Manuke FPS

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

The miniguns barrels rotated at a high rate of speed, spitting out 4,000 7.61x51mm rounds before it eventually whined down. By then, the pirate fleet, Kaidou, was before me and the harbor had turned red. [Water Flow Operation] had deflected as many rounds as it could have

I chose the M134 because it could bring a violent torrent of bullets in an unyielding quantity and cause irreparable destruction. Kadas body had been blown to bits after receiving this violent attack. Those bits of meat and armor floated in the harbor. 

Ca-Captain Kada has died. 


The remaining pirates in the base were scared from the display, of their leader who floated in pieces in the bay, and of Yonas appearance. My line of sight floated around the base as I checked the remaining number of enemies, including non-combatants. But they had run away from the sight of my pale flame eyes. 

Those in the upper cave dwellings tumbled down to the lower layers. Some even jumped into the harbor below before attempting to swim out of the base. However, beyond that, a small group of boats; probably from Amars fleet, already awaited them on my map, each of them heading towards me from the cave entrance. 

Those near the warehouse rushed to where the transfer circle had been located. They broke through the lock and rushed inside only to despair Yes, I had collected the transfer circles so they could not leave, nor could reinforcements come. 

A blip passed through the cave and appeared in the harbor on my map. Thus, my role had ended. 

I activated the TSS and picked up another rebreather, the small oxygen tube, along with the waterscooter.  I then returned the minigun back to my inventory. I dove into the water before the fleet could see me and swam out of the harbor and into the open sea. 

After leaving, I lurked behind on a nearby reef underwater. The number of visible ships was six and it appeared that the ships Ashley and her friends were on had not been brought. But I saw Ashley onboard one of the escort ships. 

Apparently, they had switched ships before coming. Amars fleet, which was scattered around and anchored, was investigating the hulls of the half-sunk pirate ships. There were also pirates awaiting capture but labeled rescued at sea.

I looked back on my actions during the subjugation. The battle may have cost more than I had originally expected. It consumed a lot of expensive ammunition and fuel. I had a headache thinking about how I was going to recover the spent CP. 

Finally, Ashley showed her face and I could go back to the port city of Amar. 

I operated the TSS underwater and summoned the U-boat. Of course, it was impossible to open underwater. So, I touched the control tower and used the TSS to control it before moving it closer to Ashleys ship. Afterward, I let it surface slowly.

Ze-Zephanel! There is a black ship on the sea! 

The first person who noticed me was the sailor standing on lookout on one of the battleships. Upon hearing him, Ashley and Sharle-san rushed to the side of the ship. The other crew members on board were also watching me with caution. It would not be good to talk to Ashley and connect her to Yona. 

I made eye contact with Ashley to tell her I would return first. Was my meaning conveyed? I felt like Ashley nodded slightly. Since it was unnatural to keep staring, I opened the hatch at the foot of the command tower and entered. The moment I went into the first floor of the command tower and tried to shit the U-Boat, the entire hull shook. 


That kind of shock meant I was being attacked. Submarines, including U-Boats, had very low armor values. If its armor bar was halved, its maneuverability was halved. There was also the possibility of being scuttled. 

I checked the window monitor and made the U-Boat dive quick as I checked the armor value. Fortunately it was more than a little over half by a few percent. 

Brought the submarine to a depth I could use the periscope and rose it as I switched to auto nav before switching the monitor to the periscope. Who was it that attacked me? Was there still enough pirates to attack

Where did the black ship go?!

It seems that it headed west under the sea! 

Chase it! Throw in the magic stones into the formation!

In response to the calls, I turned the periscope and I saw Piggy Reimon on the flagship of the fleet I couldnt remember his name. I returned to the controls, canceled the navigation and turned back. 

The flagship sailed parallel to Ashleys ship. She screamed at it as it passed the anchored ship. 

Reizen! Are you listening! The mission isnt over yet! 

The mission is almost over! That black ship! The undead must be killed first! 

What are you doing You are the commander of this fleet! 

Then follow my command! I will chase that ship! So, Zephanel, you gather the rest of the fleet and seize Kaidous base! Or, are you saying that we should let that black ship run away!? Just because that one girl had been turned into a pirates toy, you want to say its okay for it to get away?! 


Which once was correct from an objective point of view, the correct one was Piggy. My appearance was definitely that of an undead and should be subdued. Especially since I could move freely on the sea in a black ship that sailed beneath the water. They should make a move to immediately subjugate me. Ashley, of course, was aware of his position, but because she knew it was me, she wanted me to leave. 

Furthermore, I was already planning to leave and head back to Amar. 

But now what did he just say?

If you want to challenge me, feel free to do so. I will attack if youre in my way. 

Among the four torpedoes that were loaded in the bows launcher, I set them their target and fire. Guided by the ships system, they swam through the sea. I surfaced as they landed on their target. 

The black ship was in the direction of the bow! 

Its there! All combat sailors, ready to attack! 

I could see the combat-ready sailors gathering on bow in a hurry. None of them had any intention to attack. In this case, if I took another hit, the armor bar would fall below half and so would my movements. So before that happened 

I switched to the gunmode to operate the 88mm gun which was installed on the upper part of the hull, and aimed at the ships fuselage. The moment the torpedoes hit their hull, I aimed and pressed the trigger. 

A roar echoed over the sea just as the flagship blew up. Its entire hull shook and shattered into two parts as water rose over its center. The entire ship in its 60 meter length, began to sink into the sea. With the bow and stern reaching into the sky, the crew jumped into the sea screaming. 

Confirming its destruction, I made another rapid dive, and thus once again, turned back to Amar. Ashley and her comrades will rescue the flagships crew. They would also clean up and capture the base as I left the area.

The seas tranquility returned. 


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