Manuke FPS

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Still a noisy clan after all these years. 

Chancellor Bergman was waiting into the living room where I escaped to. Perhaps he was content with the hair tonic so much that he sat on the sofa in a very relaxed manner. 

Schwartz-dono, do you have anything to drink here? 

Pardon me for neglecting. How about some fruit wine? 

Ah, Id love that.

I took out a bottle from the wine cellar in the kitchen, pulled out the cork, and returned to Chancellor Bergman with a wine glass. 

What a nice scent , could this be the fruit wine that was served at the Kings Festival? 

Yes, the same one. How did you know?

Its been the talk of the palace. The Marida Trading Company has monopolized the distribution since the source is currently unknown, but I guess that the knights and nobles didnt exaggerate things. 

Chancellor Bergman enjoyed the wine, but his gaze moved to the bathroom to the bathroom for a moment. When it came back to be, the atmosphere around him changed. 

By the way Schwartz. How are you going to use the transfer magic circle? 

The relaxed air around the old man disappeared and the strict air of the man who controlled the affairs of the kingdom returned. 

One set will be installed in this store and will be the gateway.

Where will it connect to?

I havent decided yet, but I think I will link it to different labyrinths. 

So, its just as old Zephanell said. You you want to conquer all the labyrinths, dont you?

Yes. Thats my current goal in life.

I see, then

Bergman stopped there. Whether or not he should continue was probably not decided yet. I closed my eyes and allowed the silence between us to continue. 

Then, dont you think youll need more transfer circles?

The words were muttered softly and what I wanted. 

Although I was able to secure two sets of transfer magic circles. There is only one place where I can go back and forth, my private VMB room. In consideration of my goal, there would be more transfer circles.  However, because it was too convenient, the transfer circles ownership landed in the hands of the nation that controlled the surrounding land. The manufacture of their copies was also controlled by those nations. The subjugation of the labyrinth does not mean the circles belonged to the subjugator. 

I was only able to gain the circles because I got them from an unowned island, and their origins were unknown. It was a lucky break in itself But since Bergman said such a word 

You mean Are there labyrinths situated in unowned places? 

Im not quite sure yet about the details, since it was in Kurtmergas territory. However, there is indeed one that I know of.  

So Should I go conquer it? 

It wont be just you though. Its a secret, but a party has been sent to explore and conquer this labyrinth. However, if one powerful person is enough to conquer it alone, the success rate should be much higher.

So, are you ordering me to join the party that precedes it and co-operate? 

Pretty much, but rather than an order, its a business deal. And you dont have to join the advance party. On the contrary, I want you to act from a distance to support your own subjugation. Also, I want you to report your progress.

Business deal? Support and report? 

Thats right. There will be a reward if its a success. If the preceding party succeeds in subduing, I will attach a copy-circle to your circle and give you a pair. If its you who conquers the labyrinth, two sets of those. 

With that said, Chancellor Bergman raised two fingers up.

Lets talk about the situation in more detail  

According to him, the place where the labyrinth was located in a mountainous area known as the Devils Mountains. It was north of the Margrave of Dragrange. The mountain range acted as the border with the Drak Kingdom and was an unclaimed buffer zone. However, its believed there was an abundance of magic ore veins in the area. There were also a lot of monsters about too. The exact location was not known, but there was no due of its existence due to the higher frequency of monster appearances stemming from the mountains.

But it was reckless to explore the mountain range on the scale of a single party, wasnt it? When asked, it seemed that the estimated location was guessed in a preliminary survey. Afterward, the labyrinth had to be conquered on the smellest scale so that the Drak Kingdom would not be alerted. Its because the knights of the Margrave were prohibited from advancing on the mountains due to the treaty with the Drak Kingdom. 

Also, sending a large number of adventurers and explorers may also be regarded as a military action itself. We had to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the adjacent kingdom, including the control of the labyrinth after the subjugation. 

Well, I understand the gist of it, but why do I have to move in secret? 

- Because you are a Trespasser. Its only this country that allows trespassers to move freely. All the more because their blood and wisdom are sought after. When it becomes known that a magicless has appeared in the Margrave of Dragrange, Im sure Ill give it a little bit. In addition to that  

In addition to that? 

If it becomes known that we have allowed individuals to own transfer circles, other aristocrats and clans will not remain silent. Even though there was no country claiming ownership, allowing personal possession is a special case among special cases.

