Manuke FPS

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Kay: Sorry for the delays, piecing together my new(very very used) vehicle while juggling one car for fam.


I sat cross leg inside a Japanese-style room while enjoying the fragrance of the tatami mats. I noticed the three dots that appeared on my radar as they approached the room. 

We are here  

Before the wooden shoji curtain to the drawing-room was opened, I stood up and sat on one of the chairs to welcome the three. The first to enter was Sharle-san, followed by Ashley, and lastly, the Honorary Chancellor Zephanel. 

Schwartz-dono, it has been ten days. 

Yes, Your Excellency.

Ron-chan will come soon, so until then, enjoy some tea while you wait. 

Thank you.

Its been a while, Schwartz. 

Its only been ten days, Ashley. 

Ashley called out to me after the brief greeting between me and the Chancellor. Zephanel looked at us with a grin that should not belong to a little girl. Sharle-san puffed her cheeks, perhaps thinking she was left out.

What was going on here

Schwartz spent his last ten days exploring the Snakehead Labyrinth. 

And, is it over already? 

No, I just went in to scout. The labyrinth has been explored down to the fiftieth level. Theres no way I could go that far within such a short time.

I suppose exploring the labyrinth was not the only thing you did during the past ten days, yes? I also heard that instead of an inn, you have been spending the nights at the Marida Trading Company ever since you returned to the Royal Capital. 

Yes, I havent reserved any lodging in the capital, but thats mainly because Ive bought an old shop from the company. I may not always be in the capital, though it will serve me as a permanent living quarters. 

What? Schwartz, youre also a member of the Commerce Guild? 

No, I wasnt, Sharle-san. I only registered recently after buying the old shop. 

(KAY E/N: I wanted to change it to Yes, I registered after xxx but decided to leave it as is. You know. To please the true to text heathens.) 

Then what are you going to do with that shop? Are you going to sell something there? 

About that, Your Excellency I was planning to sell furniture and bathroom products. 

Ho Bathroom products? Like bathtubs and the likes? 

Not bathtubs, maybe buckets or bath chairs Other than that, liquid soap for washing skin and hair. 

Liquid soap? No way! Shampoo?! 

Are you already familiar with it? Yes, shampoo, conditioner, etc. 

I do not know about this conditioner, but I know what shampoo is he used to say.. I want to wash my hair with shampoo

Thats also why I decided to sell bathroom products. Since I fell into this world, Ive been to bathrooms with tubs and even public baths. But I could never find any shampoo or conditioner. There was only soap. 

Unlike the soap used in the previous world where soft and odorous soap was widely used. There were only the hard and non-odor soaps only seen in the aristocratic mansions and Maltas mansion. The manufacturing technology around here was still underdeveloped. I dont know how to make modern soaps and shampoos, but the Continental had a lot of products in the bathroom with spare stock. 

Many of them were written in un-eligible characters, just like the wine. When I used them, I was able to figure out which was shampoo and conditioner. There were some things I didnt understand, so I couldnt sell them. I have also discovered more like shaving agents and planned to sell them as well. 

Both Ashley and Sharle, with the chancellor, showed interest in the shampoo. When the conversation reached the topic of Daikokuya opening, I noticed that another dot had appeared on my radar. 

Why, it seems that all of you have become fast friends while I wasnt here. 

Ah, Ron-chan. Did you bring it? 

Ive been telling you not to call me with that nickname, havent I? 

What are you talking about? In this ones eyes, you still are always the cute little Ron-chan.

With that, Robert Bergman, another Chancellor of the kingdom, entered the room while exchanging a few words with Zephanel.

I heard you called me, so I came to visit. 

Schwartz, you really dont make people wait. But first Charlotte, can I ask for a cup of tea?

Eh! You couldve informed me beforehand so I wont have to backtrack like this! 

Come on now, just do it.

Really now! 

Chancellor Bergman was talking to Chancellor Zephanel about the phantom thief, Nekoyanagi, from the festival. Sharle-san puffed her cheeks in protest as she left. Apparently, he didnt want Sharle-san to hear about the transfer circles. However, the fact that the thieves had invaded the venue where the 4th knights should have locked down could not be understated. He exchanged views on increasing the knights and budgeting for exercises. 

Then, once Sharle-sans dot was far enough, Bergman got to the main topic. 

The transfer magic circles and the copy that you entrusted to me have been investigated and adjusted. They are loaded in a cart outside. You should collect them later. 

Thank you. By the way, can I ask the results of the survey? 

Hmm, of course. Though I cant tell you everything, the most important part is that we deduce the technology did not originate from the Drak Kingdom. Another third party mustve been involved. Were still investigating. 

Is that so? Thank you. 

The Drak Kingdom was located to the north. It was by no means close to Kurtmelga and was currently locked with an armistice treaty. But in the past, the two nations had been engaged with many skirmishes. A third-country other than the Drak kingdom provided a transfer circle to the pirate fleet Kaidou and instructed them to harass the southern sea. Simply put, that would be the case. We didnt know their intentions yet, neither did we know if Drak was completely irrelevant. 

The only thing I could say is that the surrounding countries around Kurtmerga were creeping in.

When the discussion with Bergman settled down, I could see a dot on the radar closing in on the room.

Here it is.

Sharle-san came back with a tea wagon. It wouldve been troublesome to go back and forth between the rooms. 

She put a cup before Bergman and sat down on a chair. Seeing that the Chancellor did not say anything, the talk about the transfer circles was over. 

By the way, Schwartz, when will your shop open?

After pouring tea for Bergman, Sharle-san asked me. The teapot held the black tea and Ashley took it and refilled the emptied cups. 

In the afternoon, though I will not be there myself until sometime before sunset. I have other things to do.

What items is the shop going to sell?

It is the Shampoo, Ron-chan! Schwartzs shop will be selling Shampoo! 

What is this shampoo for?

Liquid soap to wash your head. 

My Scalp?

No, its for hair. Though, there will also be products good for scalps and regrowing hair.


Chancellor Bergman was by no means bald, but his hairline had certainly seen much better days. I guess he worked hard. The hard-working Bergman began to consult Zephanel. They spoke quietly but thanks to my sensors, I heard it.

What about my works?

Just delegate some to your officers, that way you will have some free time.

And the Kimikage?

No problem. They will escort us on the way to his shop.

Although I pretended not to hear anything, I noticed they glanced to me when they said his shop.

Kimikage It was the name of a perennial plant that bloomed in the highlands and mainly bloomed small bell-like white flowers. It had a strong flora scent and was quite beautiful. But it was a highly poisonous plant. Maybe it was still faintly heard around the room as sounds that seemed to be their escorts the name clearly pointing to their clan name. 

Apparently Tomorrow we will be welcoming customers the moment the shop opens


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