
Chapter 89: Let's Become Dragon Killers

Chapter 89: Let's Become Dragon Killers

Now was the time for the dragon subjugation.

Kazane and the others rested sufficiently on the 31st layer, left the hidden room, then reached the Black Rock Dragon in perfect condition by avoiding enemies.

The opponent was a dragon. However, they weren't suddenly attacked in the middle of a journey, it didn't need to be hurriedly defeated to rescue a princess, and they didn't need to stop a city from being destroyed by its attack. They were just catching the dragon purely for hunting, so they could carefully await their chance and defeat it at the best timing. That was the way monster subjugation inside a dungeon went.

It had to be said that the situation was completely convenient for the hunters. It was arranged that sooner or later the monster would be defeated.Buta dragon was still a dragon.

The reality was that against the very powerful dragon with a name, the combat power of Kazane's party alone was nowhere near enough. Even rank A parties would be easily defeated. However, Kazane and the others had the means to fill the gap.

(Waiting here)

Kazane nodded behind her to Yumika. They were holding hands to use Kazane's Invisible, and Yumika nodded in confirmation.

They were about 20 meters from Black Rock Dragon Gieve. She and Kazane would sit there and wait for the right situation. Then the rest of the party understood throughInformation Linkthat it was time to begin.

Yosh, do it Sieg, Tatsuyoshi-kun, Jinrai-kun.

Louise jumped out of the passage and gave instructions to the subsequent companions.

Gieve stood up and examined the situation like it was only mildly troublesome. There didn't seem to be any damage from Zack and the others' attack a few days ago. Or maybe the experience from that time made no lasting impression on him and he was feeling unmotivated. Gieve's attitude towards Kazane and the others showed he wasn't planning on getting along, though.

Thunder God Spear!!

As soon as Gieve started heading their way Jinrai immediately threw the prepared javelins. Tatsuyoshi-kun also threw the rocks in its hands with all its strength. And Sieg also shot White Fang together with the two others.

The accuracy of all the attacks was strengthened by Kazane's Circlet of Wisdom throughInformation Link.Because of that, getting direct hits on the large Gieve was easy. The concentrated aim on Gieve's right shoulder peeled away the scales, and damage passed through. Jinrai and the rest had successfully attacked the Black Rock Dragon.


Black Rock Dragon Gieve screamed from suddenly receiving attacks.

As they heard from Zack's party beforehand, Gieve didn't have any of the projectile repelling magic that dragons generally had. Because of its tough rock scales that seemed unnecessary, but right now that amounted to negligence.

Gieve's lack of motivation from before completely changed, and he raised a growl. An ordinary flame breath wouldn't be able to reach Tatsuyoshi-kun and the others' position. However, there existed certain dragons that had a dewlap inside their throat that allowed them to amass and shape the flames into a sphere and fire a Flame Sphere. When Gieve tried to release it,

Now! Siiieeeg!!

Kazane held her ring aloft, and light was emitted from the ring and produced a man wearing magnificent armor. It was a tall man with amazingly well-ordered features and long silver hair.

That sword is...

Gieve's eyes opened wide as he examined the suddenly materialized Heroic Spirit Sieg.

Is.That.Youuuu?! [TL: Every time you see youuu imagine a drawn out KISAMAAAA with your best anime dragon voice]

A Flame Sphere at this distance?!

Yumika, step back.

Gieve forcibly turned and fired the Flame Sphere downward.

Kazane and Yumika deeply covered themselves with the Indestructible Cloaks.


Looking at the situation Tiara screamed. The explosion was like a small sun had appeared above the ground. Tremendous shock and heat swept over the surroundings.

I see. My power is certainly necessary, my main half.


Tiara and the rest looked at the center of the explosion with worried gazes and saw the Heroic Spirit Sieg set up protecting Kazane and Yumika with his Heaven Mirror Greatshield.

And with one swing of the Heroic Spirit Sieg's sword the surrounding flames were blown away.


Jinrai unintentionally raised an admiring voice at Sieg easily extinguishing the flames. It was a feat caused only by the swing's wind pressure.

That is the Heroic Spirit Sieg, the origin of my name.

Sieg was watching with eyes full of adoration.

Sieg had received a brief explanation about the Heroic Spirit Sieg before they arrived here. His eyes were opened to the existence of the Heroic Spirit as their means of opposing the menace of a named dragon. Also included was the detail that his own name was taken from him.

(Such a... gallant figure)

The figure's entire body was enclosed by silver armor, he wore a luxurious crimson cloak with a kingly feel, and his figure set up with a huge shield and dreadfully intimidating sword was exactly like a hero from a story. However, for some reason Sieg saw that hero overlapped with Kazane.

