
Chapter 60: Let's Hear the Details

Chapter 60: Let's Hear the Details

[TL: To be consistent with the previous translators I didn't fix Zinray to Jinrai, but for certain reasons it was bothering me so I finally decided to change it]

Kazane returned the Tatsuyoshi-kun doll to its helmet state, put it in her Mysterious Pouch, and tied it to her waist.

I will try adjusting its design and using it later. I might ask you to do some adjustments again; please help me, Master.

Since the specifications were so disconnected from her initial hypothesis it was necessary to fully investigate the design again. Kazane thought it would be necessary to revise how the clay muscles were distributed, to adjust the balance, then have it recreated.

I'm looking forward to it. Well, I made it easy to assemble so I could adjust it by myself.

As a matter of fact, if the problem was only with the clay muscles and their balance adjustment as Kazane was worried about, she would be able to play around with the arrangement of the accordion-like pieces herself. That was written in the specification document she would later receive.

And beyond that there are some additional fees. The amount received so far wasnt enough to cover the cost.

That is, Master's profits were so little above cost that they were almost equal. Master was satisfied because he gained experience and knowledge as both an individual and craftsman, which was worth more than he received in fees.

Ill do something about it.

Kazane thoughthmmto herself while she answered. The amount from the Elder Cat and such was still untouched, but since that was being distributed among everyone she would have about 3000 kirigia on hand. It was a large amount of money to have compared to the ordinary day laborer or adventurer, but it was insufficient for the additional fees by an order of magnitude. She thought about borrowing from Yumika and Kazane started imagining the collapse of their friendship.

Theres something I forgot to mention. While you were out, the Minshiana Royal Palace knight order came and asked about you.

Eh? Why?

I do not know.  They only asked if you were here.

Kazane, did you do something?

Kazane was more confused after Tiara's question.

Well now, its probably an additional reward for the ogre extermination.

Tatsuyoshi-kun's remodeling cost came to mind.

It probably isnt anything too different. Well, they didnt give a dangerous impression, and they didnt say anything bad, so in the future I think you should go and see what they want. I wanted to tell you just in case.

Un, thanks.

After that, Kazane and others headed for the guild office. They wanted to confirm the current ogre situation and check the requests.

Winlard City Adventurers Guild Adjoining Tavern


As Kazane entered several adventurers took turns greeting her.

Ara ara, shes a pretty popular person.

Muu, but everyone is subtly keeping their distance.

Kazane was known as the Ogre Killing Princess in Winlard, and there was no mistake that she was considered a hero, but the episodes of kicking ogres to death, making ogres flee by yelling, exposing cheating, etc. caused her to be considered brutal and she was a target of awe for many adventurers. Especially for adventurers who have recently been doing nothing but ogre suppression and were stained to the bone with the knowledge of how strong ogres were.

By the way, these stories also contained rumors from Tsuvara, like that she massacred all the thieves that kidnapped the princess shortly afterward (which was an attempt to create a coherent story from the released information), she beat the country's guardian beast with her bare hands (for the soldiers who were watching from afar it seemed so), made a monster cat her subordinate with one kick (the report from the guild) etc. all joined together with the other stories. The information about Diablo was being controlled, so the existence of Sieg was a secret.

Being the companions of the Ogre Killing Princess meant that within this citys adventurers guild, Tiara and Louise had as close to a personal certificate of safety as was possible to receive. Although many of the veteran adventurers knew about Louise herself.

Yooo, Kazane. Havent heard from you for a while.

It was that guy, Gyao, who called out to Kazanes group.

Its been a while~. Have you been drinking since noon?

Well, you know. Youre accompanied by some incredibly beautiful women.

As soon as they met it was like this. Thinking carefully, Master had the same reaction, although he was influenced by the receptionists report.

This is Tiara and the one next to her is Louise-san.

Kazane introduced them.

Please treat me well.

Treat me well.

The two people said back to back. Gyao had an unprecedented full face smile.

Well, I'll kill you if you touch Tiara, but you can do whatever with Louise-san?

Tiara turned towards her and saidKazanewith dewy eyes, but Kazane was judging that Gyao was no good, not commenting about Tiara. For example, if the other party was Kimberly, Kazane would be pleasant and consider him acceptable. It would be the same even if it was Mondorie. But the beastman in front of her eyes was a no. Talking with him by herself was one thing, but he was the type of human garbage that she should never let her friends associate with. That was Kazanes evaluation against Gyao.

Im fine?

