Manuke FPS

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Kay: it has come to my attention that it is in fact monday. No one has told me this. _

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The journey between Amar and Valeria went smoothly. We arrived at the transfer management office. It was located at the Valerias Knights base.  I left all the procedures to Malta-san and just showed my guild card. 

Shaft-sama, although you said its okay, but can you really jump even with a Manuke? 

After all the formalities were completed, Malta-san quietly asked me this as we walked to the transfer circle. 

No problem. Ive already jumped several times, not only in the labyrinth, but also in the transfer circle I took out recently.

Okay. Then, Im the one who will initiate the metastasis. So please register your biometric information. 


The circle was located in a building separate from the office. Once inside, we showed our permits and entered a one-story building that was similar to a gymnasium with our wagon. Once inside, the circle was in the center with copies which were divided into sections on the left and right in an orderly manner. 

Malta Can those horses jump?

 Of course, these children already have their information registered. So if you activate the circle, theyll jump properly. 

I se

I cant jump without the magical tag Id gotten from Garos Labyrinth, but I wondered if horses could jump without an issue after their information was registered. As I pondered this a little, I pulled out the combat knife from my bosom and dripped my blood onto the circle And I felt the tag around my neck radiate power. When I was convinced it was registered, Malta-san chanted the activation word and we transferred to the Royal Capital along with everything else. 

A curtain of light ran along the circles edge, and for a moment, my view was obstructed as the scenery changed. 

Welcome to the Royal Capital of Kurtmerga. Please show your permit and guild card.

This place was nearly identical to the one in Valeira. The only difference was the outfits of the Central Knights before me as Malta-san and I handed our cards over. 

Yes, here you go. You too, yes, are you an escort? Huh?!

The knight behind the reception table stiffened, his eyes glued to my guild card. Even in this place too, huh We were being stopped like this everytime I presented my card, so I couldnt imagine what would happen in the Royal Capital later

Its alright, Shaft-sama. No need to over react in the Capital.

Malta-san whispered from the side, penchant noticing my anxiety. Still, I was worried. 

Ah, Im sorry. Ive confirmed it, so please proceed.

With permission, we left the building. The building we were in was called a transfer building, and it looked like the management building was located in the first of the three capital districts. We pulled the wagon out and I accompanied Malta-san on the coachmens seat as we headed down into the second district where the Mirada Company was located. I planned to stay at his mansion tonight, but when I noticed the wagon hadnt moved I looked to him.

Malta, what are you doing?

Eh? Please wait. I have to prepare something before we leave. 

While he said that, Malta took out a black mask from the tool bag at his waist that looked like my mask Then He wore it on his head and said alright.

How about it, Shaft-sama? This mask is sold by the Marida Company.

So, it was you who sold the Black Mask Shaft set in collaboration with the production guild! 

No, Malta. First of all, dont you have something to say before that? 

Ah, of course, we also prepared a share for Shaft-sama. Let us get into the details after we arrive at the office.

No.. Not really that The blask mask that Malta-san wore was similar to my mask, but the open mouth part was open, so he was able to eat and drink normally.

No, why do you need to hide it?

Ah, about that? These masks and eye masks are popular in the capital right now, but if there is an escort-like person with a black mask next to me, that is, Shaft-sama. Some people might notice hes the person himself. So to try and prevent that, I thought itd be better to wear one so I prepared it ahead of time.

I-I see

Yes, lets go. Both Marida and Minnea are waiting for Shaft-sama to come.

With that said, Malta-san moved the reigns and we went into the Capital.

The transfer office was located at the very end of the first district. In front of me, I could see the castle gate that led into the second district. We passed through under the scrutiny of the gatekeeper. From there, we headed to the main store while going through main street What I saw was hard to describe.

If I hadnt closed my eyes, I would have screamed and felt embarrassed enough to shoot myself with the P90.

Various masks available~, popular Black Shaft is in stock~! There is also a blushing silver side too~! 

Hey, oldman! DO you have any one-handed hatchets for throwing?! Ill buy as much as I can!

Oh, what would you do if you buy those axes? That kind of person who wants to show his skill with the back target. 

Leader! That black mask is so cool! 

Hey, did you hear? The Black Mask seems to know a lot of martial arts, right?

Gahaha! From tomorrow, my name Gabriel of the Black Mask will roar in the Capital instead of that Shaft of the Black Mask!

For close quarters, there is that Overlord Flower Rafflesia Felix, right? Which one is stronger? 

As expected of our leader! Then Im Augustine of the Green Mask! 

A new work will start soon at the open-air theater, this time , its about the tragic love between the Black Nobleman and the Duke Princess.

Then, Im the Blushing Balthazar!

In the first place, The Black Nobleman and the Garo Labyrinth is being prepared for the performance. Ah, I want to go see it once. 

As we passed the shops, the women at the teahouse on the open terrace talked, even though I didnt want to listen. But I passed with a light grudge against the sharpness of my ears. However, if you call it Black Nobleman, you will feel like you cant say anything to the theater community. Regardless if it were true or false. 


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