I see, I did not realize because your whole body was wrapped in steel armor at that time, but isn't it you?

And the dragon savagely spread out in front of the Heroic Spirit Sieg.

My arch-enemy, my sworn enemy himself!

An acquaintance?

You would be the first to know.

Sieg answered Kazane's question. Kazane had no memory of him, so naturally Sieg didn't know either.

Well, there's no need to clear up the misunderstanding, so let's do it, Sieg.

The Heroic Spirit Sieg nodded at Kazane's remark.

I gave up on the abdomen. We'll have to whittle it down.

Heroic Spirit Sieg's beginning surprise attack was a failure because he had to protect Kazane and Yumika. And then Gieve examined the Heroic Spirit Sieg and the others while crawling on all fours. It was just like they had heard; it seemed he would not allow any attacks to his abdomen.

There's no other choice.

Everyone, please attack!

Kazane's words and intentions were transmitted to all party members throughInformation Link.

And the battle restarted. Jinrai and Tatsuyoshi-kun respectively threw javelins and stones, Sieg watched for suitable times to fire White Fang, and Tiara used her Flare Bird as a diversion.

Under Gieve's feet with Heroic Spirit Sieg as the center Kazane, Yuuko-nee, and Wolf God Transformed Yumika with her silver wolves started to attack. The Heroic Spirit Sieg cut off the scales, and Kazane and the others attacked the places where the skin was visible in succession.

Killing Leg!

Above all, Kazane would disappear with Invisible when Gieve was focused on the Heroic Spirit Sieg and would give considerable damage with Killing Leg. Because Gieve concentrated too much on the Heroic Spirit Sieg he would be distracted from the danger of Kazane, and Invisible was able to take effect.

Yosh, come, Arch.

In the middle of that Yumika saidif Sieg is here then I will alsoand summoned Arch and the Gurint Grizzly Guririn. Her thought was that this time for sure they would be useful.


But as soon as Guririn appeared it ran away. It was the result of the skillBeast Instinctactivating against dragon species. However, because it fled in a hurry, it fell down on the way and died.

If said RPG style,

Guririn ran away.

But Guririn fell over.


5 damage to Guririn.

Guririn has died.

Like so.

And Arch burst into tears and shouted as she kamikaze attacked Gieve.

Guririn gaaa, gyaa, it burns, gugyaaa, giiyaaaaaaaaa!!!

While wreathed in flames and shouting Arch bashed with the Luna Strike Shield. Her lovely blonde hair burned away, the face like a celluloid doll melted until she looked like a zombie with no shadow of her former features, but she still kept striking and filled the heart of every onlooker with fear.

If something like hell existed it was probably such a sight. But the Arch who was completely specialized in Health to the point that it was similar to Sieg's still did not die or stop attacking. She would fight with all her power and hatred to defeat any foe that killed her beloved Guririn.

Seriously scaryyyy.

Kazane was seriously scared, but she was an ally. She wanted to treat her a little more kindly.

Gubo, gegegegegegegee.

No, a strangely colored liquid full of foam was vomiting from her mouth. That was awful. Something like treating her kindly would be impossible to say for a bit longer. Although her settings are supposed to be a Boku girl who fawns and looks after others...she thought, but there was no point of reference to declare that supposition. In the first place, if she had such a feeling the complete failure of Arch's first appearance should have resolved that.

And Arch continued to strike while wreathed in flames for about two minutes, and she burned away while screaming in dying agony.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But she gave a good amount of damage, didn't she?

It was too scary, and Yumika was on the verge of tears. Everyone's mood was completely ruined. The Heroic Spirit Sieg also saidthat shouldn't be. Unreasonablewith a cramped face. Even Gieve seemed to be revolted from seeing that. By the way, she could be summoned like normal after 10 days. But it was probably better not to summon her after such a variety of pitiful things.

Such additional damage (including mental damage to Kazane and the others) was also given, and together with Sieg's continuous attacks more scales were stripped off and the bare parts increased. And Gieve was accumulating damage from Kazane and the others' attacks.

What kind of disgrace, what kind of unsightly thing?

Each time Gieve groaned he turned toward Sieg with eyes of hatred, but his anger did not reach Sieg.


If he used his claws the blow was returned, if he breathed flame it was prevented by that shield. To make matters worse, Jinrai was out of javelins and joined the direct attack, and together with Wolf God Yumika they found an opening and pierced the fire creating dewlap. He couldn't read the movements of Kazane and Yuuko-nee and continued receiving their attacks.