Yeah. I wont say anything no matter what Louise-san likes to do with unpopular men.

She was not going to misjudge which side was the predator. Kazane's newly earnedIntuitionwas also signalling her. Since Kazane was also equipped with her own natural intuition from the beginning, it would be accurate to say that her skill sublimated to the extent that her intuition was sharpened enough to read the slightest expression correctly.

Well then, shall we do what we like? Hey, Louise-san.

This one or this one did not make his smile collapse. Even if Tiaras age was within Gyaos permissible range, from her demeanor it seemed she was a high class person and he expected she would saysomething like that is too seriousif he made a move. She was certainly a beautiful woman, but a woman who was likely to cause future trouble was a no-thank you.

On the other hand Louise was a critical strike for Gyao. With an enveloping smile, elven features that were long, slender, and well proportion, and despite her polished and slender body, what was with the volume of those breasts? Touching those would be like grasping the truth of the universe.

The truth was he wanted to get his hands on someone who was once the lover of a king, and in his lowest desires the possibility of Louise being smooth down there was high. In addition, it would be a privilege to become hole brothers with Jinrai and Master (!?). [TL: I dont need to know some dirty old mans fantasies, give me more lovey-dovey Tiara!]

Sorry, I do not have the hobby of snatching away someone's guy.

That was a lie. Eating the married man Jinrai-kun was delicious. In other words, he was not to Louises tastes. Louise's taste was in can-do men, successful men, and she had turned down all sorts of deplorable men like Gyao.

And when Gyao suddenly dropped his shoulders, Kazane invited him to a meal to talk about the real issue at hand. Kazane came to this tavern because she heard from Nina the receptionist that Gyao was there.

Come on now. Is it true that the ogres are returning to the Black Stone Forest?

Kazane sat together with Tiara, Louise, and Gyao and made an order.

Did you hear that from Nina? It's no joke. At least, my nose picked up several groups of dozens of ogres heading towards it.

Kazane could not trust Gyaos lower body, but she had a certain degree of confidence in his nose, so she could accept those honest words.

If that is the case, I suppose the suppression will come to an end.

Yesterday Garra-danna went to confirm it. Maybe there are still some remaining, but the special subjugation request will likely be canceled tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Gyao seemed a little disappointed as he said this. Fighting ogres was dangerous, but for someone of Gyao's skill a bonus for fighting them was appealing.

So that was why I smelled Jirou-kun and the others headed towards Zaltsu Pass yesterday.

What? Did you go to Zaltsu Pass?

We were in the vicinity. We finished without being able to catch a single monster.

Thats a pity. Other monsters scatter and run away when they smell ogres. Because of that there havent been any reports of monster damage for the past few days

Peace is a nice thing.

Gyao returnedbut on the other hand, arent we then out of business?to Kazanes words.

If work dries up around here you can always go dungeon diving, right?

That is also one way, but with only Mellow and the other two, we may not be able to deal with the situation if something terrible happens.

Dealing with traps and monster ambushes was difficult solo or with only 2 people. On the other hand, if there are too many people they can get stuck on the narrow paths. It also means the rewards would be split among more people, so it may no longer be worth the risk.

If thats the case why not join up with Jirou-kuns party? Youll have 3 more people that way, right?

Mellows our negotiator. It may be only the worst guy is left behind.

Gyao said with a bitter face.

What happened?

She uncovered the cheating.

Gyao dropped his shoulders in dejection and Kazane slapped his shoulder and burst into laughter as she saidyoure an idiot.Especially because he still made motions towards Louise in that situation.

Tiara and Louise stood side-by-side and watched the two peoples interaction.

Somehow ... ... they seem to be close ... right?

Tiara did not know how to react.

Mu, maybe? Mumumu, this is troublesome

Louise said as she brooded. At the very least it felt like the two of them were close. Leaving aside whatever other thoughts she had about them.

In addition, as they were going back Louise advised Kazaneplease choose your partner properly. Kazane tilted her head, but Louise saidWell, its fineand proceeded straight ahead. Although Louises womanly intuition was sounding some warnings, she thought it was premature to judge.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring

Level : 22

Health: 77

Magic Power: 132+300

Strength: 33

Agility: 27

Endurance: 17

Wisdom : 34

Dexterity : 20

Spell : Fly Torch Fire Heal

Skill : Goblin Language Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Second Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump Killing Leg Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death

Yumika: No way, youre the type to fall in love with a no-good man ... ....

Kazane: Stop right there, best friend. Do you want me to send you flying?


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