Certainly The most valuable thing that can be obtained from the labyrinth is said to be the Great Mana Stone that was the Dungeon Core. There was no doubt that the transfer circle was the second most valuable thing. Aristocrats who governed each territory were entrusted to the transfer magic circle recovered from the labyrinth in their territory to the country, who collected and distributed them collectively. 

There was an exception called me. 

It seemed that it was necessary to keep it a secret that I owned transfer circles, and that I was a Trespasser. 

There was a monitoring system in place for the warehouse. Should I also add a defensive system be established as well?

Well, how about it? If the preceding party gives up on subduing it, this request will end there, and the reward will be paid in the form of money. 

Chancellor Bergman asked for a reply, perhaps because he realized that I understood the general situation. Perhaps, it was a case where there was not much time to spare. 

Alright, I accept. 

So, youve decided? Then, the day after tomorrow, you should jump to the Margrave of Dragrange through the transfer management office in the first district. Here is the special use permit. 

He had that prepared I guess he didnt think that I would refuse it from the beginning. Of course, what reeled me in was mostly the reward. There was at least one set of transfer circles and copies. Another pair if I subdued it. The deadline has not been clearly expired, but if the party that was there gave up, that was it. I would only get money. 

I dont think a single party will continue to attack a labyrinth for months. It wont be a long job. However, there were some concerns. 

May I ask you some questions? 

Yes, of course.

If the preceding part abandons the subjugation and leaves. What will happen to the subsequent labyrinth capture? 

In that case, we will share the information with the Drak Kingdom, and the Knights of the Margrave of Dragrange will be dispatched to conquer the labyrinth. However, in that case, the knights of Drak will also move to do the same. 

In other words, itll turn into a competition against the Drak Kingdom? 

I dont know what will happen inside the labyrinth, but one thing I could say was that there was almost no peaceful solution, such as a joint subjugation. Between the two kingdoms, the treaty only applied to the suspension for an actual war. 

Of course And who are the members of the party that went there in advance? 

Four people from Sazanka, Ophelia Dragrange, and her escort knight. 

Ophelia? Wasnt she in the midst of chasing after the phantom thief Nekoyanagi? 

The destination of the phantom thief was the Devils Mountains. There were sightings in a town north of the capital and headed north immediately. But Nekoyanagi returned to the Royal Capital and used the transfer circle to Dragrange. I only know that they went to the Margrave and then to the Devils Mountains. 

Is there a relationship between the escape destination of Nekoyanagi and the labyrinth? 

This is not clear from the information from the merchants who operate between the Margrave and Drak Kingdom. But apparently, there was a group that was building a village inside the labyrinth in the Devils Mountains. That should be Nekoyanagis home base if I had to wager on it. 

So, is the purpose of the preceding party to search for the home of Nekoyanagi in addition to conquering the labyrinth? 

Yes, but you dont have to take any action on the ground in this matter. Focus on reporting the status of your search and conquering the labyrinth. 

Got it.

From there, we discussed the more detailed stuff, especially on how to report, the amount of monetary reward, and such. Afterward, the secret talk was over. 

Well, to be exact


My body responded reflexively to the scream that sounded like she was in pain, and jumped into the bathroom area. 

Are you okay?! 

When I opened the door that separated the toilet and washroom from the bathroom, what I saw was a little girl drowning in bubbles and two older girls around her.


My eyes! My eyes hurt! 

For the time being, I quickly grabbed the nozzle of the shower while trying to avert my eyes from them. I held Zephanells head and poured warm water over. While I took charge of Zephanell, Ashley and Sharle-san, covered in bubbles, jumped into the narrow bath at the same time.

Sch-Schwartz!! Youre prohibited to look this way! 

Uh, but Im not looking, Sharle-san. 

It feels good~ 

Zephanells relaxed voice drowned under the chaos 

My line of sight was directed at the mirror on the wall, and it showed Ashley as she sank down until half her bright red face showed in the tub; and Sharle-san who stood up in the bathtub while swinging something up

Tha-Tha-Thats right!


The shampoo container thrown by Sharle-san hit my head. 

Shwartz~, Shampoo feels very good. The scent is nice. This one loves it, but I wonder why it stings the eyes. What can I do about it? 

Theres a shampoo cap to prevent it from entering the eyes. Ill prepare some after this.

Waaa how nice of you. 

Hey, Schwartz Isnt it about time for you?

That was Ashleys voice and it sounded a little A little angry, and I felt the fear that her whole body would shrink.

Ah, yes. Youre right, Ashley Alright then, Chancellor, Im outta here

Sharle-sans cry echoed throughout the bathroom. 


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