In addition, Tatsuyoshi-kun's stone throwing and Sieg's White Fang successively hit, and his wings for flying in the sky were now torn to shreds. And Gieve suddenly noticed that before he had realized it Kazane had gotten close, and a Killing Leg was bursting from overhead.

Ush, it hit!!


Gieve screamed greatly, but because he couldn't ignore the Heroic Spirit Sieg and half-hearted attacks would be useless he didn't attack Kazane.

(What is this? That I who have lived for 200 years cannot crush such small insects with my arms and legs)

Gieve resented his disappointment, and his anger burned like a raging fire. And that anger traveled through his whole body and activated his final measure.

What is this?

Is this a problem?

Kazane and the Heroic Spirit Sieg were the first to notice.

This is bad, everyone run awayyy!!!

Tiara, Louise, and Sieg were separated from Kazane, and at her scream fled into the passage, but Jinrai and Yumika were stuck standing in the open in front of Gieve. There was no escape.


Unyaaaa !!

Be torn to shreds, insects!

Together with Gieve's anger the rock-like scales covering his entire body were simultaneously shot out.

Heaven Mirror GreatshieldZegai,protect us!

The greatshield responded to Sieg's words, and a pattern floated before the shield and became huge.

Wrap him up!!!

Gieve was surrounded by a cover and the pattern stopped most of the scale attack.



However, some scales slipped through that defense. As a result Wolf God Yumika was protected by one of her silver wolves, who took a direct hit from a rock scale and vanished. Yuuko-nee also protected Jinrai and ate two attacks, and was thrown to the ground.

I'm sorry, Yuuko-nee.


Jinrai rushed over and apologized to the fallen Yuuko-nee, but Yuuko-nee shook her head to saydon't worry about it.So manly. And then Yuuko-nee rose with her wounded body. Her eyes were saying that she could still go on.

Ununununu, it was ineffective? It was ineffective, you bastards.

The consequence of his self-released attack was that the scales on his whole body were peeled off and blood was spurting, and Gieve roared. And from the flowing blood flames gushed out, and his jet black body was dyed red with blood and flames.

Defensive power is reduced, but since he's currently clad in that flame would physical attacks be tough?

The Heroic Spirit Sieg nodded at Kazane's words.

That is so, that flame is the same as its dragon breath. It would be dangerous for any of you to get close with your defensive power. Although I would also probably receive damage I should be able to deal with that extent of breath, but

Let's not argue about the method when your time limit only has about 1 minute remaining.

If that's the case I'll go for the finish!

Saying so the Heroic Spirit Sieg raised his sword.

Great Wing SwordRelease Mode!!

That light once again? Annoying.

Gieve shouted and charged towards the Heroic Spirit Sieg. However, the light fired by the eight wings of the Great Wing SwordRienwas faster.



Gieve raised a war cry.


Gieve withstood the eight element attack of the Great Wing SwordRienand pushed forward. He was persistent. He was a mass of rage that moved in order to clear up the humiliation he once received.

Louise-san, it's here.

However, Kazane thought that now was the time to seize their victory, and she called for the trump card they had been holding in reserve.

Lightning of arbitration, smash the evil one!

And Louise chanted the spell that was the mixture of light and lightning calledJudgement Bolt that even passed the defenses of the devil Diablo, and with all her remaining power she used her staffThunderclapto fire a fearsome amount of lightning magical power.


The magical power amassed over the long period of one month became lightning and crashed into Gieve. Its destructive power reached the same extent as the Heroic Spirit Sieg's Zexia Ray.

Finally, Kazane told Siegdecide it here.


In answer to Kazane's voice delivered byInformation LinkSieg drank the mana potion and fired his last White Fang. It was his most powerful blow up until now, and everything Sieg had cultivated since he left the Royal Palace was loaded and released with that light.

With the combination of direct hits from the Heroic Spirit Sieg's Zexia Ray, Judgement Bolt, and White Fang, Gieve's body was pulverized.

Ga, guaa, aaaaaaaaa!!

The flames that covered his entire body were extinguished, the rage dispersed by pain. And the last blow came from the front.

This is the enddd.

That was the last sight that Gieve saw. She was thrown by the Heroic Spirit Sieg to fire the ultimate weaponKazane Bazookathat used Charge to double the power of Killing Leg and further increased that by using both legs; the attack directly hit Gieve's head, completely pulverizing it.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+300

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestorm

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonization

Kazane: It's over!!!!!

Yumika: Ah, it was tiring.

Kazane: Also, my level rose by two.

Yumika: It was quite big game, so isn't that reasonable? Or perhaps I should say that 2 levels feels like too few. And what isDragonization?

Kazane: What, I can become a dragon!

Yumika: Are you serious!!


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