effort to subdue the undead.

About that, we can entrust this matter to Shaft. Hell be responsible for conquering the dungeon, but I will inform him to prioritize defeating the undead Jonah should he encounter it.

Hmm, with the help of Black Mask Shaft, this undead Jonah shouldnt be hard to deal with.

The strict face of the Chancellor changed into laughter as he started talking to match my play.

Ill talk to His Majesty and Zephanell. Treasury Secretary Teisen prepares a special budget for Devils mountain sweeping operation, and the Knights adviser Crood should organize the emergency response of the Knights of the Frontiers, in case the Drak Kingdom act. Please report back to me afterward.

And finally, the Chancellor glanced at me

So, Schwartz, what if we keep this village and the ore mining venture safe and sound?

Yes, I think I can procure the ingredients necessary for the formulation without any problemsI will supply the hair growth agent and prepare it without running out.

The three heavyweights nodded satisfactorily in response to the affirmation. 


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